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Effects of flow-flame interactions on the stabilization of ultra-lean swirling CH4/H-2/air flames EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 319 | FUEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hydrogen (H-2) is regarded as a promising fuel to achieve decarbonization of power and propulsion systems. In this context, hydrogen enriched methane (CH4) combustion has attracted considerable attention in the development of low-emission gas turbines. To achieve low NOx emissions and avoid the dangers of flashback, combustion of CH4/H2/air mixtures under lean and/or ultra-lean operating conditions is of critical importance, while ultra-lean flames are prone to combustion instabilities and difficult to stabilize even in a bluff-body swirl burner. In this work, a series of confined lean premixed CH4/H-2/air swirling flames with hydrogen enrichment (alpha(H2) ) ranging from 0 to 80% is investigated under stable and ultra-lean conditions using simultaneous OH-PLIF and PIV measurements. The results suggest that decarbonization of combustion devices requires large volume fractions of H-2 in the fuel mixture, e.g., 80% H-2 to achieve half CO2 emission per heat of combustion. It is found that there is a flame topology transition when changing equivalence ratio and/or hydrogen enrichment. At a given alpha(H2), the flames with 0 and 40% H-2 always show "V "shapes, whereas an evolution from "M "to "V "shape can be observed for the 80% H2 flame when increasing the equivalence ratio. Moreover, at a given Phi, the flame shape will shift towards "M "shape at alpha(H2) = 80% from "V "shape at alpha(H2) = 0,40%. Furthermore, H2-enriched flames would move to the inner recirculation zone (IRZ) and stabilize there when decreasing Phi to ultra-lean conditions. Given that hydrogen enrichment can significantly enhance the resistance to flame strain and that under ultra-lean conditions, there is a strong diffusion of hydrogen from the swirling jet to the IRZ where the sufficient residence time and the increase in the local equivalence ratio contribute to the presence of flame pockets and flame stabilization in the IRZ.

Keyword :

Hydrogen-enriched flames PIV/OH-PLIF Swirl flames Ultra-lean flames


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GB/T 7714 Mao, Runze , Wang, Jinhua , Lin, Wenjun et al. Effects of flow-flame interactions on the stabilization of ultra-lean swirling CH4/H-2/air flames [J]. | FUEL , 2022 , 319 .
MLA Mao, Runze et al. "Effects of flow-flame interactions on the stabilization of ultra-lean swirling CH4/H-2/air flames" . | FUEL 319 (2022) .
APA Mao, Runze , Wang, Jinhua , Lin, Wenjun , Han, Wang , Zhang, Weijie , Huang, Zuohua . Effects of flow-flame interactions on the stabilization of ultra-lean swirling CH4/H-2/air flames . | FUEL , 2022 , 319 .
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Effect of confinement ratio on flame structure and blow-off characteristics of swirl flames EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Blow-off of swirl flames as well as its mechanism are fundamental issues and attract continuous attention due to its wide application in modern combustors. This study experimentally investigated the blow-off and flame macrostructure transition behavior of unconfined and confined premixed CH4/air flames stabilized on a swirl and bluff-body burner. PIV and OH-PLIF techniques were used to measure the flow field and instantaneous OH profile, respectively. It was observed that the combustor confinement could significantly broaden the blow-off limits, which was further widened with the increase of confinement ratio (CR) of the confined combustor. The influence of CR on flame stabilization was revealed by analyzing flame structures and flow fields. For the unconfined combustor, when the flames are far away and close to the blow-off, the shear layer and inner recirculation zone (IRZ) play the critical role in stabilizing the flame front, respectively. For the confined combustor, when the flame was far from blow-off, both the shear layer and the outer recirculation zone (ORZ) contributed to the stabilization. With the decrease of equivalence ratio, the stabilization effect of ORZ started to decrease and gradually weakened. When near lean blow-off limit, for CR = 2 (phi= 0.48), the flame was mainly stabilized by the IRZ, while for CR = 3 (phi = 0.46), the flame stabilization depended on the upstream IRZ/inner shear layer (ISL) and the downstream IRZ/ISL and ORZ/outer shear layer (OSL). Furthermore, the ISL vortexes would further accelerate the blow-off near the lean limit for confined and unconfined flames. The transition from stable to unstable was extended by increasing the CR in the confined combustor.

