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A Review of Smart Superwetting Surfaces Based on Shape-Memory Micro/Nanostructures SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 | SMALL
SCOPUS Cited Count: 34
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Bioinspired smart superwetting surfaces with special wettability have aroused great attention from fundamental research to technological applications including self-cleaning, oil-water separation, anti-icing/corrosion/fogging, drag reduction, cell engineering, liquid manipulation, and so on. However, most of the reported smart superwetting surfaces switch their wettability by reversibly changing surface chemistry rather than surface microstructure. Compared with surface chemistry, the regulation of surface microstructure is more difficult and can bring novel functions to the surfaces. As a kind of stimulus-responsive material, shape-memory polymer (SMP) has become an excellent candidate for preparing smart superwetting surfaces owing to its unique shape transformation property. This review systematically summarizes the recent progress of smart superwetting SMP surfaces including fabrication methods, smart superwetting phenomena, and related application fields. The smart superwettabilities, such as superhydrophobicity/superomniphobicity with tunable adhesion, reversible switching between superhydrophobicity and superhydrophilicity, switchable isotropic/anisotropic wetting, slippery surface with tunable wettability, and underwater superaerophobicity/superoleophobicity with tunable adhesion, can be obtained on SMP micro/nanostructures by regulating the surface morphology. Finally, the challenges and future prospects of smart superwetting SMP surfaces are discussed.

Keyword :

micro morphology regulation nanostructures reversible wettability shape-memory polymers smart superwetting property


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GB/T 7714 Bai, Xue , Gou, Xiaodan , Zhang, Jialiang et al. A Review of Smart Superwetting Surfaces Based on Shape-Memory Micro/Nanostructures [J]. | SMALL , 2023 .
MLA Bai, Xue et al. "A Review of Smart Superwetting Surfaces Based on Shape-Memory Micro/Nanostructures" . | SMALL (2023) .
APA Bai, Xue , Gou, Xiaodan , Zhang, Jialiang , Liang, Jie , Yang, Lijing , Wang, Shaopeng et al. A Review of Smart Superwetting Surfaces Based on Shape-Memory Micro/Nanostructures . | SMALL , 2023 .
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Mammalian Cornea Inspired Anti-Fogging Silica Glass Surface Achieved by Femtosecond Laser SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Fog generation can severely damage optical systems by degrading the light absorption rate and imaging quality of optical components. Furthermore, fog can reduce the light flux and transmittance of the optical system, resulting in poor imaging clarity and contrast. Studies have focused on minimizing fog formation and effects. Drawbacks such as high energy consumption and waste pollution severely limit the application of conventional methods. However, achieving high fog resistance of optical components remains a challenge. A novel method of fabricating anti-fogging slippery surfaces (inspired by the anti-fog mechanism of the mammalian cornea) on silica glass by using femtosecond lasers is proposed to achieve durable and environment-friendly optical devices that can achieve anti-fogging in real time. The femtosecond laser wet etching method is used to fabricate the inside cabin of glass. The cabin filled with graphene spontaneously heats the sample under sunlight to prevent fog formation. In addition to exhibiting excellent anti-fogging characteristics, the prepared sample achieves high optical transmittance, high durability, and excellent self-repair capability. Thus, the proposed method exhibits considerable potential for application in numerous domains.

Keyword :

anti-fogging optothermal response slippery surfaces wettability


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GB/T 7714 Liang, Jie , Wang, Hao , Hu, Tao et al. Mammalian Cornea Inspired Anti-Fogging Silica Glass Surface Achieved by Femtosecond Laser [J]. | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2023 .
MLA Liang, Jie et al. "Mammalian Cornea Inspired Anti-Fogging Silica Glass Surface Achieved by Femtosecond Laser" . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS (2023) .
APA Liang, Jie , Wang, Hao , Hu, Tao , Shan, Chao , Yang, Qing , Zhang, Chengjun et al. Mammalian Cornea Inspired Anti-Fogging Silica Glass Surface Achieved by Femtosecond Laser . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2023 .
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激光制备液态金属基柔性电子及其应用 EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 49 (10) , 177-198 | 中国激光
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

