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Abstract :
Lithium-ion batteries are being used in electric vehicles with very demanding duty schedules. The estimation of battery state of health is very important, so that it has become a research hotspot. This paper deals with the problem of lithium-ion battery state-of-health estimation based on a simplified fractional impedance model and the battery's interval capacity. A simplified fractional impedance model based on the Grünwald-Letnikov definition is introduced, and the least-squares genetic algorithm is utilized to identify the model parameters with a voltage-tracing error rate less than 0.2%. In order to validate the battery ageing performance, a battery test-bench has been established, and an accelerated ageing experiment has been carried out. Based on the identified model parameters and interval capacity combination with a voltage range from 3.95 V to 4.15 V, a back propagation neural network is introduced to estimate the battery state of health with an error margin of [−1.5%, 1.5%]. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through simulations and experiments. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Backpropagation Battery management systems Genetic algorithms Health Ions Lithium-ion batteries Neural networks
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GB/T 7714 | Yang, Qingxia , Xu, Jun , Li, Xiuqing et al. State-of-health estimation of lithium-ion battery based on fractional impedance model and interval capacity [J]. | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems , 2020 , 119 . |
MLA | Yang, Qingxia et al. "State-of-health estimation of lithium-ion battery based on fractional impedance model and interval capacity" . | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 119 (2020) . |
APA | Yang, Qingxia , Xu, Jun , Li, Xiuqing , Xu, Dan , Cao, Binggang . State-of-health estimation of lithium-ion battery based on fractional impedance model and interval capacity . | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems , 2020 , 119 . |
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Abstract :
This paper proposes a control strategy of a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) based on simplified 2th-order model. The HESS uses a bidirectional DC/DC converter to connect the supercapacitors (SC) with the battery. Two control objectives, the output current of the SC during the traction procedure and the charging current of the SC while regenerative braking, are regulated by using the DC/DC converter. Two H-infinity controllers are designed to control the output and charging current of the SC to their reference values, which are generated by the energy management strategy (EMS). Experimental results show that the proposed control method achieves a satisfactory performance, including a low steady-state tracking error and high response speed when the load power varies in a wide range.
Keyword :
Electric vehicle H(infinity)controller Hybrid energy storage system (HESS) Regenerative braking Supercapacitor
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GB/T 7714 | Bai, Zhifeng , Yan, Zengfeng , Wu, Xiaolan et al. H-infinity Control for Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System Used in Electric Vehicles [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY , 2019 , 20 (6) : 1287-1296 . |
MLA | Bai, Zhifeng et al. "H-infinity Control for Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System Used in Electric Vehicles" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 20 . 6 (2019) : 1287-1296 . |
APA | Bai, Zhifeng , Yan, Zengfeng , Wu, Xiaolan , Xu, Jun , Cao, Binggang . H-infinity Control for Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System Used in Electric Vehicles . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY , 2019 , 20 (6) , 1287-1296 . |
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插电式混合动力电动汽车 粒子群优化 模糊控制 能量管理策略
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GB/T 7714 | 武小兰 , 白志峰 , 史小辉 et al. PHEV模糊能量管理策略优化设计 [J]. | 系统仿真学报 , 2018 , (1) : 242-248 . |
MLA | 武小兰 et al. "PHEV模糊能量管理策略优化设计" . | 系统仿真学报 1 (2018) : 242-248 . |
APA | 武小兰 , 白志峰 , 史小辉 , 曹秉刚 . PHEV模糊能量管理策略优化设计 . | 系统仿真学报 , 2018 , (1) , 242-248 . |
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Simplicity and accuracy are both important factors in real-time battery states estimation applications. However, a battery model initialized with static parameters which are identified in ideal laboratory conditions will not be able to get an accurate estimation in various actual applications. Besides, it is time-consuming and complex in implement. To solve the above problem, a new battery states estimation method is proposed. Firstly, an adaptive battery model is proposed according to a new online parameter estimation algorithm. Based on it, the parameter adaptive sliding mode observer for state of charge is proposed. Thus, the state of charge systematic error led from various work environments could