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Research Development of CoCrFeNiNbx High Entropy Alloys SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (2) , 743-751 | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

High entropy alloys, a new type of hot-research alloy, have received extensive attention in the material industry. Taking equal atomic ratio CoCrFeNiMn as the prototype, numerous fcc-structure high-entropy alloys with excellent mechanical properties have been reported. Recently eutectic high-entropy alloys have attracted more and more attention of scientific researchers due to their excellent casting properties and comprehensive mechanical properties. In this paper, we selected the CoCrFeNiNbx alloy system, focused on precipitation-strengthened high-entropy alloys and eutectic high-entropy alloys, and summarized the current research progress from the aspects of composition design, microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and strengthening and toughening mechanism. Finally, we analyzed the shortcomings of current research and pointed out the direction of future research.

Keyword :

eutectic high-entropy alloy high-entropy alloy mechanical properties research progress strengthening and toughening mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Wang Yongxing , Zhang Dongdong , Zhang Jinyu et al. Research Development of CoCrFeNiNbx High Entropy Alloys [J]. | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2022 , 51 (2) : 743-751 .
MLA Wang Yongxing et al. "Research Development of CoCrFeNiNbx High Entropy Alloys" . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 51 . 2 (2022) : 743-751 .
APA Wang Yongxing , Zhang Dongdong , Zhang Jinyu , Liu Gang , Sun Jun . Research Development of CoCrFeNiNbx High Entropy Alloys . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2022 , 51 (2) , 743-751 .
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Influence of embedded reduced graphene oxide on the corrosion-wear performance of cold sprayed Zn-rGO/Al coating in NaCl solution EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Zn-Al coating is an excellent cathodic protection coating to provide corrosion protection for carbon steel. However, low hardness coating will accelerate abrasion under the erosion of sea water. To enhance the anti-wear property of Zn-Al coating in sea water, the self-lubricating Zn-xrGO/Al composite coatings (x is the content rGO on Al powders =0.1 wt%, 0.2 wt%, 0.3 wt%) were deposited on low carbon steel by using a low-pressure cold spraying technique. The microstructure and mechanical property for the composite coatings were detected. The corrosion-wear performance for the composite coatings as a function of rGO concentration on Al powders was investigated by analyzing the friction behavior in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. When the rGO concentration on Al powders is 0.2 wt%, the obtained Zn-0.2 wt% rGO/Al coating has the highest hardness which is enhanced by 20% compared with Zn-Al coating. When worn in NaCl solution, Zn-0.2 wt% rGO/Al coating exhibited the best self-lubrication property with recurrent forming of a lubrication platform with low COF value of 0.22. The formation of the lubrication platform can be attributed to the synergy action of the friction heat and anodic polarization effect provided by the highly electronegative rGO, which promotes the formation of corrosion products layer and makes up the consumption of lubrication film.

Keyword :