Keyword :

Blow-off limit Confinement ratio Flame macrostructure transition Flame stabilization Swirl flame


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GB/T 7714 Ji, Longjuan , Wang, Jinhua , Zhang, Weijie et al. Effect of confinement ratio on flame structure and blow-off characteristics of swirl flames [J]. | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE , 2022 , 135 .
MLA Ji, Longjuan et al. "Effect of confinement ratio on flame structure and blow-off characteristics of swirl flames" . | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE 135 (2022) .
APA Ji, Longjuan , Wang, Jinhua , Zhang, Weijie , Mao, Runze , Hu, Guangya , Huang, Zuohua . Effect of confinement ratio on flame structure and blow-off characteristics of swirl flames . | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE , 2022 , 135 .
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Experimental study on structure and blow-off characteristics of NH3/CH4 co-firing flames in a swirl combustor EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 314 | FUEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 30
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Experimental study on the unconfined lean premixed NH3/CH4 /air flames with three CH4 fractions of 0, 50%, and 100% stabilized on a bluff-body and swirl burner was investigated. The flow fields and instantaneous OH distributions were captured by synchronous PIV/OH-PLIF measurement. The macrostructure and critical mechanism of blow-off for the compact NH3/air flame at conditions far away and near blow-off, and the effect of CH4 addition on the topology and flame stabilization was discussed. Results show that the NH3/air flame possesses a poor lean blow-off limit Phi(b), and the NH3/air mixture can not be ignited when U-in is higher than 5 m/s. After adding 50% CH4 fuel, the laminar flame speed S-L and the extinction strain rate K-ext are approximately 3 times and 7 times that of the NH3/air flame with equivalence ratio Phi = 0.8, resulting in a more stable flame. And the NH3/air flame Phi(b) = 0.78 with inlet bulk velocity U-in = 4 m/s can be extended wider by 16.6% to Phi(b) = 0.65. The NH3 flame front has been locally extinguished due to excessive stretching, which is the key factor of triggering the overall blow-off. Stretching is mainly caused by shear strain. CH4 addition makes the flame front more wrinkled. Furthermore, the flame is strengthened due to the enhanced resistance to stretching by blending CH4 with NH3. But the root of the NH3/CH4/air flames with methane fractions of 50% and 100% also have excessive straining near the blow-off conditions, which induces flame blow-off. The increase of burning velocity and temperature by adding CH4 is also conducive to improving flame stability. The Inner Shear Layer (ISL) vortexes promote the uniform mixing of combustion products in the Inner Recirculation Zone (IRZ) and downstream combustion gas, which is conducive to the stability of CH4/air flame. For NH3/air flame, the ISL vortexes accelerate the flame blow-off by entraining the cold reactants into the IRZ.

Keyword :

Ammonia Blow-off Bluff-body and swirl burner Lean premixed combustion PIV/OH-PLIF


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GB/T 7714 Ji, Longjuan , Wang, Jinhua , Hu, Guangya et al. Experimental study on structure and blow-off characteristics of NH3/CH4 co-firing flames in a swirl combustor [J]. | FUEL , 2022 , 314 .
MLA Ji, Longjuan et al. "Experimental study on structure and blow-off characteristics of NH3/CH4 co-firing flames in a swirl combustor" . | FUEL 314 (2022) .
APA Ji, Longjuan , Wang, Jinhua , Hu, Guangya , Mao, Runze , Zhang, Weijie , Huang, Zuohua . Experimental study on structure and blow-off characteristics of NH3/CH4 co-firing flames in a swirl combustor . | FUEL , 2022 , 314 .
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氨燃烧研究进展 EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (12) , 4164-4181,中插15 | 中国电机工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

