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Pan, Longfei (Pan, Longfei.) | Yu, Lei (Yu, Lei.) | Pei, Hongkong (Pei, Hongkong.) | Fan, Yuan (Fan, Yuan.) | Wang, Xiaobo (Wang, Xiaobo.) | Su, Lijuan (Su, Lijuan.) | Huang, Wan (Huang, Wan.)

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Objective: To investigate the usefulness of HC visual laryngoscope designed for unskilled junior emergency resident doctors in respect of increasing the efficiency and success rate of emergency tracheal intubation. Methods: A total of 80 patients needed the emergency tracheal intubation were at first divided into two groups randomly (random number). Patients in group A were operated by junior emergency resident doctors and patients in group B were operated by well experienced attending doctors. Then, the two groups of patients above were divided into two groups randomly (random number). Patients in group N were operated with conventional laryngoscope and patients in group HC were managed with HC visual laryngoscope. Then comparisons of the success rate of glottis exposure, the one-time success rate of tracheal intubation, the success rate of tracheal intubation, the complications, the number of attempt in successful intubation cases and the operative time consumed for successful intubation cases among the groups were done. Results: (1) The success rate of glottis exposure, the one-time success rate and the success rate of tracheal intubation in group A-HC were 90%, 70% and 90%, respectively which were significantly higher than those (50%, 20% and 45%) in group A-N (P <0. 05). The rate of complication, the number of attempt and operative time consumed for intubation cases in group A-HC were respectively 15%, (1. 28 ± 0.43) and (31.44 ±5. 06) s, which were significantly less than those [45%, (1.89 ±0.79) and (45. 89 ±4. 99) s in group A-N (P <0. 05). (2) The success rate of glottis exposure, the one-time success rate and the success rate of tracheal intubation in group B-N were 80%, 65% and 80%, respectively which were significantly higher than those (50%, 20% and 45%) in group A-N (P < 0. 05). The rate of complication, the number of attempt and operative time consumed for successful intubation cases in group B-N were 15%, (1. 25 ±0. 41) and (39. 31 ±4. 23) s, respectively which were significantly less than those [45%, (1. 89 ±0. 79) and (45. 89 ±4. 99) s] in group A-N (P <0. 05). (3) There were no significant statistical differences in above results between group A-HC and group B-HC (P > 0. 05). Conclusions: HC visual laryngoscope used by unskilled junior emergency resident doctors for emergency tracheal intubation, could increase success rate of glottis exposure, decrease the number of attempt of intubation, decrease rate of complication, shorten operative time required for intubation thus improving efficiency and success rate of emergency tracheal intubation, and maybe narrow the skill gap between unskilled junior resident doctors and well experienced attending doctors in respect of emergency tracheal intubation.


Emergency department Emergency tracheal intubation HC visual laryngoscope Junior resident doctors

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Source :

Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine

ISSN: 1671-0282

Year: 2016

Issue: 7

Volume: 25

Page: 910-914

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WoS CC Cited Count: 1

SCOPUS Cited Count: 2

ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All

WanFang Cited Count: -1

Chinese Cited Count: -1

30 Days PV: 2

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