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Making low-alloyed steel strong and tough by designing a dual-phase layered structure EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 227 | ACTA MATERIALIA
SCOPUS Cited Count: 20
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As a challenge to avoid the strength-toughness trade-off for high-strength steel, strength and tough-ness are contradictory, especially at low temperatures. This study proposed a new strategy to evade this trade-off dilemma by designing an ultrafine-grained (UFG) ferrite/martensite (F/M) layered structure in low-alloyed steel. Compared to the quenched and tempered steel with a martensitic microstructure, the present UFG F/M layered microstructure offers a remarkable increase by 9.5 times and 30 times of room temperature (RT) and cryogenic impact energy (401 J at RT and 245 J at 77 K), respectively, while the strength is not sacrificed (tensile strength of 1.67 GPa). The UFG microstructures, high fraction of marten-site and strong strain hardening render the steel high strength. The excellent cryogenic toughness of the current steel mainly can be ascribed to plastic deformation and steady-state crack propagation absorb-ing energy, by which the UFG F/M microstructure suppresses strain localization and rapid shear-band propagation during impact loading and thus renders the steel good plastic deformation ability and high toughness. Furthermore, the grain refinement also contributes to the cryogenic toughness enhancement. Particularly, it was experimentally confirmed that the martensite layer should be refined to a critical value (-620 nm) to make the dual-phase layered steel tough at LNT (liquid nitrogen temperature); such thinner martensite layer favours larger bending fracture strain and better effect of suppressing strain localization. This strategy may provide a new economical route to produce high-strength engineering materials for cryogenic application. (c) 2022 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Grain refinement Layered structures Low-alloy steel Mechanical properties Toughening mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Junjie , Wang, Hao , Xu, Bin et al. Making low-alloyed steel strong and tough by designing a dual-phase layered structure [J]. | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 227 .
MLA Sun, Junjie et al. "Making low-alloyed steel strong and tough by designing a dual-phase layered structure" . | ACTA MATERIALIA 227 (2022) .
APA Sun, Junjie , Wang, Hao , Xu, Bin , Jiang, Long , Guo, Shengwu , Sun, Xuejiao et al. Making low-alloyed steel strong and tough by designing a dual-phase layered structure . | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 227 .
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Defect-Rich Single Atom Catalyst Enhanced Polysulfide Conversion Kinetics to Upgrade Performance of Li-S Batteries EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 | SMALL
SCOPUS Cited Count: 32
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have attracted considerable attention owing to their extremely high energy densities. However, the application of Li-S batteries has been limited by low sulfur utilization, poor cycle stability, and low rate capability. Accelerating the rapid transformation of polysulfides is an effective approach for addressing these obstacles. In this study, a defect-rich single-atom catalytic material (Fe-N4/DCS) is designed. The abundantly defective environment is favorable for the uniform dispersion and stable existence of single-atom Fe, which not only improves the utilization of single-atom Fe but also efficiently adsorbs polysulfides and catalyzes the rapid transformation of polysulfides. To fully exploit the catalytic activity, catalytic materials are used to modify the routine separator (Fe-N-4/DCS/PP). Density functional theory and in situ Raman spectroscopy are used to demonstrate that Fe-N-4/DCS can effectively inhibit the shuttling of polysulfides and accelerate the redox reaction. Consequently, the Li-S battery with the modified separator achieves an ultralong cycle life (a capacity decay rate of only 0.03% per cycle at a current of 2 C after 800 cycles), and an excellent rate capability (894 mAh g(-1) at 3 C). Even at a high sulfur loading of 5.51 mg cm(-2) at 0.2 C, the reversible areal capacity still reaches 5.4 mAh cm(-2).

Keyword :

