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Wang, Jianguo (Wang, Jianguo.) | Li, Huixiong (Li, Huixiong.)

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At low mass fluxes, experimental investigation on the frictional pressure drops of high pressure steam water two-phase flows in an adiabatic horizontal Siemens AG optimized internally-ribbed tube with a diameter of φ 31.8 mm × 6.0 mm was carried out. The two-phase frictional pressure drops of an adiabatic horizontal smooth tube with a diameter of φ31.8 mm × 6.0 mm were also measured under the same experimental conditions to provide a data base for comparison. In addition, the frictional pressure drops at supercritical pressures in the internally-ribbed tube were obtained. According to experimental data, the two-phase flow friction multiplier was calculated and its variations with the pressure, the mass flux and the steam quality were obtained. At supercritical pressures, the variations of the frictional pressure drops with the mass flux, the bulk enthalpy and the pressure were also analyzed. By comparison, it is found that the two-phase friction multiplier of the horizontal internally-ribbed tube has an obvious peak value, which is much larger than that of the horizontal smooth tube, in the region with high steam qualities. Comparing to the single-phase frictional factor at subcritical pressures, the characteristic of frictional factor at supercritical pressures is that there is a sudden change at the point of the pseudo-critical temperature, that is to say, there is a peak value. ©2015 Chin. Soc. for Elec. Eng.


Frictional pressure drops Internally ribbed tube Low mass fluxes Steam water two phase flow Supercritical pressure boiler

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Wang, Jianguo]School of Energy, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an; Shaanxi Province; 710054, China
  • [ 2 ] [Li, Huixiong]State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an; Shaanxi Province; 710049, China

Reprint Author's Address:

  • [Wang, Jianguo]School of Energy, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an; Shaanxi Province; 710054, China;;

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Source :

Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering

ISSN: 0258-8013

Year: 2015

Issue: 3

Volume: 35

Page: 638-644

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WoS CC Cited Count: 0

SCOPUS Cited Count: 6

ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All

WanFang Cited Count: -1

Chinese Cited Count: -1

30 Days PV: 5

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