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Piezoelectric-AlN resonators at two-dimensional flexural modes for the density and viscosity decoupled determination of liquids SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A micromachined resonator immersed in liquid provides valuable resonance parameters for determining the fluidic parameters. However, the liquid operating environment poses a challenge to maintaining a fine sensing performance, particularly through electrical characterization. This paper presents a piezoelectric micromachined cantilever with a stepped shape for liquid monitoring purposes. Multiple modes of the proposed cantilever are available with full electrical characterization for realizing self-actuated and self-sensing capabilities. The focus is on higher flexural resonances, which nonconventionally feature two-dimensional vibration modes. Modal analyses are conducted for the developed cantilever under flexural vibrations at different orders. Modeling explains not only the basic length-dominant mode but also higher modes that simultaneously depend on the length and width of the cantilever. This study determines that the analytical predictions for resonant frequency in liquid media exhibit good agreement with the experimental results. Furthermore, the experiments on cantilever resonators are performed in various test liquids, demonstrating that higher-order flexural modes allow for the decoupled measurements of density and viscosity. The measurement differences achieve 0.39% in density and 3.50% in viscosity, and the frequency instability is below 0.05 parts per thousand. On the basis of these results, design guidelines for piezoelectric higher-mode resonators are proposed for liquid sensing.


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Linya , Li, Wei , Luo, Guoxi et al. Piezoelectric-AlN resonators at two-dimensional flexural modes for the density and viscosity decoupled determination of liquids [J]. | MICROSYSTEMS & NANOENGINEERING , 2022 , 8 (1) .
MLA Huang, Linya et al. "Piezoelectric-AlN resonators at two-dimensional flexural modes for the density and viscosity decoupled determination of liquids" . | MICROSYSTEMS & NANOENGINEERING 8 . 1 (2022) .
APA Huang, Linya , Li, Wei , Luo, Guoxi , Lu, Dejiang , Zhao, Libo , Yang, Ping et al. Piezoelectric-AlN resonators at two-dimensional flexural modes for the density and viscosity decoupled determination of liquids . | MICROSYSTEMS & NANOENGINEERING , 2022 , 8 (1) .
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Uniform Stress Distribution of Bimorph by Arc Mechanical Stopper for Maximum Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 15 (9) | ENERGIES
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To convert as much vibration energy as possible into electrical energy, the design of a high-performance piezoelectric vibration energy harvester (PVEH) has been studied widely in recent years. To overcome the low energy utilization of a traditional piezoelectric cantilever by inhomogeneous strain, a uniform stress distribution of bimorph by an ARC mechanical stopper structure has been designed for maximum piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting. Deflection equations and their simulation at the first-order modal of two classic bimorph cantilever beam models, with transverse tip force and with equal curvature, are derived based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam assumption. Piezoelectric energy from a beam model with equal curvature is four times that of a cantilever beam model with transverse tip force at the theoretical level. The nonlinear frequency response performance of bimorphs by an ARC mechanical stopper and point stopper model could be observed by the numerical simulations of the lumped parameter electromechanical model. PVEH prototypes were manufactured by 3D printing and tested. To verify the high-power generation capacity, PVEH with an ARC stopper has 1.756 times more voltage than that of a PVEH with a point stopper.

Keyword :

energy harvesting mechanical ARC stopper piezoelectric uniform stress distribution