catalysis cycling stability defect-rich lithium-sulfur batteries single atom Fe


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GB/T 7714 Jing, Weitao , Tan, Qiang , Duan, Yue et al. Defect-Rich Single Atom Catalyst Enhanced Polysulfide Conversion Kinetics to Upgrade Performance of Li-S Batteries [J]. | SMALL , 2022 .
MLA Jing, Weitao et al. "Defect-Rich Single Atom Catalyst Enhanced Polysulfide Conversion Kinetics to Upgrade Performance of Li-S Batteries" . | SMALL (2022) .
APA Jing, Weitao , Tan, Qiang , Duan, Yue , Zou, Kunyang , Dai, Xin , Song, Yuanyuan et al. Defect-Rich Single Atom Catalyst Enhanced Polysulfide Conversion Kinetics to Upgrade Performance of Li-S Batteries . | SMALL , 2022 .
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The Fine Grain Effect on a New Carbide Fe4C3 Formed in Pipeline Steel X80 SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 | JOM
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Pipeline steel is normally used in petroleum and natural gas transportation over long distances. Because of the special rolling technology used in its making, the pipeline steel possesses the finest grains, which endow it with very good mechanical properties, particularly very high impact toughness. In this research, a new carbide, Fe4C3, has been found in the island-like microstructure of this steel, which possesses a spinel structure with a lattice constant of 0.81 nm. The carbide has dimensions of 5-15 nm and is in coherence with the matrix, which produces a large coherent force near the boundary and makes the image exhibit an irregular dark blur in the bright field of the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The carbide is stable below 200 degrees C and transforms to cementite above 400 degrees C. To satisfy the formation conditions of Fe4C3, the grain size of austenite must be ultrafine, which makes normal pearlitic, bainitic, and martensitic transformations difficult with air cooling. The carbide displays a stronger corrosion resistance and makes the island-like microstructure etching more difficult than that of the ferrite matrix during metallographic and TEM sample preparation.


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Junjie , Lian, Fuliang , Sun, Yu et al. The Fine Grain Effect on a New Carbide Fe4C3 Formed in Pipeline Steel X80 [J]. | JOM , 2022 .
MLA Sun, Junjie et al. "The Fine Grain Effect on a New Carbide Fe4C3 Formed in Pipeline Steel X80" . | JOM (2022) .
APA Sun, Junjie , Lian, Fuliang , Sun, Yu , Wang, Yingjun , Guo, Sengwu , Liu, Yongning . The Fine Grain Effect on a New Carbide Fe4C3 Formed in Pipeline Steel X80 . | JOM , 2022 .
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Facilitating catalytic activity of indium oxide in lithium-sulfur batteries by controlling oxygen vacancies EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 48 , 133-144 | ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 3 SCOPUS Cited Count: 65
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Defect engineering plays a key role in lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries due to the altering of electronic states caused by defects that provide a promising opportunity to realize high-efficiency surface catalysis. Oxygen vacancies (OVs), the common defects in metal oxides, are often used to immobilize and catalyze lithium polysulfides (LiPSs). However, little effort has been devoted to developing novel oxygen defects manufacturing strategies and controlling its concentration to obtain an ideal effect. Herein, defect-rich electrocatalysts composed of In2O3-x nanoparticles and carbon spheres (CS) for Li-S batteries are reported by hydrothermal composition. Both experiments and theoretical calculations indicate that an appropriate quantity of oxygen vacancies can enhance the chemical adsorption and catalytic ability of LiPSs. As expected, the In2O3-x @CS-0.6/rGO-based cell displays an outstanding rate performance of 872 mAh g(-1) at 3 C and a low fading rate of 0.058% each cycle after 100 cycles at 0.2 C, as well as a favorable areal capacity of 6.98 mAh cm(-2) under high sulfur mass loading of 6.81 mg cm(-2). This work furnishes a newness strategy to the rational design of oxygen vacancies of metal oxides and boosts the development of defect engineering in electrochemical applications.

Keyword :

Defect engineering Indium oxide Li-S batteries Modified separators Polysulfides catalysis


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GB/T 7714 Zou, Kunyang , Chen, Xinxing , Jing, Weitao et al. Facilitating catalytic activity of indium oxide in lithium-sulfur batteries by controlling oxygen vacancies [J]. | ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS , 2022 , 48 : 133-144 .
MLA Zou, Kunyang et al. "Facilitating catalytic activity of indium oxide in lithium-sulfur batteries by controlling oxygen vacancies" . | ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS 48 (2022) : 133-144 .
APA Zou, Kunyang , Chen, Xinxing , Jing, Weitao , Dai, Xin , Wang, Peifan , Liu, Yan et al. Facilitating catalytic activity of indium oxide in lithium-sulfur batteries by controlling oxygen vacancies . | ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS , 2022 , 48 , 133-144 .
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A Highly Efficient Sulfur Host Enabled by Nitrogen/Oxygen Dual-Doped Honeycomb-Like Carbon for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 18 (17) | SMALL
SCOPUS Cited Count: 37
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