激光 激光技术 浸润性 柔性电子器件 图案化 液态金属


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GB/T 7714 李昊昱 , 张承君 , 杨青 et al. 激光制备液态金属基柔性电子及其应用 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2022 , 49 (10) : 177-198 .
MLA 李昊昱 et al. "激光制备液态金属基柔性电子及其应用" . | 中国激光 49 . 10 (2022) : 177-198 .
APA 李昊昱 , 张承君 , 杨青 , 侯洵 , 陈烽 . 激光制备液态金属基柔性电子及其应用 . | 中国激光 , 2022 , 49 (10) , 177-198 .
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Femtosecond Laser-Induced Supermetalphobicity for Design and Fabrication of Flexible Tactile Electronic Skin Sensor SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 14 (33) | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Pursuing flexible tactile electronic skin sensors with superior comprehensive performances is highly desired in practical applications. However, current flexible tactile electronic skin sensors suffer insufficient flexibility and sensitivity, as well as high-cost and low -efficiency in fabrication, and are susceptible to contamination in sensing performances. Here, a highly sensitive all-flexible tactile sensor (AFTS) is presented with capacitive sensing that combines a double-side micropyramids dielectric layer and a liquid metal (LM) electrode. The design and fabrication of LM-based AFTS are based on supermetalphobicity induced by femtosecond laser. The super-metalphobic micropyramids lead to a high sensitivity up to 2.78 kPa(-1,) an ultralow limit of detection of similar to 3 Pa, a fast response time of 80 ms, and an excellent durability of cyclic load over 10 000 times. The used femtosecond laser enables programmable, high-efficiency, low-cost, and large-scale fabrication of supermetalphobic double-side micropyramids, which is difficult to implement using conventional techniques. Furthermore, the outer substrates are treated by a femtosecond laser, endowing the AFTS with excellent antifouling performance and stable sensing signals in the highly humid environment. Successful monitoring of human physiological and motion signals demonstrates the potential of our developed AFTS for wearable biomonitoring applications.

Keyword :

double-side micropyrmaids femtosecond laser fabrication flexible tactile electronic skin sensors liquid metal supermetalphobicity


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Chengjun , Li, Zhikang , Li, Haoyu et al. Femtosecond Laser-Induced Supermetalphobicity for Design and Fabrication of Flexible Tactile Electronic Skin Sensor [J]. | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2022 , 14 (33) .
MLA Zhang, Chengjun et al. "Femtosecond Laser-Induced Supermetalphobicity for Design and Fabrication of Flexible Tactile Electronic Skin Sensor" . | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 14 . 33 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Chengjun , Li, Zhikang , Li, Haoyu , Yang, Qing , Wang, Hao , Shan, Chao et al. Femtosecond Laser-Induced Supermetalphobicity for Design and Fabrication of Flexible Tactile Electronic Skin Sensor . | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES , 2022 , 14 (33) .
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Rapid Fabrication of Wavelength-Scale Micropores on Metal by Femtosecond MHz Burst Bessel Beam Ablation SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (24) | NANOMATERIALS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The preparation of the wavelength-scale micropores on metallic surfaces is limited by the high opacity of metal. At present, most micropores reported in the literature are more than 20 mu m in diameter, which is not only large in size, but renders them inefficient for processing so that it is difficult to meet the needs of some special fields, such as aerospace, biotechnology, and so on. In this paper, the rapid laser fabrications of the wavelength-scale micropores on various metallic surfaces are achieved through femtosecond MHz burst Bessel beam ablation. Taking advantage of the long-depth focal field of the Bessel beam, high-density micropores with a diameter of 1.3 mu m and a depth of 10.5 mu m are prepared on metal by MHz burst accumulation; in addition, the rapid fabrication of 2000 micropores can be achieved in 1 s. The guidelines and experimental results illustrate that the formations of the wavelength-scale porous structures are the result of the co-action of the laser-induced periodic surface structure (LIPSS) effect and Bessel beam interference. Porous metal can be used to store lubricant and form a lubricating layer on the metallic surface, thus endowing the metal resistance to various liquids' adhesion. The microporous formation process on metal provides a new physical insight for the rapid preparation of wavelength-scale metallic micropores, and promotes the application of porous metal in the fields of catalysis, gas adsorption, structural templates, and bio-transportation fields.

Keyword :

femtosecond laser laser-induced periodic surface structure (LIPSS) MHz burst Bessel beam porous metal wavelength-scale micropores


