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Numerical Simulation for Bioconvection of Unsteady Stagnation Point Flow of Oldroyd-B Nanofluid with Activation Energy and Temperature-Based Thermal Conductivity Past a Stretching Disk EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 130 (1) , 233-254 | CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A mathematical modeling is explored to scrutinize the unsteady stagnation point flow of Oldroyd-B nanofluid under the thermal conductivity and solutal diffusivity with bioconvection mechanism. Impacts of Joule heating and Arrhenius activation energy including convective boundary conditions are studied, and the specified surface temperature and constant temperature of wall (CTW) are discussed. The consequences of thermal conductivity and diffusivity are also taken into account. The flow is generated through stretchable disk geometry, and the behavior of non-linear thermal radiation is incorporated in energy equation. The partial differential equations governing the fluid flow in the structure is reduced into dimensionless nonlinear ODEs by applying suitable similarity variables. The obtained system of non-dimensional nonlinear ODEs is treated numerically with the help of bvp4c solver in Matlab under shooting algorithm. The impact of various prominent parameters on velocity profile, thermal profile, volumetric nanoparticle concentration and microorganism distribution is depicted in graphical form. The numerical outcomes for skin friction coefficient, heat transfer rate, Sherwood number as well as microorganism density number versus various parameters are listed in the tables. The results show that fluid velocity is reduced by increasing buoyancy ratio parameter, while the fluid flow increases with mixed convective parameter. The temperature profile is enhanced with the amount of nonlinear thermal radiation and temperature dependent thermal conductivity. Furthermore, concentration profiles of nanoparticles have opposite behavior for Brownian motion coefficient and thermophoresis diffusion parameter, and it is noticed that by varying Peclet number the microorganisms profile is declined. The proposed study is useful to control and optimize heat transfer in industrial applications.

Keyword :

bioconvective microorganisms Oldroyd-B nanofluid shooting algorithm solutal diffusivity conductivity thermal conductivity


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GB/T 7714 Rashad, Muhammad Sami , Liu, Haihu , Khan, Shan Ali . Numerical Simulation for Bioconvection of Unsteady Stagnation Point Flow of Oldroyd-B Nanofluid with Activation Energy and Temperature-Based Thermal Conductivity Past a Stretching Disk [J]. | CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES , 2022 , 130 (1) : 233-254 .
MLA Rashad, Muhammad Sami 等. "Numerical Simulation for Bioconvection of Unsteady Stagnation Point Flow of Oldroyd-B Nanofluid with Activation Energy and Temperature-Based Thermal Conductivity Past a Stretching Disk" . | CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES 130 . 1 (2022) : 233-254 .
APA Rashad, Muhammad Sami , Liu, Haihu , Khan, Shan Ali . Numerical Simulation for Bioconvection of Unsteady Stagnation Point Flow of Oldroyd-B Nanofluid with Activation Energy and Temperature-Based Thermal Conductivity Past a Stretching Disk . | CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES , 2022 , 130 (1) , 233-254 .
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Prediction of spontaneous imbibition with gravity in porous media micromodels EI Scopus SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 952 | Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this work, theoretical modelling, quasi-three-dimensional (quasi-3D) simulations and micromodel experiments are conducted to study spontaneous imbibition with gravity in porous media micromodels. By establishing the force balance governing the spontaneous imbibition process, we develop a theoretical model for predicting the imbibition length against time in a rectangular capillary. The theoretical model is then extended to the prediction of a compact displacement process in a micromodel by using an equivalent width, which is derived by analogising the micromodel to a rectangular capillary. By simulating spontaneous imbibition in a rectangular capillary with various aspect ratios, we show that the application condition of the quasi-3D method is. Next, we simulate spontaneous imbibition in micromodels with various geometries and flow conditions. Fingering and compact displacement are identified for varying viscosity ratios and gravitational accelerations. At low (high) viscosity ratio of wetting to non-wetting fluids, an upward (downward) gravity can promote the stability of the wetting front, favouring the transition from fingering to compact displacement. In addition, we find that the depth-oriented interface curvature dominates the capillary effect during the imbibition, and such a mechanism is considered by introducing an equivalent contact angle into the theoretical model. With the help of equivalent width and contact angle, the theoretical model is shown to provide satisfactory prediction of the compact displacement process. Finally, a micromodel experiment is presented to further verify the developed theoretical model and the quasi-3D simulation. © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Cambridge University Press.