be effectively reduced. The parameter adaptive sliding mode observer for state of health is proposed by tracing the derivative of open circuit voltage estimated online. As the reference open circuit voltage is estimated based on measurable inputs and outputs, rather than conventional observer with an assumed constant capacity. The estimated battery capacity could converge to the actual value while the error of battery open circuit voltage converges to zero. The proposed method is verified through the urban dynamometer driving schedule driving cycle. The results indicate that:1) parameters estimated online are accurate, 2) the absolute error of state of charge is less than 2%, 3) the estimated lithium-ion battery capacity could converge to the actual value with small capacity error. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Adaptive sliding mode observer Lithium-ion battery Parameters estimation online State of charge estimation State of health estimation
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GB/T 7714 | Ning, Bo , Cao, Binggang , Wang, Bin et al. Adaptive sliding mode observers for lithium-ion battery state estimation based on parameters identified online [J]. | ENERGY , 2018 , 153 : 732-742 . |
MLA | Ning, Bo et al. "Adaptive sliding mode observers for lithium-ion battery state estimation based on parameters identified online" . | ENERGY 153 (2018) : 732-742 . |
APA | Ning, Bo , Cao, Binggang , Wang, Bin , Zou, Zhongyue . Adaptive sliding mode observers for lithium-ion battery state estimation based on parameters identified online . | ENERGY , 2018 , 153 , 732-742 . |
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First of all, according to electromagnetic parameters and thermal physical parameters of 510 kW disk-type motor, the 3D liquid-solid coupling model is built in this paper. The temperature distribution of motor heating parts is analyzed under the rating condition, and then the temperature rise test of prototype is performed. For the case that the temperature of motor is relatively high, affecting factors of temperature rise test are studied from the perspective of temperature reduction actively and passively. On the respect of temperature reduction actively, a 3D axial flux PMSM model is put forward. Changing trends of iron core loss is analyzed under the no-load and load conditions, which using different brands of silicon steel sheet based on the theoretical model of iron core loss and electromagnetic simulation model. On the respect of temperature reduction passively, the influence factors on the highest temperature of stator and rotor are analyzed, which include inlet velocity, end capmaterial, and different load based on the 3D liquid-solid coupling model. Finally, the convective heat transfer coefficient and pressure loss between inlet and outlet are studied, which change with different water channel type and inlet velocity. Through above analysis of influential factor on temperature rise, the theoretical foundation is laid for improving the thermal management of disk-type motor. © 2018, Harbin University of Science and Technology Publication. All right reserved.
Keyword :
Convective heat transfer Coefficient Electromagnetic parameters Influence factor analysis Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Temperature rise Temperature-rise tests Theoretical foundations Thermal physical parameters
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Qi-Xu , Liang, De-Liang , Xu, Jun et al. Influence factor analysis of disc-type AC permanent magnet synchronous motor temperature rise [J]. | Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control , 2018 , 22 (3) : 33-41 . |
MLA | Chen, Qi-Xu et al. "Influence factor analysis of disc-type AC permanent magnet synchronous motor temperature rise" . | Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control 22 . 3 (2018) : 33-41 . |
APA | Chen, Qi-Xu , Liang, De-Liang , Xu, Jun , Cao, Bing-Gang . Influence factor analysis of disc-type AC permanent magnet synchronous motor temperature rise . | Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control , 2018 , 22 (3) , 33-41 . |
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FLUENT GAMBIT前处理软件 流场 耦合 铜转子三相异步电机 温度场
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GB/T 7714 | 陈起旭 , 王云洪 , 杨来顺 et al. 铜转子三相异步电动机温度场流场耦合分析 [J]. | 电机与控制应用 , 2017 , (10) : 77-82 . |
MLA | 陈起旭 et al. "铜转子三相异步电动机温度场流场耦合分析" . | 电机与控制应用 10 (2017) : 77-82 . |
APA | 陈起旭 , 王云洪 , 杨来顺 , 徐俊 , 曹秉刚 . 铜转子三相异步电动机温度场流场耦合分析 . | 电机与控制应用 , 2017 , (10) , 77-82 . |
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Abstract :
以一台25 kW电动汽车用内置式永磁同步电机作为被控对象,分别使用梯度下降法、电流超前角β法对比分析,实现了弱磁控制.在整个控制系统中,2种算法均使用了电流、转速和电压三闭环反馈控制,以定子相电压Us对变频器直流侧母线电压Udc的利用率为基础,采集电流调节器ACR输出的交/直轴电压Udq,与定子相电压最大值Usmax相比较组成反馈电压控制环,经积分调节器,最终得到修正后的交/直轴电流.与反馈的交/直轴电流比较后的差值,作为电流调节器ACR的输入.在t=0.2s时刻,负载转矩由80 Nm阶跃到20 Nm,转速由额定转速3000 r/min阶跃到最高转速12000 r/min,由转速曲线可以看出,采用2种不同弱磁调速算法,均可以实现具备4倍弱磁调速能力.仿真证明了弱磁控制算法的合理性,实现了电磁转矩与转速的快速跟踪,以及较小的电流与转矩纹波,并初步搭建了动力系统平台,为后续试验提供理论依据.
