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Efficient inactivation of the contamination with pathogenic microorganisms by a combination of water spray and plasma-activated air EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has lasted two and a half years and the infections caused by the viral contamination are still occurring. Developing efficient disinfection technology is crucial for the current epidemic or infectious diseases caused by other pathogenic microorganisms. Gas plasma can efficiently inactivate different microorganisms, therefore, in this study, a combination of water spray and plasma-activated air was established for the disinfection of pathogenic microorganisms. The combined treatment efficiently inactivated the Omicron-pseudovirus through caused the nitration modification of the spike proteins and also the pathogenic bacteria. The combined treatment was improved with a funnel-shaped nozzle to form a temporary relatively sealed environ-ment for the treatment of the contaminated area. The improved device could efficiently inactivate the Omicron-pseudovirus and bacteria on the surface of different materials including quartz, metal, leather, plastic, and cardboard and the particle size of the water spray did not affect the inactivation effects. This study supplied a disinfection strategy based on plasma-activated air for the inactivation of contaminated pathogenic microorganisms.

Keyword :

Bactericidal effects Nitration modification Plasma-activated air (PAA) Reactive species SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Li , Zhao, Pengyu , Jia, Yikang et al. Efficient inactivation of the contamination with pathogenic microorganisms by a combination of water spray and plasma-activated air [J]. | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2023 , 446 .
MLA Guo, Li et al. "Efficient inactivation of the contamination with pathogenic microorganisms by a combination of water spray and plasma-activated air" . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 446 (2023) .
APA Guo, Li , Zhao, Pengyu , Jia, Yikang , Li, Tianhui , Huang, Lingling , Wang, Zifeng et al. Efficient inactivation of the contamination with pathogenic microorganisms by a combination of water spray and plasma-activated air . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2023 , 446 .
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N2O5 in air discharge plasma: energy-efficient production, maintenance factors and sterilization effects SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 23
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

N2O5, a reactive species produced by air discharge plasma, has recently attracted much attention. Due to its high reactivity and solubility, N2O5 is a key molecule in nitrogen fixation processes and exhibits promising prospects in plasma biomedicine. However, thus far, it is not well known how to produce N2O5 efficiently and then maintain its concentration under the action of fast removal reactions. In view of this, N2O5 production by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) alone and by the combination of DBD and gliding arc discharge is compared in this paper. It is found that the combination method can yield over three times the concentration of N2O5 compared to the single DBD method with the optimum discharge power. Moreover, the concentration of N2O5 in the effluent gas can be maintained once O-3 also exists because O-3 can continually produce N2O5 to compensate for its reduction. Finally, the sterilization effects of both the plasma effluent gas and plasma-activated water have trends similar to the trend of the gaseous N2O5 concentration, implying that N2O5 plays an important role in sterilization. This paper enhances the understanding of N2O5 chemistry in air discharge plasma and provides an effective way to produce and maintain N2O5 for subsequent applications.

Keyword :

energy efficiency N2O5 plasma-activated water plasma effluent gas sterilization effect


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Zifeng , Zhu, Mengying , Liu, Dingxin et al. N2O5 in air discharge plasma: energy-efficient production, maintenance factors and sterilization effects [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2023 , 56 (7) .
MLA Wang, Zifeng et al. "N2O5 in air discharge plasma: energy-efficient production, maintenance factors and sterilization effects" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 56 . 7 (2023) .
APA Wang, Zifeng , Zhu, Mengying , Liu, Dingxin , Liu, Linbo , Wang, Xiangyu , Chen, Jinkun et al. N2O5 in air discharge plasma: energy-efficient production, maintenance factors and sterilization effects . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2023 , 56 (7) .
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Gliding arc discharge used for water activation: the production mechanism of aqueous NO and its role in sterilization SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Gliding arc is a promising plasma technology for water activation due to its high energy efficiency for producing reactive nitrogen species (RNS), which is believed as the key agent for the sustained bactericidal effect of plasma-activated water (PAW). Nitric oxide (NO) is the major product of gliding arc and also widely exists in PAW, but the production mechanism of aqueous NO and its role in sterilization have been little investigated before. In this paper, NO-rich plasma effluent gas is produced by gliding arc discharge and introduced into water to produce PAW. The concentrations of gaseous and aqueous reactive species are detected, which decrease with the increasing air flowrate of the gliding arc. To clarify the contribution of plasma-induced RNS on water activation, the NO + air mixed gas is used to simulate the plasma effluent gas, and the results show that the two gases have similar gaseous composition and aqueous NO yield. Compared with the NO + Ar mixed gas with the same NO proportion, the NO + air mixed gas produces much more aqueous NO, implying that the presence of O-2 significantly enhances the production of aqueous NO. The sterilization experiments demonstrate the key role of aqueous NO in sterilization, but an acidic environment is necessary for aqueous NO to achieve a potent bactericidal effect.

