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Policies and measures to control pandemics are often failing. While biological factors controlling transmission are usually well explored, little is known about the environmental drivers of transmission and infection. For instance, respiratory droplets and aerosol particles are crucial vectors for the airborne transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the causation agent of the coronavirus 2019 pandemic (COVID-19). Once expectorated, respiratory droplets interact with atmospheric particulates that influence the viability and transmission of the novel coronavirus, yet there is little knowledge on this process or its consequences on virus transmission and infection. Here we review the effects of atmospheric particulate properties, vortex zones, and air pollution on virus survivability and transmission. We found that particle size, chemical constituents, electrostatic charges, and the moisture content of airborne particles can have notable effects on virus transmission, with higher survival generally associated with larger particles, yet some viruses are better preserved on small particles. Some chemical constituents and surface-adsorbed chemical species may damage peptide bonds in viral proteins and impair virus stability. Electrostatic charges and water content of atmospheric particulates may affect the adherence of virion particles and possibly their viability. In addition, vortex zones and human thermal plumes are major environmental factors altering the aerodynamics of buoyant particles in air, which can strongly influence the transport of airborne particles and the transmission of associated viruses. Insights into these factors may provide explanations for the widely observed positive correlations between COVID-19 infection and mortality with air pollution, of which particulate matter is a common constituent that may have a central role in the airborne transmission of the novel coronavirus.
Keyword :
Chemical constituents Coronavirus Particulate matter Surface charge Viability Vortex
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GB/T 7714 | Gu, Zhaolin , Han, Jie , Zhang, Liyuan et al. Unanswered questions on the airborne transmission of COVID-19 [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS , 2023 . |
MLA | Gu, Zhaolin et al. "Unanswered questions on the airborne transmission of COVID-19" . | ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS (2023) . |
APA | Gu, Zhaolin , Han, Jie , Zhang, Liyuan , Wang, Hongliang , Luo, Xilian , Meng, Xiangzhao et al. Unanswered questions on the airborne transmission of COVID-19 . | ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS , 2023 . |
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GB/T 7714 | Fan, Mingyue , Gu, Zhaolin , Li, Weijun et al. Integration of a large green corridor with an underground complex - a low carbon building solution for urban climate revival [J]. | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 31 (4) : 872-877 . |
MLA | Fan, Mingyue et al. "Integration of a large green corridor with an underground complex - a low carbon building solution for urban climate revival" . | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT 31 . 4 (2022) : 872-877 . |
APA | Fan, Mingyue , Gu, Zhaolin , Li, Weijun , Zhou, Dian , Yu, Chuck Wah . Integration of a large green corridor with an underground complex - a low carbon building solution for urban climate revival . | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 31 (4) , 872-877 . |
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Biomass combustion results in the emission of substantial amounts of carbonaceous aerosols. Here, we report the emission characteristics of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) from biofuel combustion according to field measurements in rural households in Guizhou Province, China. The average emission factor of OC was 0.57 ± 0.16 g kg−1 for firewood burning, which was lower than that for crop straw burning. The average emission factor of EC was 1.1 ± 0.63 g kg−1 for firewood burning, which was higher than most crop straw burning, including corn (0.68 ± 0.29 g kg−1), rice (0.48 ± 0.40 g kg−1), and soybean (0.17 ± 0.21 g kg−1). The average OC/EC ratios from crop straw burning were high, 14.2 for rice straw burning, 11.7 for soybean straw burning, 5.1 for corn straw burning, and 2.8 for pepper straw burning. The average OC/EC ratio of firewood was the lowest at 0.54. In 2019, the estimated emissions of OC and EC from residential biomass fuel combustion in Guizhou Province were 3.6 and 5.6 Gg, respectively. Firewood burning was the primary contributor to total residential biofuel OC (≈81%) and EC (≈97%) emissions. High-emission areas included Tongren, Qiandongnan, and Qiannan. © 2022 by the authors.
