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Robust Pricing of Energy and Ancillary Services in Combined Electricity and Natural Gas Markets EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 37 (1) , 603-616 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2 SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Rapid growth of gas-fired generators strengthens the interdependency of electricity and natural gas markets. To meet the uncertainty challenge, a robust day-ahead market clearing framework for the integrated electricity and natural gas system (IEGS) is presented. First, a robust security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) model is built considering the joint dispatch of ancillary services. Regulation-up/down reserve is scheduled to balance electrical load/wind power uncertainties, spinning reserve is to manage N-1 generator outage, and natural gas reserve is to withstand gas load uncertainty and provide fuel for gas-fired electrical reserve. The SCUC model is a two-stage mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem so that a sequential linear approximation-based Column & Constraint Generation (SLA-based C&CG) algorithm is proposed. Then, according to SCUC solutions, an economic dispatch model is derived to obtain market clearing and pricing results. Based on locational marginal pricing, novel definitions of electrical energy, natural gas and multiple ancillary service prices are proposed, which can reflect network limits and uncertainty effects. Numerical cases on two test IEGSs and a provincial-level IEGS demonstrate the high accuracy of proposed SLA-based C&CG algorithm and the impact of uncertainties on market clearing.

Keyword :

Fuels Generators Integrated electricity and natural gas system joint energy-reserve market load Load modeling locational marginal pricing N-1 outage Natural gas Pipelines Pricing robust unit commitment Uncertainty wind power uncertainties


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Fan , Wang, Xu , Xiao, Yao et al. Robust Pricing of Energy and Ancillary Services in Combined Electricity and Natural Gas Markets [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS , 2022 , 37 (1) : 603-616 .
MLA Liu, Fan et al. "Robust Pricing of Energy and Ancillary Services in Combined Electricity and Natural Gas Markets" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS 37 . 1 (2022) : 603-616 .
APA Liu, Fan , Wang, Xu , Xiao, Yao , Bie, Zhaohong . Robust Pricing of Energy and Ancillary Services in Combined Electricity and Natural Gas Markets . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS , 2022 , 37 (1) , 603-616 .
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Preventive control of successive failures in extreme weather for power system resilience enhancement EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 16 (16) , 3245-3255 | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION
SCOPUS Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Successive failure propagating through a power system, typically caused by extreme weather such as storm and lightning, can cause blackouts by means of a variety of processes. To address this issue, this paper proposes preventive control for successive failures of power system to mitigate the consequences of successive failures in extreme weather. First, based on the Poisson process theory, the authors model the successive failure propagation, and present the confidence interval estimation for the time interval between successive failures. Then, a failure pre-control methodology that quantifies the grid regulating ability and actions is developed to make decisions for system operators on mitigating overloads of transmission lines. Furthermore, a systematic pre-control framework for successive failures is first proposed to detect latent risks, eliminate predictable consequential outages, and secure power system stability. Results from IEEE-9 bus and IEEE-39 bus standard systems as well as a real-world system show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed preventive control framework can provide a systematic pre-control action scheme for system operators, and realize enhancement of stability and resilience to power system failures.


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Zhenyu , Cui, Wei , Niu, Shuanbao et al. Preventive control of successive failures in extreme weather for power system resilience enhancement [J]. | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION , 2022 , 16 (16) : 3245-3255 .
MLA Zhang, Zhenyu et al. "Preventive control of successive failures in extreme weather for power system resilience enhancement" . | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION 16 . 16 (2022) : 3245-3255 .
APA Zhang, Zhenyu , Cui, Wei , Niu, Shuanbao , Wang, Cong , Xue, Chen , Ma, Xiaowei et al. Preventive control of successive failures in extreme weather for power system resilience enhancement . | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION , 2022 , 16 (16) , 3245-3255 .
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Cooperative Operation of Power and Hydrogen Energy Systems With HFCV Demand Response EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 58 (2) , 2630-2639 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2 SCOPUS Cited Count: 19
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hydrogen has shown great potential in the renewable power integration and urban mobility decarbonization like hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs). The HFCV refueling as an essential hydrogen load is of great flexibility. Considering the HFCV demand response (DR), this article studies the integrated electric power and hydrogen system (IPHS) operation. First, the HFCV refueling load model is formulated with its routing on the transportation network considered. Second, the optimal IPHS operation model is developed in which the electric power operation, tube-trailer based hydrogen delivery and HFCV refueling are coordinated. Third, a Lagrangian relaxation based method is developed to solve the proposed model efficiently, which corresponds to a price-based DR mechanism for HFCVs. Compared with existing works on IPHS, the influence of transportation networks is delicately analyzed on both HFCV refueling and hydrogen delivery. The case studies have proven the effectiveness of the proposed method and demonstrated that the overall operation cost is decreased via the proper guidance of HFCV refueling. The HFCV DR shows great potential in exploring the synergy of energy and transportation systems.