Low carbon steel Low pressure cold spray Reduced graphene oxide Self-lubrication


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Huishu , Shen, Gengzhe , Li, Runxia et al. Influence of embedded reduced graphene oxide on the corrosion-wear performance of cold sprayed Zn-rGO/Al coating in NaCl solution [J]. | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 429 .
MLA Wu, Huishu et al. "Influence of embedded reduced graphene oxide on the corrosion-wear performance of cold sprayed Zn-rGO/Al coating in NaCl solution" . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 429 (2022) .
APA Wu, Huishu , Shen, Gengzhe , Li, Runxia , Zhang, Liuyan , Jie, Xiaohua , Liu, Gang . Influence of embedded reduced graphene oxide on the corrosion-wear performance of cold sprayed Zn-rGO/Al coating in NaCl solution . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 429 .
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Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Introducing heterogeneous interfaces by constructing laminated structure is a promising avenue to achieve the controllable strengthening behavior of high entropy alloys. In this work, the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of magnetron sputtered Ni/Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10 nanolaminates with equal layer thickness h ranging from 5 to 150 nm were investigated systematically. With reducing h, the nanoindentation hardness of Ni/FeMnCoNi nanolaminates firstly increased and subsequently decreased, emerging a maximum value at the critical h of similar to 25 nm due to the transformation of constraining barrier for dislocation slipping from the heterogeneous interfaces to columnar grain boundaries. Microstructural observation demonstrated that the interfacial structure of Ni/FeMnCoNi transformed from incoherent to completely coherent at h below similar to 25 nm, and both the constituent layers made comparable contribution to the plastic deformation of Ni/FeMnCoNi nanolaminates. The strong h-dependent mechanical behavior could be rationalized in terms of the co-deformation of constituent layers and the structural evolution of Nil FeMnCoNi interface. Additionally, the strengthening mechanisms were discussed based on the confined slip of dislocation within the constituent layers and columnar grains. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Hardness High entropy alloys Nanolaminates Plastic deformation Strengthening mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Yufang , Wang, Yaqiang , Wu, Kai et al. Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 903 .
MLA Zhao, Yufang et al. "Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 903 (2022) .
APA Zhao, Yufang , Wang, Yaqiang , Wu, Kai , Zhang, Jinyu , Liu, Gang , Sun, Jun . Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 903 .
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Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 241 | ACTA MATERIALIA
SCOPUS Cited Count: 20
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Manipulating coherent twin boundaries (CTBs) opens an avenue to design strong nanostructured ma-terials. However, below a critical TB spacing, these inherently defective CTBs decorated with kink -like steps (abbreviated by kinks) and intersected with grain boundaries (GBs) will suffer from the thermal/mechanical instability, leading to the degradation of material properties. Here, utilizing Cr-segregation at kinks and GBs via a minor (1 at.%) Cr-doping, we report the nanocrystalline-nanotwinned (NNT) Cu-Cr alloy manifests continuous strengthening reaching 1.2 GPa at extremely fine TB spacing of similar to 2 nm, associated with excellent structural-mechanical stability after high-temperature (0.5Tm of Cu) an-nealing. The underlying mechanism mainly originates from the highly stabilized defective CTBs controlled by Cr-segregation at kinks and TB-GB junctions, which facilitates the plastic deformation mode transition: from detwinning dislocation nucleation to stacking faults (SFs) accumulation for ultrahigh strength. Un-der elevated temperature, the stabilized TBs inhibit GB motion and therefore result in enhanced thermal stability of NNT Cu-Cr alloys, which is quantitatively explained via a modified Zenner pinning model. Our findings not only deepen the understanding of deformation mechanisms in nanotwinned metals, but also provide a new perspective to design plainified Cu alloys with high performances.(c) 2022 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Grain boundary segregation Kinks Mechanical behavior Nanocrystalline Nanotwins Thermal stability


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GB/T 7714 Li, Guangya , Yang, Yang , Gou, Boyuan et al. Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu [J]. | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 241 .
MLA Li, Guangya et al. "Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu" . | ACTA MATERIALIA 241 (2022) .
APA Li, Guangya , Yang, Yang , Gou, Boyuan , Zhang, Jinyu , Li, Jiao , Wang, Yaqiang et al. Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu . | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 241 .
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The growth behavior and properties of orientated LDH film composited with reduced graphene oxide EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 9
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Oriented reduced graphene oxide-MgAl layered double hydroxides (rGO-LDH) films were prepared on Mg alloy with pre-sprayed rGO-Al coating by in-situ growth method. Characteristics of orientated LDH films were detected through field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopy. The orientation mechanism was dicussed. Corrosion behavior of the coatings was investigated using potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and full immersion test. Ball on disc test was carried out for measuring the anti-wear performance. Results indicate that the nanosheets in LDH film tend to parallel to the substrate under low pH value, and nanosheets in LDH film tend to perpendicular to the substrate under high pH value. Parallel oriented LDH films exhibit excellent shielding and lubrication ability. And the rGO has a strong anchoring effect on perpendicular oriented LDH film, which results in higher anti-corrosion and anti-wear performance (load capacity) for the film. The orientation mechanism of films and the relationship between orientation and performance were discussed.

Keyword :

