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Teng, Zhao-Hui (Teng, Zhao-Hui.) | Xu, Nan (Xu, Nan.) | Zhang, Hang (Zhang, Hang.) | Yu, Hao-Tian (Yu, Hao-Tian.) | Li, Na (Li, Na.) | Zhou, Qu-Lan (Zhou, Qu-Lan.) | Jing, Qiang-Zheng (Jing, Qiang-Zheng.)

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The paper proposes a system enriching CBM during the transit with solar energy as its heat source while utilizing the concentrated coal mine gas to a selective catalytic reduction denitration system as its reductive agent. The tree-shape pipeline is employed to make good use of solar and build the appropriate temperature and density field in the tube. By the density difference effect, coal-bed gas can be enriched. The concentration of methane can reach to 80% after multistage enrichment. Then the concentrated CBM is used as a reducing agent and reduces NOxwith the help of the chosen perovskite structure catalyst which is selective to the catalyzed reaction. This new denitration system can make the mass concentration of NOxin boiler flue gas lower than 100 mg/m3. This system contributes to reducing greenhouse gas and the gaseous pollutants (NOx) which can cause acidic rain emissions, while playing an active role in energy saving. Besides, avoiding using the traditional reducting agent (ammonia or carbamide), it can save the natural gas and energy consumption in the productive process of ammonia or carbamide, while avoiding the emission in the productive progress.


Catalyzed reactions Coal-bed gas Density difference Gaseous pollutants Mass concentration Perovskite structures Productive process Solar

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Teng, Zhao-Hui;Xu, Nan;Zhang, Hang;Yu, Hao-Tian;Li, Na;Zhou, Qu-Lan]State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
  • [ 2 ] [Jing, Qiang-Zheng]Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute of Xi'an, Xi'an 710049, China

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Source :

Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

ISSN: 0253-231X

Year: 2013

Issue: 11

Volume: 34

Page: 2069-2072

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ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All

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