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Enhancement of crack reconstruction through inversion of eddy current testing signals with a new crack model and a deterministic optimization method EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper proposes a new crack model to parameterize profile of a natural crack in order to improve the inversion precision of crack profile with eddy current testing (ECT) signals. In this novel crack model, the edge profile of a planar crack is parametrized with six feature parameters of three curves, i.e. two quarter-elliptic curves and a straight line. Compared with the conventional rectangular and semi-elliptical crack model, the new model gives better profile fitting of actual cracks such as a fatigue crack or a stress corrosion crack. In addition, the reconstruction procedure with the new crack model is more stable than using the arbitrary-shaped crack model outlined by a piecewise line as the unknown parameters to be reconstructed is significantly reduced. To apply the new crack model for crack inversion with the conventional conjugate gradient method, the formulae for calculating the gradient vector regarding to the feature parameters of the new crack model are deduced. To investigate the performance of the new model for crack sizing, cracks of different sizes and complex shapes were reconstructed using the new crack model and the fast forward ECT signal simulator using unflawed field database and the multimedia finite element scheme. Meanwhile, inverse analyses for sizing cracks of complicated shapes were also carried out based on ECT signals containing random noise to clarify the robustness of the new inversion scheme. The numerical results show that reconstructed crack parameters are identical with the true ones in acceptable accuracy, which proved the validity and efficiency of the new method.

Keyword :

deterministic optimization method inverse analysis new crack model


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Yingsong , Wei, Guo , Han, Jie et al. Enhancement of crack reconstruction through inversion of eddy current testing signals with a new crack model and a deterministic optimization method [J]. | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 33 (5) .
MLA Zhao, Yingsong et al. "Enhancement of crack reconstruction through inversion of eddy current testing signals with a new crack model and a deterministic optimization method" . | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 33 . 5 (2022) .
APA Zhao, Yingsong , Wei, Guo , Han, Jie , Cai, Wenlu , Chen, Hong-En , Chen, Zhenmao . Enhancement of crack reconstruction through inversion of eddy current testing signals with a new crack model and a deterministic optimization method . | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 33 (5) .
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Pulse-Modulation Eddy Current Evaluation of Interlaminar Corrosion in Stratified Conductors: Semi-Analytical Modeling and Experiments SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 22 (9) | SENSORS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Interlaminar corrosion (ILC) poses a severe threat to stratified conductors which are broadly employed in engineering fields including aerospace, energy, etc. Therefore, for the pressing concern regarding the safety and integrity of stratified conductors, it is imperative to non-intrusively and quantitatively interrogate ILC via non-destructive evaluation techniques. In this paper, pulse-modulation eddy current (PMEC) for imaging and assessment of ILC is intensively investigated through theoretical simulations and experiments. A semi-analytical model of PMEC evaluation of ILC occurring at the interlayer of two conductor layers is established based on the extended truncated region eigenfunction expansion (ETREE) along with the efficient algorithm for the numerical computation of eigenvalues for reflection coefficients of the stratified conductor under inspection. Based on theoretical investigation, PMEC evaluation of ILC in testing samples are further scrutinized by using the PMEC imaging system built up for the experimental study. The theoretical and experimental results have revealed the feasibility of PMEC for imaging and evaluation of ILC in stratified conductors.

Keyword :

defect imaging and evaluation electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation interlaminar corrosion pulse-modulation eddy current technique semi-analytical model


