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Abstract :
In a market with a technology provider and two competing manufacturers, we examine the provider's technology introduction strategy and the manufacturers' product rollover strategies. Our main results show that, first, the provider sells the new technology to both manufacturers in the case of small-level technology improvement, and sells to only one of them otherwise. Specifically, under the niche strategy (i.e., the provider sells the new technology to only one manufacturer), the provider sells the new technology to the low-quality manufacturer in the case of moderate-level technology improvement; otherwise, the provider sells to the high-quality manufacturer. Interestingly, the provider's profit may decrease with increased technology improvement. Second, the manufacturers will remove the old version of the product from the market when adopting the new technology, as long as the quality of the new version of the product exceeds a critical threshold. Finally, if the provider has a limited production capacity and can only satisfy the demand of one manufacturer, the provider sells the new technology to the low-quality manufacturer when the technology improvement is moderate; otherwise, the provider sells to the high quality manufacturer. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Game theory Product rollover Technology adoption Technology introduction
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GB/T 7714 | Jing, Fei , Lin, Jun , Zhang, Qiao et al. New technology introduction and product rollover strategies [J]. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2022 , 302 (1) : 324-336 . |
MLA | Jing, Fei et al. "New technology introduction and product rollover strategies" . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 302 . 1 (2022) : 324-336 . |
APA | Jing, Fei , Lin, Jun , Zhang, Qiao , Qian, Yanjun . New technology introduction and product rollover strategies . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2022 , 302 (1) , 324-336 . |
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We consider a duopoly in which a premium firm (Firm 1) competes with a regular firm (Firm 2). They launch a new fashion product, adopting one of two types of innovation, qualitative or non-qualitative, which offer different levels of market acceptance and uncertainty. We consider two groups of fashion consumers, snobs and conformists (defined by preference for exclusivity or conformity). We first examine the case in which the premium firm commits to entering the market first and chooses its type of innovation, and then the regular firm decides on market-entry timing and innovation type. The price game and the strategy interaction between the two firms are examined. We show that consumers' exclusivity and conformity positively impact the optimal decisions of the two firms when the initial market share of snobs is large. When the market-share loss due to late entry is sufficiently high, Firm 1 may prefer a non-qualitative innovation under certain identified conditions; otherwise, it always prefers a qualitative innovation. Firm 2 always benefits from Firm 1's choice of qualitative rather than non-qualitative innovation. We further discuss the strategy interaction when the premium firm commits to entering the market late.
Keyword :
Innovation choice market-entry timing (non-) qualitative innovation price competition social influence
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Qiao , Chen, Jing , Lin, Jun . Interaction between innovation choice and market-entry timing in a competitive fashion supply chain [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2022 . |
MLA | Zhang, Qiao et al. "Interaction between innovation choice and market-entry timing in a competitive fashion supply chain" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH (2022) . |
APA | Zhang, Qiao , Chen, Jing , Lin, Jun . Interaction between innovation choice and market-entry timing in a competitive fashion supply chain . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2022 . |
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Abstract :
Some novel operation modes of third-party logistics providers (3PLs) have been arising. 3PLs run retail businesses (i.e., logistics retail) and provide financial assistance to capital-constrained product suppliers (i.e., logistics finance). However, introducing logistics retail brings the effects of competition and channel spillover, which further affect logistics finance. This intrinsic connection raises key questions about whether and under what conditions the 3PL firm should cooperate with the supplier by integrating logistics services, retail, and financing. In this paper, we consider four scenarios to analyze this problem: logistics service, logistics finance, logistics retail, and logistics retail-finance. Interestingly, compared with the former two scenarios, the retail competition existing in the latter two scenarios will not consistently lower down sales prices and raise sales quantities, especially when the spillover effect, either positive or negative, is significant. Moreover, we find that the 3PL firm prefers the logistics retail-finance scenario in most cases because the intersection of selling and financing roles enables the 3PL firm to increase financing income by affecting two parties' sales margins (diversion effect). However, the supplier prefers the logistics retail-finance scenario when the spillover effect is relatively small even negative and the unit logistics cost is relatively lower. Otherwise, with the increasing positive spillover effect, the supplier prefers the logistics retail scenario because the enhanced diversion effect enlarges competition losses. Finally, we find that a lower 3PL firm's interest rate facilitates achieving a win-win result, especially when the spillover effect becomes negative.
