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Abstract :
With substantial parental support, China’s 1980–1996 birth cohorts, termed “the millennials” in this paper, have achieved an extremely high homeownership rate. This study is an attempt to explain the strength and timing of intergenerational transfer of housing-related wealth in China. The 2011–2013 China Household Finance Survey shows three dominant types of housing-related wealth transfer with increasing strengths overtime: no substantial help from parents, partial help from parents to cover down payment for housing mortgage, and full help from parents in the form of homeownership transfer. Chinese parents are found to be impurely altruistic, son-preference oriented, and risk-avoiding in their decisions of transferring wealth to married children. Consequently, wealth transfers tend to benefit the less accomplished sons who have better parent–child relationships, fewer siblings, lower-risk marriages, and stronger commitment to repaying aging parents. Emotional altruism, relational ethnics, and rational calculations are the underlying logics that govern intergenerational relations in the Chinese family. © 2019, Springer Nature B.V.
Keyword :
China; Homeownership transfer; Millennials; Relational ethnics; Timing of wealth transfer
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang L. , Bian Y. . Parental “love” on time: strength and timing in homeownership transfer [J]. | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment , 2021 , 36 (1) : 113-129 . |
MLA | Zhang L. 等. "Parental “love” on time: strength and timing in homeownership transfer" . | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 36 . 1 (2021) : 113-129 . |
APA | Zhang L. , Bian Y. . Parental “love” on time: strength and timing in homeownership transfer . | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment , 2021 , 36 (1) , 113-129 . |
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社会网络 社会资本 实体空间 虚拟空间
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GB/T 7714 | 边燕杰 , 缪晓雷 . 论社会网络虚实转换的双重动力 [J]. | 社会 , 2019 , 39 (6) : 1-22 . |
MLA | 边燕杰 等. "论社会网络虚实转换的双重动力" . | 社会 39 . 6 (2019) : 1-22 . |
APA | 边燕杰 , 缪晓雷 . 论社会网络虚实转换的双重动力 . | 社会 , 2019 , 39 (6) , 1-22 . |
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© 2018, The Author(s) 2018. The article draws on data from a national survey in Australia in 2014 to examine how social networks affect life satisfaction and happiness. Findings show that social network composition, social attachment, perceived social support and the volume of social resources are significantly positively associated with life satisfaction and happiness. Stress about social commitments, feeling restricted by social demands and being excluded by a social group are negatively associated with life satisfaction and happiness. These results indicate that social networks have both ‘bright side’ and ‘dark side’ effects on subjective wellbeing.
Keyword :
Australia happiness life satisfaction social networks subjective wellbeing
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GB/T 7714 | Huang, Xianbi , Western, Mark , Bian, Yanjie et al. Social Networks and Subjective Wellbeing in Australia: New Evidence from a National Survey [J]. | Sociology , 2019 , 53 (2) : 401-421 . |
MLA | Huang, Xianbi et al. "Social Networks and Subjective Wellbeing in Australia: New Evidence from a National Survey" . | Sociology 53 . 2 (2019) : 401-421 . |
APA | Huang, Xianbi , Western, Mark , Bian, Yanjie , Li, Yaojun , Côté, Rochelle , Huang, Yangtao . Social Networks and Subjective Wellbeing in Australia: New Evidence from a National Survey . | Sociology , 2019 , 53 (2) , 401-421 . |
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Keyword :
地位获得 累积效应 人力资本 社会资本
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GB/T 7714 | 边燕杰 , 孙宇 , 李颖晖 . 论社会资本的累积效应 [J]. | 学术界 , 2018 , (5) : 5-17 . |
MLA | 边燕杰 et al. "论社会资本的累积效应" . | 学术界 5 (2018) : 5-17 . |
APA | 边燕杰 , 孙宇 , 李颖晖 . 论社会资本的累积效应 . | 学术界 , 2018 , (5) , 5-17 . |
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Keyword :
城乡边界 跨城乡婚姻 社会资本 因果分析
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GB/T 7714 | 芦强 , 边燕杰 . 跨城乡婚姻的社会资本后果 [J]. | 人文杂志 , 2018 , (4) : 114-121 . |
MLA | 芦强 et al. "跨城乡婚姻的社会资本后果" . | 人文杂志 4 (2018) : 114-121 . |
APA | 芦强 , 边燕杰 . 跨城乡婚姻的社会资本后果 . | 人文杂志 , 2018 , (4) , 114-121 . |
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Keyword :
竞争情报 企业国际化 强弱关系 人际情报网络
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GB/T 7714 | 解娟 , 杨洋 , 边燕杰 . 人际情报网络何以提升中国企业的国际竞争力?——基于陕西走出去企业的实证研究 [J]. | 情报杂志 , 2018 , (5) : 59-63,181 . |
MLA | 解娟 et al. "人际情报网络何以提升中国企业的国际竞争力?——基于陕西走出去企业的实证研究" . | 情报杂志 5 (2018) : 59-63,181 . |
APA | 解娟 , 杨洋 , 边燕杰 . 人际情报网络何以提升中国企业的国际竞争力?——基于陕西走出去企业的实证研究 . | 情报杂志 , 2018 , (5) , 59-63,181 . |
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This study identifies three groups of job seekers in terms of the channels used to search for jobs: the formal channel involving only official procedures to obtain a job, the informal channel using only social contacts to obtain a job, and the joint channel leveraging both social contacts and official procedures. The analysis of a national sample survey of China shows that joint channel users, due to their relatively higher level of social capital, not only make more job search attempts but also obtain higher income than formal channel users. Meanwhile, joint channel users, because of their relative advantages in both human capital and social capital, not only make more job attempts but also obtain higher income than informal channel users. The two comparisons offer a new strategy to test the causal role social capital plays in labour market success, regardless of whether social capital is exogenous or endogenous to human capital. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Causal effect Endogeneity Human capital Joint channel Reservation wage Social capital
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GB/T 7714 | Shen, Jing , Bian, Yanjie . The causal effect of social capital on income: A new analytic strategy [J]. | SOCIAL NETWORKS , 2018 , 54 : 82-90 . |
MLA | Shen, Jing et al. "The causal effect of social capital on income: A new analytic strategy" . | SOCIAL NETWORKS 54 (2018) : 82-90 . |
APA | Shen, Jing , Bian, Yanjie . The causal effect of social capital on income: A new analytic strategy . | SOCIAL NETWORKS , 2018 , 54 , 82-90 . |
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Researchers have attributed the low wages of Chinese female migrant workers to the independent effects of gender and hukou (household registration). Using an intersectional perspective that recognizes the interplay of gender, birthplace, and hukou, this paper identifies six different groups of workers in China's urban labor market. Both in-depth interviews and survey data demonstrate that from 2003 to 2013, a decade seen as one of China's continuous economic growth and rising income inequality, female migrant workers earned the lowest wages among the six groups, and their income disadvantages were more than double the disadvantages of gender and hukou combined. This trend was persistent during this decade even after the workers' education, party membership, and labor market segregation were taken into account. These results imply a within-job wage differential for female migrant workers and a discriminatory wage policy that is tacitly observed by both state and private employers.