Keyword :

Demand response (DR) Hydrogen hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) integrated electric power and hydrogen system (IPHS) Lagrangian relaxation (LR) method Load management Load modeling Power systems Roads Routing Vehicles


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GB/T 7714 Dong, Wenjing , Shao, Chengcheng , Feng, Chenjia et al. Cooperative Operation of Power and Hydrogen Energy Systems With HFCV Demand Response [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS , 2022 , 58 (2) : 2630-2639 .
MLA Dong, Wenjing et al. "Cooperative Operation of Power and Hydrogen Energy Systems With HFCV Demand Response" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 58 . 2 (2022) : 2630-2639 .
APA Dong, Wenjing , Shao, Chengcheng , Feng, Chenjia , Zhou, Qian , Bie, Zhaohong , Wang, Xifan . Cooperative Operation of Power and Hydrogen Energy Systems With HFCV Demand Response . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS , 2022 , 58 (2) , 2630-2639 .
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Optimal bid-offer strategy for a virtual energy storage merchant: A stochastic bi-level model with all-scenario feasibility EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 299 | APPLIED ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Increased penetration of renewable resources emphasizes opportunities for virtual energy storage (VES) to offer the needed flexibility to the power system. The VES, quite common in China, is in fact the large electricity industrial consumers with a thermal source of electricity generation that allows them to self-supply. The emerging VES concept breaks through the traditional self-supply off-grid status and enables them to interact with the grid as storage facilities by modulating their power source and load in bi-direction. Within this context, this paper analyzes the implications of the strategic participation of a price-making VES with the ability to exercise market power in the electricity market. We develop a stochastic bi-level optimization model, which presents the VES profit-maximization problem, subject to a day-ahead energy clearing optimization under renewable uncertainty. An all-scenario-feasible stochastic (ASFS) method is applied for the first time to the bid-offer problem to deal with the uncertainty, guaranteeing the feasibility of decision making for all scenarios. The proposed stochastic decision-making model is evaluated by using two illustrative test systems and a practical case based on Gansu Province, China. Numerical results reveal the various abilities of the VES merchant in different operating modes in manipulating the market power and gaining profits from price arbitrage under uncertainty. Our proposed model and approach provide an insight for the market operator to track the behaviors of the VES into the market clearing process and to evaluate the portfolio value of VES in spatio-temporal coordination of electricity production.

Keyword :

All-scenario-feasible Stochastic bi-level problem Strategic bids and offers Virtual energy storage


