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Liu, Fang (Liu, Fang.)

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Objective: Analyzing the nonlinear dynamics of the TCP-RED congestion control system is of great importance. This study will help investigate the loss of stability in Internet and design a proper method for controlling bifurcation and chaos in such system. Methods: Based on bifurcation diagram, the effect of parameter on system performance is discussed. By using the state feedback and parameter variation strategy, a simple real time control method is proposed to modify the existing RED scheme. Results: With our control method, the parametric sensitivity of RED mechanism is attenuated. Moreover, a sufficient condition on the robust stability of the system is also derived to adjust the parameters in TCP-RED system. Conclusion: The proposed method has the advantages of simple implementation and unnecessary knowledge of the exact system.


Bifurcation Chaos Congestion control Feedback control Parameter variation Random early detection (RED) Transfer control protocol(TCP)

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Academic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University

ISSN: 1671-8267

Year: 2006

Issue: 1

Volume: 18

Page: 1-5

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30 Days PV: 2

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