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Engineering bio-inks for 3D bioprinting cell mechanical microenvironment Scopus SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 9 (1) | International Journal of Bioprinting
SCOPUS Cited Count: 20
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting has become a promising approach to constructing functional biomimetic tissues for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In 3D bioprinting, bio-inks are essential for the construction of cell microenvironment, thus affecting the biomimetic design and regenerative efficiency. Mechanical properties are one of the essential aspects of microenvironment, which can be characterized by matrix stiffness, viscoelasticity, topography, and dynamic mechanical stimulation. With the recent advances in functional biomaterials, various engineered bio-inks have realized the possibility of engineering cell mechanical microenvironment in vivo. In this review, we summarize the critical mechanical cues of cell microenvironments, review the engineered bio-inks while focusing on the selection principles for constructing cell mechanical microenvironments, and discuss the challenges facing this field and the possible solutions for them. © 2022 Author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Keyword :

Bio-inks; Biofabrication; Bioprinting; Mechanical microenvironment


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Y. , Jia, Y. , Yang, Q. et al. Engineering bio-inks for 3D bioprinting cell mechanical microenvironment [J]. | International Journal of Bioprinting , 2023 , 9 (1) .
MLA Yang, Y. et al. "Engineering bio-inks for 3D bioprinting cell mechanical microenvironment" . | International Journal of Bioprinting 9 . 1 (2023) .
APA Yang, Y. , Jia, Y. , Yang, Q. , Xu, F. . Engineering bio-inks for 3D bioprinting cell mechanical microenvironment . | International Journal of Bioprinting , 2023 , 9 (1) .
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Predicting YAP/TAZ nuclear translocation in response to ECM mechanosensing SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 122 (1) , 43-53 | BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL
SCOPUS Cited Count: 23
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Cells translate mechanical cues from the extracellular matrix (ECM) into signaling that can affect the nucleus. One pathway by which such nuclear mechanotransduction occurs is a signaling axis that begins with integrin-ECM bonds and con-tinues through a cascade of chemical reactions and structural changes that lead to nuclear translocation of YAP/TAZ. This signaling axis is self-reinforcing, with stiff ECM promoting integrin binding and thus facilitating polymerization and tension in the cytoskeletal contractile apparatus, which can compress nuclei, open nuclear pore channels, and enhance nuclear accumu-lation of YAP/TAZ. We previously developed a computational model of this mechanosensing axis for the linear elastic ECM by assuming that there is a linear relationship between the nucleocytoplasmic ratio of YAP/TAZ and nuclear flattening. Here, we extended our previous model to more general ECM behaviors (e.g., viscosity, viscoelasticity, and viscoplasticity) and included detailed YAP/TAZ translocation dynamics based on nuclear deformation. This model was predictive of diverse mechanosensing responses in a broad range of cells. Results support the hypothesis that diverse mechanosensing phenomena across many cell types arise from a simple, unified set of mechanosensing pathways.


