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专著 | 2024-11-01 | 九州出版社
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GB/T 7714 梅红 , 刘瑞佳 , 胡文静 . 创新责任:高校拔尖创新人才培养调查 [M] . 北京 : . 九州出版社 , . 2024-11-01 .
MLA 梅红 等. "创新责任:高校拔尖创新人才培养调查" . 北京 : . 九州出版社 , . 2024-11-01 .
APA 梅红 , 刘瑞佳 , 胡文静 . 创新责任:高校拔尖创新人才培养调查 . 北京 : . 九州出版社 , . 2024-11-01 .
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电气工程师手册 第4版
专著 | 2024-02-01 | 机械工业出版社
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GB/T 7714 王建华 . 电气工程师手册 第4版 [M] . 北京 : . 机械工业出版社 , . 2024-02-01 .
MLA 王建华 . "电气工程师手册 第4版" . 北京 : . 机械工业出版社 , . 2024-02-01 .
APA 王建华 . 电气工程师手册 第4版 . 北京 : . 机械工业出版社 , . 2024-02-01 .
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Fundamentals of continuum mechanics
专著 | 2024-02-06 | World Scientific
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Abstract :

Mathematical fundamentals: vectors and tensors -- Kinematics of a continuum -- Stress measures The fundamental laws of continuum mechanics -- The constitutive equations of continum -- Constitutive models of soft materails: hydrogels and shape memory polymers -- The application of continum mechanics.


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GB/T 7714 Zishun Liu . Fundamentals of continuum mechanics [M] . New Jersey : . World Scientific , . 2024-02-06 .
MLA Zishun Liu . "Fundamentals of continuum mechanics" . New Jersey : . World Scientific , . 2024-02-06 .
APA Zishun Liu . Fundamentals of continuum mechanics . New Jersey : . World Scientific , . 2024-02-06 .
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专著 | 2024-03-01 | 人民出版社
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GB/T 7714 燕连福 . 从“黄沙天”到“圣地蓝”:革命老区延安长效脱贫之路 [M] . 北京 : . 人民出版社 , . 2024-03-01 .
MLA 燕连福 . "从“黄沙天”到“圣地蓝”:革命老区延安长效脱贫之路" . 北京 : . 人民出版社 , . 2024-03-01 .
APA 燕连福 . 从“黄沙天”到“圣地蓝”:革命老区延安长效脱贫之路 . 北京 : . 人民出版社 , . 2024-03-01 .
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Caterpillar-like 3D graphene nanoscrolls@CNTs hybrids decorated with Co-doped MoSe2 nanosheets for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
期刊论文 | 2023 , 136 | Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hydrogen is a clean and flexible energy carrier that has the promising to satisfy urgent demands of the energy crisis and environmental protection. Electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), a critical half-reaction in water splitting, is one of the greenest and most common methods to obtain...

Keyword :

2 3D graphene CNT Electron traversing effect Graphene nanoscrolls Hydrogen evolution reaction MoSe


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GB/T 7714 Luo Hao , Gao Hongfei , Zhang Xudong et al. Caterpillar-like 3D graphene nanoscrolls@CNTs hybrids decorated with Co-doped MoSe2 nanosheets for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution [J]. | Journal of Materials Science & Technology , 2023 , 136 .
MLA Luo Hao et al. "Caterpillar-like 3D graphene nanoscrolls@CNTs hybrids decorated with Co-doped MoSe2 nanosheets for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution" . | Journal of Materials Science & Technology 136 (2023) .
APA Luo Hao , Gao Hongfei , Zhang Xudong , Yang Fan , Liu Chen , Xu Kewei et al. Caterpillar-like 3D graphene nanoscrolls@CNTs hybrids decorated with Co-doped MoSe2 nanosheets for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution . | Journal of Materials Science & Technology , 2023 , 136 .
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Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer performance during supercritical water injection in vertical wellbore: A parameter sensitivity analysis
期刊论文 | 2023 , 183 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences
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Abstract :

Supercritical water injection is a promising technology for heavy oil thermal recovery. Predicting and regulating the thermophysical parameters of supercritical water at bottomhole are the prerequisite for achieving high recovery efficiency. In this paper, a novel numerical model was proposed to sim...

Keyword :

Joule Thomson effect Near-critical area Parameter sensitivity analysis Supercritical water injection Wellbore flow and heat transfer


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GB/T 7714 Zhao Qiuyang , Lei Yuhuan , Jin Hui et al. Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer performance during supercritical water injection in vertical wellbore: A parameter sensitivity analysis [J]. | International Journal of Thermal Sciences , 2023 , 183 .
MLA Zhao Qiuyang et al. "Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer performance during supercritical water injection in vertical wellbore: A parameter sensitivity analysis" . | International Journal of Thermal Sciences 183 (2023) .
APA Zhao Qiuyang , Lei Yuhuan , Jin Hui , Zheng Lichen , Wang Yechuan , Guo Liejin . Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer performance during supercritical water injection in vertical wellbore: A parameter sensitivity analysis . | International Journal of Thermal Sciences , 2023 , 183 .
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The dual role of interlayer crosslinks leads to an abnormal behavior of interlayer thermal resistance in multilayer graphene
期刊论文 | 2023 , 183 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences
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Abstract :

Understanding and controlling the interlayer thermal resistance (ITR) are crucial to the cross-plane thermal transport in multilayer graphene (MLG). Using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the ITR of MLG can be effectively tuned by in-plane defects, sp2 and sp<s...