High energy density and long cycle life of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries suffer from the shuttle/expansion effect. Sufficient sulfur storage space, local fixation of polysulfides, and outstanding electrical conductivity are crucial for a robust cathode host. Herein, a modified template method is proposed to synthesize a highly regular and uniform nitrogen/oxygen dual-doped honeycomb-like carbon as sulfur host (N/O-HC-S). The unique structure not only offers physical entrapment for polysulfides (LiPSs) but also provides chemical adsorption and catalytic conversion sites of polysulfides. In addition, this structure offers enough space for loading sulfur, and a regular space of nanometer size can effectively prevent sulfur particles from accumulating. As expected, the as-prepared N/O-HC900-S with high areal sulfur loading (7.4 mg cm(-2)) shows a high areal specific capacity of 7.35 mAh cm(-2) at 0.2 C. Theoretical calculations also reveal that the strong chemical immobilization and catalytic conversion of LiPSs attributed to the spin density and charge distribution of carbon atoms will be influenced by the neighbor nitrogen/oxygen dopants. This structure that provides cooperative chemical adsorption, high lithium ions flux, and catalytic conversion for LiPSs can offer a new strategy for constructing a polysulfide confinement structure to achieve robust Li-S batteries.

Keyword :

adsorption catalyze honeycomb-like carbon lithium-sulfur batteries nitrogen oxygen doping polysulfide confinement


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GB/T 7714 Zou, Kunyang , Jing, Weitao , Dai, Xin et al. A Highly Efficient Sulfur Host Enabled by Nitrogen/Oxygen Dual-Doped Honeycomb-Like Carbon for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries [J]. | SMALL , 2022 , 18 (17) .
MLA Zou, Kunyang et al. "A Highly Efficient Sulfur Host Enabled by Nitrogen/Oxygen Dual-Doped Honeycomb-Like Carbon for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries" . | SMALL 18 . 17 (2022) .
APA Zou, Kunyang , Jing, Weitao , Dai, Xin , Chen, Xinxing , Shi, Ming , Yao, Zhiyin et al. A Highly Efficient Sulfur Host Enabled by Nitrogen/Oxygen Dual-Doped Honeycomb-Like Carbon for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries . | SMALL , 2022 , 18 (17) .
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Defect Engineering in a Multiple Confined Geometry for Robust Lithium-Sulfur Batteries EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (18) | ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 5 SCOPUS Cited Count: 86
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The decay of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries is mainly due to the shuttle effect caused by intermediate polysulfides (LiPSs). Herein, a multiple confined cathode architecture is prepared by filling graphitized Pinus sylvestris with carbon nanotubes and defective LaNiO3-x (LNO-V) nanoparticles. The composite electrode with high areal sulfur loading of 11.6 mg cm(-2) shows a high areal specific capacity of 8.5 mAh cm(-2) at 1 mA cm(-2) (0.05 C). Both experimental results and theoretical calculations reveal that this unique structure not only provides physical restriction on LiPSs within microchannels but also offers strong chemical immobilization and catalytic conversion of LiPSs attributed to the spin density around oxygen vacancies of LaNiO3-x. These oxygen vacancies elongate the S-S and Li-S bonds and make them easy to break. Furthermore, the lengthwise channels derived from cytoderm restrict the transverse diffusion of polysulfides, leading to a uniform areal current and thus homogeneous lithium infiltration. This suppresses the corrosion of the lithium anode due to polysulfides confinement. The discovery of the multiple confined structure that provides chemical adsorption, fast diffusion, and catalytic conversion for polysulfides can broaden the application of biomass materials and offer a new strategy to achieve robust Li-S batteries.

Keyword :

(3-) defect engineering high areal capacity LaNiO Li-S batteries multiple confined structures (x)


