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Long-whisker type TiB phase introduced by micron-sized precursors and its prominent strengthening effect in titanium matrix composites EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

We developed a new strategy to obtain long whisker (LW) TiB phase (aspect ratio as high as ~ 150) using micron-sized AlB2 in a series of TiB/Ti(Al) composites. While three types of TiB phases were present in the composites, microhardness and compression results show that LW-type TiB enhances yield strength dramatically.

Keyword :

Long whisker Strengthening mechanism Titanium boride Titanium matrix composites


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GB/T 7714 Li, Qiang , Chen, Yu , Huang, Xiaoyu et al. Long-whisker type TiB phase introduced by micron-sized precursors and its prominent strengthening effect in titanium matrix composites [J]. | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2022 , 841 .
MLA Li, Qiang et al. "Long-whisker type TiB phase introduced by micron-sized precursors and its prominent strengthening effect in titanium matrix composites" . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 841 (2022) .
APA Li, Qiang , Chen, Yu , Huang, Xiaoyu , Wang, Yiran , Zhao, Yakai , Ramamurty, Upadrasta et al. Long-whisker type TiB phase introduced by micron-sized precursors and its prominent strengthening effect in titanium matrix composites . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2022 , 841 .
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Hot deformation behavior of nanostructural oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Mo alloy EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The hot deformation behavior of nanostructural oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Mo alloy was investigated in the temperature range of 1200-1500 degrees C and strain rate range of 0.001-1 s(-1) with a constant strain of 0.50 by analyzing constitutive equations, hot processing maps, and microstructure evolution. The results show that the flow behavior is greatly affected by the deformation temperatures and strain rates, exhibiting typical hardening, softening, and steady stages. The constitutive equation is established, which can predict the flow stress precisely. The stress exponent n and the apparent activation energy Q are estimated to be 5.44 and 384.26 kJ.mol(-1), respectively, revealing that the deformation mechanism is dominated by the dislocation climb. Furthermore, the hot processing maps of ODS Mo alloy are developed based on the dynamic materials model, presenting two stability zones of 1350-1450 degrees C/0.001 s(-1) and 1450-1500 degrees C/0.1-1 s(-1). By observing microstructures, dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization occur in the stability zone 1500 degrees C/1 s-1, and the mechanism of the stability zone 1400 degrees C/0.001 s(-1) is dominated by dynamic recovery and grain growth.

Keyword :

Constitutive equations Deformation mechanism Microstructure evolution Oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Mo alloy Processing maps


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GB/T 7714 Yao, Liying , Huang, Yijie , Gao, Yimin et al. Hot deformation behavior of nanostructural oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Mo alloy [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS , 2022 , 107 .
MLA Yao, Liying et al. "Hot deformation behavior of nanostructural oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Mo alloy" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS 107 (2022) .
APA Yao, Liying , Huang, Yijie , Gao, Yimin , Li, Yefei , Huang, Xiaoyu , Wang, Yiran et al. Hot deformation behavior of nanostructural oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Mo alloy . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS , 2022 , 107 .
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Investigation on the mechanism of deteriorated oxidation resistance of Ti (C0.7,N0.3)-304ss cermet doped with Y during the early oxidation stage EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 187 | CORROSION SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The high-temperature oxidation resistance of the Ti(C0.7,N0.3)-304ss cermets during the early oxidation stage was deteriorated by adding Y. The outward diffusion of Fe atoms was improved with Y addition, and a Fe-rich outer oxide layer was generated on the surface. Impurities at phase boundary act as barriers to suppress the diffusion of Fe and O atoms; while they were purified by Y atoms, and the barriers were destroyed. As a result, the oxidation resistance deteriorated. The apparent activation energy of the cermets declined from 207.18 KJ/mol to 149.97 KJ/mol by doping with Y.