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Shiyu , Ren, Yanzhe , Zhang, Zhenyu et al. Optimal bid-offer strategy for a virtual energy storage merchant: A stochastic bi-level model with all-scenario feasibility [J]. | APPLIED ENERGY , 2021 , 299 .
MLA Liu, Shiyu et al. "Optimal bid-offer strategy for a virtual energy storage merchant: A stochastic bi-level model with all-scenario feasibility" . | APPLIED ENERGY 299 (2021) .
APA Liu, Shiyu , Ren, Yanzhe , Zhang, Zhenyu , Xiao, Yao , Bie, Zhaohong , Wang, Xifan . Optimal bid-offer strategy for a virtual energy storage merchant: A stochastic bi-level model with all-scenario feasibility . | APPLIED ENERGY , 2021 , 299 .
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Distributed accelerated descent algorithm for energy resource coordination in multi-agent integrated energy systems EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 15 (12) , 1884-1896 | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Composed of multiple integrated energy systems (IESs) belonging to different stakeholders, multi-agent IESs (MA-IESs) are widely concerned because of data privacy protect. As the basis of planning design and reliability evaluation for MA-IESs, distributed energy resource coordination (DERC) problem is studied in this paper. First, a DERC model for MA-IESs is established, which considers energy conversion process specifically. Meanwhile, a novel distributed accelerated descent (DAD) algorithm is proposed to realize fully distributed solving. Different from most of the existing researches that investigate the DERC with box constraints, the presented algorithm is able to solve the DERC with general convex constraints. Moreover, the backward operators in the method improve the convergence rate to the best of distributed first-order optimization algorithm with fixed step size, O(1/T). Furthermore, the presented approach is initialization robustness when the load fluctuations suddenly happened in MA-IESs. The convergence property, computing, and communication complexity are strictly proved. Finally, the effectiveness of DERC model and DAD algorithm are demonstrated by some modified case studies.


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GB/T 7714 Kou, Yu , Wang, Yinghui , Bie, Zhaohong et al. Distributed accelerated descent algorithm for energy resource coordination in multi-agent integrated energy systems [J]. | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION , 2021 , 15 (12) : 1884-1896 .
MLA Kou, Yu et al. "Distributed accelerated descent algorithm for energy resource coordination in multi-agent integrated energy systems" . | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION 15 . 12 (2021) : 1884-1896 .
APA Kou, Yu , Wang, Yinghui , Bie, Zhaohong , Wang, Xu , Ding, Tao . Distributed accelerated descent algorithm for energy resource coordination in multi-agent integrated energy systems . | IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION , 2021 , 15 (12) , 1884-1896 .
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Distributed Energy Management of Integrated Electricity-thermal Systems for High-speed Railway Traction Grids and Stations EI SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 7 (3) , 541-554 | CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper proposes an integrated electricity-thermal energy management system (EMS) for high-speed railways. First, an operational model is built for the integrated electricity-thermal system, including a train operation EMS (TO-EMS) model and station operation EMS (SO-EMS) model. In the TO-EMS model, traction grids (TGs) are formulated with a solvable second-order cone programming problem. In the SO-EMS model, station indoor thermal systems are taken into account, and the building heat exchange process and solar radiation influence upon station indoor temperature are also included. Then the TO-EMS and the SO-EMS are coordinated with an alternating direction method of the multipliers-based (ADMM-based) algorithm, protecting the privacy and interests both for the train dispatch center and stations. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed railway EMS, a modified realistic high-speed railway segment with six stations in North China with summer and winter scenarios is studied.

Keyword :

Alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm distributed optimization railway energy management system (R-EMS) station thermal system traction grid (TG)


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, Lizhou , Bie, Zhaohong , Long, Tao et al. Distributed Energy Management of Integrated Electricity-thermal Systems for High-speed Railway Traction Grids and Stations [J]. | CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS , 2021 , 7 (3) : 541-554 .
MLA Jiang, Lizhou et al. "Distributed Energy Management of Integrated Electricity-thermal Systems for High-speed Railway Traction Grids and Stations" . | CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS 7 . 3 (2021) : 541-554 .
APA Jiang, Lizhou , Bie, Zhaohong , Long, Tao , Xie, Haipeng , Xiao, Yao . Distributed Energy Management of Integrated Electricity-thermal Systems for High-speed Railway Traction Grids and Stations . | CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS , 2021 , 7 (3) , 541-554 .
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Practice and Experience of Trading Mechanism for Energy Pool of Renewable Energy Accommodation EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 45 (7) , 163-169 | Automation of Electric Power Systems
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In recent years, with the continuous promotion of clean and low-carbon energy strategy, the installed capacity of renewable energy is growing rapidly, and the proportion of renewable energy generation in the system keeps increasing. The high permeability, the randomness and volatility of renewable energy put forward higher requirements for the regulation and carrying capacity of the system. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the characteristics of renewable energy generation, this paper explores the complementary potential of the power grid, and proposes the trading mechanism of the energy pool for renewable energy. First, the trading model of the energy pool for renewable energy is established; the constraint conditions are set; and the trading declaration and clearing methods are given. Then, the price mechanism considering the flexible price and the value system of the energy pool is explored. The settlement method of the energy pool is given. Finally, based on the practice of renewable energy accommodation in Northwest Power Grid of China, various kinds of trading practices are innovated and carried out, such as the replacement of the energy pool in the main control area, the energy pool in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, and the peak shaving and replacement of the energy pool between Shaanxi and Qinghai Provinces, China. The actual data shows that the energy pool mechanism fully demonstrates the value of system regulation; it can mobilize the flexible adjustment ability of the system to stabilize the fluctuation of renewable energy, and significantly improve the level of renewable energy accommodation. © 2021 Automation of Electric Power Systems Press.

