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Tuning the structure and transport properties of complex plasmas using electric field SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 98 (1) | PHYSICA SCRIPTA
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this work, we explored the effects of uniaxial (M ( z )) and biaxial (M ( xy )) ac electric fields on the structure and transport properties of complex (dusty) plasmas (CDPs) using molecular dynamics simulations. Structures are analyzed using two diagnostic methods, one is lattice correlation function psi(tau) and the second is radial distribution function g(r) under the influence of M ( z ) and M ( xy ), respectively. The Green-Kubo (G-K) method has been used to compute the shear viscosity (eta ( xy )) in the M ( xy ) ac electric field. The diffusive behavior of dust particles is investigated using G-K and Einstein methods in M ( z ). In the limits of the varying electric field, these properties of CDPs are accounted for an appropriate range of plasma Coulomb coupling (Gamma) and constant Debye screening strength (kappa = 0.50) parameters with different system sizes. The simulation outcomes of psi(tau) and g(r) indicate that the phase transition phenomena occur in CDPs with the variations of M ( z ), M ( xy ) and Gamma. The eta ( xy ) and diffusion coefficients significantly increase with increasing parallel electric fields. The subdiffusion motion for short-time behavior and superdiffusion motion for long-time behavior is observed in the presence of moderate to strong electric field strengths. It is revealed that the phase transition and changes in the transports properties of CDPs significantly depend on the strength of the external electric field and plasma parameter (Gamma). Novel regimes are observed where CDPs quickly respond to the external electric field. Simulation results are outstanding in the combined effects of Yukawa and anisotropic wake potential on CDPs structural and transport properties. Simulation results demonstrate that the CDPs have electrorheological characteristics. Due to these unique properties, electrorheological CDPs may be used as a platform to study the electrorheological aspects of soft matter. There is a possibility that CDPs will be used as electrorheological material in the near future.

Keyword :

complex dusty plasmas diffusion motion lattice correlation function molecular dynamics simulations radial distribution function shear viscosity


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GB/T 7714 Shakoori, Muhammad Asif , He, Maogang , Shahzad, Aamir et al. Tuning the structure and transport properties of complex plasmas using electric field [J]. | PHYSICA SCRIPTA , 2023 , 98 (1) .
MLA Shakoori, Muhammad Asif et al. "Tuning the structure and transport properties of complex plasmas using electric field" . | PHYSICA SCRIPTA 98 . 1 (2023) .
APA Shakoori, Muhammad Asif , He, Maogang , Shahzad, Aamir , Khan, Misbah . Tuning the structure and transport properties of complex plasmas using electric field . | PHYSICA SCRIPTA , 2023 , 98 (1) .
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Preparation and thermal property characterization of NaCl-Na2CO3-Na2SO4 eutectic salt mixed with carbon nanomaterials for heat storage EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Coupling with supercritical power cycle can improve the thermal efficiency of the concentrated solar system. Design the suitable thermal storage medium is critical to the new coupling system. A new ternary eutectic salt with low cost was developed composed of NaCl, Na2CO3, and Na2SO4 based on the calculation method of phase diagram, meeting the requirements of solar energy storage over 873 K. The eutectic point and composition of the designed salt were predicted to be 900 K and 50 mol% NaCl-35 mol% Na2CO3-15 mol% Na2SO4. The designed salt shows high specific heat capacity and phase-change enthalpy, and low cost, which indicates it has good thermal storage capacity. Composite phase change materials with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene nanosheets which can enhance the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of designed salt were prepared. The effects of preparation methods on the thermophysical properties of the composite phase change materials were analyzed.

Keyword :

Composite phase change material Eutectic salt Nanomaterials Thermal conductivity Thermal energy storage


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Xiangyang , Kang, Zeyang , Zhao, Jiahao et al. Preparation and thermal property characterization of NaCl-Na2CO3-Na2SO4 eutectic salt mixed with carbon nanomaterials for heat storage [J]. | SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS , 2022 , 251 .
MLA Liu, Xiangyang et al. "Preparation and thermal property characterization of NaCl-Na2CO3-Na2SO4 eutectic salt mixed with carbon nanomaterials for heat storage" . | SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 251 (2022) .
APA Liu, Xiangyang , Kang, Zeyang , Zhao, Jiahao , Huang, Shaoxuan , Zhang, Ying , He, Maogang . Preparation and thermal property characterization of NaCl-Na2CO3-Na2SO4 eutectic salt mixed with carbon nanomaterials for heat storage . | SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS , 2022 , 251 .
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Regulating structure and flow of ionic liquid confined in nanochannel using water and electric field EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Developing regulation method for the structure and flow of ionic liquids (ILs) in the nanochannel is of great importance to their application in nanodevice. For this purpose, the density and charge distribution and the flow behavior of [EMIM][BF4] blended with water as diluent and imposed electric field in nanochannel are studied using molecular dynamic simulation method in this work. The results reveal that the addition of water can weaken the stratification effect of density and charge distribution while doesn't significantly change the micro-structure of [EMIM][BF4], while the electric field in different directions results different influence on the stratification effect. Addition of water can make a significant improvement in the flow velocity of [EMIM][BF4] and change its flow state. Imposing electric field in flow direction can accelerate the flow, but imposing electric field perpendicular to nanochannel handles the flow. (C) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Electric field Flow behavior Ionic liquids Mixtures Nanochannel


