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Liu Jian-Tao (Liu Jian-Tao.) | Han Hua (Han Hua.) | Gao Zheng-Chao (Gao Zheng-Chao.) | He Cai-You (He Cai-You.) | Niu Bin-Bin (Niu Bin-Bin.) | Gu Meng-Chao (Gu Meng-Chao.) | Li Yu-Huan (Li Yu-Huan.) | He Xi-Jing (He Xi-Jing.)

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To study the anatomical measurement of goat lumbar vertebrae and to compare with human lumbar vertebrae, so as to build the foundation for establishing animal models of lumbar prosthesis.The anatomical parameters of the vertebral body, pedicle and intervertebral disc in the fresh lumbar vertebrae of Boer goat and the lumbar vertebrae of healthy adults were collected by computer aided software Mimics16.0, and the anatomical characteristics of the two lumbar vertebrae were compared with the statistical software.The anterior vertebral body height(VBHa) of goat lumbar was less than the middle vertebral body height(VBHm), which was less than the posterior vertebral body height(VBHp), and the maximum values were (38.7±2.9), (40.1±2.6) and (40.7±2.7) mm respectively. Its endplate width was greater than its depth, with the whole shaped like a heart or a kidney. The cranial endplate of goats was convex while the caudal endplate was depressed and the depression was small, with a maximum value of (1.6±0.6) mm. The pedicle height of goats increased from L₁1 to L̀ with the maximum of (30.5±1.9) mm; its pedicle width and angle increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of vertebra level and the minimum values were (6.7±0.4) mm and(45.9±2.6)° respectively. The anterior intervertebral disc height was larger than the middle which was larger than the posterior and all varied slightly with the changes of intervertebral spaces; the height and width of intervertebral foramen separately waved at (12.9±0.3) to (14.3±1.0) mm and (5.7±1.0) to (6.7±0.9) mm. The comparative results showed that the vertebral body height, pedicle height and angle of goats were greater than those of humans (<i>P</i><0.05) while the width and depth of the endplate, the intervertebral disc height, and etc. were significantly smaller than those of humans (<i>P</i><0.05). In addition, some structures, such as the height of pedicle and intervertebral disc, also showed different changing laws with the increase of vertebra level.Although there are similarities in goat lumbar spine in some aspects, such as endplate and foramen foramen, there are still many differences in many aspects. Understanding the anatomical characteristics of goat lumbar vertebrae and the difference between goat and human is of great guiding significance for the research of goat prosthesis and related technology.


Anatomy Goats Intervertebral disc Lumbar vertebrae

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [He Xi-Jing]Department of Orthopaedics, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710004, Shaanxi, China
  • [ 2 ] [He Xi-Jing]xijing_h@vip.tom.com.

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China journal of orthopaedics and traumatology

ISSN: 1003-0034

Year: 2018

Issue: 6

Volume: 31

Page: 543-549

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