Keyword :

3) 7 Cermet N0 Oxidation Rare earth element Ti(C0


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GB/T 7714 He, Lin , Dong, Anping , Gao, Yimin et al. Investigation on the mechanism of deteriorated oxidation resistance of Ti (C0.7,N0.3)-304ss cermet doped with Y during the early oxidation stage [J]. | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2021 , 187 .
MLA He, Lin et al. "Investigation on the mechanism of deteriorated oxidation resistance of Ti (C0.7,N0.3)-304ss cermet doped with Y during the early oxidation stage" . | CORROSION SCIENCE 187 (2021) .
APA He, Lin , Dong, Anping , Gao, Yimin , Li, Yefei , Du, Dafan , Wang, Donghong et al. Investigation on the mechanism of deteriorated oxidation resistance of Ti (C0.7,N0.3)-304ss cermet doped with Y during the early oxidation stage . | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2021 , 187 .
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New insight on mechanisms of Si element improving the oxidation resistance of titanium matrix composites EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 191 | CORROSION SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Initial oxidation behaviors of (Ti5Si3 + TiC)/Ti6Al4V composites were investigated using the simultaneous thermal analyzer in air for 2 h at 700 degrees C, 750 degrees C and 800 degrees C, respectively. Composites had a higher effective activation energy of oxidizing and lower oxidation rate than Ti6Al4V alloy, revealing that the composites possessed the higher oxidation resistance. The improvement of oxidation resistance of composites derived from the dissolved Si element in matrix and was strengthened with the content of dissolved Si increasing. Ti5Si3 and TiC particles showed a minor influence on the oxidation behaviors of composites.

Keyword :

Anti-oxidation mechanisms Short-term oxidation behaviors Titanium matrix composites


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Xiaoyu , Gao, Yimin , Liu, Yueying et al. New insight on mechanisms of Si element improving the oxidation resistance of titanium matrix composites [J]. | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2021 , 191 .
MLA Huang, Xiaoyu et al. "New insight on mechanisms of Si element improving the oxidation resistance of titanium matrix composites" . | CORROSION SCIENCE 191 (2021) .
APA Huang, Xiaoyu , Gao, Yimin , Liu, Yueying , Li, Qiang , Xiao, Peng , Li, Bo et al. New insight on mechanisms of Si element improving the oxidation resistance of titanium matrix composites . | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2021 , 191 .
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Effect of Si element on improving the oxidation resistance of hybrid (Ti5Si3 + TiC) particles reinforced Ti6Al4V matrix composites EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 181 | CORROSION SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study focused on the objective to reveal the effect of Si element on the oxidation behaviors of (Ti5Si3 + TiC)/Ti6Al4V composites. The oxidation testing at 700 degrees C and 800 degrees C for 100 h, respectively, indicated that the oxidation resistance of (Ti5Si3 + TiC)/Ti6Al4V composites were improved obviously. The two aspects contributed to the improvement: 1) the oxide scale was densified owing to that the SiO2 sealed the voids among TiO2 scale; 2) with the densification, the oxide scale of composites bonded well with the substrate. The oxidation behaviors of composites were hardly affected by TiC particles.

Keyword :

Anti-oxidation mechanisms Oxidation behaviors Oxidation mechanisms Titanium matrix composites


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Xiaoyu , Gao, Yimin , Li, Qiang et al. Effect of Si element on improving the oxidation resistance of hybrid (Ti5Si3 + TiC) particles reinforced Ti6Al4V matrix composites [J]. | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2021 , 181 .
MLA Huang, Xiaoyu et al. "Effect of Si element on improving the oxidation resistance of hybrid (Ti5Si3 + TiC) particles reinforced Ti6Al4V matrix composites" . | CORROSION SCIENCE 181 (2021) .
APA Huang, Xiaoyu , Gao, Yimin , Li, Qiang , Jian, Yongxin , Xiao, Peng , Li, Bo et al. Effect of Si element on improving the oxidation resistance of hybrid (Ti5Si3 + TiC) particles reinforced Ti6Al4V matrix composites . | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2021 , 181 .
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Tribocorrosion Properties of NiCrAlY Coating in Different Corrosive Environments EI SCIE PubMed
期刊论文 | 2020 , 13 (8) | MATERIALS | IF: 3.623
WoS CC Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) was taken to fabricate the NiCrAlY coating. The corrosion-wear properties of NiCrAlY coating was measured respectively under deionized water, artificial seawater, NaOH solution and HCl solution. Experimental results presented that the as-sprayed NiCrAlY coating consisted of Ni3Al, nickel-based solid solution, NiAl and Y2O3. In deionized water, the coating with the lowest corrosion current density (i(corr)) of 7.865 x 10(-8) A/cm(2) was hard to erode. Meanwhile, it presented a lower friction coefficient and the lowest wear rate. In HCl solution, NiCrAlY coating gave the highest corrosion current density (i(corr)) of 3.356 x 10(-6) A/cm(2) and a higher wear rate of 6.36 x 10(-6) mm(3)/Nm. Meanwhile, the emergence of Al(OH)(3) on the coating surface could reduce the direct contact between the counter ball and sample effectively, which was conducive to the lowest friction coefficient of 0.24.

