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Deformation kinking and highly localized nanocrystallization in metastable beta-Ti alloys using cold forging EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Deformation kinking as an uncommon plastic deformation mechanism has been reported in several materials while the relevant microstructure evolution and grain refinement behavior at a large strain remain unclear so far. In this study, the issue was systematically investigated by utilizing cold forging to impose severe plastic deformation (SPD) on Ti-11 V metastable beta-Ti alloys. It is found that the formation of kink bands experiences dislocation gliding, pre-kinking and the ripening of pre-kinks in sequences. The kink bands are subsequently thickened through the coalescence of multiple kink bands in a manner of high accommodation. Ordinary dislocation slip is developed as a dominant deformation mechanism when deformation kinking is exhausted. The resulting grain refinement involves transverse breakdown and longitudinal splitting of dislocation walls and cells, which fragment kink bands into small beta-blocks. Further refinement of the beta-blocks is still governed by dislocation activities, and finally nanograins with a diameter of similar to 15 nm are produced at a large strain of 1.2. Alternatively, it is revealed that nanocrystallization is highly localized inside kink bands while the outer microstructure maintains original coarse structures. Such localized refinement characterization is ascribed to the intrinsic soft nature of kink bands, shown as low hardness in nanoindentation testing. The intrinsic softening of kink bands is uncovered to originate from the inner degraded dislocation density evidenced by both experimental measurement and theoretical calculation. These findings enrich fundamental understanding of deformation kinking, and shed some light on exploring the deformation accommodation mechanisms for metal materials at large strains. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.

Keyword :

Deformation kinking Dislocations Grain refinement Metastable beta-Ti alloys Microstructural evolution


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GB/T 7714 Li, Keer , Chen, W. , Yu, G. X. et al. Deformation kinking and highly localized nanocrystallization in metastable beta-Ti alloys using cold forging [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 120 : 53-64 .
MLA Li, Keer et al. "Deformation kinking and highly localized nanocrystallization in metastable beta-Ti alloys using cold forging" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 120 (2022) : 53-64 .
APA Li, Keer , Chen, W. , Yu, G. X. , Zhang, J. Y. , Xin, S. W. , Liu, J. X. et al. Deformation kinking and highly localized nanocrystallization in metastable beta-Ti alloys using cold forging . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 120 , 53-64 .
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Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Introducing heterogeneous interfaces by constructing laminated structure is a promising avenue to achieve the controllable strengthening behavior of high entropy alloys. In this work, the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of magnetron sputtered Ni/Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10 nanolaminates with equal layer thickness h ranging from 5 to 150 nm were investigated systematically. With reducing h, the nanoindentation hardness of Ni/FeMnCoNi nanolaminates firstly increased and subsequently decreased, emerging a maximum value at the critical h of similar to 25 nm due to the transformation of constraining barrier for dislocation slipping from the heterogeneous interfaces to columnar grain boundaries. Microstructural observation demonstrated that the interfacial structure of Ni/FeMnCoNi transformed from incoherent to completely coherent at h below similar to 25 nm, and both the constituent layers made comparable contribution to the plastic deformation of Ni/FeMnCoNi nanolaminates. The strong h-dependent mechanical behavior could be rationalized in terms of the co-deformation of constituent layers and the structural evolution of Nil FeMnCoNi interface. Additionally, the strengthening mechanisms were discussed based on the confined slip of dislocation within the constituent layers and columnar grains. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Hardness High entropy alloys Nanolaminates Plastic deformation Strengthening mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Yufang , Wang, Yaqiang , Wu, Kai et al. Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 903 .
MLA Zhao, Yufang et al. "Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 903 (2022) .
APA Zhao, Yufang , Wang, Yaqiang , Wu, Kai , Zhang, Jinyu , Liu, Gang , Sun, Jun . Interface-affected mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in heterogeneous high entropy alloy nanolaminates . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 903 .
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Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 241 | ACTA MATERIALIA
SCOPUS Cited Count: 20
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Manipulating coherent twin boundaries (CTBs) opens an avenue to design strong nanostructured ma-terials. However, below a critical TB spacing, these inherently defective CTBs decorated with kink -like steps (abbreviated by kinks) and intersected with grain boundaries (GBs) will suffer from the thermal/mechanical instability, leading to the degradation of material properties. Here, utilizing Cr-segregation at kinks and GBs via a minor (1 at.%) Cr-doping, we report the nanocrystalline-nanotwinned (NNT) Cu-Cr alloy manifests continuous strengthening reaching 1.2 GPa at extremely fine TB spacing of similar to 2 nm, associated with excellent structural-mechanical stability after high-temperature (0.5Tm of Cu) an-nealing. The underlying mechanism mainly originates from the highly stabilized defective CTBs controlled by Cr-segregation at kinks and TB-GB junctions, which facilitates the plastic deformation mode transition: from detwinning dislocation nucleation to stacking faults (SFs) accumulation for ultrahigh strength. Un-der elevated temperature, the stabilized TBs inhibit GB motion and therefore result in enhanced thermal stability of NNT Cu-Cr alloys, which is quantitatively explained via a modified Zenner pinning model. Our findings not only deepen the understanding of deformation mechanisms in nanotwinned metals, but also provide a new perspective to design plainified Cu alloys with high performances.(c) 2022 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Grain boundary segregation Kinks Mechanical behavior Nanocrystalline Nanotwins Thermal stability