Keyword :

Commerce Electric power system control Electric power transmission networks Lakes Renewable energy resources


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GB/T 7714 He, Yuankang , Ding, Tao , Liu, Ruifeng et al. Practice and Experience of Trading Mechanism for Energy Pool of Renewable Energy Accommodation [J]. | Automation of Electric Power Systems , 2021 , 45 (7) : 163-169 .
MLA He, Yuankang et al. "Practice and Experience of Trading Mechanism for Energy Pool of Renewable Energy Accommodation" . | Automation of Electric Power Systems 45 . 7 (2021) : 163-169 .
APA He, Yuankang , Ding, Tao , Liu, Ruifeng , Qu, Ming , Chen, Tianen , Bie, Zhaohong . Practice and Experience of Trading Mechanism for Energy Pool of Renewable Energy Accommodation . | Automation of Electric Power Systems , 2021 , 45 (7) , 163-169 .
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A Reliability Model for Integrated Energy System Considering Multi-energy Correlation EI SCIE CSCD
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

An integrated energy system (IES) is a regional energy system incorporating distributed multi-energy systems to serve various energy demands such as electricity, heating, cooling, and gas. The reliability analysis plays a key role in guaranteeing the safety and adequacy of an IES. This paper aims to build a capacity reliability model of an IES. The multi-energy correlation in the IES can generate the dependent capacity outage states, which is the distinguished reliability feature of an IES from a generation system. To address this issue, this paper presents a novel analytical method to model the dependent multi-energy capacity outage states and their joint outage probabilities of an IES for its reliability assessment. To model the dependent multi-energy capacity outage states, a new multi-dimen-sional matrix method is presented in the capacity outage probability table (COPT) model of the generation system. Furthermore., a customized multi-dimensional discrete convolution algorithm is proposed to compute the reliability model, and the adequacy indices are calculated in an accurate and efficient way. Case studies demonstrate the correctness and efficiency of the proposed method. The capacity value of multi-energy conversion facilities is also quantified by the proposed method.

Keyword :

Capacity outage probability table (COPT) Capacity planning Cogeneration Computational modeling Convolution Heating systems integrated energy system (IES) Load modeling multi-dimensional discrete convolution Reliability reliability model