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Bo , Li, Moxiao , Wan, Wanting et al. Predicting YAP/TAZ nuclear translocation in response to ECM mechanosensing [J]. | BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL , 2023 , 122 (1) : 43-53 .
MLA Cheng, Bo et al. "Predicting YAP/TAZ nuclear translocation in response to ECM mechanosensing" . | BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 122 . 1 (2023) : 43-53 .
APA Cheng, Bo , Li, Moxiao , Wan, Wanting , Guo, Hui , Genin, Guy M. , Lin, Min et al. Predicting YAP/TAZ nuclear translocation in response to ECM mechanosensing . | BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL , 2023 , 122 (1) , 43-53 .
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Targeting biophysical cues to address platelet storage lesions EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 151 , 118-133 | ACTA BIOMATERIALIA
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Platelets play vital roles in vascular repair, especially in primary hemostasis, and have been widely used in transfusion to prevent bleeding or manage active bleeding. Recently, platelets have been used in tissue repair (e.g., bone, skin, and dental alveolar tissue) and cell engineering as drug delivery carriers. How-ever, the biomedical applications of platelets have been associated with platelet storage lesions (PSLs), resulting in poor clinical outcomes with reduced recovery, survival, and hemostatic function after trans-fusion. Accumulating evidence has shown that biophysical cues play important roles in platelet lesions, such as granule secretion caused by shear stress, adhesion affected by substrate stiffness, and apoptosis caused by low temperature. This review summarizes four major biophysical cues (i.e., shear stress, sub-strate stiffness, hydrostatic pressure, and thermal microenvironment) involved in the platelet preparation and storage processes, and discusses how they may synergistically induce PSLs such as platelet shape change, activation, apoptosis and clearance. We also review emerging methods for studying these bio-physical cues in vitro and existing strategies targeting biophysical cues for mitigating PSLs. We conclude with a perspective on the future direction of biophysics-based strategies for inhibiting PSLs.Statement of significancePlatelet storage lesions (PSLs) involve a series of structural and functional changes. It has long been ac-cepted that PSLs are initiated by biochemical cues. Our manuscript is the first to propose four major biophysical cues (shear stress, substrate stiffness, hydrostatic pressure, and thermal microenvironment) that platelets experience in each operation step during platelet preparation and storage processes in vitro , which may synergistically contribute to PSLs. We first clarify these biophysical cues and how they induce PSLs. Strategies targeting each biophysical cue to improve PSLs are also summarized. Our review is de-signed to draw the attention from a broad range of audience, including clinical doctors, biologists, phys-ical scientists, engineers and materials scientists, and immunologist, who study on platelets physiology and pathology.(c) 2022 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Hydrostatic pressure Platelet storage lesions PR China Shear stress Substrate stiffness Thermal microenvironment


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Shichun , Liu, Qi , Cheng, Lihan et al. Targeting biophysical cues to address platelet storage lesions [J]. | ACTA BIOMATERIALIA , 2022 , 151 : 118-133 .
MLA Wang, Shichun et al. "Targeting biophysical cues to address platelet storage lesions" . | ACTA BIOMATERIALIA 151 (2022) : 118-133 .
APA Wang, Shichun , Liu, Qi , Cheng, Lihan , Wang, Lu , Xu, Feng , Yao, Chunyan . Targeting biophysical cues to address platelet storage lesions . | ACTA BIOMATERIALIA , 2022 , 151 , 118-133 .
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In situ monitoring of functional activity of extracellular matrix stiffness-dependent multidrug resistance protein 1 using scanning electrochemical microscopy (vol 13, pg 10349, 2022) SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 13 (37) , 11266-11267 | CHEMICAL SCIENCE
Abstract&Keyword Cite