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Lu , Wu, Zutang , Liu, Shuai et al. Uniform Stress Distribution of Bimorph by Arc Mechanical Stopper for Maximum Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting [J]. | ENERGIES , 2022 , 15 (9) .
MLA Wang, Lu et al. "Uniform Stress Distribution of Bimorph by Arc Mechanical Stopper for Maximum Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting" . | ENERGIES 15 . 9 (2022) .
APA Wang, Lu , Wu, Zutang , Liu, Shuai , Wang, Qian , Sun, Junjie , Zhang, Yun et al. Uniform Stress Distribution of Bimorph by Arc Mechanical Stopper for Maximum Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting . | ENERGIES , 2022 , 15 (9) .
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Overview of Human Kinetic Energy Harvesting and Application EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 5 (6) , 7091-7114 | ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the Internet of Things era, wearable electronics and sensors have become essential for health monitoring and human computer interaction. However, a continuous power supply is an urgent demand in the field of distributed sensing. Energy harvesting from daily human activities and its conversion into electricity are expected to replace traditional batteries and wearable power supplying electronic devices. This article reviews the electromagnetic, piezoelectric, and triboelectric energy harvesting technologies from human motions, including joint rotation, limb swing, force application, fold stretching, and organ motion. It also discusses and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various recently proposed human energy harvesters. In addition, possible applications of active sensing and wearable powered electronic devices driven by human body kinetic energy harvesting are provided. Finally, the concept of a human energy and information exchange center based on energy harvesting is proposed as a future prospect.

Keyword :

electromagnetic technology energy harvesting human kinetic energy piezoelectric technology triboelectric technology


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Lu , Fei, Zhenxuan , Qi, Youchao et al. Overview of Human Kinetic Energy Harvesting and Application [J]. | ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS , 2022 , 5 (6) : 7091-7114 .
MLA Wang, Lu et al. "Overview of Human Kinetic Energy Harvesting and Application" . | ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS 5 . 6 (2022) : 7091-7114 .
APA Wang, Lu , Fei, Zhenxuan , Qi, Youchao , Zhang, Chi , Zhao, Libo , Jiang, Zhuangde et al. Overview of Human Kinetic Energy Harvesting and Application . | ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS , 2022 , 5 (6) , 7091-7114 .
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High Sensitivity Optical Fiber Mach-Zehnder Refractive Index Sensor Based on Waist-Enlarged Bitaper SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 13 (5) | MICROMACHINES
SCOPUS Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A Mach-Zehnder fiber optic sensor with high refractive index response sensitivity was developed. By fabricating a waist-enlarged bitaper structure on the interference arm of a single mode-multimode-single mode (SMS) Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), the spectral contrast and response sensitivity were improved. Subsequently, the response sensitivity was further improved by etching the interference arm. When a beam of light was introduced into the sensor, due to the structural mismatch between the multimode fiber and the normal transmission light, the difference between the low-order mode and the high-order mode was generated in the fiber core and the fiber cladding. In the process of transmission in the sensing arm, due to the different refractive indices of the core and cladding, the optical path difference of the high-order mode and the low-order mode was different, which eventually generated interference fringes. The experimentally measured response sensitivity of SMS MZI in the range of 1.351 RIU to 1.402 RIU is 57.623 nm/RIU; the response sensitivity of a single mode-multimode-bitaper-multimode-single mode (SMBMS) MZI is 61.607 nm/RIU; and the response sensitivity of the etched SMBMS (ESMBMS) MZI is 287.65 nm/RIU. The response sensitivity of the new ESMBMS MZI is three times higher than that of the original SMS MZI. The sensor has the characteristics of compact structure, high sensitivity, easy manufacture, and a wide range of refractive index measurements, and can be used in food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and other fields.

Keyword :

corrosion fiber optic sensor Mach-Zehnder interferometer optical fiber waist-enlarged bitaper the refractive index sensitivity