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GB/T 7714 Li, Guangya , Yang, Yang , Gou, Boyuan et al. Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu [J]. | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 241 .
MLA Li, Guangya et al. "Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu" . | ACTA MATERIALIA 241 (2022) .
APA Li, Guangya , Yang, Yang , Gou, Boyuan , Zhang, Jinyu , Li, Jiao , Wang, Yaqiang et al. Stabilizing defective coherent twin boundaries for strong and stable nanocrystalline nanotwinned Cu . | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 241 .
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Trifunctional Laves precipitates enabling dual-hierarchical FeCrAl alloys ultra-strong and ductile EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 22
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The synergy of ultra-high strength and large ductility is a vital requirement in particular for single-phase structural alloys; unfortunately these two properties are generally mutually exclusive. The hard-yet-deformable precipitates in alloys not only act as the strengthener that can block dislocation motion thus enhance the work hardening capability to strengthen materials, but also act as the stress buffer via self-deformation that releases local stress concentrations and as the cracking modulator that triggers multiple micromechanisms that resist crack propagation to ductilize materials. Here, taking the advanced FeCrAl-based alloy as an example, we confirmed a strategy that combines these triple functions of precipitates in a dual-hierarchical alloy by controllably embedding the multi-scaled hard-yet-deformable Laves precipitates in the lamellar coarse-grained matrix, where the lamellar boundary decorated by equiaxed ultra-fine grains serving as crack arresters. The proposed design concept of dual-hierarchically heterogeneous structure can achieve a substantial increase in yield strength up to the ultrahigh level similar to 1.0 GPa by far with enhanced uniform elongation. These trifunctional Laves precipitates exhibit the interface-controlled mechanisms transited from dislocation cutting through coherent nanoscaled Laves precipitates to stacking fault-mediated plasticity of incoherent micro-scaled Laves precipitates. The present dual-hierarchical design strategy opens a new avenue to engineer materials with exceptional properties for superior fracture resistance.

Keyword :

FeCrAl alloys Hierarchical structure Interface Mechanical properties Precipitates


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GB/T 7714 Liu, S. Y. , Zhang, J. Y. , Zhang, H. et al. Trifunctional Laves precipitates enabling dual-hierarchical FeCrAl alloys ultra-strong and ductile [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY , 2022 , 159 .
MLA Liu, S. Y. et al. "Trifunctional Laves precipitates enabling dual-hierarchical FeCrAl alloys ultra-strong and ductile" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY 159 (2022) .
APA Liu, S. Y. , Zhang, J. Y. , Zhang, H. , Xue, H. , Wang, H. , Liu, G. et al. Trifunctional Laves precipitates enabling dual-hierarchical FeCrAl alloys ultra-strong and ductile . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY , 2022 , 159 .
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Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 116 , 199-213 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this work, we prepare transformable HEA/Cu nanolaminates (NLs) with equal individual layer thickness ( h ) by the magnetron sputtering technique, i.e., Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu and Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu, and comparatively study He-ion irradiation effects on their microstructure and mechanical properties. It appears that the as-deposited HEA/Cu NLs manifest two size h-dependent hardness regimes (i.e., increased hardness at small h and hardness plateau at large h ), while the He-implanted ones exhibit monotonically increased hardness. Contrary to the fashion that smaller h renders less irradiation hardening in bimetal NLs, the Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 /Cu NLs manifest the trend that smaller h leads to greater irradiation hardening. By contrast, the Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs exhibit the maximum irradiation hardening at a critical h = 50 nm. Below this critical size, smaller h results in lower radiation hardening (similar to bimetal NLs), while above this size, smaller h results in greater radiation hardening (similar to Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs). Moreover, these transformable HEA/Cu NLs display inverse h-dependent strain rate sensitivity (SRS m ) before and after He-ion irradiation. Nevertheless, compared with as-deposited samples, the irradiated Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs display reduced SRS, while the irradiated Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu NLs display enhanced SRS. Such unusual size-dependent irradiation strengthening and inverse h effect on SRS in irradiated samples were rationalized by considering the blocking effects of He bubbles on dislocation nucleation and motion, i.e., dislocations shearing or bypassing He bubbles. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.

