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Qi, X. M. (Qi, X. M..) | Qi, Y. (Qi, Y..) | Ma, L. (Ma, L..) | Hou, D. (Hou, D..) | Shen, J. Y. (Shen, J. Y..)

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A design of runtime environment for CORBA component is presented, which can support CORBA component's running at runtime. The environment is responsible for load, management and schedule of those components. "Components container" which is a current popular conception is adopted, and all components are running in a container process and managed by it. In the design, the functions of ORB core are effectively used. A development environment for CORBA component is designed. It provides automation in software development to some degree and enhances the quality and efficiency of software development.


Component life cycle. CORBA Runtime environment Software component

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Source :

Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University

ISSN: 0253-987X

Year: 2001

Issue: 2

Volume: 35

Page: 153-157

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ESI Highly Cited Papers on the List: 0 Unfold All

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30 Days PV: 2

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