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Na , Wang, Zelin , Zhang, Zhongkai et al. High Sensitivity Optical Fiber Mach-Zehnder Refractive Index Sensor Based on Waist-Enlarged Bitaper [J]. | MICROMACHINES , 2022 , 13 (5) .
MLA Zhao, Na et al. "High Sensitivity Optical Fiber Mach-Zehnder Refractive Index Sensor Based on Waist-Enlarged Bitaper" . | MICROMACHINES 13 . 5 (2022) .
APA Zhao, Na , Wang, Zelin , Zhang, Zhongkai , Lin, Qijing , Yao, Kun , Zhang, Fuzheng et al. High Sensitivity Optical Fiber Mach-Zehnder Refractive Index Sensor Based on Waist-Enlarged Bitaper . | MICROMACHINES , 2022 , 13 (5) .
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Influences of RF Magnetron Sputtering Power and Gas Flow Rate on a High Conductivity and Low Drift Rate of Tungsten-Rhenium Thin-Film Thermocouples SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (7) | NANOMATERIALS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Thin-Film Thermocouples (TFTCs) are characterized by their high spatial resolutions, low cost, high efficiency and low interference on the air flow. However, the thermal stability of TFTCs should be further improved for application since their accuracy is influenced by joule heat and temperature time drift. In this paper, 3D molecular dynamics and finite element analysis are used for structural design. The effects of RF magnetron sputtering power and gas flow rate on conductivity and temperature time drift rate (DT) of high thermal stability tungsten-rhenium (95% W/5% Re vs. 74% W/26% Re) TFTCs were analyzed. According to the experimental results, the average Seebeck coefficient reached 31.1 mu V/degrees C at 900 degrees C temperature difference (hot junction 1040 degrees C) with a repeatability error at +/- 1.37% in 33 h. The conductivity is 17.1 S/m, which is approximately 15.2 times larger than the compared tungsten-rhenium sample we presented, and the DT is 0.92 degrees C/h (1040 degrees C for 5 h), which is 9.5% of the old type we presented and 4.5% of compared ITO sample. The lumped capacity method test shows that the response time is 11.5 ms at 300 degrees C. This indicated an important significance in real-time temperature measurement for narrow spaces, such as the aero-engine combustion chamber.

Keyword :

sensor stability thermoelectricity


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Zhongkai , Tian, Bian , Cheng, Gong et al. Influences of RF Magnetron Sputtering Power and Gas Flow Rate on a High Conductivity and Low Drift Rate of Tungsten-Rhenium Thin-Film Thermocouples [J]. | NANOMATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (7) .
MLA Zhang, Zhongkai et al. "Influences of RF Magnetron Sputtering Power and Gas Flow Rate on a High Conductivity and Low Drift Rate of Tungsten-Rhenium Thin-Film Thermocouples" . | NANOMATERIALS 12 . 7 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Zhongkai , Tian, Bian , Cheng, Gong , Liu, Zhaojun , Liu, Jiangjiang , Zhang, Bingfei et al. Influences of RF Magnetron Sputtering Power and Gas Flow Rate on a High Conductivity and Low Drift Rate of Tungsten-Rhenium Thin-Film Thermocouples . | NANOMATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (7) .
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Modeling and Characterization of a Novel in-Plane Dual-Axis MEMS Accelerometers Based on Self-Support Piezoresistive Beam EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Herein, a novel in-plane dual-axis micro-electromechanical system piezoresistive accelerometer was proposed based on theoretical and simulation analyses. Its self-support piezoresistive beam (SPB) possessed the features of force amplification and axial deformation to obtain high sensitivity. To clarify the influence of structural dimensions on the performance of the accelerometer and the pure axial-deformation condition of the SPB, a theoretical model was established to analyze mechanical behavior. The theoretical results were in well accordance with the simulation ones, displaying a maximum relative error of less than 10%. The theoretical and simulation results suggested that the accelerometer with thin and long support/hinge beams possesses a higher sensitivity but a lower frequency. However, the sensitivity and natural frequency increased simultaneously before the distance between SPB and support beam D reached a certain value. The simulated longitudinal stress of SPB achieved the average value of 32.473 MPa, and the first-order natural frequency was nearly 13.6 kHz. Furthermore, the fabricated accelerometer was tested in a simple packaging case. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed accelerometer had a measuring sensitivity of 0.198 mV/g/V with a maximum non-linearity of 1.00% FS and a resonant frequency of 12.93 kHz. The cross sensitivities were 11.93 and 15.97 it V/g/5V in the y and z axes, respectively, which were 1.21% and 1.61% of the prime-axis sensitivity. The zero offset with varying temperatures was 0.00296%/degrees C, and the zero drift in the long-term static stability test was 0.02 mV. All the results above revealed the promising application potential of the proposed accelerometer in vibration detection in the high-speed rotating spindle of machine tools.