Keyword :

capillary flows; multiphase flow; porous media


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GB/T 7714 Li, S. , Liu, H. , Wu, R. et al. Prediction of spontaneous imbibition with gravity in porous media micromodels [J]. | Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 2022 , 952 .
MLA Li, S. et al. "Prediction of spontaneous imbibition with gravity in porous media micromodels" . | Journal of Fluid Mechanics 952 (2022) .
APA Li, S. , Liu, H. , Wu, R. , Cai, J. , Xi, G. , Jiang, F. . Prediction of spontaneous imbibition with gravity in porous media micromodels . | Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 2022 , 952 .
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Droplet deformation and breakup in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid under simple shear flow EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 66 (3) , 585-603 | JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method, which couples the color-gradient model for two-phase fluid dynamics with a lattice diffusion-advection scheme for the elastic stress tensor, is developed to study the deformation and breakup of a Newtonian droplet in the Giesekus fluid matrix under simple shear flow. This method is first validated by the simulation of the single-phase Giesekus fluid in a steady shear flow and the droplet deformation in two different viscoelastic fluid systems. It is then used to investigate the effect of Deborah number De, mobility parameter alpha, and solvent viscosity ratio beta on steady-state droplet deformation. We find for 0.025 < alpha < 0.5 that as De increases, the steady-state droplet deformation decreases until eventually approaching the one in the pure Newtonian case with the viscosity ratio of 1/beta, which is attributed to the strong shear-thinning effect at high De. While for lower alpha, the droplet deformation exhibits a complex nonmonotonic variation with De. Under constant De, the droplet deformation decreases monotonically with alpha but increases with beta. Force analysis shows that De modifies the droplet deformation by altering the normal viscous and elastic stresses at both poles and equators of the droplet, while alpha mainly alters the normal stresses at the poles. Finally, we explore the roles of De and alpha on the critical capillary number C a cr of the droplet breakup. By establishing both Ca - De and Ca - alpha phase diagrams, we find that the critical capillary number increases with De or alpha except that a plateau critical capillary number is observed in Ca - De phase diagram. (C) 2022 The Society of Rheology.

Keyword :

Critical capillary number Droplet deformation and breakup Giesekus fluid model Lattice Boltzmann method Shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Dong , Wang, Ningning , Liu, Haihu . Droplet deformation and breakup in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid under simple shear flow [J]. | JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY , 2022 , 66 (3) : 585-603 .
MLA Wang, Dong et al. "Droplet deformation and breakup in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid under simple shear flow" . | JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY 66 . 3 (2022) : 585-603 .
APA Wang, Dong , Wang, Ningning , Liu, Haihu . Droplet deformation and breakup in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid under simple shear flow . | JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY , 2022 , 66 (3) , 585-603 .
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Rayleigh-Plateau Instability of a Particle-Laden Liquid Column: A Lattice Boltzmann Study br EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 38 (11) , 3453-3468 | LANGMUIR
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Colloidal particles known to be capable of stabilizingfluid-fluid interfaces have been widely applied in emulsion preparation, but their precise role and underlying influencing mechanism remain poorly understood. In this study, a perturbed liquid column with particles evenly distributed on its surface is investigated using a three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method, which is built upon the color-gradient two-phase flow model but with a new capillary force model and a momentum exchange method for particle dynamics. The developed method isfirst validated bysimulating the wetting behavior of a particle on afluid interface and theclassic Rayleigh-Plateau instability and is then used to explore the effectsof particle concentration and contact angle on the capillary instability ofthe particle-laden liquid column. It is found that increasing the particleconcentration can enhance the stability of the liquid column and thusdelay the breakup, and the liquid column is most stable under slightlyhydrophobic conditions, which corresponds to the lowest initial liquid-gas interfacial free energy. Due to different pressuregradients inside and outside the liquid column and the capillary force being directed away from the neck, hydrophobic particles tendto assemble in a less compact manner near the neck of the deformed liquid column, while hydrophilic particles prefer to gather faraway from the neck. For hydrophobic particles, in addition to the influence of the initial liquid-gas interfacial free energy, the self-assembly of particles in a direction opposite to the liquid flow also contributes to opposing the rupture of the liquid column