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Xiangyang , Zong, Xiaotong , Xue, Sa et al. Regulating structure and flow of ionic liquid confined in nanochannel using water and electric field [J]. | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS , 2022 , 351 .
MLA Liu, Xiangyang et al. "Regulating structure and flow of ionic liquid confined in nanochannel using water and electric field" . | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 351 (2022) .
APA Liu, Xiangyang , Zong, Xiaotong , Xue, Sa , He, Maogang . Regulating structure and flow of ionic liquid confined in nanochannel using water and electric field . | JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS , 2022 , 351 .
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Diffusion Coefficients for Complex Plasmas in Parallel Electric Field SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 48 (9) , 1023-1033 | PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Equilibrium molecular dynamics (EMD) simulations of three-dimensional strongly coupled (SC) complex plasmas (CPs) were employed in the homogeneous external electric field ((E) over bar) applied along the x-y plane. The normalized self-diffusion coefficients (D-0 parallel to) of dust grains parallel to (E) over bar were investigated by employing the Green-Kubo method. The effects of constant and varying (E) over bar were calculated along with an extensive range of plasma Coulomb coupling (Gamma) and the Debye screening (kappa) parameters. The plasma D-0 parallel to of SC-CPs for fixed system sizes (N= 500) in the limit of varying and constant (E) over bar strength was computed. The EMD simulations outcomes revealed that D-0 parallel to increased with increasing of (E) over bar and kappa, however, it decreased with an increase of Gamma. The obtained results show that the combined effects of (E) over bar and kappa give the fair agreement of plasma D(0 parallel to )at low-intermediate to higher Gamma values. The diffusion coefficients are found to follow the temperature scaling law as a function of system temperature at constant (E) over bar = 0.002. It was revealed that the current EMD simulations data enlarged the range of 0.002 <= (E) over bar <= 1.0 to find the linear regime of CPs systems and reveal the essential nature of electric field linearity of 3D CPs systems.

Keyword :

complex plasmas diffusion coefficients external electric field molecular dynamics simulations


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GB/T 7714 Shakoori, M. A. , He, M. G. , Shahzad, A. et al. Diffusion Coefficients for Complex Plasmas in Parallel Electric Field [J]. | PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS , 2022 , 48 (9) : 1023-1033 .
MLA Shakoori, M. A. et al. "Diffusion Coefficients for Complex Plasmas in Parallel Electric Field" . | PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS 48 . 9 (2022) : 1023-1033 .
APA Shakoori, M. A. , He, M. G. , Shahzad, A. , Khan, M. . Diffusion Coefficients for Complex Plasmas in Parallel Electric Field . | PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS , 2022 , 48 (9) , 1023-1033 .
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基于"汽电双驱技术"的大型燃煤发电机组优化方法 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 20 (4) , 372-379 | 热科学与技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

以1000 MW级超临界燃煤发电机组为研究对象,基于"汽电双驱"的思路提出了5种大型燃煤发电机组的优化设计方案,旨在解决燃煤发电机组中电动机驱动引风机耗能过大的问题.采用汽电双驱优化方法后,引风机动力源范围变宽,对复杂多变的电力形势具有更强的适应能力,引风机可靠性增强.进而计算了小汽轮机输出功率和进汽流量、厂用电率、供电煤耗率和投资回收周期等参数,对比分析了5种优化方案对机组运行性能的影响.结果 显示:中高负荷段选用纯凝武汽轮机的方案产生的供电煤耗率增加值低于其余4个方案,但该方案系统较为复杂,投资相对较高.


