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Guo, Wei (Guo, Wei.) | Mu, Pengcheng (Mu, Pengcheng.) | Yin, Qinye (Yin, Qinye.) | Wang, Wenjie (Wang, Wenjie.)

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A new robust beamforming method is proposed for signal steering vector errors and moving jammers. This method is based on the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) method. Under the premise of knowing signals' DOA information, the signal-free covariance matrix is constructed in order to solve the signal steering vector mismatch problem. Each jammer from a single direction is changed into a bunch of jammers which can broden the null width. The null width and depth can also be changed if necessary. Numerical simulations show that this method has excellent performance under the condition of signal steering vector mismatches and moving jammers. This method takes only one degree of freedom unlike the method of least square with linear constraints (LC-LS). The computation complexity of array signal processing is also reduced significantly which is conducive to real-time computation. © 2011 IEEE.


Array signal processing Computation complexity Linear constraints Method of least squares Minimum variance distortionless response Real-time computations Signal steering vector mismatches Steering vector errors

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Guo, Wei;Mu, Pengcheng;Yin, Qinye;Wang, Wenjie]Key Lab for Intelligent Networks and Network Security, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Xi'an 710049, China

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2011 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, WCSP 2011

ISSN: 9781457710100

Year: 2011

Publish Date: 2011

Language: English

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