Anti-wear Cold spray Corrosion MgAl-LDH Orientation mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Huishu , Shen, Gengzhe , Li, Runxia et al. The growth behavior and properties of orientated LDH film composited with reduced graphene oxide [J]. | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 436 .
MLA Wu, Huishu et al. "The growth behavior and properties of orientated LDH film composited with reduced graphene oxide" . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 436 (2022) .
APA Wu, Huishu , Shen, Gengzhe , Li, Runxia , Chen, Bin , Zhang, Liuyan , Jie, Xiaohua et al. The growth behavior and properties of orientated LDH film composited with reduced graphene oxide . | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 436 .
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Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 116 , 199-213 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this work, we prepare transformable HEA/Cu nanolaminates (NLs) with equal individual layer thickness ( h ) by the magnetron sputtering technique, i.e., Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu and Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu, and comparatively study He-ion irradiation effects on their microstructure and mechanical properties. It appears that the as-deposited HEA/Cu NLs manifest two size h-dependent hardness regimes (i.e., increased hardness at small h and hardness plateau at large h ), while the He-implanted ones exhibit monotonically increased hardness. Contrary to the fashion that smaller h renders less irradiation hardening in bimetal NLs, the Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 /Cu NLs manifest the trend that smaller h leads to greater irradiation hardening. By contrast, the Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs exhibit the maximum irradiation hardening at a critical h = 50 nm. Below this critical size, smaller h results in lower radiation hardening (similar to bimetal NLs), while above this size, smaller h results in greater radiation hardening (similar to Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs). Moreover, these transformable HEA/Cu NLs display inverse h-dependent strain rate sensitivity (SRS m ) before and after He-ion irradiation. Nevertheless, compared with as-deposited samples, the irradiated Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs display reduced SRS, while the irradiated Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs display enhanced SRS. Such unusual size-dependent irradiation strengthening and inverse h effect on SRS in irradiated samples were rationalized by considering the blocking effects of He bubbles on dislocation nucleation and motion, i.e., dislocations shearing or bypassing He bubbles. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.

Keyword :

High entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates Interfaces Irradiation hardening Size effects Strain rate sensitivity


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Y. F. , Chen, H. H. , Zhang, D. D. et al. Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 116 : 199-213 .
MLA Zhao, Y. F. et al. "Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 116 (2022) : 199-213 .
APA Zhao, Y. F. , Chen, H. H. , Zhang, D. D. , Zhang, J. Y. , Wang, Y. Q. , Wu, K. et al. Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 116 , 199-213 .
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Quantitative reorientation behaviors of macro-twin interfaces in shape-memory alloy under compression stimulus in situ TEM EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 107 , 243-251 | Journal of Materials Science and Technology
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Twinning stress is known to be a critical factor for the actuating performance of magnetic shape memory alloys because of the harmful deterioration of their magnetic field-induced strain effect. However, the intrinsic origin of the high twinning stress is still in debate. In this work, we firstly fill this gap by precisely probing the reorientation behaviors of A-C and A-B two common macro-twin interfaces under the stimulus of uniaxial compression in-situ transmission electron microscope. The grain boundary is proved to be the main reason for large twinning stress. The twinning stress of the A-C and A-B type interfaces quantitatively are ∼0.69 and 1.27 MPa within the plate respectively. The A-C type interface evidently has smaller twinning stress and larger deformation variable than the A-B interface. Under the action of compression, not only the orientations of the crystals have changed, but also the roles of the major and minor lamellae have changed for both interfaces due to the movements of twinning dislocations. Combining in-situ and quasi in-situ electron diffraction data, the reorientation process is clearly and intuitively shown by the stereographic projection. Atomic models and the theory of dislocation motion are proposed to phenomenologically clarify the intrinsic mechanism. This work is believed to not only provide a deeper understanding of the deformation mechanism of magnetic shape memory alloys under uniaxial compression testing, but also discover that compression training is not the mechanical training way to decrease the twinning stress of non-modulated martensite in single crystal shape memory alloys. © 2021

Keyword :

Compression testing Deformation Deterioration Grain boundaries Magnetism Martensite Shape-memory alloy Single crystals Textures Transmission electron microscopy Twinning


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Bin , Guan, Chaoshuai , Li, Yong et al. Quantitative reorientation behaviors of macro-twin interfaces in shape-memory alloy under compression stimulus in situ TEM [J]. | Journal of Materials Science and Technology , 2022 , 107 : 243-251 .
MLA Chen, Bin et al. "Quantitative reorientation behaviors of macro-twin interfaces in shape-memory alloy under compression stimulus in situ TEM" . | Journal of Materials Science and Technology 107 (2022) : 243-251 .
APA Chen, Bin , Guan, Chaoshuai , Li, Yong , Yang, Chong , Zhang, Junwei , Liu, Gang et al. Quantitative reorientation behaviors of macro-twin interfaces in shape-memory alloy under compression stimulus in situ TEM . | Journal of Materials Science and Technology , 2022 , 107 , 243-251 .
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Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (1) , 145-152 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The effect of processing technology and microalloying addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni-W coatings prepared by electrodeposition was studied. The surface morphology, microstructure, and tensile properties of Ni-W coatings were studied with a small W addition of less than 2.0at%. The results show that the Ni-W coatings have a single-phase fcc structure. By increasing the W content, the surface morphology of the coatings varies from the grooves between the coarse pyramid structures to uniformly distributed micropores. At the same time, the intensity of Ni(220) diffraction peak of the coatings is also gradually weakened, with the reduction of surface roughness and the grain size. There is a critical W addition of about 1.0at%, where the yield strength of Ni-W coating increases sharply from ~1.0 GPa at the W addition 1.0at%. However, the tensile elongation is insensitive to the W content, which keep almost unchanged within the studied W addition range. In addition, strain hardening capacity of the coatings is also stable with the W content. In this work, the mechanical properties of Ni-W coating with micro-addition of W are optimized through manipulation of microalloying effect on the surface defect and microstructure. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Binary alloys Coatings Mechanical properties Microalloying Microstructure Morphology Strain hardening Surface defects Surface morphology Surface roughness


