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During the periodical turn-on and turn-off of the IGBT module, the voltage across the IGBT module and the current flowing through it will change rapidly, causing electromagnetic interference. It is currently an important issue to accurately predict and evaluate the interference of IGBT devices to surrounding circuits during operation. In this paper, the characteristics of the IGBT module and its equivalent model are introduced first. Then, the characteristic parameters of the IGBT are calculated through the IGBT data sheet and the double pulse test of the IGBT. And through the calculated parameters, the behavior model of the IGBT and the diode anti-parallel with the IGBT is established in the PSCAD simulation software. By measuring and analyzing the impedance characteristics of the module, the nonlinear parameters inside the IGBT are extracted. Afterwards, the black box modeling method was used to establish a wide-band equivalent model consistent with the external characteristics of the IGBT in the off-state. Finally, the accuracy of the model is verified by comparing with the results of the double pulse test. © 2020 IEEE.
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Source :
Year: 2020
Page: 894-899
Language: English
Cited Count:
WoS CC Cited Count: 0
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ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All
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30 Days PV: 6
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