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Zhengshuai , Li, Yong , Ren, Shuting et al. Pulse-Modulation Eddy Current Evaluation of Interlaminar Corrosion in Stratified Conductors: Semi-Analytical Modeling and Experiments [J]. | SENSORS , 2022 , 22 (9) .
MLA Liu, Zhengshuai et al. "Pulse-Modulation Eddy Current Evaluation of Interlaminar Corrosion in Stratified Conductors: Semi-Analytical Modeling and Experiments" . | SENSORS 22 . 9 (2022) .
APA Liu, Zhengshuai , Li, Yong , Ren, Shuting , Ren, Yanzhao , Abidin, Ilham Mukriz Zainal , Chen, Zhenmao . Pulse-Modulation Eddy Current Evaluation of Interlaminar Corrosion in Stratified Conductors: Semi-Analytical Modeling and Experiments . | SENSORS , 2022 , 22 (9) .
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A theoretical simulation for MBN testing: Modeling microscopic local magnetization jumps in magnetic domain movement EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) signals are adoped for the non-destructive evaluation of residual stress and plastic deformation due to their sensitivity to micro defects in material. Such MBN signals originate from discontinuous magnetization jumps accompanied by blocking of the pinning effect on the magnetic domain. This paper analyzes the influencing factors and laws of MBN non-destructive evaluation by numerically simulating discontinuous magnetization jumps. The pinning effect on the movement of the magnetic domain is considered as a random barrier field with a Gaussian distribution, and the discontinuous magnetization jumps are described as a transition in the local magnetization state. Solving Maxwell equations under varying current excitations based on the finite difference method allows simulating the magnetization evolution during non-destructive testing based on an iterative algorithm to realize MBN signal analysis. The theoretical analyses combined with existing experimental data show that the simulations can predict the influence of the excitation frequency, plastic deformation and stress level on the MBN signals, while also give explanations on some basic experimental phenomena and laws. This proposed theoretical simulation method is available to describe the mechanisms and causes of the MBN signals from a microscopic perspective for magnetic jump events.

Keyword :

Local magnetization Magnetic Barkhausen Noise MBN jump events Testing mechanism Theoretical simulation


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GB/T 7714 Wang Zhijun , Shi Pengpeng , Chen Hong-En et al. A theoretical simulation for MBN testing: Modeling microscopic local magnetization jumps in magnetic domain movement [J]. | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS , 2022 , 552 .
MLA Wang Zhijun et al. "A theoretical simulation for MBN testing: Modeling microscopic local magnetization jumps in magnetic domain movement" . | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 552 (2022) .
APA Wang Zhijun , Shi Pengpeng , Chen Hong-En , He Manru , Chen Zhenmao . A theoretical simulation for MBN testing: Modeling microscopic local magnetization jumps in magnetic domain movement . | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS , 2022 , 552 .
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Quantitative sizing of compound location defects based on PECT-EMAT hybrid testing methods EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Metal structures are widely used in modern industrial fields, in which various compound location defects are inevitably produced from manufacture to service. Facing such complex conditions, a single electromagnetic nondestructive testing method usually cannot meet all needs. For metal structure with surface crack and bottom thinning defect, a novel PECT-EMAT hybrid testing method is proposed in this study. The relevant simulation and experimental method are developed to realize the compound location defects detection. The proposed method employs only one set of equipment to realize the compound location defects detection, which greatly reduces the complexity of the experimental system and improves the detection efficiency. In addition, the correlation between the extracted signal features and the defect parameters is established through simulation, and further verified by experiment. Furthermore, in order to estimate the damage level of the defects, the inversion calculation procedure of the hybrid NDT method are developed based on genetic algorithm and neural network algorithm, respectively. The reconstruction of the compound location defects using the above two inverse algorithm are carried out using simulation data and experimental data. Finally, the effects of the two inverse methods are compared and the reasons for their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed.

Keyword :

Compound location defects Defect reconstruction Genetic algorithm Neural network algorithm PECT-EMAT hybrid testing method