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Xitong , Zhang, Jiangang , Liu, Haihu et al. Rayleigh-Plateau Instability of a Particle-Laden Liquid Column: A Lattice Boltzmann Study br [J]. | LANGMUIR , 2022 , 38 (11) : 3453-3468 .
MLA Zhang, Xitong et al. "Rayleigh-Plateau Instability of a Particle-Laden Liquid Column: A Lattice Boltzmann Study br" . | LANGMUIR 38 . 11 (2022) : 3453-3468 .
APA Zhang, Xitong , Zhang, Jiangang , Liu, Haihu , Jia, Pan . Rayleigh-Plateau Instability of a Particle-Laden Liquid Column: A Lattice Boltzmann Study br . | LANGMUIR , 2022 , 38 (11) , 3453-3468 .
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How the presence of particles at the interface influences the droplet deformation in a simple shear flow? EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 411 | POWDER TECHNOLOGY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A lattice Boltzmann method is presented to simulate a particle-laden droplet subject to a simple shear flow, where the effect of particle concentration, viscosity ratio of droplet to ambient fluid and particle inertia on droplet deformation and particle movement is explored. With the increase of particle concentration, droplet deformation increases because of reduced interfacial free energy caused by reduced fluid-fluid interface length. When a sufficient number of particles are added to interface, droplet deformation monotonically decreases with viscosity ratio, but first rises and then declines for clean interface. This difference is attributed to an increased apparent viscosity of the ambient fluid by added particles. The particle inertia enhances droplet deformation remarkably only when the Reynolds number is relatively high. In addition, particles are found to revolve around the deformed droplet along the interface with a period, which is determined solely by deformation parameter at the viscosity ratio of unity.

Keyword :

Capillary force Droplet Lattice Boltzmann method Particles Shear flow


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Xitong , Zhang, Jinggang , Liu, Haihu . How the presence of particles at the interface influences the droplet deformation in a simple shear flow? [J]. | POWDER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 411 .
MLA Zhang, Xitong et al. "How the presence of particles at the interface influences the droplet deformation in a simple shear flow?" . | POWDER TECHNOLOGY 411 (2022) .
APA Zhang, Xitong , Zhang, Jinggang , Liu, Haihu . How the presence of particles at the interface influences the droplet deformation in a simple shear flow? . | POWDER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 411 .
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Effect of blade tip pattern on blade load and vibration characteristics of a twin-stage axial flow fan SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 36 (7) , 3487-3500 | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Focusing on a twin-stage axial fan, this paper investigates the effect of blade tip pattern on blade load and vibration characteristics. Steady simulations are first conducted to quantify the aerodynamic performance of various blade tip patterns. The finite element modeling analysis is performed to capture blade load and vibration characteristics, and Campbell diagram is introduced to evaluate resonance margin of different blade tip patterns. Results show that for all selected patterns, the first three mode shapes are mainly the bending of blade tip, which results in stress concentration at the blade root, while the last three are the waving in small range. The proposed blade tip patterns not only increase maximum stress and average deformation, but also significantly increase resonance margin near the rated speed. In addition, based on the harmonic response analysis, we find that the stress and amplitude frequency response will be notably altered by blade tip patterns.