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GB/T 7714 Zou, Kunyang , Zhou, Tengfei , Chen, Yuanzhen et al. Defect Engineering in a Multiple Confined Geometry for Robust Lithium-Sulfur Batteries [J]. | ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (18) .
MLA Zou, Kunyang et al. "Defect Engineering in a Multiple Confined Geometry for Robust Lithium-Sulfur Batteries" . | ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 12 . 18 (2022) .
APA Zou, Kunyang , Zhou, Tengfei , Chen, Yuanzhen , Xiong, Xuyang , Jing, Weitao , Dai, Xin et al. Defect Engineering in a Multiple Confined Geometry for Robust Lithium-Sulfur Batteries . | ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (18) .
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Polysulfide Filter and Dendrite Inhibitor: Highly Graphitized Wood Framework Inhibits Polysulfide Shuttle and Lithium Dendrites in Li-S Batteries EI SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The design and manufacture of advanced materials based on biomaterials provide new opportunities to solve many technological challenges. In this work, a highly graphitized wood framework (GWF) with a porous tunnel structure and microvilli is constructed as a multifunctional interlayer to improve the electrochemical performance of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries. The GWF not only retains the 3D transport network of wood, but also offers increased deposition sites for polysulfides through the microvilli which grow on the inner surfaces of the carbon tunnels. Electrochemical tests show that GWF effectively enhances the initial discharge capacity of the Li-S battery to 1593 mAh g(-1) at 0.05 C, with a low capacity decline of 0.06% per cycle at 1 C. Besides, the GWF interlayer also effectively protects lithium anodes from corrosion by S-x(2-), thus they still keep their metallic luster and clean surface even after long charge-discharge cycles. These enhancements are attributed to the high conductivity, abundant microvilli, and tunnel confinement effects of GWF, which effectively inhibit the shuttle effect of polysulfides by the same principle as nose hairs filtering the air. This work presents a new understanding of bionic/biomaterials and a new strategy to improve the performance of Li-S batteries.

Keyword :

confinement effect graphite microvilli graphitized carbon framework Li-S batteries lithium dendrite wood


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Yuanzhen , Zou, Kunyang , Dai, Xin et al. Polysulfide Filter and Dendrite Inhibitor: Highly Graphitized Wood Framework Inhibits Polysulfide Shuttle and Lithium Dendrites in Li-S Batteries [J]. | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2021 , 31 (31) .
MLA Chen, Yuanzhen et al. "Polysulfide Filter and Dendrite Inhibitor: Highly Graphitized Wood Framework Inhibits Polysulfide Shuttle and Lithium Dendrites in Li-S Batteries" . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 31 . 31 (2021) .
APA Chen, Yuanzhen , Zou, Kunyang , Dai, Xin , Bai, Haihua , Zhang, Shilin , Zhou, Tengfei et al. Polysulfide Filter and Dendrite Inhibitor: Highly Graphitized Wood Framework Inhibits Polysulfide Shuttle and Lithium Dendrites in Li-S Batteries . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2021 , 31 (31) .
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A novel process to obtain lamella structured low-carbon steel with bimodal grain size distribution for potentially improving mechanical property EI SCIE Scopus
WoS CC Cited Count: 6 SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
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Abstract :

A lamella structured low-carbon steel plate with bimodal grain size distribution (LSBG steel) was produced by a two-step warm rolling and subsequently annealing, and its mechanical properties, strengthening and toughening mechanisms were studied. The heterogeneous lamellar structure is characterized with ultrafine-grained (UFG) lamellae (with average grain diameter about 1 mu m) embedded in coarse-grained (CG) lamellae matrix. The LSBG steel shows an improved combination of strength and toughness when compared with corresponding CG specimens, and also evades strength-ductility trade-off compared with UFG ones. When comparing with initial CG steel, the yield strength and tensile strength are increased by 87.4% and 35% respectively, but the ductility is only with a small sacrifice, and the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature is significantly decreased from about -70 degrees C to -110 degrees C. The improved strength is mainly attributed to ultrafine grain strengthening, and the reasonable ductility can be attributed to both the bimodal grain size and the lamellar structure as they can increase the work hardening rate by the accumulation of geometrically necessary dislocations in their vicinity. And the improved toughness of the LSBG steel is thought to be mainly attributed to grain refinement and the lamellar structure.

Keyword :

Lamellar microstructure Low-carbon steel Mechanical properties Strengthening mechanism Toughening mechanism Ultrafine-grained


