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Pepyne, David L. (Pepyne, David L..) | Ho, Yu-Chi Larry (Ho, Yu-Chi Larry.) | Zheng, Qinghua (Zheng, Qinghua.) (Scholars:郑庆华)

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© 2003 IEEE.Motivated by the problem of wireless data link layer security, this paper proposes SPRiNG, a simple protocol for secure point-to-point communication. SPRiNG uses synchronized pseudo random number generation to generate authenticator variables and fresh encryption keys on a per frame basis. A major design goal for SPRiNG was simplicity and compatibility with the existing 802.11b WEP protocol. Though motivated by wireless security, SPRiNG is generic and can be applied anywhere secure point-to-point communication is required. Unlike many proposed security schemes, SPRiNG demonstrates that security does not always necessitate complexity.


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Source :

IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC

ISSN: 1525-3511

Year: 2003

Publish Date: 2003-01-01

Volume: 3

Page: 2027-2032

Language: English

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WoS CC Cited Count: 10

SCOPUS Cited Count: 12

ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All

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30 Days PV: 2

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