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GB/T 7714 吕凯 , 王妍 , 王春燕 et al. 基于"汽电双驱技术"的大型燃煤发电机组优化方法 [J]. | 热科学与技术 , 2021 , 20 (4) : 372-379 .
MLA 吕凯 et al. "基于"汽电双驱技术"的大型燃煤发电机组优化方法" . | 热科学与技术 20 . 4 (2021) : 372-379 .
APA 吕凯 , 王妍 , 王春燕 , 刘向阳 , 马汀山 , 何茂刚 . 基于"汽电双驱技术"的大型燃煤发电机组优化方法 . | 热科学与技术 , 2021 , 20 (4) , 372-379 .
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添加碳酸二甲酯改善正丁醇汽油热物性的研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (6) , 1390-1395 | 工程热物理学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

正丁醇是一种非常有潜力的替代性汽油,本文采用碳酸二甲酯改善其热物理性质,以提高其燃烧效率.利用毛细管法和流动型量热法分别测量了碳酸二甲酯和正丁醇二元混合物的密度、黏度和比定压热容,温度测量范围为313.2~333.3 K,压力测量范围为0.1~18.0 MPa.实验结果表明,DMC可以大幅降低正丁醇的黏度和比定压热容、提高其密度,有利于改善其燃烧效率.进而提出了该混合物密度、黏度以及比定压热容的计算模型,平均绝对相对偏差分别为0.09%、2.58%、0.17%.

Keyword :

比定压热容 密度 黏度 碳酸二甲酯 正丁醇


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GB/T 7714 薛飒 , 刘辉 , 刘向阳 et al. 添加碳酸二甲酯改善正丁醇汽油热物性的研究 [J]. | 工程热物理学报 , 2021 , 42 (6) : 1390-1395 .
MLA 薛飒 et al. "添加碳酸二甲酯改善正丁醇汽油热物性的研究" . | 工程热物理学报 42 . 6 (2021) : 1390-1395 .
APA 薛飒 , 刘辉 , 刘向阳 , 何茂刚 . 添加碳酸二甲酯改善正丁醇汽油热物性的研究 . | 工程热物理学报 , 2021 , 42 (6) , 1390-1395 .
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Improving the Thermophysical Properties of n-Butanol Gasoline by Adding Dimethyl Carbonate EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (6) , 1390-1395 | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

n-Butanol is a promising alternative to gasoline. In this work, DMC is used to improve the thermophysical properties of n-butanol to improve its combustion efficiency. The densities, viscosities and heat capacities of DMC + n-butanol binary mixtures were measured from 313.2 K to 333.3 K and at pressures up to 18.0 MPa using a capillary and flow calorimeter, respectively. Experimental results show that DMC can greatly reduce viscosity, heat capacity and meanwhile increase the density, which is expected to improve the combustion efficiency of n-butanol. Models were proposed for the calculation of the densities, viscosities and capacities of the binary mixtures of DMC and n-butanol with the average absolute relative deviations of 0.09%, 2.58% and 0.17%, respectively. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Binary mixtures Combustion Energy efficiency Gasoline Specific heat Viscosity


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GB/T 7714 Xue, Sa , Liu, Hui , Liu, Xiang-Yang et al. Improving the Thermophysical Properties of n-Butanol Gasoline by Adding Dimethyl Carbonate [J]. | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics , 2021 , 42 (6) : 1390-1395 .
MLA Xue, Sa et al. "Improving the Thermophysical Properties of n-Butanol Gasoline by Adding Dimethyl Carbonate" . | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 42 . 6 (2021) : 1390-1395 .
APA Xue, Sa , Liu, Hui , Liu, Xiang-Yang , He, Mao-Gang . Improving the Thermophysical Properties of n-Butanol Gasoline by Adding Dimethyl Carbonate . | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics , 2021 , 42 (6) , 1390-1395 .
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Dynamic motions and architectural changes in DNA supramolecular aggregates visualized via transmission electron microscopy without liquid cells EI SCIE PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 13 (37) , 15928-15936 | NANOSCALE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the last decade, breakthroughs in liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have enabled in situ visualization of the motion dynamics of nanostructures in liquid media with unprecedented detail. However, it remains a significant challenge to perform liquid-phase TEM due to the intricate preparation procedure of liquid cells to keep liquid from evaporating under ultrahigh vacuum conditions in TEM columns. In the present study, the nonvolatility and remarkable solvation property of ionic liquids (ILs) is exploited to image the dynamic processes of DNA supramolecular aggregates and Au nanoparticle (NP) aggregates encompassing Brownian motions, interactions among individual nanoobjects and changes in architecture at nanometer resolution. Significant differences in motion behaviors are observed between DNA supramolecular aggregates and Au NP aggregates. Moreover, the temperature and dose dependence of dynamic motions are also investigated. The findings provide insights into the dynamics of DNA supramolecular aggregates and Au NP aggregates in ILs and present an easily accessible approach for probing the dynamic processes of biomacromolecular and other soft matter aggregates with various kinds of ILs at the nanoscale level.