氨燃烧 化学反应动力学 火焰传播特性 排放特性 无碳燃料


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GB/T 7714 周上坤 , 杨文俊 , 谭厚章 et al. 氨燃烧研究进展 [J]. | 中国电机工程学报 , 2021 , 41 (12) : 4164-4181,中插15 .
MLA 周上坤 et al. "氨燃烧研究进展" . | 中国电机工程学报 41 . 12 (2021) : 4164-4181,中插15 .
APA 周上坤 , 杨文俊 , 谭厚章 , 王毅斌 , 王金华 , 王学斌 et al. 氨燃烧研究进展 . | 中国电机工程学报 , 2021 , 41 (12) , 4164-4181,中插15 .
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Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV SCIE CSCD Scopus
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A fan-stirred combustion chamber is developed for spherically expanding flames, with P and T up to 10 bar and 473 K, respectively. Turbulence characteristics are estimated using particle image velocimetry (PIV) at different initial pressures (P = 0.5-5 bar), fan frequencies (omega = 0-2000 r/min), and impeller diameters (D = 100 and 114 mm). The flame propagation of methanol/air is investigated at different turbulence intensities (u ' =0-1.77 m/s) and equivalence ratios (phi = 0.7-1.5). The results show that u ' is independent of P and proportional to omega, which can be up to 3.5 m/s at 2000 r/min. L-T is independent of P and performs a power regression with omega approximately. The turbulent field is homogeneous and isotropic in the central region of the chamber while the inertial subrange of spatial energy spectrum is more collapsed to -5/3 law at a high Re-T. Compared to laminar expanding flames, the morphology of turbulent expanding flames is wrinkled and the wrinkles will be finer with the growth of turbulence intensity, consistent with the decline of the Taylor scale and the Kolmogorov scale. The determined S-L in the present study is in good agreement with that of previous literature. The S-L and S-T of methanol/air have a non-monotonic trend with phi while peak S-T is shifted to the richer side compared to S-L. This indicates that the newly built turbulent combustion chamber is reliable for further experimental study.

Keyword :

fan-stirred combustion chamber methanol particle image velocimetry (PIV) turbulence characteristics turbulent expanding flames


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Haoran , Wang, Jinhua , Cai, Xiao et al. Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV [J]. | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY , 2021 .
MLA Zhao, Haoran et al. "Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV" . | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY (2021) .
APA Zhao, Haoran , Wang, Jinhua , Cai, Xiao , Bian, Zhijian , Dai, Hongchao , Huang, Zuohua . Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV . | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY , 2021 .
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Flame structure, turbulent burning velocity and its unified scaling for lean syngas/air turbulent expanding flames EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 46 (50) , 25699-25711 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A systematic experimental study of lean premixed syngas/air turbulent expanding flames has been conducted under a wide range of turbulence intensities (0-3.54 m/s), initial pressures (0.5-5 bar), and hydrogen volumetric fractions up to 80% (20%, 50% and 80%). Flame structure and turbulent flame propagation dynamics were investigated. Results show that the flame becomes more refined and wrinkled with the increasing of both turbulence intensity and initial pressure, leading to a larger flame area and the associated turbulent burning velocity (ST). With hydrogen fraction increased, ST is also enhanced significantly, which is mainly due to the promotion of laminar burning velocity (SL) and diffusional-thermal instability. ST/SL is nearly kept constant with hydrogen fraction, which is a trade-off between strengthened diffusional-thermal instability and weakened turbulence stretch. A unified scaling of ST is obtained, indicating that turbulent Reynolds number (ReT) is a practical method to correlate ST when Lewis number is close to unity. Furthermore, at least in the interpretation domain, ST of spherical flames continually increases as the flame expands, which has been referred as flame acceleration phenomenon. It appears that only effective turbulence intensity itself is not able to reflect acceleration phenomenon completely. Turbulent expanding flames follow a self-similar propagation law and the quantitative ST dependence with flame expanding is ST R0:5 approximately. (c) 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

High hydrogen fraction Syngas Turbulent burning velocity Turbulent expanding flames Unified scaling


