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Project Governance and Project Performance: The Moderating Role of Top Management Support SCIE SSCI Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 14 (5) | SUSTAINABILITY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Project governance (PG) has been primarily acknowledged as critical by researchers and practitioners in regard to successfully executing projects. However, project governance of public projects has received less attention from researchers. Therefore, in this study, we studied the effects of project governance and top management support (TMS) on project performance (PP) and their interactions in public sector projects. Using the lens of resource dependence theory (RDT), we hypothesize whether TMS moderates the impact of PG on PP. A quantitative deductive approach was employed to examine this relationship. Quantitative data were collected using a structured questionnaire from 346 project managers, team members, and stakeholders. Our results indicated that PG and TMS are positively significantly correlated with project performance. Moreover, we found that TMS acts as a quasi-moderator in the relationship between PG and PP.

Keyword :

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) megaprojects Pakistan project governance project performance top management support


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GB/T 7714 Fareed, Muhammad Zeeshan , Su, Qin . Project Governance and Project Performance: The Moderating Role of Top Management Support [J]. | SUSTAINABILITY , 2022 , 14 (5) .
MLA Fareed, Muhammad Zeeshan 等. "Project Governance and Project Performance: The Moderating Role of Top Management Support" . | SUSTAINABILITY 14 . 5 (2022) .
APA Fareed, Muhammad Zeeshan , Su, Qin . Project Governance and Project Performance: The Moderating Role of Top Management Support . | SUSTAINABILITY , 2022 , 14 (5) .
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Network Intrusion Logit Detection Model with IO Port Cross-Classification EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Recently, information networks are becoming a significant part of daily life, so keeping the system's security is necessary for security tools, such as firewalls and encryption. However, because of the weaknesses of the existing tools, the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has been implemented to solve the problem. In the application of IDS, feature classification and data analysis are the two most important steps. In this paper, by using the Logit regression model, we attempt to search for the optimal cutting value based on the relationship between cutting value and accuracy index and put forward an input-output port crossed (IOPC) classification for IDS to distinguish the new intrusion features. First, we discuss whole features and propose a taxonomy of IOPC classification for CIC-IDS2017 that is different from other former studies, which can reduce the data space. Second, we compute the distribution curve of cutting values varied with the accuracy index, the purpose of which is to search for the optimal cutting values. Finally, utilizing IOPC classification, the difference between the distribution of the cutting values under the attacks of distributed denial of service (DDoS) and PortScan in CIC-IDS2017 is discussed, which highlights the characteristic that cutting values besieged the attack by PortScan has a conditional distribution compared with DDoS.

Keyword :

Intrusion detection systems IOPC classification Logit model optimal cutting value


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Jingchun , Deng, Fei , Su, Qin . Network Intrusion Logit Detection Model with IO Port Cross-Classification [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 2022 , 36 (05) .
MLA Sun, Jingchun 等. "Network Intrusion Logit Detection Model with IO Port Cross-Classification" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 36 . 05 (2022) .
APA Sun, Jingchun , Deng, Fei , Su, Qin . Network Intrusion Logit Detection Model with IO Port Cross-Classification . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 2022 , 36 (05) .
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Do E-Tailers Benefit From Cooperative-Return-to-Store? SCIE SSCI Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The popularity of online shopping places higher demands for e-tailers' service, especially the return process. Cooperative-return-to-store (CRS), where an e-tailer's merchandise can be returned to another retailer's stores, seems to provide a panacea for e-tailers to improve return flexibility and save on return handling costs. However, current practices indicate that only a limited number of e-tailers offer an in-store return option through CRS. This article elucidates the intuition behind this phenomenon by analyzing two asymmetric competing e-tailers' decisions on whether to participate in CRS with a third-party offline retailer who establishes a drop-off convenience level. Perhaps counterintuitively, we find that CRS's return service improvement and cost reduction for e-tailers can deter them from participating in the cooperation under certain conditions. Our analysis also demonstrates that the offline retailer could improve performance by strategically adjusting the CRS program's main appeal (e.g., return service improvement or cost reduction) to the e-tailers based on their product differentiation.