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GB/T 7714 Lu, Zhuoyang , Liu, Xiangyang , He, Maogang et al. Dynamic motions and architectural changes in DNA supramolecular aggregates visualized via transmission electron microscopy without liquid cells [J]. | NANOSCALE , 2021 , 13 (37) : 15928-15936 .
MLA Lu, Zhuoyang et al. "Dynamic motions and architectural changes in DNA supramolecular aggregates visualized via transmission electron microscopy without liquid cells" . | NANOSCALE 13 . 37 (2021) : 15928-15936 .
APA Lu, Zhuoyang , Liu, Xiangyang , He, Maogang , Long, Jiangang , Liu, Jiankang . Dynamic motions and architectural changes in DNA supramolecular aggregates visualized via transmission electron microscopy without liquid cells . | NANOSCALE , 2021 , 13 (37) , 15928-15936 .
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Two-Binary-Interaction-Parameter Model for Molecular Solute plus Ionic Liquid Solution EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 60 (30) , 11490-11501 | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Ionic liquids are becoming increasingly important as environmentally friendly solvents for extraction and reactions. To describe the equilibrium phenomenon of monomolecular solute + ionic liquid, a two-binary-interaction-parameter (TBIP) model is proposed based on excess Gibbs free energy derived from excess internal energy, which circumvents the difficulty of directly formulating excessive entropy. Different from conventional binary solutions, monomolecular solute + ionic liquid is a peculiar ternary solution, which theoretically needs six binary-interaction parameters. However, due to strong repulsive electrostatic forces between like-ions, the like-ions pairs are negligible in comparison with dislike-ion and molecule-ion pairs. When local electroneutrality is assumed, the necessary binary interaction parameters finally are reduced to only two. Tested against experimental data, our TBIP model shows a better precision for most solutions than a non-random two-liquid (NRTL) model. When correlated with only half points, the TBIP model has a better extrapolation performance, while the NRTL model fails to work for R1234ze(E)/[EMIM][BF4], ethanol/[MMIM][(CH3)(2)PO4], and water/[EMIM][Tf2N].


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GB/T 7714 Bai, Lihang , Wang, Tao , Weisensee, Patricia B. et al. Two-Binary-Interaction-Parameter Model for Molecular Solute plus Ionic Liquid Solution [J]. | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH , 2021 , 60 (30) : 11490-11501 .
MLA Bai, Lihang et al. "Two-Binary-Interaction-Parameter Model for Molecular Solute plus Ionic Liquid Solution" . | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 60 . 30 (2021) : 11490-11501 .
APA Bai, Lihang , Wang, Tao , Weisensee, Patricia B. , Liu, Xiangyang , He, Maogang . Two-Binary-Interaction-Parameter Model for Molecular Solute plus Ionic Liquid Solution . | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH , 2021 , 60 (30) , 11490-11501 .
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Two Crossover Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equations of State with Fully Analytical Crossover Functions for the Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon Dioxide SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 60 (42) , 15301-15309 | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Kiselev's crossover method based on the renormalization group theory is an effective way to incorporate the critical fluctuations into the classical model. Here, we combined Kiselev's crossover method with the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equation of state (EoS) to develop two crossover SRK EoSs (CSRK1 and CSRK2) in which two fully analytical crossover functions were used respectively to speed up the calculations. The thermodynamic properties of carbon dioxide (CO2), including the VLE properties, density, isobaric and isochoric heat capacity, and speed of sound, were investigated using the two crossover SRK EoSs and the original SRK EoS. Finally, the performances of the CSRK1, CSRK2, and SRK EoS were compared and analyzed, which reveals that two crossover EoSs correct the description of the SRK EoS in the critical region. For VLE and pVT properties, both the crossover EoSs improve the original SRK EoS largely. However, the performances of CSRK2 in predicting the second-order derivative properties of CO2 are inferior to CSRK1.


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Meijie , Zhan, Taotao , Su, Yuqi et al. Two Crossover Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equations of State with Fully Analytical Crossover Functions for the Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon Dioxide [J]. | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH , 2021 , 60 (42) : 15301-15309 .
MLA Yang, Meijie et al. "Two Crossover Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equations of State with Fully Analytical Crossover Functions for the Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon Dioxide" . | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 60 . 42 (2021) : 15301-15309 .
APA Yang, Meijie , Zhan, Taotao , Su, Yuqi , He, Maogang , Zhang, Ying . Two Crossover Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equations of State with Fully Analytical Crossover Functions for the Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon Dioxide . | INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH , 2021 , 60 (42) , 15301-15309 .
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