Keyword :
emission factor; emissions inventory; residential biomass burning
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Y.-N. , Cheng, Y. , Gu, Z.-L. et al. Emission Factors and Inventories of Carbonaceous Aerosols from Residential Biomass Burning in Guizhou Province, China [J]. | Atmosphere , 2022 , 13 (10) . |
MLA | Wang, Y.-N. et al. "Emission Factors and Inventories of Carbonaceous Aerosols from Residential Biomass Burning in Guizhou Province, China" . | Atmosphere 13 . 10 (2022) . |
APA | Wang, Y.-N. , Cheng, Y. , Gu, Z.-L. , Yang, J.-T. , Ren, H.-H. . Emission Factors and Inventories of Carbonaceous Aerosols from Residential Biomass Burning in Guizhou Province, China . | Atmosphere , 2022 , 13 (10) . |
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In the design of urban buildings, regionality is take into account to ensure that the colors and materials used are consistent with the surrounding environment and urban development. This helps maintain the urban characteristics and local cultural values. However, the effects on the thermal environment are typically not considered in this process. To explore the rationality of the current urban design guidance, a field study was conducted in Xi'an-iHarbour. The surface temperatures of buildings with different colors and materials were investigated, and the solar radiation received by these surfaces was measured. The results show that variations in surface colors can lead to considerable differences in surface temperature, which are strongly and positively correlated with the amount of solar radiation received. In addition, the thermal inertia of the material can significantly influence the daily variation in the surface temperature. The current guidelines for Xi'an urban design have been found to be inappropriate. Low-thermal-inertia materials and light colors have been suggested to improve the urban thermal environment of Xi'an. The findings of this research provide insights on the thermal performance of building surfaces and provide ideas for the architectural design of other cities that also have thermal environmental concerns.
Keyword :
Color Facade Reflectance Roof Surface temperature Thermal inertia
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GB/T 7714 | Hong, Chao , Yang, Yujun , Ge, Shuwei et al. Is the design guidance of color and material for urban buildings a good choice in terms of thermal performance? [J]. | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY , 2022 , 83 . |
MLA | Hong, Chao et al. "Is the design guidance of color and material for urban buildings a good choice in terms of thermal performance?" . | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY 83 (2022) . |
APA | Hong, Chao , Yang, Yujun , Ge, Shuwei , Chai, Guankun , Zhao, Peizhi , Shui, Qingxiang et al. Is the design guidance of color and material for urban buildings a good choice in terms of thermal performance? . | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY , 2022 , 83 . |
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Knowledge of the flow field in the urban canopy layer (UCL) is of great significance in guiding the layout of buildings in blocks and mitigating local air pollution. Large eddy simulation (LES) with relatively high precision can simulate the flow field in the UCL. Considering the limitations of computational power, building resistance source parameterisation is an effective method of solving the average blocking effect of buildings on airflow and reducing the number of grids. Belcher's drag model has been widely used for calculating the average flow field in the UCL. However, the model does not consider the influence of the horizontal recirculation region and the variation of the canopy-drag length scale in the height direction. Therefore, a parameterised drag model for the resistance source of building(s) was improved by considering the horizontal recirculation region and effective roughness density. The simulation results suggest that the horizontal recirculation area of an isolated building is mainly affected by the spanwise width of the building at a certain height and presents a quadratic function distribution in the height direction, with a maximum at approximately z/H = 0.45. The validation of the isolated building and building arrays with different layouts demonstrated that the parameterised drag model could reveal the average flow field more accurately than Belcher's drag model.
