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Zu, Tie-Jun (Zu, Tie-Jun.) | Wu, Hong-Chun (Wu, Hong-Chun.) (Scholars:吴宏春) | Cao, Liang-Zhi (Cao, Liang-Zhi.) | Yang, Wei-Yan (Yang, Wei-Yan.) | Liu, Guo-Ming (Liu, Guo-Ming.)

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The continuous-energy resonance self-shielding calculation method based on the wavelets scaling function expansion method is a valuable potential method to solve the complex resonance problem. Daubechies' wavelets scaling function expansion method is used to discretize the energy variable of neutron flux within the resonant energy range. In this method, the neutron transport equation is transformed to a set of coefficients equations of wavelets scaling function expansion. Calculation of the coefficients is so time-consuming that a powerful neutron transport calculation method is needed for better calculation efficiency. In this paper, the discrete direction probability method (DDPM) is employed as a tool for solving the wavelet scaling function expansion coefficients. The numerical results indicate that it is capable of computing the coefficients with high computational efficiency and precision.


Acceleration method Calculation efficiency Complex resonances Neutron transport calculations Neutron transport equation Probability methods Scaling functions Self-shielding calculation

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Zu, Tie-Jun;Wu, Hong-Chun;Cao, Liang-Zhi;Yang, Wei-Yan;Liu, Guo-Ming]School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

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Source :

Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering

ISSN: 0258-0926

Year: 2010

Issue: SUPPL. 2

Volume: 31

Page: 16-20

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30 Days PV: 6

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