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Jin, Wu (Jin, Wu.) | Wang, Jinhua (Wang, Jinhua.) (Scholars:王金华) | Yu, Senbin (Yu, Senbin.) | Huang, Zuohua (Huang, Zuohua.) (Scholars:黄佐华)

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As one of the most promising clean alternative fuels, natural gas has been widely used in automobile engines. However, due to the slow burning velocity of natural gas and its poor lean-burn ability, hydrogen is often added to improve its combustion behavior. Researches on the fundamental laminar premixed flame characteristics of CH4/H2blends are of great significance to understand the combustion process in practical combustors. The intrinsic instability of laminar flame is one of the classic issues in flame dynamics, which presents the dynamic response of laminar premixed flamelets to weak perturbations. By studying dynamic mechanism of intrinsic instability, we can estimate the burning velocity more accurately and gain a deeper insight into the turbulent combustion process in spark ignition engines. In this study, the cellular instabilities of laminar premixed CH4/H2/air flat flames were studied using McKenna burner with OH-PLIF technique. It was found that the addition of H2 can broaden the lean combustion limit on flat flame burner with which the cellular instabilities were brought. The digital and OH-PLIF images were obtained to calculate the quantitative parameters of cellular length scale, which is associated with the properties of fuel mixtures such as Lewis number, Markstein number et al. Through the theoretic analysis, we make a thorough investigation on the mechanism about how the cellular scales were determined.


Cellular instabilities Clean alternative fuel Intrinsic instability Laminar premixed flames Lean combustion limits Quantitative parameters Thermal-diffusive instabilities Turbulent combustion

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Jin, Wu;Wang, Jinhua;Yu, Senbin;Huang, Zuohua]State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an; 710049, China

Reprint Author's Address:

  • 黄佐华

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ASPACC 2015 - 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion

Year: 2015

Publish Date: 2015

Language: English

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