Keyword :

In-plane defects Interlayer crosslinks Interlayer thermal resistance Molecular dynamics simulation Multilayer graphene


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GB/T 7714 Chen Yan , Wan Jing , Chen Yang et al. The dual role of interlayer crosslinks leads to an abnormal behavior of interlayer thermal resistance in multilayer graphene [J]. | International Journal of Thermal Sciences , 2023 , 183 .
MLA Chen Yan et al. "The dual role of interlayer crosslinks leads to an abnormal behavior of interlayer thermal resistance in multilayer graphene" . | International Journal of Thermal Sciences 183 (2023) .
APA Chen Yan , Wan Jing , Chen Yang , Qin Huasong , Liu Yilun , Pei Qing-Xiang et al. The dual role of interlayer crosslinks leads to an abnormal behavior of interlayer thermal resistance in multilayer graphene . | International Journal of Thermal Sciences , 2023 , 183 .
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Local chemical inhomogeneities in TiZrNb-based refractory high-entropy alloys
期刊论文 | 2023 , 135 | Journal of Materials Science & Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Multi-principal element solid solutions are prone to develop local chemical inhomogeneities, i.e., chemical order/clustering and/or compositional undulation. However, these structural details from short-range (first couple of nearest-neighbor atomic shells) to nanometer length scale are very challen...

Keyword :

Chemical short-range order Cluster expansion Compositional fluctuation Local chemical inhomogeneity TiZrNb-based high-entropy alloy


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GB/T 7714 Xun Kaihui , Zhang Bozhao , Wang Qi et al. Local chemical inhomogeneities in TiZrNb-based refractory high-entropy alloys [J]. | Journal of Materials Science & Technology , 2023 , 135 .
MLA Xun Kaihui et al. "Local chemical inhomogeneities in TiZrNb-based refractory high-entropy alloys" . | Journal of Materials Science & Technology 135 (2023) .
APA Xun Kaihui , Zhang Bozhao , Wang Qi , Zhang Zhen , Ding Jun , Ma En . Local chemical inhomogeneities in TiZrNb-based refractory high-entropy alloys . | Journal of Materials Science & Technology , 2023 , 135 .
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Investigation on overall performance of double-jet film cooling holes with various spanwise distance
期刊论文 | 2023 , 183 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The overall film cooling performances of double-jet film cooling (DJFC) holes on a flat plate were evaluated experimentally and numerically including the film cooling effectiveness (η), heat transfer coefficient (HTC) ratio, as well as the net heat flux reduction (NHFR) parameter. The spanwise dista...

Keyword :

CFD Double-jet film-cooling Heat transfer coefficient Spanwise distance Transient liquid crystal


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GB/T 7714 He Jianhong , Yao Jiaxu , Yang Xi et al. Investigation on overall performance of double-jet film cooling holes with various spanwise distance [J]. | International Journal of Thermal Sciences , 2023 , 183 .
MLA He Jianhong et al. "Investigation on overall performance of double-jet film cooling holes with various spanwise distance" . | International Journal of Thermal Sciences 183 (2023) .
APA He Jianhong , Yao Jiaxu , Yang Xi , Zhang Ke , Lei Jiang , Xie Gongnan . Investigation on overall performance of double-jet film cooling holes with various spanwise distance . | International Journal of Thermal Sciences , 2023 , 183 .
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Nitrogen-doped porous carbon electrode for aqueous iodide redox supercapacitor
期刊论文 | 2023 , 451 (P2) | Chemical Engineering Journal
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The incorporation of redox-active anions into aqueous electrolytes endows electrodes with enhanced specific energy density for supercapacitors. However, the congruent relationship between the redox chemistry of electrolytes and electrode surfaces is still not well understood. Herein, two-dimensional...

Keyword :

Active site configurations Aqueous supercapacitors Iodide redox chemistry Nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets


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GB/T 7714 Wang Man , Yang Juan , Liu Siyu et al. Nitrogen-doped porous carbon electrode for aqueous iodide redox supercapacitor [J]. | Chemical Engineering Journal , 2023 , 451 (P2) .
MLA Wang Man et al. "Nitrogen-doped porous carbon electrode for aqueous iodide redox supercapacitor" . | Chemical Engineering Journal 451 . P2 (2023) .
APA Wang Man , Yang Juan , Liu Siyu , Che Xiaogang , He Songjie , Chen Guohua et al. Nitrogen-doped porous carbon electrode for aqueous iodide redox supercapacitor . | Chemical Engineering Journal , 2023 , 451 (P2) .
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