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Developing a Health-Spatial Indicator System for a Healthy City in Small and Midsized Cities SCIE SSCI Scopus
WoS CC Cited Count: 2 SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A recent examination of the significant role of public health has prompted calls to re-investigate how the urban environment affects public health. A vital part of the solution includes Healthy City initiatives that have been the subject of extensive policies, implications, and practices globally. However, the existing literature mainly focuses on big cities and metropolitan areas, while investigations into small and midsized cities (SMCs) are lacking, and thus reflect the underlying issues of health inequity. This study develops an indicator system for evaluating Healthy City initiatives in SMCs, linking urban design and public health, supported by the analyzed opinions from experts collected using both questionnaires and interviews. The indicator system includes six primary dimensions and 37 variables: urban form and transportation (UFT); health-friendly service (HFS); environmental quality and governance (EQG); community and facility (CF); green and open space (GOS); and ecological construction and biodiversity (ECB). A fuzzy synthetic evaluation technique was used to assess the relative importance of factors, emphasizing the importance of UFT, HFS, and EQG, with importance indexes of 0.175, 0.174, and 0.174, respectively. This indicator system is helpful for SMCs seeking to construct a Healthy City in the future, and is based on urban design and governance inputs and for enhancing the Healthy City knowledge base of cities of varied scales.

Keyword :

built environment Healthy City indicator system small and midsized city urban design


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GB/T 7714 Luo, Jiemei , Chan, Edwin H. W. , Du, Jinfeng et al. Developing a Health-Spatial Indicator System for a Healthy City in Small and Midsized Cities [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH , 2022 , 19 (6) .
MLA Luo, Jiemei et al. "Developing a Health-Spatial Indicator System for a Healthy City in Small and Midsized Cities" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 19 . 6 (2022) .
APA Luo, Jiemei , Chan, Edwin H. W. , Du, Jinfeng , Feng, Linxia , Jiang, Peng , Xu, Ying . Developing a Health-Spatial Indicator System for a Healthy City in Small and Midsized Cities . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH , 2022 , 19 (6) .
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The nonlinearity and nonlinear convergence of CO2 emissions: Evidence from top 20 highest emitting countries SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 29 (39) , 59466-59482 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most prevalent greenhouse gas that triggers climate change, which in turn leads to catastrophic effects on trade, business, human health, and other areas. Understanding the characteristics and tendency of CO2 emissions will improve policy making and mitigation strategies. Understanding the linearity or nonlinearity and convergence or divergence of CO2 emissions is essential for selecting appropriate modeling techniques and for designing reliable policies. Therefore, this paper investigates the nonlinearity and nonlinear convergence of CO2 emissions among the world's top 20 highest emitting countries, which account for 80% of the world's total emissions. To check the nonlinearity of CO2 emissions, the McLeod-Li nonlinearity test, the Terasvirta nonlinearity test, and the Brock-Dechert-Scheinkman-LeBaron nonlinearity test are employed. The convergence or divergence of CO2 emissions is checked by using the Kilic nonlinear unit root test, the Hu and Chen nonlinear unit root test, and the Park and Shintani nonlinear unit root test. The findings revealed that the CO2 emissions process in all the 20 countries is nonlinear; 17 countries exhibit convergence in CO2 emissions while the other 3 countries diverged from 1960 to 2018. Based on the results, the nonlinear nature of CO2 emissions requires special attention from scholars when selecting estimation techniques for CO2 emissions. For countries with convergence, emissions trends can be used to forecast future values of CO2 emissions. Moreover, strong policy actions are required to achieve convergence in the countries with divergence.