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Haoran , Wang, Jinhua , Cai, Xiao et al. Flame structure, turbulent burning velocity and its unified scaling for lean syngas/air turbulent expanding flames [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2021 , 46 (50) : 25699-25711 .
MLA Zhao, Haoran et al. "Flame structure, turbulent burning velocity and its unified scaling for lean syngas/air turbulent expanding flames" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 46 . 50 (2021) : 25699-25711 .
APA Zhao, Haoran , Wang, Jinhua , Cai, Xiao , Dai, Hongchao , Bian, Zhijian , Huang, Zuohua . Flame structure, turbulent burning velocity and its unified scaling for lean syngas/air turbulent expanding flames . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2021 , 46 (50) , 25699-25711 .
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Effect of high hydrogen enrichment on the outer-shear-layer flame of confined lean premixed CH4/H-2/air swirl flames EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 46 (34) , 17969-17981 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this study, we investigated the H-2-induced transition of confined swirl flames from the "V " to "M " shape. H-2-enriched lean premixed CH4/H-2/air flames with H-2 fractions up to 80% were conducted. The flame structure was obtained with Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) of the OH radical. Flow fields were measured with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). It was observed that the flame tip in the outer shear layer gradually propagated upstream and finally anchored to the injector with the hydrogen fractions increase, yielding the transition from the "V " to "M " flame. We examined the flame structures and the flame flow dynamics during the transition. The shape transition was directly related to the evolution of the corner flame along the outer shear layer. With H2 addition, the outer recirculation zone first appeared downstream where the corner flame started to propagate upstream; then, the recirculation zone expanded upward to form a stable "M " flame gradually. The flow straining was observed to influence the stabilization of the outer shear layer flame significantly. This study can be useful for the understanding of recirculation-stabilized swirling flames with strong confinement. The flame structure and the flow characteristics of flames with a high H2 content are also valuable for model validation. (C) 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Flame-flow dynamics Highly hydrogen-enriched flames Lean premixed combustion Strongly confined flames Swirl flames


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GB/T 7714 Mao, Runze , Wang, Jinhua , Zhang, Weijie et al. Effect of high hydrogen enrichment on the outer-shear-layer flame of confined lean premixed CH4/H-2/air swirl flames [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2021 , 46 (34) : 17969-17981 .
MLA Mao, Runze et al. "Effect of high hydrogen enrichment on the outer-shear-layer flame of confined lean premixed CH4/H-2/air swirl flames" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 46 . 34 (2021) : 17969-17981 .
APA Mao, Runze , Wang, Jinhua , Zhang, Weijie , An, Zhenhua , Lin, Wenjun , Zhang, Meng et al. Effect of high hydrogen enrichment on the outer-shear-layer flame of confined lean premixed CH4/H-2/air swirl flames . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2021 , 46 (34) , 17969-17981 .
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Effect of Rotating Gliding Arc Plasma on Lean Blow-Off Limit and Flame Structure of Bluff Body and Swirl-Stabilized Premixed Flames EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (11) , 3554-3565 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The effect of rotating gliding arc plasma on flame stabilization in a laboratory scale swirl-stabilized plasma-assisted combustor was experimentally investigated. The characteristics of a gliding arc plasma were studied using high-speed camera and simultaneous measurements of current and voltage waveforms. Effects of plasma on the extension of lean blow-off (LBO) limit and the swirl flames structures as well as OH radical distribution have been studied systematically. Results show that the discharge and combustion are coupled together effectively due to the dynamic processes of discharge. When the plasma is activated, the flame structures are drastically changed; oscillating flame and lifted flame convert to stable columnar flame tending to be attached to the plasma column. Besides, the plasma columns can promote OH formation and can produce much more energetic radicals due to the reactions between the discharge, methane and oxygen. The gliding arc plasma can stabilize the flame, provide an additional anchoring mechanism, and significantly extend the LBO limit. The plasma column can provide active radicals and continuous ignition to sustain the flame, and the thermal effect and kinetic effect may occupy the dominant role.

Keyword :

Blow-off bluff body and swirl burner Combustion Discharges (electric) Fuels Furnaces OH planer laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) plasma-assisted combustion Plasma measurements Plasmas rotating gliding arc (RGA) plasma discharge Voltage measurement


