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Li, Xiang (Li, Xiang.) | Zhang, Jing (Zhang, Jing.)

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Thread-level speculation (TLS) and transactional memory (TM) technologies have been studied for addressing the efficient automatic parallel on multi-core processors. TLS technology can automatically generate parallel code to accelerate the implementation of the serial programs. TM systems can perform better the existing threads by using implicit locks instead of spawn a new task. TLS and TM have a huge semantic difference, but both of them share much functionality. Therefore utilizing Us based on TM can efficiently improve the serial program running on the multi-core processors. In this paper, we introduced the loop transformation methods and the loop selection algorithms based on Us. Typical hardware transactional memory (HTM), software transactional memory (STM) and hybrid transactional memory (HyTM) systems are compared from isolated, version management, conflict management, conflict resolution and etc. Some supporting US based on TM systems, likes transactional coherence and consistency (TCC), helper transactions, profile of a guided TLS & TM system (PTT) and STMlite, are analyzed from thread spawning mechanism, context passing mechanism, sequential ordering mechanism and etc.


multi-core thread-level speculation transactional memory

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Li, Xiang; Zhang, Jing] Xian Univ Technol, Sch Comp Sci & Engn, Xian 710048, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China
  • [ 2 ] [Li, Xiang] Shaanxi Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Elect & Informat Engn, Xian 710021, Peoples R China
  • [ 3 ] [Li, Xiang; Zhang, Jing] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, State Key Lab Mfg Syst Engn, Xian 710048, Peoples R China

Reprint Author's Address:

  • Xian Univ Technol, Sch Comp Sci & Engn, 5 Jinhua S Rd, Xian 710048, Shaanxi Provinc, Peoples R China.

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ISSN: 1343-4500

Year: 2012

Issue: 4

Volume: 15

Page: 1745-1755

0 . 3 5 8


0 . 3 5 8


JCR Journal Grade:4

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30 Days PV: 9

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