Keyword :

Blade tip pattern Campbell diagram Harmonic response analysis Stress distribution Vibration characteristics


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Jiankun , Liu, Haihu . Effect of blade tip pattern on blade load and vibration characteristics of a twin-stage axial flow fan [J]. | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 36 (7) : 3487-3500 .
MLA Zhang, Jiankun et al. "Effect of blade tip pattern on blade load and vibration characteristics of a twin-stage axial flow fan" . | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 36 . 7 (2022) : 3487-3500 .
APA Zhang, Jiankun , Liu, Haihu . Effect of blade tip pattern on blade load and vibration characteristics of a twin-stage axial flow fan . | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 36 (7) , 3487-3500 .
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Preferential imbibition in a dual-permeability pore network EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 915 | JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A deep understanding of two-phase displacement in porous media with permeability contrast is essential for the design and optimisation of enhanced oil recovery processes. In this paper, we investigate the forced imbibition behaviour in two dual-permeability geometries that are of equal permeability contrast. First, a mathematical model is developed for the imbibition in a pore doublet, which shows that the imbibition dynamics can be fully described by the viscosity ratio A and capillary number Ca-m which creatively incorporates the influence of channel width and length. Through the finite difference solution of the mathematical model, a lambda-Ca-m phase diagram is established to characterise the imbibition preference in the pore doublet. We then investigate the imbibition process in a dual-permeability pore network using a well-established lattice Boltzmann method, focusing on the competition between the viscous and capillary forces. Like in the pore doublet, the preferential imbibition occurs in high-permeability zone at high Ca m but in low-permeability zone at low Ca-m . When Ca-m is not sufficiently high, an oblique advancing pattern is observed which is attributed to non-trivial interfacial tension. Using the newly defined capillary number, the critical Ca m curve on which the breakthrough simultaneously occurs in both permeability zones is found to match well with that from the pore doublet and it is the optimal condition for maximising the imbibition efficiency in the entire pore network.

Keyword :

multiphase flow porous media


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GB/T 7714 Gu, Qingqing , Liu, Haihu , Wu, Lei . Preferential imbibition in a dual-permeability pore network [J]. | JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS , 2021 , 915 .
MLA Gu, Qingqing et al. "Preferential imbibition in a dual-permeability pore network" . | JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 915 (2021) .
APA Gu, Qingqing , Liu, Haihu , Wu, Lei . Preferential imbibition in a dual-permeability pore network . | JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS , 2021 , 915 .
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A microfluidic synthesis method for preparation and regulation of 3-ami-nophenol formaldehyde resin spheres EI SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Preparation of resin spheres with high monodispersity and controllable size is of significant value for the research and development of functional composite particles applicable to energy exploitations, biomedical technologies and micro-/nanofluidic devices. Unfortunately, traditional bulk synthesis for resin spheres suffers from some drawbacks including inaccurate control over flow and reaction conditions, high requirements on equipment and operation, and sometimes hazardous to operators and environment. In this paper, a microfluidic platform assembled with separated charging inlets, winding channel and helical tube structure is designed for the controllable synthesis of small sized and monodispersed 3-aminophenol formaldehyde resin spheres. The optimal operating conditions are found with the flow rates of 200 mu L/min for continuous phase and 15 mu L/min for each reagent flow, and the residence time of 270 s and temperature of 80 degrees C in the water-bath. The obtained resin particles show regular spherical shapes and have a small size of around 250 nm with high monodispersity (polydispersity index <4%). The present microfluidic platform not only provides a promising substitution to traditional bulk synthesis but also allows for the accurate regulations of particle size and monodispersity.

