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期刊论文 | 2019 , (12) , 18-20 | 高科技与产业化
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

机床行业 精密机床 数控系统 制造业 智能制造


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GB/T 7714 卢秉恒 . 中国精密机床行业仍需“爬坡过坎” [J]. | 高科技与产业化 , 2019 , (12) : 18-20 .
MLA 卢秉恒 . "中国精密机床行业仍需“爬坡过坎”" . | 高科技与产业化 12 (2019) : 18-20 .
APA 卢秉恒 . 中国精密机床行业仍需“爬坡过坎” . | 高科技与产业化 , 2019 , (12) , 18-20 .
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基于VOSET方法的高温金属熔池演化研究 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 40 (10) , 2423-2431 | 工程热物理学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

VOSET 金属熔池 演化特性 增材制造 自由界面


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GB/T 7714 卞庆飞 , 凌空 , 杨东 et al. 基于VOSET方法的高温金属熔池演化研究 [J]. | 工程热物理学报 , 2019 , 40 (10) : 2423-2431 .
MLA 卞庆飞 et al. "基于VOSET方法的高温金属熔池演化研究" . | 工程热物理学报 40 . 10 (2019) : 2423-2431 .
APA 卞庆飞 , 凌空 , 杨东 , 戴仁坤 , 曾敏 , 王秋旺 . 基于VOSET方法的高温金属熔池演化研究 . | 工程热物理学报 , 2019 , 40 (10) , 2423-2431 .
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中国精密机床行业仍需“爬坡过坎” CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2019 , (12) , 18-20 | 高科技与产业化
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

第一方阵 行动纲领 精密机床 路线图 制造强国战略


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GB/T 7714 卢秉恒 . 中国精密机床行业仍需“爬坡过坎” [J]. | 高科技与产业化 , 2019 , (12) : 18-20 .
MLA 卢秉恒 . "中国精密机床行业仍需“爬坡过坎”" . | 高科技与产业化 12 (2019) : 18-20 .
APA 卢秉恒 . 中国精密机床行业仍需“爬坡过坎” . | 高科技与产业化 , 2019 , (12) , 18-20 .
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A tolerance design method for hydrostatic guideways motion accuracy based on error averaging effect EI CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2018 , 75 , 196-201 | 15th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing, CIRP CAT 2018
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A tolerance design method based on error averaging effect for hydrostatic guideways motion accuracy was proposed in this paper. Firstly, the motion accuracy analysis model was established by average the oil film thickness considering the wavelength, amplitude and phase parameters of guide rails. Then, the guide rails straightness errors were calculated according to the relationship between the motion error and guide rails geometric error parameters, which realize the tolerance design of hydrostatic guideways. Finally, the method was applied to the design of guide rails in open hydrostatic guideways, and the measured motion accuracy results verified the correctness of the method. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Design Errors Fits and tolerances Guideways Hydraulics


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GB/T 7714 Zha, Jun , Chen, Yaolong , Wang, Zhiwei . A tolerance design method for hydrostatic guideways motion accuracy based on error averaging effect [C] . 2018 : 196-201 .
MLA Zha, Jun et al. "A tolerance design method for hydrostatic guideways motion accuracy based on error averaging effect" . (2018) : 196-201 .
APA Zha, Jun , Chen, Yaolong , Wang, Zhiwei . A tolerance design method for hydrostatic guideways motion accuracy based on error averaging effect . (2018) : 196-201 .
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光固化注塑模模芯建造方式的优化研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2015 , (11) , 77-81 | 锻压技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

光固化注塑模模芯在脱模过程中极易发生拉伸破坏现象,从优化模芯强度出发,采用标准拉伸试样代替模芯,进行最优模芯强度的选择,以达到提高模芯寿命的目的.以C-UV 6651耐高温树脂为材料原型,通过光固化制作不同建造方向和分层厚度的标准拉伸试样,并对拉伸试样的拉伸强度进行对比分析.最终,实验验证了光固化成型方式制作的试样呈各向异性,确定了光固化拉伸试样的最佳建造方向为与拉伸方向平行,最佳分层厚度为0.05 mm.可将该实验结果应用于模芯制造中,以0.05 mm分层厚度和脱模方向建造模芯,以获得高强度、长寿命的模芯.

