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Tension-torsional low cycle fatigue behavior of Zr-4 has been studied at different strain ratios of φ=-0.5, -0.63, -0.7, -0.8 and Mises strain ranges of Δε eq=0.5%, 0.7%, 0.8%, 1.0%, 1.1% under in-phase loading. The biaxial LCF lifetimes of Zr-4 were evaluated using the stress and strain damage parameters, respectively. The former includes the maximum principal stress, COD stress, the maximum shear stress and Mises equivalent stress parameters, the latter includes the maximum principal strain, COD strain, the maximum shear strain, Mises equivalent strain, LE strain and BMK strain parameters. The stress parameters cannot correctly describe the biaxial LCF data within a factor of two scatter band. The testing data locate in more damage side. However, the strain parameters can make the biaxial LCF lifetimes to be within a factor of two scatter band. The Mises strain, the maximum principal strain and the maximum shear strain parameters are the most suitable strain parameters among the six strain parameters.
Reprint Author's Address:
Source :
Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica
ISSN: 0412-1961
Year: 1999
Issue: 4
Volume: 35
Page: 397-402
1 . 2 5 1
JCR Journal Grade:3
CAS Journal Grade:4
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WoS CC Cited Count: 2
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ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All
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30 Days PV: 3
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