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GB/T 7714 Duan, Zhirong , Xie, Shejuan , Huang, Lei et al. Quantitative sizing of compound location defects based on PECT-EMAT hybrid testing methods [J]. | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 178 .
MLA Duan, Zhirong et al. "Quantitative sizing of compound location defects based on PECT-EMAT hybrid testing methods" . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 178 (2022) .
APA Duan, Zhirong , Xie, Shejuan , Huang, Lei , Zhao, Ruixiang , Tian, Mingming , Liu, Tianhao et al. Quantitative sizing of compound location defects based on PECT-EMAT hybrid testing methods . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 178 .
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Quantitative mapping of depth profile of fatigue cracks using eddy current pulsed thermography assisted by PCA and 2D wavelet transformation EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 24
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Fatigue cracks are widely generated in numerous engineering components under alternating loads, whose sudden brittle fracture would seriously shorten the service life and cause significant hazards. A large number of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques have been utilized to quantitatively evaluate the fatigue cracks, however, most of these methods are difficult to be used for a full characterization of the cracks' depth profile. The eddy current pulsed thermography (ECPT) as a promising NDT technique shows great potential for fatigue crack evaluation due to its high detection efficiency, large inspection area, and high spatial resolution. In this article, a ferrite yoke was utilized to generate a homogeneous eddy current field, and as such to enhance the detection sensitivity and to provide a wide open-view area for the camera. The hybrid processing strategy combining principal component analysis (PCA) and 2D wavelet transformation was proposed to extract spatial features of the thermographic image sequences. Firstly, numerical results demonstrate that the profiles of slot cracks can be identified directly from the thermographic images in the early heating stage. Afterward, the ECPT experiments on slot cracks with different depth profiles demonstrate the feasibility of the hybrid processing strategy. Then, three fatigue cracks were manufactured through the three-point bending method and detected by ECPT. The results of the hybrid processing method indicate that these three fatigue cracks have elliptical profiles. Finally, the authentic depth profile of a fatigue crack with an elliptical shape is extracted through a destructive experiment. The comparison results between the real depth profile and the profile characterized through the proposed strategy show great consistency and validate the superiority of the proposed strategy.

Keyword :

Crack depth profile Eddy current pulsed thermography Fatigue cracks Nondestructive testing PCA Wavelet transformation


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GB/T 7714 Tong, Zongfei , Xie, Shejuan , Chen, Hong-en et al. Quantitative mapping of depth profile of fatigue cracks using eddy current pulsed thermography assisted by PCA and 2D wavelet transformation [J]. | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 175 .
MLA Tong, Zongfei et al. "Quantitative mapping of depth profile of fatigue cracks using eddy current pulsed thermography assisted by PCA and 2D wavelet transformation" . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 175 (2022) .
APA Tong, Zongfei , Xie, Shejuan , Chen, Hong-en , Qiu, Jinxing , Cai, Wenlu , Pei, Cuixiang et al. Quantitative mapping of depth profile of fatigue cracks using eddy current pulsed thermography assisted by PCA and 2D wavelet transformation . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2022 , 175 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 22 (1) , 16-21 | 空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

电磁屏蔽 航空金属套管 脉冲远场涡流 坡印廷矢量 探头优化


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GB/T 7714 张超 , 李勇 , 刘正帅 et al. 航空金属套管结构脉冲远场涡流检测机制及探头优化 [J]. | 空军工程大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 22 (1) : 16-21 .
MLA 张超 et al. "航空金属套管结构脉冲远场涡流检测机制及探头优化" . | 空军工程大学学报(自然科学版) 22 . 1 (2021) : 16-21 .
APA 张超 , 李勇 , 刘正帅 , 闫贝 , 任淑廷 , 陈振茂 . 航空金属套管结构脉冲远场涡流检测机制及探头优化 . | 空军工程大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 22 (1) , 16-21 .
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A Reconstruction Scheme Using an Average Conductivity Element for Pitting Corrosion Defects in Steam Generator Tubes From Eddy Current Testing Signals EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 57 (10) | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Pitting corrosion is a typical defect in steam generator tubes of nuclear power plants (NPPs) which may cause leak of coolant water in the first circulation loop of an NPP. Different from a crack, the pitting defect has small hole-like geometrical feature, which makes the conventional inversion scheme for crack profile reconstruction using eddy current testing (ECT) signals unsuitable. In this article, a numerical scheme to reconstruct the pitting corrosion defect from ECT signals is proposed and validated, including a new efficient ECT signal forward solver and an iterative inversion algorithm. For efficient calculation of the ECT signals due to a pitting hole, defect model based on a finite element of average conductivity is proposed. The model is validated by comparing its results with those of the conventional finite element method and boundary element method (FEM-BEM) hybrid code of A-phi formulation using a detailed mesh for a flat-bottom hole. To reconstruct the defect profile such as the depth and diameter, the particle swarm optimization algorithm was adopted to solve the inversion problem iteratively. Finally, ECT experiments were conducted for test piece tubes with artificial pitting defects of different sizes and the defect profile parameters were reconstructed from the measured ECT signals with the proposed numerical schemes. Both the depths and the diameters of the artificial pitting defects, i.e., flat-bottom holes, were properly reconstructed referring to the true defect sizes.

