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Guo, Pin (Guo, Pin.) | Zhang, Cheng (Zhang, Cheng.)

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SSCI Scopus Web of Science


This paper examines whether and how bank FinTech affects liquidity creation. Using panel data from Chinese commercial banks over the period 2008-2019 and bank-level FinTech indices constructed by a textual analysis method, we find robust evidence that banks with greater Fin-Tech development create more liquidity for the public. This effect operates through deposit inflow, risk management, and cost efficiency channels. Furthermore, we find that the positive effect of bank FinTech on liquidity creation is more pronounced for banks with non-state ownership, unlisted status, and less liquidity creation.


Commercial bank FinTech Liquidity creation

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Guo, Pin]Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Econ & Finance, Xian, Peoples R China
  • [ 2 ] [Zhang, Cheng]Northwestern Polytech Univ, Sch Publ Policy & Adm, Xian, Peoples R China

Reprint Author's Address:

  • P. Guo;;School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China;;email: guopin198961@163.com;;

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ISSN: 0275-5319

Year: 2023

Volume: 64

4 . 0 9 1


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SCOPUS Cited Count: 24

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30 Days PV: 13

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