Keyword :

光固化 建造方式 快速模具 注塑模


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GB/T 7714 王永信 , 冯路开 , 梁晋 et al. 光固化注塑模模芯建造方式的优化研究 [J]. | 锻压技术 , 2015 , (11) : 77-81 .
MLA 王永信 et al. "光固化注塑模模芯建造方式的优化研究" . | 锻压技术 11 (2015) : 77-81 .
APA 王永信 , 冯路开 , 梁晋 , 刘光辉 , 吴华英 , 赵蒙 . 光固化注塑模模芯建造方式的优化研究 . | 锻压技术 , 2015 , (11) , 77-81 .
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期刊论文 | 2014 , (7) , 15-18 | 机械制造
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

3D打印喷头 结构优化 热变形 熔融沉积造型3D打印技术


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GB/T 7714 肖亮 , 马训鸣 , 要义勇 et al. 3D打印喷头的热力学分析与结构优化设计 [J]. | 机械制造 , 2014 , (7) : 15-18 .
MLA 肖亮 et al. "3D打印喷头的热力学分析与结构优化设计" . | 机械制造 7 (2014) : 15-18 .
APA 肖亮 , 马训鸣 , 要义勇 , 谢志宴 . 3D打印喷头的热力学分析与结构优化设计 . | 机械制造 , 2014 , (7) , 15-18 .
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Process optimization and residual stress measurement for arc spraying rapid tooling EI Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2014 , 48 (12) , 126-130 | Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
SCOPUS Cited Count: 8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To reduce the residual stress in thick arc spraying coatings, Stoney formulation, which is the basis of the curvature method, was modified to reliably test the average residual stress. The process was then optimized with improved accuracy and was successfully applied to manufacturing a long stamping die of 2 m for an automobile external sheet metal part. Experimentally analyzing the relationship of the process parameters such as spraying distance, current, scanning path and speed with the residual stress, it is found that residual stress similarly tends to vary as the single layer coating thickness but with different varying proportion; residual stress is most significantly influenced by scanning path; the stress decreases steadily with the increasing spraying distance and scanning speed, and with the reducing spraying current; the residual stress is finally reduced by 27.5% to 63.9% via optimizing the process parameters. ©, Xi'an Jiaotong University. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Arc spraying Coating thickness Curvature method Process parameters Rapid tooling Sheet metal parts Spraying currents Spraying distance


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GB/T 7714 Chi, Jinchun , Zhang, Anfeng , Xie, Shixing et al. Process optimization and residual stress measurement for arc spraying rapid tooling [J]. | Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University , 2014 , 48 (12) : 126-130 .
MLA Chi, Jinchun et al. "Process optimization and residual stress measurement for arc spraying rapid tooling" . | Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University 48 . 12 (2014) : 126-130 .
APA Chi, Jinchun , Zhang, Anfeng , Xie, Shixing , Jin, Cheng . Process optimization and residual stress measurement for arc spraying rapid tooling . | Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University , 2014 , 48 (12) , 126-130 .
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轿车门内板成形工艺参数敏感性分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2012 , (2) , 38-41 | 锻压技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

板料成形 工艺参数敏感性 轿车门内板 数值模拟


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GB/T 7714 吴华英 , 王永信 , 肖春辉 et al. 轿车门内板成形工艺参数敏感性分析 [J]. | 锻压技术 , 2012 , (2) : 38-41 .
MLA 吴华英 et al. "轿车门内板成形工艺参数敏感性分析" . | 锻压技术 2 (2012) : 38-41 .
APA 吴华英 , 王永信 , 肖春辉 , 王伊卿 , 郭成 . 轿车门内板成形工艺参数敏感性分析 . | 锻压技术 , 2012 , (2) , 38-41 .
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期刊论文 | 2010 , (12) , 94-99 | 航空制造技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

残余应力 高熔点金属涂层 缺陷 应力集中


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GB/T 7714 仲成 , 何仲赟 , 魏润强 et al. 高熔点金属电弧喷涂制模涂层缺陷产生机理及控制术 [J]. | 航空制造技术 , 2010 , (12) : 94-99 .
MLA 仲成 et al. "高熔点金属电弧喷涂制模涂层缺陷产生机理及控制术" . | 航空制造技术 12 (2010) : 94-99 .
APA 仲成 , 何仲赟 , 魏润强 , 池金春 , 刘彬 . 高熔点金属电弧喷涂制模涂层缺陷产生机理及控制术 . | 航空制造技术 , 2010 , (12) , 94-99 .
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期刊论文 | 2009 , (11) , 61-65 | 模具工业
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

变形控制 打底层 高熔点金属涂层 温度控制


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GB/T 7714 李大成 , 何仲赞 , 宗学文 et al. 高熔点金属电弧喷涂快速轧机模涂层变形控制研究 [J]. | 模具工业 , 2009 , (11) : 61-65 .
MLA 李大成 et al. "高熔点金属电弧喷涂快速轧机模涂层变形控制研究" . | 模具工业 11 (2009) : 61-65 .
APA 李大成 , 何仲赞 , 宗学文 , 王智 , 魏润强 , 池今春 . 高熔点金属电弧喷涂快速轧机模涂层变形控制研究 . | 模具工业 , 2009 , (11) , 61-65 .
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