Keyword :

axial deformation In-plane accelerometer measuring sensitivity natural frequency self-support piezoresistive beam


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GB/T 7714 Jia, Chen , Yu, Mingzhi , Luo, Guoxi et al. Modeling and Characterization of a Novel in-Plane Dual-Axis MEMS Accelerometers Based on Self-Support Piezoresistive Beam [J]. | JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS , 2022 , 31 (6) : 867-876 .
MLA Jia, Chen et al. "Modeling and Characterization of a Novel in-Plane Dual-Axis MEMS Accelerometers Based on Self-Support Piezoresistive Beam" . | JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS 31 . 6 (2022) : 867-876 .
APA Jia, Chen , Yu, Mingzhi , Luo, Guoxi , Han, Xiangguang , Yang, Ping , Chen, Yao et al. Modeling and Characterization of a Novel in-Plane Dual-Axis MEMS Accelerometers Based on Self-Support Piezoresistive Beam . | JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS , 2022 , 31 (6) , 867-876 .
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Finger Bending Sensing Based on Series-Connected Fiber Bragg Gratings SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 15 (10) | MATERIALS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Smart wearable devices are occupying an increasingly important position in scientific research and people's life fields. As an indispensable component of smart wearable devices, sensors play a crucial role in their sensing and feedback capabilities. In this paper, we investigate the bending gesture sensing for the most dexterous part of human anatomy, the finger. Based on series-connected fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), recognition of finger bending posture is achieved by MATLAB modeling and the cubic spline interpolation.

Keyword :

bending gesture sensing cubic spline interpolation FBG smart glove


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Qijing , Yao, Kun , Zhao, Na et al. Finger Bending Sensing Based on Series-Connected Fiber Bragg Gratings [J]. | MATERIALS , 2022 , 15 (10) .
MLA Lin, Qijing et al. "Finger Bending Sensing Based on Series-Connected Fiber Bragg Gratings" . | MATERIALS 15 . 10 (2022) .
APA Lin, Qijing , Yao, Kun , Zhao, Na , Jiao, Yunjing , Wang, Zelin , Tian, Bian et al. Finger Bending Sensing Based on Series-Connected Fiber Bragg Gratings . | MATERIALS , 2022 , 15 (10) .
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In-situ synthesized N-doped ZnO for enhanced CO2 sensing: Experiments and DFT calculations EI SCIE Scopus
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 23
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Chemiresistive CO2 sensing is attractive due to low cost and ease of chip-level integration. Our previous studies (Yong Xia, 2021) showed the well-developed ZnO material fabricated by in-situ annealing exhibited good CO2 sensing performance. Here, we have expanded on those studies, including CO2 cyclic tests under both dry air and N-2 background whereby a much higher response to CO2 in N-2 background was observed. Detailed density functional theory calculations were conducted to understand the behavior. The results indicated nitrogen doping is mainly responsible for the observed response. In the presence of pre-adsorbed O-2, N-doped ZnO can no longer interact with CO2, which agrees well with the observation of higher response in N-2 background. Furthermore, density of states analysis showed N sp(2) hybridized orbital and N 2p orbital of the N dopant mixed with sp(2) hybridized orbital of C atom and 2p orbitals of C/O atoms in CO2 to form sigma and pi bonds, respectively. However, they mixed with O 2s/2p orbitals of O atom in O-2 when pre-adsorbed O-2 was present, hindering CO2 interaction with N-doped ZnO, and resulting in limited response in air. The illustrated mechanism does not only further the understanding of metal oxide-based CO2 sensing, but also guide the design of new functional materials for CO2 sensing or capture.