Keyword :

Microfluidic synthesis Monodispersity Resin spheres


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Feng , Yin, Kai , Liu, Haihu . A microfluidic synthesis method for preparation and regulation of 3-ami-nophenol formaldehyde resin spheres [J]. | REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS , 2021 , 165 .
MLA Liu, Feng et al. "A microfluidic synthesis method for preparation and regulation of 3-ami-nophenol formaldehyde resin spheres" . | REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS 165 (2021) .
APA Liu, Feng , Yin, Kai , Liu, Haihu . A microfluidic synthesis method for preparation and regulation of 3-ami-nophenol formaldehyde resin spheres . | REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS , 2021 , 165 .
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Prediction of three-phase relative permeabilities of Berea sandstone using lattice Boltzmann method EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 33 (6) | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Three-phase flows through a pore network of Berea sandstone are studied numerically under critical interfacial tension conditions. Results show that the relative permeability of each fluid increases as its own saturation increases. The specific interfacial length between wetting and nonwetting fluids monotonously decreases with increasing the saturation of intermediate-wetting fluid, while the other two specific interfacial lengths exhibit a nonmonotonous variation. As the wetting (nonwetting) fluid becomes less wetting (nonwetting), the relative permeability of wetting fluid monotonously increases, while the other two relative permeabilities show a nonmonotonous trend. Due to the presence of a spreading layer, the specific interfacial length between wetting and nonwetting fluids always stabilizes at a low level. As the viscosity ratio of wetting (nonwetting) to intermediate-wetting fluids increases, the relative permeability of wetting (nonwetting) fluid increases. With the viscosity ratio deviating from unity, the phase interfaces become increasingly unstable, leading to an increased specific interfacial length.


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GB/T 7714 Li, Sheng , Jiang, Fei , Wei, Bei et al. Prediction of three-phase relative permeabilities of Berea sandstone using lattice Boltzmann method [J]. | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS , 2021 , 33 (6) .
MLA Li, Sheng et al. "Prediction of three-phase relative permeabilities of Berea sandstone using lattice Boltzmann method" . | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 33 . 6 (2021) .
APA Li, Sheng , Jiang, Fei , Wei, Bei , Hou, Jian , Liu, Haihu . Prediction of three-phase relative permeabilities of Berea sandstone using lattice Boltzmann method . | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS , 2021 , 33 (6) .
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Lattice Boltzmann simulation of three-phase flows with moving contact lines on curved surfaces EI SCIE PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 104 (1) | PHYSICAL REVIEW E
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Abstract :

A numerical method for simulating three-phase flows with moving contact lines on arbitrarily complex surfaces is developed in the framework of the lattice Boltzmann method. In this method, the immiscible three-phase flow is modeled through a multiple-relaxation-time color-gradient model, which not only allows for a full range of interfacial tensions but also produces stable outcomes for a wide range of viscosity ratios. A characteristic line model is introduced to implement the wetting boundary condition, which is not only easy to implement but is also able to handle arbitrarily complex boundaries with prescribed contact angles. The developed method is first validated by the simulation of a Janus droplet resting on a flat surface, a perfect Janus droplet deposited on a cylinder, and the capillary intrusion of ternary fluids for various viscosity ratios. It is then used to study a compound droplet subject to a uniform incoming flow passing through a multipillar structure, where three different values of surface wettability are considered. The simulated results show that the surface wettability has significant impact on the droplet dynamic behavior and final fluid distribution.


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GB/T 7714 Li, Sheng , Lu, Yang , Jiang, Fei et al. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of three-phase flows with moving contact lines on curved surfaces [J]. | PHYSICAL REVIEW E , 2021 , 104 (1) .
MLA Li, Sheng et al. "Lattice Boltzmann simulation of three-phase flows with moving contact lines on curved surfaces" . | PHYSICAL REVIEW E 104 . 1 (2021) .
APA Li, Sheng , Lu, Yang , Jiang, Fei , Liu, Haihu . Lattice Boltzmann simulation of three-phase flows with moving contact lines on curved surfaces . | PHYSICAL REVIEW E , 2021 , 104 (1) .
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