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GB/T 7714 Ju, Rong-Yuan , Wang, Jin-Hua , Xia, Hao et al. Effect of Rotating Gliding Arc Plasma on Lean Blow-Off Limit and Flame Structure of Bluff Body and Swirl-Stabilized Premixed Flames [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE , 2021 , 49 (11) : 3554-3565 .
MLA Ju, Rong-Yuan et al. "Effect of Rotating Gliding Arc Plasma on Lean Blow-Off Limit and Flame Structure of Bluff Body and Swirl-Stabilized Premixed Flames" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 49 . 11 (2021) : 3554-3565 .
APA Ju, Rong-Yuan , Wang, Jin-Hua , Xia, Hao , Li, Yi-Ming , Mu, Hai-Bao , Zhang, Guan-Jun et al. Effect of Rotating Gliding Arc Plasma on Lean Blow-Off Limit and Flame Structure of Bluff Body and Swirl-Stabilized Premixed Flames . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE , 2021 , 49 (11) , 3554-3565 .
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Effect of DC Electric Field on Turbulent Flame Structure and Turbulent Burning Velocity SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Effect of electric field on turbulent premixed flame structure and turbulent burning velocity is investigated through OH-PLIF technique. The ring-plate electrode configuration is used, which the ring electrode is high potential. Flame front structure and turbulent burning velocity are derived to estimate the effect of electric field on turbulent flame. Results show that electric field has similar effects compared with turbulence to some extent in this experiment, which could increase flame volume, turbulent burning velocity and decrease the flame surface density. But there are still substantial distinctions in detail. The perturbation induced by turbulence is the vortex, while that induced by electric field is the directional flow, and it can be verified through the PDF distribution of flame curvature with/without electric field. Effect of electric field is a local effect because it is dependent on the distribution of charged species. The research indicates electric field-assisted combustion is mitigated by the turbulence to some extent, and it may hinder the utilization of electric field at practical application for combustion enhancement, but other aspects need further researches. Two reasons are proposed to explain the mitigation of turbulence. Firstly, the response of turbulent burning velocity to the same perturbation decreases with turbulence intensity. Secondly, the wrinkled structure of turbulent flame mitigates the effect of electric field.

Keyword :

Electric field flame structure ionic wind turbulence intensity turbulent burning velocity


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yiming , Wang, Jinhua , Xia, Hao et al. Effect of DC Electric Field on Turbulent Flame Structure and Turbulent Burning Velocity [J]. | COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2021 .
MLA Li, Yiming et al. "Effect of DC Electric Field on Turbulent Flame Structure and Turbulent Burning Velocity" . | COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2021) .
APA Li, Yiming , Wang, Jinhua , Xia, Hao , Ju, Rongyuan , Yu, Jinlu , Mu, Haibao et al. Effect of DC Electric Field on Turbulent Flame Structure and Turbulent Burning Velocity . | COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2021 .
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Effect of DME addition on turbulent flame structure in lean premixed CH4/DME/air mixtures EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 294 | Fuel
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

An experimental study was conducted on DME addition to lean premixed CH4/air Bunsen flame in order to investigate differential diffusion and turbulence effects on flame structure. Three DME volume fractions of 0, 20% and 50% were adopted in the presence of carefully controlled laminar burning velocity at a near-constant level to highlight the differential diffusion effects. By extracting the flame front from the OH-PLIF images, the flame front curvature, turbulent burning velocity and mean flame surface density were obtained and discussed. Results show that DME addition and turbulence will eventually make the curvature distribution more symmetrical. In addition with the turbulence intensity increasing, the DME addition seems to have minor effect on curvature. The turbulent burning velocity is decreased with DME addition, which is in agreement with earlier research results for Le > 1 mixtures. In this study, we prove that the mean flame surface density at different height can qualitatively represent the local consumption speed (ST,LC). DME addition only changes the ST,LC distribution structure of the flame, while turbulence not only changes the structure, but also increases the maximum ST,LC value. It is also found that the decrease of turbulent burning velocity (ST,GC), caused by DME addition at low turbulence intensity, is mainly manifested by an increase of the flame height. Moreover at thin reaction zone, the interaction between turbulence and differential diffusion effect promotes the change of ST,LC distribution. Therefore, the effect of differential diffusion on ST,GC is enhanced by turbulence as the diffusion layer is broadened. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd

Keyword :

Combustion Diffusion Flame research Mixtures Turbulence Velocity


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Wenjun , Wang, Jinhua , Mao, Runze et al. Effect of DME addition on turbulent flame structure in lean premixed CH4/DME/air mixtures [J]. | Fuel , 2021 , 294 .
MLA Lin, Wenjun et al. "Effect of DME addition on turbulent flame structure in lean premixed CH4/DME/air mixtures" . | Fuel 294 (2021) .
APA Lin, Wenjun , Wang, Jinhua , Mao, Runze , Zhang, Weijie , Xia, Hao , Zhang, Meng et al. Effect of DME addition on turbulent flame structure in lean premixed CH4/DME/air mixtures . | Fuel , 2021 , 294 .
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