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Nan, Wenguang (Nan, Wenguang.) | Wang, Yueshe (Wang, Yueshe.) | Ge, Yuan (Ge, Yuan.) | Zhang, Chao (Zhang, Chao.) | Hao, Yun (Hao, Yun.)

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In this paper, the rod model is adopted to describe the flexible fiber in the simple shear flow. By using fibers with large stiffness, the Jeffery orbits are obtained to validate the model. Then the effect of the concentration on the dynamic behavior of flexible fibers in semi-concentrated suspension is numerically simulated. The results show that the fibers bend and twist during the motion while those shape appear in different form, including springy motion, snakelike motion, coiled motion. Meanwhile, the collision and friction between fibers play an important role in the evolution of bending angle, while their effect on the torsion angle is relatively small. The value and fluctuation of the bending angle increase with the increasing number of collisions. In addition, it is also found that instead of hydrodynamic impacts, the dynamic characters of fiber are actually mainly influenced by the collision and friction between fibers, as well as deformation of fibers. Thus, the fiber orientation will be more and more random.


Discrete element method Flexible fiber Numerical simulation Rod model

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Yingyong Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics

ISSN: 1000-4939

Year: 2014

Issue: 5

Volume: 31

Page: 727-733

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