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Source localization for near-field narrowband signal is an important topic in array signal processing. Deep neural network (DNN) based methods are data-driven and free of pre-assumptions about data model and are expected to learn the intricate nonlinear structure in large data sets. This paper proposes a framework of DNN where a regression layer is utilized to address the problem of near-field source localization. Unlike previous studies in which DOA estimation is modeled as a classification problem and have a relatively low resolution, we exploit a regression model and aim to improve the estimation accuracy. In the training stage, we propose a novel form of feature representation to take full advantage of the convolution networks. In addition, the architecture of deep neural networks is well designed taking in to consideration the trade-off between the expression ability and under-training risks. The simulation results show that the proposed approach has a rather high validation accuracy with a high resolution, and also outperforms some conventional methods in adverse environments such as low signal to noise ratio (SNR) or small number of snapshots. © 2019 IEEE
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ISSN: 2219-5491
Year: 2019
Volume: 2019-September
Language: English
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WoS CC Cited Count: 0
SCOPUS Cited Count: 15
ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All
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30 Days PV: 3
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