Keyword :

corrosion potential corrosion rate corrosion-wear performance dense structure worn surface


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GB/T 7714 Li, Bo , Gao, Yimin , Li, Cong et al. Tribocorrosion Properties of NiCrAlY Coating in Different Corrosive Environments [J]. | MATERIALS , 2020 , 13 (8) .
MLA Li, Bo et al. "Tribocorrosion Properties of NiCrAlY Coating in Different Corrosive Environments" . | MATERIALS 13 . 8 (2020) .
APA Li, Bo , Gao, Yimin , Li, Cong , Guo, Hongjian , Zheng, Qiaoling , Li, Yefei et al. Tribocorrosion Properties of NiCrAlY Coating in Different Corrosive Environments . | MATERIALS , 2020 , 13 (8) .
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Effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 5 (2) | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS | IF: 1.449
WoS CC Cited Count: 5 SCOPUS Cited Count: 12
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet and the fracture mechanism were studied in this work. The microstructure was investigated by means of x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) combined with energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), and field emission transmission electron microscope (FETEM). FETEM and EDS were also used to analyze the Ti(C,N)/304ss interface. Mechanical properties such as transverse rupture strength (TRS) and hardness were also measured. Results show that prolonged milling time decreases the Ti(C,N) grain size and improves the homogeneity of microstructure. As a consequence, the frequency of intergranular fracture increased and it can improve the mechanical properties. Fe and Ti elements could interdiffuse and the hard phase was closely bonded with binder phase. The Ti(C,N)/Ti(C,N) interface was weaker than Ti(C,N)/304ss interface. Results also show that the transverse rupture strength and the hardness increase with increasing milling time and the maximum values were obtained at 18 h with 1437 MPa and 83.7 HRA, respectively.

Keyword :

cermet composite mechanical properties microstructure powder metallurgy


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GB/T 7714 He, Lin , Gao, Yimin , Li, Yefei et al. Effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet [J]. | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2018 , 5 (2) .
MLA He, Lin et al. "Effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet" . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 5 . 2 (2018) .
APA He, Lin , Gao, Yimin , Li, Yefei , Liu, Zhiwei , Zhai, Wenyan , Zhang, Weiyao . Effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2018 , 5 (2) .
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Effect of milling time on powder's structure evolution of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 5 (3) | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS | IF: 1.449
WoS CC Cited Count: 7 SCOPUS Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, Fe, Ni, Cr, Mn, Si, Celement powders and Ti(C,N) ceramic powder were used as starting materials to fabricate Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet via high-energy ball milling in argon atmosphere. Effect of milling time on powders' structure, including morphology of powder, average grain size, dislocation density and the solid solubility of Cr in Fe, were studied by x-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). XRD pattern shows that mechanical alloying was occurred during high energy ball milling. Nickel and chromium were gradually solid dissolved into iron and formed 304 stainless steel (304 s), the maximum solid solubility of Cr in Fe is 16.8 at.% obtained at 18 h. The mean grain size of Ti(C,N) particles and 304 s grains declined before 14 h and the minimum grain size of them were about 20 nm and 250 nm respectively, which is consistent with the results revealed by TEM images. The dislocation density in stainless steel powder increased with increasing milling time. After the powders were milled for 18 h, the cermet sintered at 1450 degrees C for 1 h has the maximum hardness (83.7 HRA) and relative density (93.3%).