Keyword :

Average conductivity element inverse analysis particle swarm optimization (PSO) method pitting corrosion defect


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Yingsong , Wang, Li , Qi, Pan et al. A Reconstruction Scheme Using an Average Conductivity Element for Pitting Corrosion Defects in Steam Generator Tubes From Eddy Current Testing Signals [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS , 2021 , 57 (10) .
MLA Zhao, Yingsong et al. "A Reconstruction Scheme Using an Average Conductivity Element for Pitting Corrosion Defects in Steam Generator Tubes From Eddy Current Testing Signals" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 57 . 10 (2021) .
APA Zhao, Yingsong , Wang, Li , Qi, Pan , Zhu, Yulong , Han, Jie , Guo, Wei et al. A Reconstruction Scheme Using an Average Conductivity Element for Pitting Corrosion Defects in Steam Generator Tubes From Eddy Current Testing Signals . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS , 2021 , 57 (10) .
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A novel circumferential eccentric eddy current probe and its application for defect detection of small-diameter tubes EI SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

When it comes to the detection of defects in small-diameter tube, eddy current testing (ECT) using Bobbin probe is the traditional method. Although this way is quite efficient, it is not available to obtain the circumferential information of the defect due to its inherent disadvantage. In this study, a novel probe has been proposed which can obtain both axial and circumferential information of defects, still with high efficiency. During testing, the probe carries out axial scan for defect searching in axial direction, and when defect is discovered, the circumferential eccentric rotating scan module will be executed. Thus, this novel probe can achieve multiple defect information with high efficiency. The specific research contents are as follows. Firstly, the eccentric and rotatable EC probe is designed suitably for small-diameter tubes, with the simulation model built up for signal analysis. Then, the feasibility of this novel probe is verified by integrating the obtained simulation data, showing the advantages of the developed probe for obtaining both axial and circumferential multiple information of defects in small-diameter tube. Finally, the novel probe is fabricated, and the testing system is established. The corresponding experiments are conducted, certifying the superiority and efficiency of the new type of probe further. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Circumferential eccentric probe Eddy current testing Multiple defect information Small-diameter tube


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Qingning , Xie, Shejuan , He, Kun et al. A novel circumferential eccentric eddy current probe and its application for defect detection of small-diameter tubes [J]. | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL , 2021 , 331 .
MLA Yang, Qingning et al. "A novel circumferential eccentric eddy current probe and its application for defect detection of small-diameter tubes" . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 331 (2021) .
APA Yang, Qingning , Xie, Shejuan , He, Kun , Chen, Yue-E , Chen, Zhenmao , Uchimoto, Tetsuya et al. A novel circumferential eccentric eddy current probe and its application for defect detection of small-diameter tubes . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL , 2021 , 331 .
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A hybrid spiral-bobbin eddy current testing probe for detection of crack of arbitrary orientation in steam generator tubes SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2021 , 37 (3) , 332-345 | NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION
SCOPUS Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper presents a new hybrid spiral-bobbin probe (S-bobbin probe) of transmitting-receiving (TR) mode for efficient eddy current testing (ECT) of steam generator tubes in nuclear power plants. The new probe of novel configuration can solve the major drawback of the conventional bobbin type ECT probe, i.e., insensitive to circumferential cracks. The excitation coil of the new probe consists of 2 coil segments of spiral geometry and 2 coil segments of half circle geometry which are sequentially connected to form a full coil loop. To acquire defect signal of low lift-off noise, the TR probe mode is adopted and the shape of the pick-up coil is selected the same as that of the excitation coil. As the S-bobbin probe can induce eddy currents in two different directions, it can detect cracks in SG tubes of arbitrary orientations. In order to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the new S-bobbin probe, simulations and experiments were carried out with a prototype S-bobbin probe and tube specimens with circumferential or axial artificial cracks. The simulation and experimental results agree well, and both of them reveal that a crack in any direction can be properly detected and evaluated by using the new probe.