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GB/T 7714 Kuermanbayi, Shuake , Yang, Yaowei , Zhao, Yuxiang et al. In situ monitoring of functional activity of extracellular matrix stiffness-dependent multidrug resistance protein 1 using scanning electrochemical microscopy (vol 13, pg 10349, 2022) [J]. | CHEMICAL SCIENCE , 2022 , 13 (37) : 11266-11267 .
MLA Kuermanbayi, Shuake et al. "In situ monitoring of functional activity of extracellular matrix stiffness-dependent multidrug resistance protein 1 using scanning electrochemical microscopy (vol 13, pg 10349, 2022)" . | CHEMICAL SCIENCE 13 . 37 (2022) : 11266-11267 .
APA Kuermanbayi, Shuake , Yang, Yaowei , Zhao, Yuxiang , Li, Yabei , Wang, Le , Yang, Jin et al. In situ monitoring of functional activity of extracellular matrix stiffness-dependent multidrug resistance protein 1 using scanning electrochemical microscopy (vol 13, pg 10349, 2022) . | CHEMICAL SCIENCE , 2022 , 13 (37) , 11266-11267 .
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Similar color analysis based on deep learning (SCAD) for multiplex digital PCR via a single fluorescent channel EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 22 (20) , 3837-3847 | LAB ON A CHIP
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Digital PCR (dPCR) has recently attracted great interest due to its high sensitivity and accuracy. However, the existing dPCR depends on multicolor fluorescent dyes and multiple fluorescent channels to achieve multiplex detection, resulting in increased detection cost and limited detection throughput. Here, we developed a deep learning-based similar color analysis method, namely SCAD, to achieve multiplex dPCR in a single fluorescent channel. As a demonstration, we designed a microwell chip-based diplex dPCR system for detecting two genes (bla(NDM) and bla(VIM)) with two kinds of green fluorescent probes, whose emission colors are difficult to discriminate by traditional fluorescence intensity-based methods. To verify the possibility of deep learning algorithms to distinguish the similar colors, we first applied t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) to make a clustering map for the microwells with similar fluorescence. Then, we trained a Vision Transformer (ViT) model on 10 000 microwells with two similar colors and tested it with 262 202 microwells. Lastly, the trained model was proven to have highly accurate classification ability (>98% for both the training set and the test set) and precise quantification ability on both bla(NDM) and bla(VIM) (ratio difference <0.10). We envision that the developed SCAD method would significantly expand the detection throughput of dPCR without the need for other auxiliary equipment.


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GB/T 7714 Cao, Chaoyu , You, Minli , Tong, Haoyang et al. Similar color analysis based on deep learning (SCAD) for multiplex digital PCR via a single fluorescent channel [J]. | LAB ON A CHIP , 2022 , 22 (20) : 3837-3847 .
MLA Cao, Chaoyu et al. "Similar color analysis based on deep learning (SCAD) for multiplex digital PCR via a single fluorescent channel" . | LAB ON A CHIP 22 . 20 (2022) : 3837-3847 .
APA Cao, Chaoyu , You, Minli , Tong, Haoyang , Xue, Zhenrui , Liu, Chang , He, Wanghong et al. Similar color analysis based on deep learning (SCAD) for multiplex digital PCR via a single fluorescent channel . | LAB ON A CHIP , 2022 , 22 (20) , 3837-3847 .
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Wearable Hydrogel-Based Epidermal Sensor with Thermal Compatibility and Long Term Stability for Smart Colorimetric Multi-Signals Monitoring EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hydrogel-based wearable epidermal sensors (HWESs) have attracted widespread attention in health monitoring, especially considering their colorimetric readout capability. However, it remains challenging for HWESs to work at extreme temperatures with long term stability due to the existence of water. Herein, a wearable transparent epidermal sensor with thermal compatibility and long term stability for smart colorimetric multi-signals monitoring is developed, based on an anti-freezing and anti-drying hydrogel with high transparency (over 90% transmittance), high stretchability (up to 1500%) and desirable adhesiveness to various kinds of substrates. The hydrogel consists of polyacrylic acid, polyacrylamide, and tannic acid-coated cellulose nanocrystals in glycerin/water binary solvents. When glycerin readily forms strong hydrogen bonds with water, the hydrogel exhibits outstanding thermal compatibility. Furthermore, the hydrogel maintains excellent adhesion, stretchability, and transparency after long term storage (45 days) or at subzero temperatures (-20 degrees C). For smart colorimetric multi-signals monitoring, the freestanding smart colorimetric HWESs are utilized for simultaneously monitoring the pH, T and light, where colorimetric signals can be read and stored by artificial intelligence strategies in a real time manner. In summary, the developed wearable transparent epidermal sensor holds great potential for monitoring multi-signals with visible readouts in long term health monitoring.