Keyword :

CO2 sensing DFT calculation In-situ annealing Mechanism study N-doped ZnO


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GB/T 7714 Xia, Yong , Pan, Aifei , Su, Ya-Qiong et al. In-situ synthesized N-doped ZnO for enhanced CO2 sensing: Experiments and DFT calculations [J]. | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL , 2022 , 357 .
MLA Xia, Yong et al. "In-situ synthesized N-doped ZnO for enhanced CO2 sensing: Experiments and DFT calculations" . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 357 (2022) .
APA Xia, Yong , Pan, Aifei , Su, Ya-Qiong , Zhao, Sikai , Li, Zhou , Davey, Adrian K. et al. In-situ synthesized N-doped ZnO for enhanced CO2 sensing: Experiments and DFT calculations . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL , 2022 , 357 .
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A Ferromagnetic Particle Sensor Based on a Honeycomb Permanent Magnet for High Precision and High Throughput EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A multichannel passive ferromagnetic particle inductive sensor is proposed, which is mainly composed of a honeycomb permanent magnet and a set of coils. The honeycomb magnet generates the same high gradient static magnetic field in each channel (a total of seven channels, six surrounding, and one center), which helps improve the sensor's throughput while maintain high precision. An induced voltage model that includes most of the structural design parameters is proposed, which provides theoretical support for sensor optimization. The correctness of this model is verified by finite element simulation and experiments. The experimental results show that the detection performance of each channel is almost the same, which is expected to he further improved by setting a reference channel. Moreover, the sensor can detect 70 mu m iron particles in a single channel of diameter 4 mm. The proposed sensor can reduce the influence of magnetic field radial uniformity on the induced signals, improve the detection precision, and achieve high throughput (about a 14-fold increase in throughput compared to our previous work). Its high precision and high throughput favor lots of lube oil detection.

Keyword :

High precision high throughput honeycomb permanent magnet induced voltage model passive ferromagnetic particle sensor


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GB/T 7714 Yuan, Zheng , Feng, Song , Chen, Shanshan et al. A Ferromagnetic Particle Sensor Based on a Honeycomb Permanent Magnet for High Precision and High Throughput [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2022 , 71 .
MLA Yuan, Zheng et al. "A Ferromagnetic Particle Sensor Based on a Honeycomb Permanent Magnet for High Precision and High Throughput" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 71 (2022) .
APA Yuan, Zheng , Feng, Song , Chen, Shanshan , Jing, Weixuan , Zhao, Libo , Jiang, Zhuangde . A Ferromagnetic Particle Sensor Based on a Honeycomb Permanent Magnet for High Precision and High Throughput . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2022 , 71 .
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Comparison of L-Shaped and U-Shaped Beams in Bidirectional Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (21) | NANOMATERIALS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The traditional single degree of freedom linear piezoelectric vibration energy harvester (PVEH), such as the cantilever type, mainly works and resonates in a single direction and at a single frequency. To adapt broadband and bidirectional ambient vibration, this paper designs and compares two PVEHs of L-shaped beam and U-shaped beam through COMSOL simulation and prototype test. FEA modeling is introduced for accurate structure design with modal analysis, voltage frequency response analysis, and proof mass analysis with multiphysics electromechanical coupling simulation. Two PVEH prototypes with different gravity angles and clamping angles are tested at 0.1 g acceleration to find the optimal angle for maximum output power. The best clamping angle of L-PVEH is 135 degrees with RMS power of 0.3 mW at 7.9 Hz, and that of U-PVEH is 45 degrees with RMS power of 0.4 mW at 5.0 Hz. The proposed U-PVEH shows more advantages in low broadband and bidirectional vibration energy harvesting.

Keyword :

bidirectional energy harvesting L-shaped beam piezoelectric U-shaped beam


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, Weile , Wang, Lu , Wang, Xinquan et al. Comparison of L-Shaped and U-Shaped Beams in Bidirectional Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting [J]. | NANOMATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (21) .
MLA Jiang, Weile et al. "Comparison of L-Shaped and U-Shaped Beams in Bidirectional Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting" . | NANOMATERIALS 12 . 21 (2022) .
APA Jiang, Weile , Wang, Lu , Wang, Xinquan , Zhao, Libo , Fang, Xudong , Maeda, Ryutaro . Comparison of L-Shaped and U-Shaped Beams in Bidirectional Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting . | NANOMATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (21) .
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