Keyword :

cermet composite mechanical alloy microstructure powder metallurgy


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GB/T 7714 He, Lin , Gao, Yimin , Li, Yefei et al. Effect of milling time on powder's structure evolution of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet [J]. | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2018 , 5 (3) .
MLA He, Lin et al. "Effect of milling time on powder's structure evolution of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet" . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 5 . 3 (2018) .
APA He, Lin , Gao, Yimin , Li, Yefei , Liu, Zhiwei , Huo, Xuxu , Zhai, Wenyan . Effect of milling time on powder's structure evolution of Ti(C,N)-304 stainless steel cermet . | MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS , 2018 , 5 (3) .
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Tribological behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 matrix composite EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 128 , 130-139 | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL | IF: 3.517
WoS CC Cited Count: 46 SCOPUS Cited Count: 71
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To enhance the wear resistance of magnesium alloy to expand its applications, AZ91 matrix composite reinforced with TiB2 particles was developed by in-situ casting, and its tribological behavior was investigated. The dry sliding wear experiment was carried out with the sliding speeds of 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 m/s, at different normal loads of 12.5, 25 and 37.5 N respectively. The hardened AISI 52100 bearing steel was selected as counterbody material. The experimental results reveal that the mechanical properties of composite are improved significantly due to grain refinement and numerous dislocations formed near TiB2 particles. The wear rate of composite reduces with the increase of sliding speeds at all normal loads and wear mechanism is transited from abrasive and mild oxidation wear to delamination and severe oxidation wear, similar to the wear mechanism in various normal loads. However, the mechanically mixed layer formed at higher speeds has a protective effect and the delamination and plastic deformation of subsurface is more severe at higher loads. The wear resistance of composite is greater than that of the matrix at all wear conditions, because TiB2/AZ91 composite possess improved hardness and strength, as well as increased work hardening capacity of subsurface due to the presence of nanosized TiB2 particles.

Keyword :

AZ91 matrix composite In-situ casting TiB2 particles Tribological behavior


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GB/T 7714 Xiao, Peng , Gao, Yimin , Xu, Feixing et al. Tribological behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 matrix composite [J]. | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL , 2018 , 128 : 130-139 .
MLA Xiao, Peng et al. "Tribological behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 matrix composite" . | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 128 (2018) : 130-139 .
APA Xiao, Peng , Gao, Yimin , Xu, Feixing , Yang, Cuicui , Li, Yefei , Liu, Zhiwei et al. Tribological behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 matrix composite . | TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL , 2018 , 128 , 130-139 .
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Processing, microstructure and ageing behavior of in-situ submicron TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composites EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 764 , 96-106 | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | IF: 4.175
WoS CC Cited Count: 26 SCOPUS Cited Count: 49
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, in-situ submicron TiB2 particles (2.5 wt.%) reinforced AZ91 matrix composites are processed by the master alloy method combined with an optimized SHS technique. The effect of TiB2 particles on the microstructure, ageing behavior and mechanical properties of Mg matrix composites is investigated. The results reveal that only TiB2 phase is in-situ formed in the Al-TiB2 master alloy and exhibits the size distribution of 100 nm-700 nm. Compared with the unreinforced AZ91 alloy, the grain size and morphology of Mg17Al12 phase in as-cast composites are much refined. The ageing process of composites is accelerated and the peak-aged time of composites decreases from 42 h to 22 h significantly with the introduction of TiB2 particles. Large numbers of fine Mg17Al12 in composites preferentially precipitate at grain boundaries and near TiB2 particles regions. In addition, the hardness, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation of as-cast composites are improved by 16.1%, 53.0%, 26.3% and 25.6%, respectively. After T6 heat treatment, the strength of composites is increased further due to large amounts of submicron Mg17Al12 phase, and the age hardening efficiency of composites is higher than that of AZ91 alloy. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Ageing behavior In-situ Mechanical properties Mg matrix composites Microstructure


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GB/T 7714 Xiao, Peng , Gao, Yimin , Yang, Xirong et al. Processing, microstructure and ageing behavior of in-situ submicron TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composites [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2018 , 764 : 96-106 .
MLA Xiao, Peng et al. "Processing, microstructure and ageing behavior of in-situ submicron TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composites" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 764 (2018) : 96-106 .
APA Xiao, Peng , Gao, Yimin , Yang, Xirong , Xu, Feixing , Yang, Cuicui , Li, Bo et al. Processing, microstructure and ageing behavior of in-situ submicron TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composites . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2018 , 764 , 96-106 .
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