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Yang , Lu, Yu , Yang, Qing et al. Rapid Fabrication of Wavelength-Scale Micropores on Metal by Femtosecond MHz Burst Bessel Beam Ablation [J]. | NANOMATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (24) .
MLA Cheng, Yang et al. "Rapid Fabrication of Wavelength-Scale Micropores on Metal by Femtosecond MHz Burst Bessel Beam Ablation" . | NANOMATERIALS 12 . 24 (2022) .
APA Cheng, Yang , Lu, Yu , Yang, Qing , Zhong, Jun , Xu, Mengchen , Gou, Xiaodan et al. Rapid Fabrication of Wavelength-Scale Micropores on Metal by Femtosecond MHz Burst Bessel Beam Ablation . | NANOMATERIALS , 2022 , 12 (24) .
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Insight on the regulation mechanism of the nanochannels in hard and brittle materials induced by sparially shaped femtosecond laser Scopus SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 10 | Frontiers in Chemistry
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The efficient fabrication of nanochannels on hard and brittle materials is a difficult task in the field of micro and nano processing. We have realized nanochannel arrays on silica with characteristic scales varying from 50–230 nm using a single femtosecond Bessel beam pulse of 515 nm. By characterizing the surface openings, we found that the characteristic scales of the nanopore openings are inextricably linked to the surface energy deposition effect. We achieved not only three asymmetric channel profiles by adjusting the laser-sample interaction region, but also high aspect ratio nanochannels with characteristic scales about 50 nm and aspect ratios over 100. These results on hard and brittle materials provide a broader platform and application scenarios for smart particle rectifiers, DNA molecular sequencing, biosensors, and nanofluidic devices, which are also more suitable for future practical applications due to their low cost, good durability, and high productivity. Copyright © 2022 Kai, Chen, Lu, Meng, Liu, Cheng, Yang, Hou and Chen.

Keyword :

bessel pulses; hard and brittle materials; high aspect ratio; laser fabrication; nanochannels


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GB/T 7714 Kai, L. , Chen, C. , Lu, Y. et al. Insight on the regulation mechanism of the nanochannels in hard and brittle materials induced by sparially shaped femtosecond laser [J]. | Frontiers in Chemistry , 2022 , 10 .
MLA Kai, L. et al. "Insight on the regulation mechanism of the nanochannels in hard and brittle materials induced by sparially shaped femtosecond laser" . | Frontiers in Chemistry 10 (2022) .
APA Kai, L. , Chen, C. , Lu, Y. , Meng, Y. , Liu, Y. , Cheng, Y. et al. Insight on the regulation mechanism of the nanochannels in hard and brittle materials induced by sparially shaped femtosecond laser . | Frontiers in Chemistry , 2022 , 10 .
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Design of Metal-Based Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPSs) with Effective Liquid Repellency Achieved with a Femtosecond Laser Scopus SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 13 (8) | Micromachines
SCOPUS Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces (SLIPSs) have become an effective method to provide materials with sliding performance and, thus, achieve liquid repellency, through the process of infusing lubricants into the microstructure of the surface. However, the construction of microstructures on high-strength metals is still a significant challenge. Herein, we used a femtosecond laser with a temporally shaped Bessel beam to process NiTi alloy, and created uniform porous structures with a microhole diameter of around 4 µm, in order to store and lock lubricant. In addition, as the lubricant is an important factor that can influence the sliding properties, five different lubricants were selected to prepare the SLIPSs, and were further compared in terms of their sliding behavior. The temperature cycle test and the hydraulic pressure test were implemented to characterize the durability of the samples, and different liquids were used to investigate the possible failure under complex fluid conditions. In general, the prepared SLIPSs exhibited superior liquid repellency. We believe that, in combination with a femtosecond laser, slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces are promising for applications in a wide range of areas. © 2022 by the authors.

Keyword :

femtosecond laser; liquid repellency; NiTi alloy; sliding performance; SLIPS


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GB/T 7714 Fang, Z. , Cheng, Y. , Yang, Q. et al. Design of Metal-Based Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPSs) with Effective Liquid Repellency Achieved with a Femtosecond Laser [J]. | Micromachines , 2022 , 13 (8) .
MLA Fang, Z. et al. "Design of Metal-Based Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPSs) with Effective Liquid Repellency Achieved with a Femtosecond Laser" . | Micromachines 13 . 8 (2022) .
APA Fang, Z. , Cheng, Y. , Yang, Q. , Lu, Y. , Zhang, C. , Li, M. et al. Design of Metal-Based Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPSs) with Effective Liquid Repellency Achieved with a Femtosecond Laser . | Micromachines , 2022 , 13 (8) .
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Microlens arrays enable variable-focus imaging EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 16
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Microlens array (MLA) is a key part of optical element for biomedical inspection, lab-on-a-chip device, and lightfield cameras. However, conventional MLAs always have only one focal plane, which makes them difficult to capture targets at different positions. To solve this problem, a planar multi-focus MLA (MF-MLA) was prepared on a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate by a combination of femtosecond laser wet etching (FLWE) and soft lithography techniques. The modulation transfer function (MTF) values of the microlenses all exceeded 0.2 when the spatial frequency was less than 200 lp/mm, indicating the high imaging ability of the lenses. The reported MF-MLA had three different focal lengths, so that targets at different positions could be easily imaged on a single image sensor. In addition, MLAs with more focal points could be fabricated by selecting appropriate processing parameters. It is anticipated that the as-fabricated MF-MLA will become a promising device to improve the performance of the optical system, especially in optical remote sensing, biomedical imaging, and machine vision.