Keyword :

crack of arbitrary orientation Eddy current testing new probe configuration spiral-bobbin probe steam generator tubes


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Yingsong , Wang, Meng , Han, Jie et al. A hybrid spiral-bobbin eddy current testing probe for detection of crack of arbitrary orientation in steam generator tubes [J]. | NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION , 2021 , 37 (3) : 332-345 .
MLA Zhao, Yingsong et al. "A hybrid spiral-bobbin eddy current testing probe for detection of crack of arbitrary orientation in steam generator tubes" . | NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION 37 . 3 (2021) : 332-345 .
APA Zhao, Yingsong , Wang, Meng , Han, Jie , Deng, Jie , Zhu, Yulong , Cai, Wenlu et al. A hybrid spiral-bobbin eddy current testing probe for detection of crack of arbitrary orientation in steam generator tubes . | NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION , 2021 , 37 (3) , 332-345 .
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A numerical simulation method of nonlinear magnetic flux leakage testing signals for nondestructive evaluation of plastic deformation in a ferromagnetic material EI SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Nonlinear Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing (MFLT) method is a relative new non-destructive testing (NDT) technique for inspection defect or micro damage in structure of ferromagnetic material by measuring the leakage magnetic field during an alternative magnetization process. To enhance the nonlinear MFLT technique, a numerical tool for simulating the inspection signal is very important in views to clarify the detection mechanism and to improve the detection efficiency. However, most of the simulation methods on magnetic NDT problems solve problem without considering the hysteresis effects of ferromagnetic materials and is difficult to deal with the influence of mechanical damage. In this paper, a numerical scheme is proposed at first to simulate the nonlinear MFLT signals considering the nonlinearity and hysteresis characteristics of ferromagnetic materials based on the equivalent magnetic polarization approach and FEM-BEM hybrid method. The validities of the proposed method and the corresponding numerical code are proved by comparing the simulation results of a typical nonlinear MFLT problem with the experimental measured signals. Secondly, in order to cope with the influence of plastic deformation in material on the nonlinear MFLT signals, a magneto-mechanical coupling constitutive relation is proposed and applied to the developed numerical simulation code. Finally, the nonlinear MFLT signals of specimen with different plastic deformation are simulated with the developed numerical code and the influence mechanism of plastic deformation on nonlinear MFLT signals is discussed based on the numerical results. The results reveal that the distortion of nonlinear MFLT signals mainly due to the magnetic remanence coefficient of material which can be significantly influenced by micro damage such as the plastic deformation. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

FEM-BEM hybrid method Modified Jiles-Atherton model NDE Nonlinear magnetic flux leakage Numerical simulation method Plastic deformation


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GB/T 7714 He, Manru , Shi, Pengpeng , Xie, Shejuan et al. A numerical simulation method of nonlinear magnetic flux leakage testing signals for nondestructive evaluation of plastic deformation in a ferromagnetic material [J]. | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2021 , 155 .
MLA He, Manru et al. "A numerical simulation method of nonlinear magnetic flux leakage testing signals for nondestructive evaluation of plastic deformation in a ferromagnetic material" . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 155 (2021) .
APA He, Manru , Shi, Pengpeng , Xie, Shejuan , Chen, Zhenmao , Uchimoto, Tetsuya , Takagi, Toshiyuki . A numerical simulation method of nonlinear magnetic flux leakage testing signals for nondestructive evaluation of plastic deformation in a ferromagnetic material . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2021 , 155 .
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