Keyword :
China female migrant workers hukou income inequality Intersectionality patriarchy
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Yixuan , Cheng, Cheng , Bian, Yanjie . More than double jeopardy: An intersectional analysis of persistent income disadvantages of Chinese female migrant workers [J]. | ASIAN JOURNAL OF WOMENS STUDIES , 2018 , 24 (2) : 246-269 . |
MLA | Wang, Yixuan et al. "More than double jeopardy: An intersectional analysis of persistent income disadvantages of Chinese female migrant workers" . | ASIAN JOURNAL OF WOMENS STUDIES 24 . 2 (2018) : 246-269 . |
APA | Wang, Yixuan , Cheng, Cheng , Bian, Yanjie . More than double jeopardy: An intersectional analysis of persistent income disadvantages of Chinese female migrant workers . | ASIAN JOURNAL OF WOMENS STUDIES , 2018 , 24 (2) , 246-269 . |
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This paper provides an analytical review of the social science literature on guanxi. The focus of this review is on the prevalence and the increasing significance of guanxi during China's post-1978 reforms, which were implemented to move the country towards a market economy. Since then, researchers have engaged in debates on what guanxi actually means to Chinese people in the past and today, how it has been adaptive to ongoing institutional transformations, and why its influence in economic, social, and political spheres can stabilize, increase or decrease with market reforms and economic growth. The author provides a synthesis of these debates before offering a theoretical framework which provides an understanding of the dynamics of guanxi through the changing degrees of institutional uncertainty and market competition. Survey findings on the increasing use of guanxi in labour markets from 1978 to 2009 are presented to illustrate the usefulness of this framework. In the conclusion, the author argues that guanxi is a five-level variable, and that the nature and forms of guanxi influence are contingent upon whether guanxi is a tie of connectivity, a sentimental tie, a sentiment-derived instrumental tie, an instrumental-particular tie, or an obligational tie that facilitates power and money exchanges. This five-level conceptualization is aimed at advancing future scholarship of guanxi in China's rapidly changing society.
Keyword :
China guanxi job-search networks
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GB/T 7714 | Bian, Yanjie . The Prevalence and the Increasing Significance of Guanxi [J]. | CHINA QUARTERLY , 2018 , 235 : 597-621 . |
MLA | Bian, Yanjie . "The Prevalence and the Increasing Significance of Guanxi" . | CHINA QUARTERLY 235 (2018) : 597-621 . |
APA | Bian, Yanjie . The Prevalence and the Increasing Significance of Guanxi . | CHINA QUARTERLY , 2018 , 235 , 597-621 . |
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Abstract :
Despite the major cultural and political differences between the United States and China, in both countries access to jobs is supposed to be guided by fair and equitable procedures. In the US, there is a presumption of an open labor market in which potential employees compete on the basis of their qualifications, where the fairness of decisions is guided by anti-discrimination laws and normative organizational policies. In China, although there is a history of close relationships that guide the exchange of favors, following the 1949 revolution, Communist Party leaders were given the authority to allocate positions in ways that were supposed to eliminate special privileges of class and background. Yet recent research has suggested that social connections are an important part of getting a job in both the US and China for two-thirds to three-quarters of job seekers. In the US context, such connections are described as social capital. In the Chinese context, connections are defined as guanxi. In this article, we review research on labor market processes in both the US and China to address three important questions: (a) How can we understand the similar functioning of labor markets in such distinct cultural and political systems as the US and China? (b) What are the mechanisms or processes by which people find jobs in the US and China, and how are people able to access these mechanisms or processes in the context of constraining social structures and legal environments? and (c) What are the theoretical implications of the generalized particularism' that seems to shape labor markets in both the US and China.
Keyword :
guanxi labor markets social capital social networks
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GB/T 7714 | DiTomaso, Nancy , Bian, Yanjie . The Structure of Labor Markets in the US and China: Social Capital and Guanxi [J]. | MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW , 2018 , 14 (1) : 5-36 . |
MLA | DiTomaso, Nancy et al. "The Structure of Labor Markets in the US and China: Social Capital and Guanxi" . | MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW 14 . 1 (2018) : 5-36 . |
APA | DiTomaso, Nancy , Bian, Yanjie . The Structure of Labor Markets in the US and China: Social Capital and Guanxi . | MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW , 2018 , 14 (1) , 5-36 . |
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