Keyword :

hydrogels smart monitoring visible readouts wearable sensors


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GB/T 7714 Han, Fei , Xie, Xueyong , Wang, Tiansong et al. Wearable Hydrogel-Based Epidermal Sensor with Thermal Compatibility and Long Term Stability for Smart Colorimetric Multi-Signals Monitoring [J]. | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (3) .
MLA Han, Fei et al. "Wearable Hydrogel-Based Epidermal Sensor with Thermal Compatibility and Long Term Stability for Smart Colorimetric Multi-Signals Monitoring" . | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS 12 . 3 (2022) .
APA Han, Fei , Xie, Xueyong , Wang, Tiansong , Cao, Chaoyu , Li, Juju , Sun, Tianying et al. Wearable Hydrogel-Based Epidermal Sensor with Thermal Compatibility and Long Term Stability for Smart Colorimetric Multi-Signals Monitoring . | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (3) .
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Targeting Tumor Physical Microenvironment for Improved Radiotherapy EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 6 (11) | SMALL METHODS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 12
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Radiotherapy has led to important clinical advances; existing cancer radiotherapy resistance is one remaining major challenge. Recently, biophysical cues in the tumor microenvironment (TME) have been regarded as the new hallmarks of cancer, playing pivotal roles in various cancer behaviors and treatment responses, including radiotherapy resistance. With recent advances in micro/nanotechnologies and functional biomaterials, radiotherapy exerts great influence on biophysical cues in TME, which, in turn, significantly affect the response to radiotherapy. Besides, various strategies have emerged that target biophysical cues in TME, to potentially enhance radiotherapy efficacy. Therefore, this paper reviews the four biophysical cues (i.e., extracellular matrix (ECM) microarchitecture, ECM stiffness, interstitial fluid pressure, and solid stress) that may play important roles in radiotherapy resistance, their possible mechanisms for inducing it, and their change after radiotherapy. The emerging therapeutic strategies targeting the biophysical microenvironment, to explore the mechanism of radiotherapy resistance and develop effective strategies to revert it for improved treatment efficacy are further summarized.

Keyword :

cancer mechanotransduction mechanical microenvironments mechanomedicine radioresistance


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Jin , Han, Yulong , Li, Yuan et al. Targeting Tumor Physical Microenvironment for Improved Radiotherapy [J]. | SMALL METHODS , 2022 , 6 (11) .
MLA Wang, Jin et al. "Targeting Tumor Physical Microenvironment for Improved Radiotherapy" . | SMALL METHODS 6 . 11 (2022) .
APA Wang, Jin , Han, Yulong , Li, Yuan , Zhang, Fengping , Cai, Mengjiao , Zhang, Xinyue et al. Targeting Tumor Physical Microenvironment for Improved Radiotherapy . | SMALL METHODS , 2022 , 6 (11) .
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An ECM-Mimicking, Injectable, Viscoelastic Hydrogel for Treatment of Brain Lesions EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 25
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Brain lesions can arise from traumatic brain injury, infection, and craniotomy. Although injectable hydrogels show promise for promoting healing of lesions and health of surrounding tissue, enabling cellular ingrowth and restoring neural tissue continue to be challenging. It is hypothesized that these challenges arise in part from the mismatch of composition, stiffness, and viscoelasticity between the hydrogel and the brain parenchyma, and this hypothesis is tested by developing and evaluating a self-healing hydrogel that not only mimics the composition, but also the stiffness and viscoelasticity of native brain parenchyma. The hydrogel is crosslinked by dynamic boronate ester bonds between phenylboronic acid grafted hyaluronic acid (HA-PBA) and dopamine grafted gelatin (Gel-Dopa). This HA-PBA/Gel-Dopa hydrogel could be injected into a lesion cavity in a shear-thinning manner with rapid hemostasis, high tissue adhesion, and efficient self-healing. In an in vivo mouse model of brain lesions, the multi-functional injectable hydrogel is found to support neural cell infiltration, decrease astrogliosis and glial scars, and close the lesions. The results suggest a role for extracellular matrix-mimicking viscoelasticity in brain lesion healing, and motivate additional experimentation in larger animals as the technology progresses toward potential application in humans.