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Lu , Wang, Yaqiang , Zhang, Jinyu et al. Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings [J]. | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (1) : 145-152 .
MLA Cheng, Lu et al. "Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings" . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 50 . 1 (2021) : 145-152 .
APA Cheng, Lu , Wang, Yaqiang , Zhang, Jinyu , Liu, Gang , Sun, Jun . Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (1) , 145-152 .
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Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films EI SCIE PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 13 (39) , 16649-16661 | NANOSCALE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Ti-based films alloyed with various Ta or Zr contents were deposited on a Si (100) substrate by magnetron sputtering. Transmission electron microscopy observations suggested that the solute Ta and Zr atoms distributed uniformly in the matrix Ti, refining the grain size. The microstructure transformed from single phase alpha-Ti to the coexistence of (alpha + beta)-Ti when the Ta addition was increased to 18.2 at%. Hardness and strain rate sensitivity of the Ti-based alloyed films were evaluated by nanoindentation experiments, to show the effects of constituents and their contents. The hardness was found to change non-monotonously within the studied Ta or Zr range, which could be explained by alloying dependence of the strengthening mechanisms, including partial dislocation mechanism emanating from grain boundaries, solid solution strengthening, and solution pinning strengthening. Furthermore, a mechanistic model based on partial dislocation inhomogeneous nucleation was employed to describe the composition-dependent strain rate sensitivity of the alloyed Ti films.


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GB/T 7714 Hou, Zhaoqi , Zhang, Jinyu , Zhang, Peng et al. Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films [J]. | NANOSCALE , 2021 , 13 (39) : 16649-16661 .
MLA Hou, Zhaoqi et al. "Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films" . | NANOSCALE 13 . 39 (2021) : 16649-16661 .
APA Hou, Zhaoqi , Zhang, Jinyu , Zhang, Peng , Wu, Kai , Wang, Yaqiang , Liu, Gang et al. Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films . | NANOSCALE , 2021 , 13 (39) , 16649-16661 .
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Hierarchical structure in Al-Cu alloys to promote strength/ductility synergy EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 202 | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Experimental evidence demonstrated that equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at cryogenic temperature, in comparison with ECAP at room temperature, led to promoted strength-ductility synergy in an Al-2.5wt.%Cu alloy. The simultaneous improvement is related to microstructural hierarchy of multimodal grains, low angle grain boundaries, and inter/intragranular precipitates, which was tuned by aging treatment in match with the low-temperature ECAP. The artificial aging could maintain multimodal grain size distribution, introduce a large number of low angle grain boundaries and produce intragranular precipitates to improve strength/ductility. A minor 0.3wt.% Sc addition was effective in optimizing the precipitations and further boosting the strength/ductility combination. The underlying mechanisms for higher strength and greater ductility were rationalized in terms of the low-temperature ECAP.& nbsp; (c) 2021 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Al-Cu alloy Hierarchical microstructure Mechanical properties Microalloying effect Ultrafine-grained


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GB/T 7714 Wu, S. H. , Xue, H. , Yang, C. et al. Hierarchical structure in Al-Cu alloys to promote strength/ductility synergy [J]. | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 202 .
MLA Wu, S. H. et al. "Hierarchical structure in Al-Cu alloys to promote strength/ductility synergy" . | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 202 (2021) .
APA Wu, S. H. , Xue, H. , Yang, C. , Kuang, J. , Zhang, P. , Zhang, J. Y. et al. Hierarchical structure in Al-Cu alloys to promote strength/ductility synergy . | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 202 .
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