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Zhao, Chuang-Yao (Zhao, Chuang-Yao.) | Ji, Wen-Tao (Ji, Wen-Tao.) | Tao, Wen-Quan (Tao, Wen-Quan.) (Scholars:陶文铨)

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The thermal conductivity of tube material has a significant effect on heat transfer coefficient of film condensation outside horizontal tube. Experimental studies of film condensation of R404A on single horizontal two-and three-dimensional finned tubes have been conducted. The results indicate that for the same tube material, the condensation heat transfer coefficient of R404A on three-dimensional finned tubes is larger than on two-dimensional finned tubes. And for the same surface structure, the lower thermal conductivity tubes obtain smaller condensation heat transfer coefficient.


Condensation heat transfer Condensation heat transfer coefficients Film condensations Finned tube Horizontal tubes Low thermal conductivity R404A Tube materials

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Zhao, Chuang-Yao;Ji, Wen-Tao;Tao, Wen-Quan]Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

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Source :

Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

ISSN: 0253-231X

Year: 2014

Issue: 1

Volume: 35

Page: 132-135

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30 Days PV: 3

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