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Zhong, Qiu (Zhong, Qiu.) | He, Mao-Gang (He, Mao-Gang.) (Scholars:何茂刚) | Guo, Ying (Guo, Ying.) | Zhang, Ying (Zhang, Ying.)

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The digital image holograph interferometry technique was used to measure the mass diffusion coefficient of liquid-liquid and gas-liquid fluids with self-built experimental set-up. The mass diffusion coefficients of diethyl carbonate were separately measured in heptane and in air at 21 different temperatures from 278.15 to 338.15 K under atmospheric pressure. The mass diffusion coefficients of diethyl carbonate in heptane were estimated by using Wilke-chang equation, Scheibel equation and Reddy-Doraiswamy equation, and the experimental results were compared with the values calculated by the equation. The study provides the basic thermophysical properties for the development of diethyl carbonate as fuel substitute.


Air Diethyl carbonate Digital image holograph interferometry Heptane Mass diffusion coefficient

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Source :

Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering (China)

ISSN: 1005-9954

Year: 2010

Issue: 6

Volume: 38

Page: 57-60

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WoS CC Cited Count: 0

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ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All

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30 Days PV: 4

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