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Guo, Yucheng (Guo, Yucheng.) | Wei, Lai (Wei, Lai.) | Chen, Teng (Chen, Teng.) | Yan, Chunxia (Yan, Chunxia.)

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Teeth are the most solid organs in the human body. Due to their resistance to corrosion and age related changes, teeth have been widely used to estimate the body age in forensic practice. Various method of dental age estimation have been developed in recent year. A the complexity of the age related phyiological change and many other environment al factor each method ha it own advantage and limitation .Therefore eitinece arytocombine ever almethod together to improve the accuracy of age estimation. Here, we reviewed recent development on dental age estimation and evaluated different methods comparatively.


Ageestimation Forensic anthropology Forensic odontology Teeth

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Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine

ISSN: 1001-5728

Year: 2013

Issue: 6

Volume: 28

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