Keyword :

High entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates Interfaces Irradiation hardening Size effects Strain rate sensitivity


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Y. F. , Chen, H. H. , Zhang, D. D. et al. Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 116 : 199-213 .
MLA Zhao, Y. F. et al. "Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 116 (2022) : 199-213 .
APA Zhao, Y. F. , Chen, H. H. , Zhang, D. D. , Zhang, J. Y. , Wang, Y. Q. , Wu, K. et al. Unusual He-ion irradiation strengthening and inverse layer thickness-dependent strain rate sensitivity in transformable high-entropy alloy/metal nanolaminates: A comparison of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10/Cu vs Fe50Mn30Co10Ni10/Cu . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 116 , 199-213 .
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Research Progress on Irradiation Effects and Mechanical Properties of Metal/High-Entropy Alloy Nanostructured Multilayers SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 58 (11) , 1371-1384 | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA
SCOPUS Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Key components in nuclear engineering serve as a security barrier, ensuring the smooth development of nuclear power technology, as well as safe and efficient operation of the nuclear power system in China. Metallic multilayers are novel nanostructured materials based on interface self-healing theory, which exhibit broad nuclear application due to their high-density heterogeneous interfaces. They can not only effectively hinder dislocation movement to enhance material strength but also obviously absorb irradiation-induced defects and promote their annihilation or recombination to improve material irradiation damage tolerance. Considering the recent domestic and international studies on irradiation characteristics of metal/high-entropy alloy multilayers, this study reviewed the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties, and their underlying mechanisms in metal/high-entropy alloy multilayers before and after irradiation. Furthermore, it also explored strategies to enhance multilayers irradiation tolerance. The development of nanostructured multilayered materials with high tolerance to radiation damage were also proposed.

Keyword :

defect evolution deformation mechanism irradiation mechanical property metal/high-entropy alloy multilayer


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GB/T 7714 Zhang Jinyu , Qu Qimeng , Wang Yaqiang et al. Research Progress on Irradiation Effects and Mechanical Properties of Metal/High-Entropy Alloy Nanostructured Multilayers [J]. | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA , 2022 , 58 (11) : 1371-1384 .
MLA Zhang Jinyu et al. "Research Progress on Irradiation Effects and Mechanical Properties of Metal/High-Entropy Alloy Nanostructured Multilayers" . | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA 58 . 11 (2022) : 1371-1384 .
APA Zhang Jinyu , Qu Qimeng , Wang Yaqiang , Wu Kai , Liu Gang , Sun Jun . Research Progress on Irradiation Effects and Mechanical Properties of Metal/High-Entropy Alloy Nanostructured Multilayers . | ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA , 2022 , 58 (11) , 1371-1384 .
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Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable β Titanium Alloy EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (2) , 717-724 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This article introduced the current research progress and theoretical basis of designing the twin induced plasticity (TWIP)/transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) metastable β titanium alloys, and summarized β-grain sizes, yield strength and work hardening capability of the double twined {332} and {112} metastable β titanium alloys. The application and limitation of combination times (Bo)-d electron orbit energy level (Md) diagram in the design of multi-component titanium alloys were further discussed, especially the effect of different secondary phases (α-phase and ω-phase) on the stability of the matrix β-phase. The factors that influence the deformation mechanisms of TWIP/TRIP metastable β titanium alloys are emphasized in terms of the matrix β phase stability, precipitated phases, β-grain sizes and crystallographic orientations. And the current deficiencies of this field were analyzed. Furthermore, the effect of double twinning mechanisms on the mechanical properties of titanium alloys was briefly discussed as well. Finally, by summarizing the research progress and related issues, this article conveyed the new insights for the development of high-strength and tough titanium alloys. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Deformation Grain size and shape High strength alloys Metastable phases Plasticity Strain hardening Titanium alloys