Keyword :
Horizontal recirculation area Large eddy simulation Parameterised drag model Underlying surface roughness Urban wind environment
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GB/T 7714 | Fan, M. Y. , Li, W. J. , Luo, X. L. et al. Parameterised drag model for the underlying surface roughness of buildings in urban wind environment simulation [J]. | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 209 . |
MLA | Fan, M. Y. et al. "Parameterised drag model for the underlying surface roughness of buildings in urban wind environment simulation" . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 209 (2022) . |
APA | Fan, M. Y. , Li, W. J. , Luo, X. L. , Shui, Q. X. , Jing, L. Z. , Gu, Z. L. et al. Parameterised drag model for the underlying surface roughness of buildings in urban wind environment simulation . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 209 . |
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Data quality is vital in machine learning models, and data scientists spend a substantial amount of time on data quality certificates before model training. With the objective of building trustworthy construction material datasets in this study, we first built construction material datasets, namely those for concrete, brick, metal, wood, and stone data, by collecting images of different construction materials. In particular, these datasets include the main construction material (i.e., concrete, brick, metal, wood, and stone), background, and uncertainty cate-gories. Subsequently, we propose a novel cross-review framework that applies the entire corresponding datasets as the input (e.g., brick datasets) and returns clean datasets. Subsequently, several state-of-the-art deep con-volutional neural networks such as VGG16, GoogleNet, and ResNet were selected to verify the quality and effectiveness of the construction material datasets under two pipelines: friendly mobile devices and unfriendly architectures. The experimental results show that the proposed construction waste material datasets have satisfactory quality and can be effectively recognized by these state-of-the-art deep neural network models. Additionally, the results indicate the necessity to clean the data before training a deep-learning model. Further research should be combining a novel deep construction material recognition model with the cross-review framework to further improve the recognition performance.
Keyword :
Construction Material Datasets Cross Review Data Quality Deep Convolutional Neural Network
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GB/T 7714 | Sun, Ying , Gu, Zhaolin . Using computer vision to recognize construction material: A Trustworthy Dataset Perspective [J]. | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2022 , 183 . |
MLA | Sun, Ying et al. "Using computer vision to recognize construction material: A Trustworthy Dataset Perspective" . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING 183 (2022) . |
APA | Sun, Ying , Gu, Zhaolin . Using computer vision to recognize construction material: A Trustworthy Dataset Perspective . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2022 , 183 . |
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GB/T 7714 | Hong, Chao , Wang, Yupeng , Gu, Zhaolin et al. Cool facades to mitigate urban heat island effects [J]. | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 31 (10) : 2373-2377 . |
MLA | Hong, Chao et al. "Cool facades to mitigate urban heat island effects" . | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT 31 . 10 (2022) : 2373-2377 . |
APA | Hong, Chao , Wang, Yupeng , Gu, Zhaolin , Yu, Chuck Wah . Cool facades to mitigate urban heat island effects . | INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 31 (10) , 2373-2377 . |
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Because of the rapid development of the economy and the process of urbanization, construction waste recycling is becoming increasingly important and should be considered. Motivated by effectively managing the construction waste recycling under sustainability incentives, the multi-agent stochastic game model is used to evaluate the evolutionary behavior of the government agencies, waste recyclers, and waste producers. To capture the uncertainty existing in the external environment, the replicator dynamic formula is integrated with Gaussian noise, and the Lyapunov exponent diagram is analyzed to illustrate the nonlinear dynamic behavior. The numerical approximations are then solved by utilizing the random Taylor expansion formula. Finally, a numerical simulation is performed to evaluate the evolutionary trajectories of the participants involved. The findings revealed that: (1) the government agency should adopt a positive supervision approach, which can encourage waste producers and recyclers to collaborate around each other; (2) lower sorting and disposal costs can enhance construction waste recycling; and (3) the existence of uncertainty in the environment around different participants will influence one's strategy selection.