Keyword :
Channel spillover Game theory Logistics finance Logistics service supply chain Multichannel retail
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Kai , Lin, Jun , Liu, Guoquan et al. Strategic introduction of logistics retail and finance under competition and channel spillover [J]. | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW , 2022 , 165 . |
MLA | Wang, Kai et al. "Strategic introduction of logistics retail and finance under competition and channel spillover" . | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 165 (2022) . |
APA | Wang, Kai , Lin, Jun , Liu, Guoquan , Liu, Qi . Strategic introduction of logistics retail and finance under competition and channel spillover . | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW , 2022 , 165 . |
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Purpose Knowledge search is considered a broad concept and semi-intentional behavior. The path and boundary conditions through which search strategies affect intra-organizational knowledge creation remain elusive. Drawing on recombinant search theory and knowledge-based view, the authors seek to identify knowledge complexity as an important intermediate variable between knowledge search and innovation performance, such as research and development (R&D) output and R&D output quality. A second goal of this study is to examine the moderating roles of government support and technological turbulence. Design/methodology/approach The authors employed a longitudinal panel of 609 global pharmaceutical firms and obtained the firms' patent records from 1980 to 2015 for the analysis. The authors used generalized estimating equations (GEE) to evaluate the models and tested the consistency via panel fixed-effects estimations. Findings The authors' findings show that organizational routine-guided search has a negative effect on knowledge complexity, while routine-changing search exerts a positive impact on knowledge complexity. Governmental support and technological turbulence moderate these relationships. Notably, knowledge complexity has an inverted U-shaped relationship with innovation performance. Research limitations/implications The authors' research context, the pharmaceutical industry, may constrain the generalizability of our findings. In addition, potential types of routine-guided and routine-changing search behaviors were not considered. Practical implications Despite these limitations, this study offers important implications. First, knowledge complexity transmits the effects of knowledge search on innovation performance. Practitioners should balance routine-guided and routine-changing search processes to build and manage complex knowledge. Second, a moderate level of knowledge complexity is the key to good R&D output and R&D output quality. Originality/value The study identifies knowledge complexity as one important intermediate variable between knowledge search behaviors and intra-organizational knowledge creation.
Keyword :
Government support Innovation performance Knowledge complexity Organizational behavior Technological turbulence
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GB/T 7714 | Hou, Tianyu , Li, Julie Juan , Lin, Jun . Linking knowledge search to knowledge creation: the intermediate role of knowledge complexity [J]. | MANAGEMENT DECISION , 2022 . |
MLA | Hou, Tianyu et al. "Linking knowledge search to knowledge creation: the intermediate role of knowledge complexity" . | MANAGEMENT DECISION (2022) . |
APA | Hou, Tianyu , Li, Julie Juan , Lin, Jun . Linking knowledge search to knowledge creation: the intermediate role of knowledge complexity . | MANAGEMENT DECISION , 2022 . |
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Given the rise in consumers' ecological awareness, many firms currently offering only nongreen products are extending their product lines with products applying green technology. We examine a monopolist's product line extension strategy and pricing strategy by explicitly considering the environment-related utility and spillover effects of a green product. The results show that a firm should introduce its green product when the spillover effects and the cost of the green product are small or the spillover effects are large enough. The firm should utilize a penetration pricing strategy for the functionally inferior green product when the environment-related utility is small or when the environment-related utility is moderate and the spillover effects are relatively small. Otherwise, the firm should adopt a skimming pricing strategy. However, the firm should adopt a penetration pricing strategy for the functionally superior green product when the spillover effects are relatively large and a skimming pricing strategy otherwise. Interestingly, the firm's total profit may decrease with the spillover effects when the spillover effects are small.
Keyword :
Cost accounting Costs Environment-related utility green product Green products Portfolios pricing Pricing Production Sociology spillover effects sustainable operations
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GB/T 7714 | Lu, Xiaojun , Lin, Jun , Wang, Haiping et al. Extending a Product Line With a Product Applying Green Technology [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT , 2022 . |
MLA | Lu, Xiaojun et al. "Extending a Product Line With a Product Applying Green Technology" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (2022) . |
APA | Lu, Xiaojun , Lin, Jun , Wang, Haiping , Qian, Yanjun . Extending a Product Line With a Product Applying Green Technology . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT , 2022 . |
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To date, existing studies have produced inconclusive empirical findings as to whether search scope impedes or benefits knowledge impact. To reconcile this controversy, we scrutinize the role of search scope and delve into the combination of knowledge components. Specifically, in this article, we propose that search scope connotes recombination of two types of novel components (i.e., recombining neighboring components or distant components). Drawing on the recombinant search and decomposability literature, we argue that recombining neighboring knowledge components is conducive to knowledge impact because these components provide absorbable variation and integration mechanisms, whereas recombining distant knowledge components impedes knowledge impact as the resultant outcome is difficult to understand and the value is not perceived. To empirically test these arguments, we draw on network function theory and develop a novel approach to build knowledge networks looking at the relatedness of knowledge components. Applying this method to data on patents granted from 1995 to 2009, we identify neighboring components and distant components as two related but different novel knowledge components. The results strongly support our hypotheses, even when controlling for the patent, inventor, as well as examiner level of covariates.