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Chongle , Bao, Xiangyun , Zhang, Jinyu et al. Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable β Titanium Alloy [J]. | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (2) : 717-724 .
MLA Zhang, Chongle et al. "Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable β Titanium Alloy" . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 50 . 2 (2021) : 717-724 .
APA Zhang, Chongle , Bao, Xiangyun , Zhang, Jinyu , Liu, Gang , Sun, Jun . Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable β Titanium Alloy . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (2) , 717-724 .
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Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (1) , 145-152 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The effect of processing technology and microalloying addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni-W coatings prepared by electrodeposition was studied. The surface morphology, microstructure, and tensile properties of Ni-W coatings were studied with a small W addition of less than 2.0at%. The results show that the Ni-W coatings have a single-phase fcc structure. By increasing the W content, the surface morphology of the coatings varies from the grooves between the coarse pyramid structures to uniformly distributed micropores. At the same time, the intensity of Ni(220) diffraction peak of the coatings is also gradually weakened, with the reduction of surface roughness and the grain size. There is a critical W addition of about 1.0at%, where the yield strength of Ni-W coating increases sharply from ~1.0 GPa at the W addition 1.0at%. However, the tensile elongation is insensitive to the W content, which keep almost unchanged within the studied W addition range. In addition, strain hardening capacity of the coatings is also stable with the W content. In this work, the mechanical properties of Ni-W coating with micro-addition of W are optimized through manipulation of microalloying effect on the surface defect and microstructure. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Binary alloys Coatings Mechanical properties Microalloying Microstructure Morphology Strain hardening Surface defects Surface morphology Surface roughness


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Lu , Wang, Yaqiang , Zhang, Jinyu et al. Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings [J]. | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (1) : 145-152 .
MLA Cheng, Lu et al. "Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings" . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 50 . 1 (2021) : 145-152 .
APA Cheng, Lu , Wang, Yaqiang , Zhang, Jinyu , Liu, Gang , Sun, Jun . Effect of Microalloying Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-W Coatings . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (1) , 145-152 .
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Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films EI SCIE PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 13 (39) , 16649-16661 | NANOSCALE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Ti-based films alloyed with various Ta or Zr contents were deposited on a Si (100) substrate by magnetron sputtering. Transmission electron microscopy observations suggested that the solute Ta and Zr atoms distributed uniformly in the matrix Ti, refining the grain size. The microstructure transformed from single phase alpha-Ti to the coexistence of (alpha + beta)-Ti when the Ta addition was increased to 18.2 at%. Hardness and strain rate sensitivity of the Ti-based alloyed films were evaluated by nanoindentation experiments, to show the effects of constituents and their contents. The hardness was found to change non-monotonously within the studied Ta or Zr range, which could be explained by alloying dependence of the strengthening mechanisms, including partial dislocation mechanism emanating from grain boundaries, solid solution strengthening, and solution pinning strengthening. Furthermore, a mechanistic model based on partial dislocation inhomogeneous nucleation was employed to describe the composition-dependent strain rate sensitivity of the alloyed Ti films.


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GB/T 7714 Hou, Zhaoqi , Zhang, Jinyu , Zhang, Peng et al. Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films [J]. | NANOSCALE , 2021 , 13 (39) : 16649-16661 .
MLA Hou, Zhaoqi et al. "Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films" . | NANOSCALE 13 . 39 (2021) : 16649-16661 .
APA Hou, Zhaoqi , Zhang, Jinyu , Zhang, Peng , Wu, Kai , Wang, Yaqiang , Liu, Gang et al. Alloying effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloyed thin films . | NANOSCALE , 2021 , 13 (39) , 16649-16661 .
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Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable beta Titanium Alloy SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (2) , 717-724 | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This article introduced the current research progress and theoretical basis of designing the twin induced plasticity (TWIP)/transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) metastable beta titanium alloys, and summarized beta-grain sizes, yield strength and work hardening capability of the double twined {332}<113> and {112}<111> metastable beta titanium alloys. The application and limitation of combination times (Bo)-d electron orbit energy level (Md) diagram in the design of multi-component titanium alloys were further discussed, especially the effect of different secondary phases (alpha-phase and omega-phase) on the stability of the matrix beta-phase. The factors that influence the deformation mechanisms of TWIP/TRIP metastable beta titanium alloys are emphasized in terms of the matrix beta phase stability, precipitated phases, beta-grain sizes and crystallographic orientations. And the current deficiencies of this field were analyzed. Furthermore, the effect of double twinning mechanisms on the mechanical properties of titanium alloys was briefly discussed as well. Finally, by summarizing the research progress and related issues, this article conveyed the new insights for the development of high-strength and tough titanium alloys.

Keyword :

deformation mechanism double-twins metastable beta titanium alloy phase stability TWIP/TRIP


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GB/T 7714 Zhang Chongle , Bao Xiangyun , Zhang Jinyu et al. Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable beta Titanium Alloy [J]. | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 50 (2) : 717-724 .
MLA Zhang Chongle et al. "Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable beta Titanium Alloy" . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 50 . 2 (2021) : 717-724 .
APA Zhang Chongle , Bao Xiangyun , Zhang Jinyu , Liu Gang , Sun Jun . Research Progress on Composition Design, Deformation Mechanism and Mechanical Properties of Metastable beta Titanium Alloy . | RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 50 (2) , 717-724 .
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