Keyword :
construction waste recycling multi-agent stochastic game model sustainability incentives
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GB/T 7714 | Sun, Ying , Gu, Zhaolin . Implementation of Construction Waste Recycling under Construction Sustainability Incentives: A Multi-Agent Stochastic Evolutionary Game Approach [J]. | SUSTAINABILITY , 2022 , 14 (6) . |
MLA | Sun, Ying et al. "Implementation of Construction Waste Recycling under Construction Sustainability Incentives: A Multi-Agent Stochastic Evolutionary Game Approach" . | SUSTAINABILITY 14 . 6 (2022) . |
APA | Sun, Ying , Gu, Zhaolin . Implementation of Construction Waste Recycling under Construction Sustainability Incentives: A Multi-Agent Stochastic Evolutionary Game Approach . | SUSTAINABILITY , 2022 , 14 (6) . |
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Water flooding technology is widely used to improve oil recovery efficiency in oilfields. The capillary barrier effect induced by the complex pore structures in the reservoir rocks is a crucial reason for the trapping of a great deal of residual oil in oil reservoirs after water flooding. However, the formation condition along with the effect on the recovery rate of the capillary barrier under different wettability conditions should be investigated further. To bridge the gap between the microscopic mechanism of the capillary barrier effect and the macroscopic mechanism of oil displacement efficiency, a simple conceptual capillary model is constructed to obtain the formation conditions of the capillary barrier using the analysis method, and its influence on macroscopic oil displacement efficiency in the porous media model with an opening angle of 45 degrees is systematically investigated in this study using direct numerical simulations (DNS) coupled with the volume of fluid method. The results showed that the capillary barrier effect plays a significant role in the formation of the residual oil in the reservoir rock and the contact angle and the opening angle are the primary factors for the formation of the capillary barrier. The capillary force is the driving force when the oil-water interface advances in the throat channel under water-wet conditions, while the capillary force hinders the movement of oil-water movement when the liquid flows out of the throat channel and when theta + beta > 90(o). Furthermore, the highest oil displacement efficiency is achieved at the intermediate capillary number and in the case that the minimum conditions of occurrence of the capillary barrier phenomenon are satisfied. This is of great significance for controlling the optimized contact angle to further enhance the oil recovery rate of current oil reservoirs using waterflooding technology.
Keyword :
capillary barrier enhanced oil recovery flow in porous media pore-scale simulation wettability
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GB/T 7714 | Hu, Bingtao , Gu, Zhaolin , Zhou, Chenxing et al. Investigation of the Effect of Capillary Barrier on Water-Oil Movement in Water Flooding [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2022 , 12 (12) . |
MLA | Hu, Bingtao et al. "Investigation of the Effect of Capillary Barrier on Water-Oil Movement in Water Flooding" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 12 . 12 (2022) . |
APA | Hu, Bingtao , Gu, Zhaolin , Zhou, Chenxing , Wang, Le , Huang, Chuanqing , Su, Junwei . Investigation of the Effect of Capillary Barrier on Water-Oil Movement in Water Flooding . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2022 , 12 (12) . |
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Enhancing the heat transfer performance of heat exchangers is one of the main methods to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems. Wettability modified surfaces developed gradually may help. This study aims to improve the performance of heat exchangers from the perspective of component materials. The facile and cost-effective fabrication method of superhydrophobic Al-based finned-tube heat exchangers with acid etching and stearic acid self-assembly was proposed and optimized in this study, so that the modified Al fins could achieve stronger wettability and durability. The effect of process parameters on the wettability of the Al fins was by response surface methodology (RSM) and variance analysis. Then, the modified fins were characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), 3D topography profiler, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), respectively. The durability of the superhydrophobic fins was investigated by air exposure, corrosion resistance, and mechanical robustness experiments. The RSM and variance analysis demonstrated that a water contact angle (WCA) of 166.9 degrees can be obtained with the etching time in 2 mol/L HCl solution of 10.5 min, the self-assembly time in the stearic acid ethanol solution of 48 h, and drying under 73.0 degrees C. The surface morphology showed suitable micro-nano structures with a mean roughness (Ra) of 467.58 nm and a maximum peak-to-valley vertical distance (Rt) of 4.095 mu m. The chemical component demonstrated the self-assembly of an alkyl chain. The WCAs declined slightly in durability experiments, which showed the feasibility of the superhydrophobic heat exchangers under actual conditions.
Keyword :
Al alloy contact angle durability heat exchanger superhydrophobic fins
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Ran , Wang, Zanshe , Chen, Meijuan et al. Fabrication and Characterization of Superhydrophobic Al-Based Surface Used for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers [J]. | MATERIALS , 2022 , 15 (9) . |
MLA | Li, Ran et al. "Fabrication and Characterization of Superhydrophobic Al-Based Surface Used for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers" . | MATERIALS 15 . 9 (2022) . |
APA | Li, Ran , Wang, Zanshe , Chen, Meijuan , Li, Zhang , Luo, Xiaowei , Lu, Weizhen et al. Fabrication and Characterization of Superhydrophobic Al-Based Surface Used for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers . | MATERIALS , 2022 , 15 (9) . |
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