Keyword :

Femtosecond laser processing Microlens array Micro optics Multi-focus imaging


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GB/T 7714 Li, Minjing , Yang, Qing , Bian, Hao et al. Microlens arrays enable variable-focus imaging [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 153 .
MLA Li, Minjing et al. "Microlens arrays enable variable-focus imaging" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 153 (2022) .
APA Li, Minjing , Yang, Qing , Bian, Hao , Yang, Tongzhen , Hou, Xun , Chen, Feng . Microlens arrays enable variable-focus imaging . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 153 .
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Femtosecond Laser Fabrication of Submillimeter Microlens Arrays with Tunable Numerical Apertures Scopus SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 13 (8) | Micromachines
SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In recent years, the demand for optical components such as microlenses has been increasing, and various methods have been developed. However, fabrication of submillimeter microlenses with tunable numerical aperture (NA) on hard and brittle materials remains a great challenge using the current methods. In this work, we fabricated a variable NA microlens array with submillimeter size on a silica substrate, using a femtosecond laser-based linear scanning-assisted wet etching method. At the same time, the influence of various processing parameters on the microlens morphology and NA was studied. The NA of the microlenses could be flexibly adjusted in the range of 0.2 to 0.45 by changing the scanning distance of the laser and assisted wet etching. In addition, the imaging and focusing performance tests demonstrated the good optical performance and controllability of the fabricated microlenses. Finally, the optical performance simulation of the prepared microlens array was carried out. The result was consistent with the actual situation, indicating the potential of the submillimeter-scale microlens array prepared by this method for applications in imaging and detection. © 2022 by the authors.

Keyword :

femtosecond laser-based linear scanning; microlens; numerical aperture; optical performance; submillimeter-scale


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GB/T 7714 Yang, T. , Li, M. , Yang, Q. et al. Femtosecond Laser Fabrication of Submillimeter Microlens Arrays with Tunable Numerical Apertures [J]. | Micromachines , 2022 , 13 (8) .
MLA Yang, T. et al. "Femtosecond Laser Fabrication of Submillimeter Microlens Arrays with Tunable Numerical Apertures" . | Micromachines 13 . 8 (2022) .
APA Yang, T. , Li, M. , Yang, Q. , Lu, Y. , Cheng, Y. , Zhang, C. et al. Femtosecond Laser Fabrication of Submillimeter Microlens Arrays with Tunable Numerical Apertures . | Micromachines , 2022 , 13 (8) .
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Bioinspired Anti-Fogging and Anti-Fouling Artificial Compound Eyes EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 10 (17) | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 24
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Curved artificial compound eyes (ACEs) attract enormous research interest owing to their potential applications in medical devices, surveillance imaging, target tracking, and so on. However, fog, dust, or other liquids are likely to condense on the device surface under a humid, low-temperature environment or outdoors, thus affecting the optical performance. In this work, a multi-functional ACE (MF-ACE) is fabricated by a combination of i) femtosecond laser wet etching, ii) soft lithography, and iii) polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) swelling methods. The fabricated device is close-packed with over 3000 microlenses (approximate to 108 mu m diameter and approximate to 15 mu m height) on a spherical macrolens (6.56 cm diameter and 0.87 cm height). The trapped silicone oil in the cross-linked PDMS endows the as-fabricated ACE with excellent water repellence and anti-fogging, anti-fouling, and self-cleaning abilities. In addition, the ACE shows high optical performance and the ommatidia have a spatial resolution of 50.8 lp mm(-1). The imaging and focusing experiments demonstrate its high optical properties and uniformity. It is anticipated that this research may provide useful guidelines for the fabrication of anti-fogging and anti-fouling optical devices, and such device enables potential applications in autonomous vehicles, medical, or vision systems under harsh environmental conditions.

Keyword :

anti-fogging anti-fouling artificial compound eyes femtosecond lasers self-cleaning


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GB/T 7714 Li, Minjing , Yang, Tongzhen , Yang, Qing et al. Bioinspired Anti-Fogging and Anti-Fouling Artificial Compound Eyes [J]. | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2022 , 10 (17) .
MLA Li, Minjing et al. "Bioinspired Anti-Fogging and Anti-Fouling Artificial Compound Eyes" . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 10 . 17 (2022) .
APA Li, Minjing , Yang, Tongzhen , Yang, Qing , Fang, Zheng , Bian, Hao , Zhang, Chengjun et al. Bioinspired Anti-Fogging and Anti-Fouling Artificial Compound Eyes . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2022 , 10 (17) .
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