Keyword :

Cooperative-return-to-store Costs Electronic commerce game theory Outsourcing Postal services Production Recycling return policy service decentralization Uncertainty


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Yi , Su, Qin , Wang, Nengmin et al. Do E-Tailers Benefit From Cooperative-Return-to-Store? [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT , 2022 .
MLA Chen, Yi et al. "Do E-Tailers Benefit From Cooperative-Return-to-Store?" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (2022) .
APA Chen, Yi , Su, Qin , Wang, Nengmin , Jiang, Bin . Do E-Tailers Benefit From Cooperative-Return-to-Store? . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT , 2022 .
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Prevention and adaptation to diversified risks in the seaport-dry port system under asymmetric risk behaviors: Invest earlier or wait? SSCI Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 125 , 11-36 | TRANSPORT POLICY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The special geographical locations and socioeconomic functions of seaports and dry ports in the global trading system render them vulnerable to diversified risks. Targeted preventive and adaptive investments can reduce the probability and potential damage of corresponding risks. This study proposes a two-period game to explore the scale and timing of prevention and adaptation by seaport and dry port authorities regarding regular and disruption risks in a competitive environment under ambiguity and asymmetric risk behaviors. The results show that risk aversion increases prevention and adaptation while risk probability ambiguity aversion decreases prevention and adaptation under the effect of information accumulation. Under risk aversion, early prevention and late adaptation are best for port authorities, whereas waiting until the next period to invest is a better option in regard to ambiguity aversion as long as the ambiguity of risk probability can be reduced through information accumulation. Moreover, we extend the risk sensitivity and probability ambiguity models to seaports and dry ports that cooperate and exhibit a leader-follower relationship. Our analysis shows that the cooperative relationship leads to the free-rider effect among port authorities, while the leader-follower relationship enables the seaport and dry port authorities to achieve a Nash equilibrium when choosing early prevention or late adaptation. The findings offer significant economic and managerial insights for the decision-making and policymaking of ports and government authorities.

Keyword :

Ambiguity Investment time Prevention and adaptation Risk-sensitive behavior Seaport-dry port system


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Bi , Chin, Kwai Sang , Su, Qin . Prevention and adaptation to diversified risks in the seaport-dry port system under asymmetric risk behaviors: Invest earlier or wait? [J]. | TRANSPORT POLICY , 2022 , 125 : 11-36 .
MLA Wang, Bi et al. "Prevention and adaptation to diversified risks in the seaport-dry port system under asymmetric risk behaviors: Invest earlier or wait?" . | TRANSPORT POLICY 125 (2022) : 11-36 .
APA Wang, Bi , Chin, Kwai Sang , Su, Qin . Prevention and adaptation to diversified risks in the seaport-dry port system under asymmetric risk behaviors: Invest earlier or wait? . | TRANSPORT POLICY , 2022 , 125 , 11-36 .
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Risk management and market structures in seaport-dry port systems SSCI Scopus
期刊论文 | 2021 , 24 (1) , 114-137 | MARITIME ECONOMICS & LOGISTICS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 9
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As seaborne and inland transport hubs, seaports and dry ports are vulnerable to diversified risks, such as climate-change-related disasters and congestion in daily operations, owing to their special geographical locations and socioeconomic functions in seaborne supply chains. If appropriate investments are made before the risks occur, the probability and potential damage of such risks can be mitigated. We propose a two-stage game to simultaneously study the preventive and adaptive investments of seaport and dry port authorities on diversified risks in scenarios of vertical cooperation and horizontal competition. In addition, in the latter case, the asymmetry between seaports and dry ports, regarding their vulnerability to risks, is taken into account. Findings show that it is not always advisable to pursue close cooperation, as players in a horizontal relationship must consider not only their own vulnerabilities but also those of others when making investment decisions. Finally, we find that port authorities need to pay more attention to the free-riding problem in the process of preventive investments than in adaptive investments.

Keyword :

Competition effect Horizontal competition Peer effect Port prevention and adaptation Seaport-dry port system Vertical cooperation


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Bi , Chin, Kwai Sang , Su, Qin . Risk management and market structures in seaport-dry port systems [J]. | MARITIME ECONOMICS & LOGISTICS , 2021 , 24 (1) : 114-137 .
MLA Wang, Bi et al. "Risk management and market structures in seaport-dry port systems" . | MARITIME ECONOMICS & LOGISTICS 24 . 1 (2021) : 114-137 .
APA Wang, Bi , Chin, Kwai Sang , Su, Qin . Risk management and market structures in seaport-dry port systems . | MARITIME ECONOMICS & LOGISTICS , 2021 , 24 (1) , 114-137 .
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The effect of green HRM practices on green competitive advantage of manufacturing firms EI SCIE SSCI Scopus
WoS CC Cited Count: 7 SCOPUS Cited Count: 67
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Purpose The rising public concern for the natural environment is compelling business entities to revise their business models toward green management. Most manufacturing firms have realized that green innovation is a critical factor that drives their success. However, green human resource scholars have overlooked this research line despite the potential contribution it can advance in green management scholarship. This paper empirically models the extent to which green innovation culture (GIC) moderates the relationship between green human resource management (GHRM) and green competitive advantage (GCA). The paper has two-fold objectives. First, to investigate the effects of GHRM and GIC on the firm's GCA and second, to model the extent to which GIC moderates the link between GHRM practices and GCA of manufacturing firms in Zhejiang Province of China. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 324 Chinese employees from the manufacturing sector. The authors captured data from all levels of the organization. The authors made three models equations: two direct and one interactive. The authors then applied structural equation modeling (SEM) using AMOS 24 to test the study models and hypothesis. Findings The findings suggest that GHRM practices, which include recruitment and selection, training and development (green abilities); performance management and reward and compensation (green motivation); and employee involvement and leadership (green opportunities) have a significant positive effect on the firms GCA. The findings also indicate that firms that GIC, which include green product innovation (GPDI) and green process innovation (GPRI), promotes the firm's GCA. The paper further reveals that firms that combine GHRM and GIC attain higher GIC than those which practice GHRM only. Originality/value This paper draws a roadmap on how the top management in manufacturing firms can drive the firm's operations toward a higher GCA. It's the pioneer paper to suggest the combination of GHRM and GCI for enhanced GCA.