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GB/T 7714 Yan, Chao , Bie, Zhaohong , Liu, Shiyu et al. A Reliability Model for Integrated Energy System Considering Multi-energy Correlation [J]. | JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY , 2021 , 9 (4) : 811-825 .
MLA Yan, Chao et al. "A Reliability Model for Integrated Energy System Considering Multi-energy Correlation" . | JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY 9 . 4 (2021) : 811-825 .
APA Yan, Chao , Bie, Zhaohong , Liu, Shiyu , Urgun, Dogan , Singh, Chanan , Xie, Le . A Reliability Model for Integrated Energy System Considering Multi-energy Correlation . | JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY , 2021 , 9 (4) , 811-825 .
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Resilience-Enhanced Optimal Placement Model of Remote-controlled Switch for Smart Distribution Network EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 45 (3) , 33-39 | Automation of Electric Power Systems
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The deep fusion of cyber-physical system provides technical support for the dynamic and remote control of the distribution network. After extreme events attack the distribution network, remote-controlled switches (RCS) can isolate the faults, reduce the scope of the fault areas, and participate in the network reconfiguration to restore loads. The robust optimal model placement of RCS is proposed. The placement of RCS is completed in the planning stage to minimize the loss of load curtailment of the distribution network after extreme events. Based on the defender-attacker-defender (DAD) framework, the planner determines the plan of the placement of RCS at the first level. According to the system after planning, the attacker looks for the most serious mode of attacks at the second level. At the third level, the operator considers the impact of N-K multiple fault propagation, isolates fault through RCS and reconfigures the network to form microgrids powered by distributed generators (DG) to restore load. The three levels interact with each other to improve the load restoration effect of the distribution network in the most serious mode of attacks. The column-and-constraint generation algorithm is used to solve the model. The validity of the model is verified by the modified IEEE 37-bus system. © 2021 Automation of Electric Power Systems Press.

Keyword :

Embedded systems Microgrids Optimization Remote control Restoration


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GB/T 7714 Bian, Yiheng , Bie, Zhaohong . Resilience-Enhanced Optimal Placement Model of Remote-controlled Switch for Smart Distribution Network [J]. | Automation of Electric Power Systems , 2021 , 45 (3) : 33-39 .
MLA Bian, Yiheng et al. "Resilience-Enhanced Optimal Placement Model of Remote-controlled Switch for Smart Distribution Network" . | Automation of Electric Power Systems 45 . 3 (2021) : 33-39 .
APA Bian, Yiheng , Bie, Zhaohong . Resilience-Enhanced Optimal Placement Model of Remote-controlled Switch for Smart Distribution Network . | Automation of Electric Power Systems , 2021 , 45 (3) , 33-39 .
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Fast supply reliability evaluation of integrated power-gas system based on stochastic capacity network model and importance sampling EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 208 | Reliability Engineering and System Safety
WoS CC Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The supply reliability is a vital concern in the planning of integrated power-gas systems (IPGS). Previous reliability evaluation approaches of IPGS bring massive computational burdens due to the complex consequence (status) analysis model and numerous status samples in Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). In this paper, a systematic assessment approach is proposed to evaluate the supply reliability of IPGS rapidly. Firstly, a novel optimal load shedding model of IPGS is presented based on the stochastic capacity network model of gas system and the power flow model, which reduces the computational complexity of consequence analysis. Then, a tailor-made importance sampling (IS) method based on cross-entropy is proposed for IPGS to improve the efficiency of MCS. Through evaluating the criticality of training samples, the IS method accordingly alters the unavailability parameters of electricity and gas components, so that crucial risk events of IPGS are sampled more frequently in MCS. Furthermore, reliability indices of IPGS are developed in three hierarchies: system reliability, customer availability and component importance, which provide comprehensive references for system planners. Finally, numerical simulations are performed on two IPGS cases and the results validate the proposed approach significantly improves the computational efficiency of supply reliability evaluation for IPGS. © 2021

Keyword :

Complex networks Computational efficiency Efficiency Electric load flow Electric load shedding Importance sampling Monte Carlo methods Reliability analysis Stochastic models Stochastic systems


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Can , Xie, Haipeng , Bie, Zhaohong et al. Fast supply reliability evaluation of integrated power-gas system based on stochastic capacity network model and importance sampling [J]. | Reliability Engineering and System Safety , 2021 , 208 .
MLA Wang, Can et al. "Fast supply reliability evaluation of integrated power-gas system based on stochastic capacity network model and importance sampling" . | Reliability Engineering and System Safety 208 (2021) .
APA Wang, Can , Xie, Haipeng , Bie, Zhaohong , Li, Gengfeng , Yan, Chao . Fast supply reliability evaluation of integrated power-gas system based on stochastic capacity network model and importance sampling . | Reliability Engineering and System Safety , 2021 , 208 .
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