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Junjie , Yang, Chen , Guo, Shengwu et al. A novel process to obtain lamella structured low-carbon steel with bimodal grain size distribution for potentially improving mechanical property [J]. | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2020 , 785 .
MLA Sun, Junjie et al. "A novel process to obtain lamella structured low-carbon steel with bimodal grain size distribution for potentially improving mechanical property" . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 785 (2020) .
APA Sun, Junjie , Yang, Chen , Guo, Shengwu , Sun, Xuejiao , Ma, Mingyue , Zhao, Shengdu et al. A novel process to obtain lamella structured low-carbon steel with bimodal grain size distribution for potentially improving mechanical property . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2020 , 785 .
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The superior electrochemical performance of a Li-rich layered cathode material with Li-rich spinel Li4Mn5O12 and MgF2 double surface modifications EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2020 , 8 (16) , 7991-8001 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | IF: 12.732
WoS CC Cited Count: 29 SCOPUS Cited Count: 49
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Although Li-rich layered materials are some of the best potential cathode materials owing to their high capacity (>250 mA h g(-1)), low cost and reduced pollution, they still faces some problems, including low initial coulombic efficiency, poor cycling performance, and bad rate capability. In this work, Li-rich spinel Li4Mn5O12 and MgF2 are constructed on the surface of a Li-rich layered material by simple liquid-phase erosion and liquid-phase deposition methods, respectively. The Li-rich spinel Li4Mn5O12 layer provides 3D Li-ion channels and it restrains the growth of SEI film and oxygen release. The outermost amorphous MgF2 layer of coating also favors Li-ion migration and further protects Li4Mn5O12 from HF corrosion. It is found that the double surface modifications induce a phase transformation from a layered structure to an Li4Mn5O12-type spinel during cycling, which is different from the traditional structural transformation from a layered structure to a LiMn2O4 spinel-like structure, and it exhibits a slower structural transformation. Benefiting from these collaborative contributions from Li4Mn5O12 and MgF2, the material shows superior electrochemical properties, including a high initial coulombic efficiency of 96.4%, excellent capacity retention of 80% after 300 cycles, a small voltage decay rate of 1.5 mV per cycle, and a remarkable rate capability.


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GB/T 7714 Zhu, Wei , Tai, Zige , Shu, Chengyong et al. The superior electrochemical performance of a Li-rich layered cathode material with Li-rich spinel Li4Mn5O12 and MgF2 double surface modifications [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2020 , 8 (16) : 7991-8001 .
MLA Zhu, Wei et al. "The superior electrochemical performance of a Li-rich layered cathode material with Li-rich spinel Li4Mn5O12 and MgF2 double surface modifications" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 8 . 16 (2020) : 7991-8001 .
APA Zhu, Wei , Tai, Zige , Shu, Chengyong , Chong, Shaokun , Guo, Shengwu , Ji, Lijie et al. The superior electrochemical performance of a Li-rich layered cathode material with Li-rich spinel Li4Mn5O12 and MgF2 double surface modifications . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2020 , 8 (16) , 7991-8001 .
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A CO2/H-2 fuel cell: reducing CO2 while generating electricity EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2020 , 8 (17) , 8329-8336 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | IF: 12.732
WoS CC Cited Count: 10 SCOPUS Cited Count: 15
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into hydrocarbons is one of the most promising approaches to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere as well as to produce various valuable chemical products from this most prevalent greenhouse gas. However, this process is still many steps away from finding practical application because of its high energy demand. Herein we report an innovative CO2/H-2 fuel cell that can convert CO2 into a synthetic fuel (CH4) while generating electricity instead of consuming it. This is unlike conventional electrochemical CO2 reduction cells, which typically consume electricity to reduce CO2. In the new cell, H-2 is oxidized to H+ ions (and electrons) at the anode, and the H+ ions then pass through a proton exchange membrane to reduce CO2 to CH4 at the cathode. While doing so, the cell can generate a current density of 94.1 A m(-2), a peak power density of 3.9 W m(-2) and CH4 at a rate of 75.29 mu mol g(cat)(-1) h(-1) at 170 degrees C, a temperature that can be derived from waste heat from various processes. Density functional theory is applied to determine the reaction mechanism on the catalyst in the cell.


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Yan , Li, Yawei , Chen, Yuanzhen et al. A CO2/H-2 fuel cell: reducing CO2 while generating electricity [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2020 , 8 (17) : 8329-8336 .
MLA Liu, Yan et al. "A CO2/H-2 fuel cell: reducing CO2 while generating electricity" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 8 . 17 (2020) : 8329-8336 .
APA Liu, Yan , Li, Yawei , Chen, Yuanzhen , Qu, Ting , Shu, Chengyong , Yang, Xiaodong et al. A CO2/H-2 fuel cell: reducing CO2 while generating electricity . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2020 , 8 (17) , 8329-8336 .
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