Keyword :

Competitive advantage Corporate culture Environmental management


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GB/T 7714 Muisyo, Paul Kivinda , Qin, Su , Ho, Thu Hau et al. The effect of green HRM practices on green competitive advantage of manufacturing firms [J]. | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 33 (1) : 22-40 .
MLA Muisyo, Paul Kivinda et al. "The effect of green HRM practices on green competitive advantage of manufacturing firms" . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 33 . 1 (2021) : 22-40 .
APA Muisyo, Paul Kivinda , Qin, Su , Ho, Thu Hau , Julius, Mercy Muthoni . The effect of green HRM practices on green competitive advantage of manufacturing firms . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 33 (1) , 22-40 .
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The optimal hourly electricity price considering wind electricity uncertainty based on conditional value at risk EI SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 18 (5) , 512-524 | International Journal of Green Energy
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Wind generation fluctuation results in the electricity supply uncertainty of the company in electricity market. And this uncertainty has an important impact on hourly electricity price. In our paper, we use game models to optimize hourly price for different risk appetites’ companies considering the uncertainty. For the risk-neutral company, we solve the optimal electricity price by maximizing the expected profit. For the risk-averse or risk-preferring company, we consider wind electricity generation as a Weibull distribution and obtain the optimal electricity price based on conditional value at risk. In numerical examples, we find that the risk-preferring company sets the highest electricity price, demonstrating the importance of modeling risk appetites of the company in electricity price. And the results indicate that a risk-averse (risk-preferring) company will set a higher (lower) electricity price for a larger risk confidence level. Besides, we find that the company will lower electricity price with the decrement of users’ price elasticity. Furthermore, our finding shows that the profit of the company increases with the wind penetration due to the decreased cost, which supports the observed and investigated results in electricity market. © 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Keyword :

Electric industry Power markets Profitability Risk analysis Value engineering Weibull distribution


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GB/T 7714 Qiao, Haike , Zhang, Zijun , Su, Qin . The optimal hourly electricity price considering wind electricity uncertainty based on conditional value at risk [J]. | International Journal of Green Energy , 2021 , 18 (5) : 512-524 .
MLA Qiao, Haike et al. "The optimal hourly electricity price considering wind electricity uncertainty based on conditional value at risk" . | International Journal of Green Energy 18 . 5 (2021) : 512-524 .
APA Qiao, Haike , Zhang, Zijun , Su, Qin . The optimal hourly electricity price considering wind electricity uncertainty based on conditional value at risk . | International Journal of Green Energy , 2021 , 18 (5) , 512-524 .
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Impact of government subsidy on the remanufacturing industry. EI PubMed SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 120 , 433-447 | Waste management
WoS CC Cited Count: 20
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to decrease environment pollution and the usage of raw material, some governments use subsidy policy to encourage the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and the Independent Remanufacturer (IR) to remanufacture. While, how government subsidy affects remanufacturing activity and industry competition is still unclear. In our research, there are an OEM and an IR in the market. And the OEM and the IR have three different choices of remanufacturing: no-remanufacturing, remanufacturing part, and remanufacturing all. This research builds a game-theoretic model to discuss the impact of government subsidy on manufacturing and remanufacturing quantities, consumer surplus, OEM and IR profit, social surplus and environment for each choice of the OEM and the IR. The result shows that the amount of the OEM remanufacturing decreases with government subsidy when the OEM remanufactures all but the IR remanufactures part. OEM and IR profit, and consumer surplus may decrease with government subsidy in some competitive markets. Total social surplus may also decrease in government subsidy when OEM-IR competition exists in a remanufactured market or only the IR remanufactures part. The change of the total environment impact depends on the relative environment impact of unit manufactured and remanufactured product when OEM or IR remanufactures part. Thus, it is not always a great strategy for policy makers to only increase government subsidy in order to decrease environment pollution and improve social surplus. Before increasing government subsidy, policy makers need to more learn about the competitive markets and environment impact per unit product. Finally, numerical study is conducted to confirm these findings, discuss what happens when the willingness-to-pay of consumers for remanufactured products changes, and analyze the impact of different levels of environment impact per remanufactured product on total environment.