Keyword :

CO2 emissions Convergence test Environmental sustainability Nonlinearity test


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GB/T 7714 Sohail, Ali , Du, Jinfeng , Abbasi, Babar Nawaz et al. The nonlinearity and nonlinear convergence of CO2 emissions: Evidence from top 20 highest emitting countries [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2022 , 29 (39) : 59466-59482 .
MLA Sohail, Ali et al. "The nonlinearity and nonlinear convergence of CO2 emissions: Evidence from top 20 highest emitting countries" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 29 . 39 (2022) : 59466-59482 .
APA Sohail, Ali , Du, Jinfeng , Abbasi, Babar Nawaz , Ahmed, Zahoor . The nonlinearity and nonlinear convergence of CO2 emissions: Evidence from top 20 highest emitting countries . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2022 , 29 (39) , 59466-59482 .
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Land wealth generation and distribution in the process of land expropriation and development in Beijing, China SSCI Scopus
期刊论文 | 2017 , 38 (8) , 1231-1251 | URBAN GEOGRAPHY | IF: 2.307
WoS CC Cited Count: 6 SCOPUS Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Based on transaction data at the parcel level in Beijing, this paper itemizes the costs incurred in the process of transferring rural land to urban development, quantifies the exact magnitude of land appreciation generated in this process and examines how the land wealth is distributed among involved parties. The main findings include the following: first, the land appreciation and the costs incurred in the process of land expropriation and primary development both differ from case to case; second, conventional comparison of the compensation for expropriated land with land granting price substantially overestimates the magnitude of land appreciation; the average and the median land appreciations account for 44.8% and 44.0% of the mean and median prices of granted serviced land, respectively; last, the compensation paid to affected farmers has improved in absolute terms during our study period from 2003 to 2014; however, because the land granting price has been escalating at a faster pace, the land wealth received by local governments has trended up.

Keyword :

Beijing China financing urbanization land appreciation Land-value stages land wealth distribution


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GB/T 7714 Du, Jinfeng , Thill, Jean-Claude , Feng, Changchun et al. Land wealth generation and distribution in the process of land expropriation and development in Beijing, China [J]. | URBAN GEOGRAPHY , 2017 , 38 (8) : 1231-1251 .
MLA Du, Jinfeng et al. "Land wealth generation and distribution in the process of land expropriation and development in Beijing, China" . | URBAN GEOGRAPHY 38 . 8 (2017) : 1231-1251 .
APA Du, Jinfeng , Thill, Jean-Claude , Feng, Changchun , Zhu, Guangyin . Land wealth generation and distribution in the process of land expropriation and development in Beijing, China . | URBAN GEOGRAPHY , 2017 , 38 (8) , 1231-1251 .
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Land pricing and its impact on land use efficiency in post-land-reform China: A case study of Beijing SSCI Scopus
期刊论文 | 2016 , 50 , 68-74 | CITIES | IF: 2.449
WoS CC Cited Count: 71 SCOPUS Cited Count: 99
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper analyzes how the newly introduced land pricing system affects urban land productivity in China, taking post-land-reform Beijing as an example. China has been developing its urban land market by building an effective pricing system. This study indicates that the effects of such pricing system on urbaniand productivity have evolved with the progress of land reform. It is only since 2004, when land granting by negotiation was at last totally prohibited for profit-oriented developments, that the land pricing system has started to positively and significantly improve urban land productivity; the land pricing system also promotes more productive urban land usage by-stimulating more intensive investment and better business management. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Beijing China Land pricing Land use efficiency Land use productivity


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GB/T 7714 Du, Jinfeng , Thill, Jean-Claude , Peiser, Richard B. . Land pricing and its impact on land use efficiency in post-land-reform China: A case study of Beijing [J]. | CITIES , 2016 , 50 : 68-74 .
MLA Du, Jinfeng et al. "Land pricing and its impact on land use efficiency in post-land-reform China: A case study of Beijing" . | CITIES 50 (2016) : 68-74 .
APA Du, Jinfeng , Thill, Jean-Claude , Peiser, Richard B. . Land pricing and its impact on land use efficiency in post-land-reform China: A case study of Beijing . | CITIES , 2016 , 50 , 68-74 .
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