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Li, H. Z. (Li, H. Z..) | Song, L. (Song, L..) | Liao, H. J. (Liao, H. J..) | Ren, J. N. (Ren, J. N..)

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For an analysis of the stability of an underground excavation in two dimensional space, the convergence-confinement tunnel design process is usually applied to investigate the interaction of support and ground of the excavation. In order to achieve the design process, a coefficient of stress release is defined. The stress release process is realized using a numerical software UDEC, which is validated by the closed-form solution of a circular tunnel. The stability of a cavern in rockmass is analyzed based on the convergence-confinement method using UDEC. The displacement around the cavern is investigated. The numerical results show that the magnitude of displacement depends on the stress release, i.e., the installation of support.


Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Li, H. Z.; Song, L.; Liao, H. J.; Ren, J. N.] Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Civil Engn, Xian 710049, Shaanxi, Peoples R China

Reprint Author's Address:

  • Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Civil Engn, Xian 710049, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.


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Year: 2013

Page: 635-640

Language: English

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ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All

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30 Days PV: 4

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