Keyword :

Environment Government subsidy Remanufacture Social surplus


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GB/T 7714 Qiao Haike , Su Qin . Impact of government subsidy on the remanufacturing industry. [J]. | Waste management , 2021 , 120 : 433-447 .
MLA Qiao Haike et al. "Impact of government subsidy on the remanufacturing industry." . | Waste management 120 (2021) : 433-447 .
APA Qiao Haike , Su Qin . Impact of government subsidy on the remanufacturing industry. . | Waste management , 2021 , 120 , 433-447 .
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Implications of green HRM on the firm's green competitive advantage: the mediating role of enablers of green culture EI SCIE SSCI Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 36
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Purpose The available literature demonstrates that green human resource management (GHRM) practices enhance the firm's green performance. However, the studies fail to show how GHRM practices give rise to green culture and how such green culture influences the green competitiveness of a firm. Anchored on the Ability Motivation Opportunity (AMO) theory, this study investigates how firms can build green competitive advantage from GHRM. The study focuses on four enablers of green culture (EGC): leadership emphasis, message credibility, peer involvement and employee empowerment. The study tests the mediating role of each EGC in the relationship between GHRM and green competitive advantage (GCA). The study findings provide managers with a deeper understanding of how GHRM supports the development of the EGC and how they explain the firm's GCA. Design/methodology/approach Data was collected from a large-scale survey of Malaysia's manufacturing firm. We managed to collect 96 valid and useable questionnaires. Findings We find that GHRM practices give rise to EGC and the EGC mediate the relationship between GHRM and GCA. Originality/value The study presents the EGC in the green competitiveness context and goes further to test its mediating role in the GHRM-GCA relationship. We also develop a novel conceptual framework that manufacturing firms can deploy to attain green competitive advantage.

Keyword :

Competitive advantage Corporate culture Green manufacturing


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GB/T 7714 Muisyo, Paul , Su, Qin , Ho, Thu Hau et al. Implications of green HRM on the firm's green competitive advantage: the mediating role of enablers of green culture [J]. | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 33 (2) : 308-333 .
MLA Muisyo, Paul et al. "Implications of green HRM on the firm's green competitive advantage: the mediating role of enablers of green culture" . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 33 . 2 (2021) : 308-333 .
APA Muisyo, Paul , Su, Qin , Ho, Thu Hau , Julius, Mercy Muthoni , Usmani, Muhammad Shahjahan . Implications of green HRM on the firm's green competitive advantage: the mediating role of enablers of green culture . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 33 (2) , 308-333 .
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Enhancing the FIRM'S green performance through green HRM: The moderating role of green innovation culture EI SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 289 | Journal of Cleaner Production
WoS CC Cited Count: 16
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Prior scholarships have documented that green human resource management practices have performance enabling effects on a firm's green performance. However, there is a dearth of studies that empirically model the extent to which green innovation culture moderates the relationship between green human resource practices and the firm's green performance. To address this gap, this paper established two-fold objectives. First, to examine the effects of green human resource practices and green innovation culture on firm green performance. Second, to model the extent to which green innovation culture moderates the relationship between green human resource management and manufacturing firms’ green performance in China. This was done using data obtained from an extensive scale survey of 300 employees in Chinese manufacturing firms located in the Jiangsu Province. The study suggests that green human resource management practices which include recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management and appraisal, reward and payment, and employee involvement and leadership have a significant effect on green or environmental performance. The study also suggests that green innovation which includes green product innovation culture and green process innovation culture enhances firm green performance. Our paper further suggests that firms that integrate green human resource management practices and green innovation culture are associated with higher green performance than firms that practice green human resource management only. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd

Keyword :

Environmental management Green manufacturing Human resource management Natural resources management Personnel training Resource allocation


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GB/T 7714 Muisyo, Paul Kivinda , Qin, Su . Enhancing the FIRM'S green performance through green HRM: The moderating role of green innovation culture [J]. | Journal of Cleaner Production , 2021 , 289 .
MLA Muisyo, Paul Kivinda et al. "Enhancing the FIRM'S green performance through green HRM: The moderating role of green innovation culture" . | Journal of Cleaner Production 289 (2021) .
APA Muisyo, Paul Kivinda , Qin, Su . Enhancing the FIRM'S green performance through green HRM: The moderating role of green innovation culture . | Journal of Cleaner Production , 2021 , 289 .
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