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Yang, Yi-kang (Yang, Yi-kang.) | Huang, Yong-xuan (Huang, Yong-xuan.) | Wang, Hao-jun (Wang, Hao-jun.)

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The non-stationary characteristics ECG and its information criterion for diagnosis are studied. The data representation model and the compression algorithm are studied by time-series modeling theory. Using wavelet networks as data representation model, a compression algorithm of ECG is proposed. While the original data of ECG are framedin real-time, the algorithm maps the data of each frame to parameters of wavelet networks as rebuilding information from original data. The principle of wavelet networks as data representation model and the compression algorithm based on data framing are particularized, then the experiment on the compression/recovery of ECG data using the propesed method is performed.


Data framing

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Yang, Yi-kang;Huang, Yong-xuan;Wang, Hao-jun]Systems Engineering Institute, Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

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Source :

Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 0258-8021

Year: 2002

Issue: 5

Volume: 21

Page: 449-455

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