Keyword :
Art Encoding Knowledge engineering Knowledge impact network theory novel knowledge components patent analysis Patents Production search scope Technological innovation Windows
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GB/T 7714 | Hou, Tianyu , Li, Julie Juan , Lin, Jun . Recombination of Knowledge Components and Knowledge Impact: Neighboring Components Versus Distant Components [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT , 2021 . |
MLA | Hou, Tianyu et al. "Recombination of Knowledge Components and Knowledge Impact: Neighboring Components Versus Distant Components" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (2021) . |
APA | Hou, Tianyu , Li, Julie Juan , Lin, Jun . Recombination of Knowledge Components and Knowledge Impact: Neighboring Components Versus Distant Components . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT , 2021 . |
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Supply chain has received a great deal of attention both in academia and industry. The carbon emissions from supply chain activities are the major concern, therefore, many governments have implemented carbon taxes to promote energy conservation and emission reduction. Under this background, the impact of the carbon taxes on supply chain and the related operational decisions become hot topics. This paper aimed to review the researches on supply chain management under carbon tax. First, the descriptive results and a bibliometric analysis of identified articles during 2010-2019 was presented to clarify the development in this field. Then, content analysis is conducted to classify the selected articles into facility location decisions, supplier selection and order quantity, low carbon technology choice and investment, production planning, transportation decisions, pricing decisions, joint decisions and supply chain coordination under carbon taxes. The research progress in these areas was systematically reviewed and summarized. Finally, future directions were discussed from the perspectives of problem and method. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Carbon emissions Carbon taxes Literature review Supply chain management
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GB/T 7714 | Zhou, Xiaoyang , Wei, Xiaoya , Lin, Jun et al. Supply chain management under carbon taxes: A review and bibliometric analysis [J]. | OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE , 2021 , 98 . |
MLA | Zhou, Xiaoyang et al. "Supply chain management under carbon taxes: A review and bibliometric analysis" . | OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 98 (2021) . |
APA | Zhou, Xiaoyang , Wei, Xiaoya , Lin, Jun , Tian, Xin , Lev, Benjamin , Wang, Shouyang . Supply chain management under carbon taxes: A review and bibliometric analysis . | OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE , 2021 , 98 . |
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Abstract :
Keyword :
发明专利 校企合作 协同创新 专利权人 专利质量
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GB/T 7714 | 朱容辉 , 刘树林 , 林军 . 产学协同创新主体的发明专利质量研究 [J]. | 情报杂志 , 2020 , 39 (02) : 78-84 . |
MLA | 朱容辉 et al. "产学协同创新主体的发明专利质量研究" . | 情报杂志 39 . 02 (2020) : 78-84 . |
APA | 朱容辉 , 刘树林 , 林军 . 产学协同创新主体的发明专利质量研究 . | 情报杂志 , 2020 , 39 (02) , 78-84 . |
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Keyword :
发明专利 校企合作 协同创新 专利权人 专利质量
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GB/T 7714 | 朱容辉 , 刘树林 , 林军 . 产学协同创新主体的发明专利质量研究 [J]. | 情报杂志 , 2020 , 39 (2) : 78-84 . |
MLA | 朱容辉 et al. "产学协同创新主体的发明专利质量研究" . | 情报杂志 39 . 2 (2020) : 78-84 . |
APA | 朱容辉 , 刘树林 , 林军 . 产学协同创新主体的发明专利质量研究 . | 情报杂志 , 2020 , 39 (2) , 78-84 . |
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to empirically capture the impact of a chief executive officer's (CEO) personal and organizational characteristics on firm performance in the context of a developing country and to explore whether capital structure mediates the relationship between CEO characteristics and firm performance. Design/methodology/approach In order to test the hypothesized model, CEO duality, tenure and personal characteristics (age, gender and education) were taken as explanatory variables to study their impact on firm performance. Data were collected from 179 Pakistani companies from 2009-2015. The collected data were processed via panel data regression analysis under fixed effect assumptions. Findings Results show that CEO duality has a negative impact on firm performance and that a CEO with a dual role is more inclined toward debt financing. Moreover, a CEO with a longer tenure tends to be opportunistic and prioritize his/her personal interest while making strategic financial decisions, thus creating agency costs for the firm. Furthermore, CEO characteristics like age, gender and education have significant effects on firm financial decisions and firm performance. Finally, the debt and equity ratio partially mediates the link between CEO characteristics and firm performance. Originality/value To the best of the authors knowledge, this study is the first to explore the impact of CEO characteristics on capital structure and firm performance. This work is also the first to explore the mediating role of capital structure in the relationship between CEO characteristics and firm performance by using Pakistani data.
Keyword :
Capital structure CEO characteristics Firm performance
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GB/T 7714 | Naseem, Muhammad Akram , Lin, Jun , Rehman, Ramiz Ur et al. Does capital structure mediate the link between CEO characteristics and firm performance? [J]. | MANAGEMENT DECISION , 2020 , 58 (1) : 164-181 . |
MLA | Naseem, Muhammad Akram et al. "Does capital structure mediate the link between CEO characteristics and firm performance?" . | MANAGEMENT DECISION 58 . 1 (2020) : 164-181 . |
APA | Naseem, Muhammad Akram , Lin, Jun , Rehman, Ramiz Ur , Ahmad, Muhammad Ishfaq , Ali, Rizwan . Does capital structure mediate the link between CEO characteristics and firm performance? . | MANAGEMENT DECISION , 2020 , 58 (1) , 164-181 . |
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