Keyword :

injectable hydrogels mechanical microenvironments neural regeneration viscoelasticity


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GB/T 7714 Hu, Yan , Jia, Yuanbo , Wang, Siwei et al. An ECM-Mimicking, Injectable, Viscoelastic Hydrogel for Treatment of Brain Lesions [J]. | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (1) .
MLA Hu, Yan et al. "An ECM-Mimicking, Injectable, Viscoelastic Hydrogel for Treatment of Brain Lesions" . | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS 12 . 1 (2022) .
APA Hu, Yan , Jia, Yuanbo , Wang, Siwei , Ma, Yufei , Huang, Guoyou , Ding, Tan et al. An ECM-Mimicking, Injectable, Viscoelastic Hydrogel for Treatment of Brain Lesions . | ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (1) .
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Flexible Miniaturized Sensor Technologies for Long-Term Physiological Monitoring SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 6 (1) | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 25
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Physiological monitoring can provide detailed information about health conditions, and therefore presents great potentials for personalized healthcare. Flexible miniaturized sensors (FMS) for physiological monitoring have garnered significant attention because of their wide applications in collecting health-related information, evaluating and managing the state of human wellness in long term. In this review, we focus on the time scale of human physiological monitoring, the needs and advances in miniaturized technologies for long-term monitoring in typical applications. We also discuss the rational sample sources of FMS to select proper strategies for specific monitoring cases. Further, existing challenges and promising prospects are also presented.


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GB/T 7714 He, Rongyan , Liu, Hao , Niu, Yan et al. Flexible Miniaturized Sensor Technologies for Long-Term Physiological Monitoring [J]. | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS , 2022 , 6 (1) .
MLA He, Rongyan et al. "Flexible Miniaturized Sensor Technologies for Long-Term Physiological Monitoring" . | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS 6 . 1 (2022) .
APA He, Rongyan , Liu, Hao , Niu, Yan , Zhang, Huiqing , Genin, Guy M. , Xu, Feng . Flexible Miniaturized Sensor Technologies for Long-Term Physiological Monitoring . | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS , 2022 , 6 (1) .
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A smart ball sensor fabricated by laser kirigami of graphene for personalized long-term grip strength monitoring SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 6 (1) | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Grip strength is an important indicator of health conditions and needs to be monitored for health management. However, different populations (e.g., babies and rehabilitation patients) have different hand sizes and different levels of grip strengths, requiring a personalized sensor to monitor grip strength. In this paper, we developed a smart ball sensor by laser kirigami of graphene for personalized grip strength monitoring. To realize the rational utilization of space, a transparent pill shell embedding all electronic accessories is installed in the center of the ball sensor with a spiral-sensing unit fabricated by laser kirigami of graphene on the surface. Furthermore, we assessed the influence of contact area between hand and ball on grip strength using finite-element analysis (FEA), which was then considered in our results readout. The grip strength can be continuously read by a mobile phone in a wireless manner. The smart ball sensor demonstrated a high performance in vitro against gold-standard method in diseased and healthy subjects. It would be a powerful tool for personalized long-term monitoring of grip strength, especially suitable for specific populations such as babies and sensitive enough for samll grip strength.


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Huiqing , Ding, Xin , Zhang, Xiongwen et al. A smart ball sensor fabricated by laser kirigami of graphene for personalized long-term grip strength monitoring [J]. | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS , 2022 , 6 (1) .
MLA Zhang, Huiqing et al. "A smart ball sensor fabricated by laser kirigami of graphene for personalized long-term grip strength monitoring" . | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS 6 . 1 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Huiqing , Ding, Xin , Zhang, Xiongwen , Xu, Feng . A smart ball sensor fabricated by laser kirigami of graphene for personalized long-term grip strength monitoring . | NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS , 2022 , 6 (1) .
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