Keyword :
电流超前角法 内置式永磁同步电机 弱磁控制 梯度下降法
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GB/T 7714 | 陈起旭 , 邹忠月 , 曹秉刚 et al. 纯电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA-FW控制算法对比研究 [J]. | 微电机 , 2017 , (6) : 44-50 . |
MLA | 陈起旭 et al. "纯电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA-FW控制算法对比研究" . | 微电机 6 (2017) : 44-50 . |
APA | 陈起旭 , 邹忠月 , 曹秉刚 , 徐俊 . 纯电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA-FW控制算法对比研究 . | 微电机 , 2017 , (6) , 44-50 . |
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Abstract :
研究了一台25kW内置式永磁同步电机,从解析法、β求解算法、反馈算法与直接求解算法4个方面对比实现了最大转矩电流比控制,并从动态响应、稳定性方面分析了仿真结果,发现直接求解算法,系统动态响应最快,其次是β求解算法,因反馈算法,需要多次重复迭代,故系统响应最慢.当t=0.25 s处负载转矩由40 Nm阶跃到80 Nm,可以看出交/直轴电流随之增大,与解析法中的MTPA轨迹曲线一致,计算结果比较接近,以此证明了3种算法的合理性,实现了电磁转矩与转速的快速跟踪,在工程上有巨大的应用价值.
Keyword :
内置式永磁同步电机 矢量控制 最大转矩电流比控制
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GB/T 7714 | 陈起旭 , 王庆元 , 徐俊 et al. 电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA控制算法对比研究 [J]. | 微电机 , 2017 , (4) : 32-35,42 . |
MLA | 陈起旭 et al. "电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA控制算法对比研究" . | 微电机 4 (2017) : 32-35,42 . |
APA | 陈起旭 , 王庆元 , 徐俊 , 邹忠月 , 曹秉刚 . 电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA控制算法对比研究 . | 微电机 , 2017 , (4) , 32-35,42 . |
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根据510 kW盘式电机的电磁设计参数及热物性参数建立了三维温度场流场流固耦合模型,分析了额定工况下电机发热部件的温度分布,接着对样机进行了温升试验.针对温升试验电机温度偏高进行了改进性研究探索,从主动降低损耗和被动降低损耗两方面,研究了影响盘式电机温升的因素.主动降耗方面,建立了等效的二维直线电机模型,从铁耗理论模型和电磁仿真模型角度分析了不同牌号硅钢片在空载和负载工况下,铁耗瞬态变化趋势.对于供电频率较高的电机,尤其在弱磁区,铁耗往往成为影响电机温升的主要因素,对于卷绕定子铁心,建议采用沿着卷绕方向易于磁化、高磁感应强度、低损耗的晶体取向超薄硅钢片来降低高频铁耗.被动降耗方面,基于建立的三维耦合模型,分析了水道不同入口流速对电机定、转子最高温度影响、额定负载和过载工况下的定子绕组最高温度随入口冷却液流速变化趋势,最后将端盖端面水道流体单独建模,通过以上温升影响因素的分析,为之后盘式电机热管理的改进设计提供理论依据.
Keyword :
大功率盘式交流永磁同步电机 流场 耦合 温度场
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GB/T 7714 | 陈起旭 , 周阳 , 杨来顺 et al. 大功率盘式交流永磁同步电机温度场流场耦合分析 [J]. | 电机与控制应用 , 2017 , (4) : 20-27 . |
MLA | 陈起旭 et al. "大功率盘式交流永磁同步电机温度场流场耦合分析" . | 电机与控制应用 4 (2017) : 20-27 . |
APA | 陈起旭 , 周阳 , 杨来顺 , 王云洪 , 曹秉刚 . 大功率盘式交流永磁同步电机温度场流场耦合分析 . | 电机与控制应用 , 2017 , (4) , 20-27 . |
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Keyword :
内置式永磁同步电机 矢量控制 最大转矩电流比控制
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GB/T 7714 | 陈起旭 , 王庆元 , 徐俊 et al. 电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA控制算法对比研究 [J]. | 微电机 , 2017 , (4) : 32-35+42 . |
MLA | 陈起旭 et al. "电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA控制算法对比研究" . | 微电机 4 (2017) : 32-35+42 . |
APA | 陈起旭 , 王庆元 , 徐俊 , 邹忠月 , 曹秉刚 . 电动汽车用内置式PMSM的MTPA控制算法对比研究 . | 微电机 , 2017 , (4) , 32-35+42 . |
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