Keyword :

gliding arc discharge nitric oxide plasma-activated water reactive species sterilization


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GB/T 7714 Zhu, Mengying , Wang, Zifeng , Chen, Jinkun et al. Gliding arc discharge used for water activation: the production mechanism of aqueous NO and its role in sterilization [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2023 , 56 (3) .
MLA Zhu, Mengying et al. "Gliding arc discharge used for water activation: the production mechanism of aqueous NO and its role in sterilization" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 56 . 3 (2023) .
APA Zhu, Mengying , Wang, Zifeng , Chen, Jinkun , Liu, Linbo , Xi, Wang , Zhang, Fugao et al. Gliding arc discharge used for water activation: the production mechanism of aqueous NO and its role in sterilization . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2023 , 56 (3) .
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Inactivation effects of the mist nebulized with plasma-activated air on Pseudomonas aeruginosa through the simulated respiratory tract SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Plasma-based technology has been widely applied in the biomedicine, agriculture, and environmental fields. In this study, a new application mode, namely plasma-activated nebulized mist (PANM) was proposed. The saline was nebulized by the plasma-activated air to form a mist, and the inactivation effects on Pseudomonas aeruginosa were analyzed based on the simulated respiratory tract. The PANM through the simulated trachea with different lengths or diameters, and the branched once or twice simulated respiratory tract exhibited effective inactivation effects. The PANM through the combined simulated trachea and pig trachea could also inactivate the bacteria on the inner wall of the pig trachea. This study supplied a potent alternative to antibiotics for the treatment of respiratory tract infections.

Keyword :

arc discharge inactivation plasma-activated nebulized mist (PANM) reactive species


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Li , Niyazi, Gulimire , Huang, Lingling et al. Inactivation effects of the mist nebulized with plasma-activated air on Pseudomonas aeruginosa through the simulated respiratory tract [J]. | PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS , 2023 .
MLA Guo, Li et al. "Inactivation effects of the mist nebulized with plasma-activated air on Pseudomonas aeruginosa through the simulated respiratory tract" . | PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS (2023) .
APA Guo, Li , Niyazi, Gulimire , Huang, Lingling , Zhao, Pengyu , Wang, Zifeng , Lin, Jiao et al. Inactivation effects of the mist nebulized with plasma-activated air on Pseudomonas aeruginosa through the simulated respiratory tract . | PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS , 2023 .
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Theoretical Study on the Degradation Pathways of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine by Aqueous O-3 SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (1) , 81-97 | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING
SCOPUS Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Air discharge plasma is a potential method for the removal of the toxic rocket propellant unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine ((CH3)(2)NNH2, UDMH for abbreviation). Combining density functional theory calculation and transition state theory, this paper presents theoretical investigation of the degradation pathways of UDMH under the influence of O-3 in aqueous environment, which is the main reactive species generated by air plasma. The neutral, protonated and deprotonated forms of UDMH are included in our study considering the effect of pH. The results show that the UDMH degradation by O-3 usually initials with the oxygen addition to the N atom, and the reaction positions would change with the pH variation. The main reaction position of neutral and protonated forms of UDMH are the N atom of primary ammonia of UDMH, where UDMH will be converted into N-nitrosodimethylamine and NH2OH through multi-step reactions. For deprotonated UDMH, its main reaction position changes to the N atom of secondary ammonia of UDMH, and it finally decomposes to (CH3)(2)NN and OH with the rate constant of 8.26 x 10(3) M-1 s(-1). The pH value also largely influences the degradation processes, where the rate constants of corresponding reactions would vary by up to 12 orders of magnitude for different forms of UDMH. Based on our calculation, the main byproducts of UDMH degradation and their subsequent degradation pathways are summarized. This work is helpful to lay the theoretical basis of UDMH degradation by plasma ozonation.

Keyword :

Air plasma Chemical kinetics DFT calculation O-3 UDMH


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GB/T 7714 Luo, Santu , Fu, Yuwei , Zhang, Mingyan et al. Theoretical Study on the Degradation Pathways of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine by Aqueous O-3 [J]. | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING , 2023 , 43 (1) : 81-97 .
MLA Luo, Santu et al. "Theoretical Study on the Degradation Pathways of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine by Aqueous O-3" . | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING 43 . 1 (2023) : 81-97 .
APA Luo, Santu , Fu, Yuwei , Zhang, Mingyan , Liu, Yifan , Wang, Diankai , Zhang, Jiawei et al. Theoretical Study on the Degradation Pathways of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine by Aqueous O-3 . | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING , 2023 , 43 (1) , 81-97 .
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Study on the Anticancer Effects of Plasma-Activated Saline Perfusion Based on a Microfluidic System SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 43 (1) , 99-110 | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As a means of applying cold atmospheric plasma (CAP), plasma-activated solutions have received extensive attention for their excellent anticancer effects. However, previous studies have focused mainly on the local injection of plasma-activated solutions for cancer treatment while ignoring the anticancer effects of intraluminal plasma-activated solution perfusion. In this paper, the anticancer effects of flowing plasma-activated saline (PAS) on human bladder cancer cell lines (J82) were studied in vitro in a microfluidic system. It is noteworthy that flowing PAS can kill cancer cells more efficiently than PAS immersion. Further experimental results show that the anticancer effects of PAS on J82 cells in the microcavity are affected by plasma irradiation time, perfusion time and liquid flow rate. Our research suggests that PAS perfusion therapy can become a controllable alternative therapy pathway in the future clinical treatment of intracavitary tumors.

Keyword :

Cold atmospheric plasma Microfluidic system Perfusion therapy Plasma-activated saline Reactive oxygen species


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Jishen , Xu, Shengduo , Jing, Xixi et al. Study on the Anticancer Effects of Plasma-Activated Saline Perfusion Based on a Microfluidic System [J]. | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING , 2022 , 43 (1) : 99-110 .
MLA Zhang, Jishen et al. "Study on the Anticancer Effects of Plasma-Activated Saline Perfusion Based on a Microfluidic System" . | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING 43 . 1 (2022) : 99-110 .
APA Zhang, Jishen , Xu, Shengduo , Jing, Xixi , Liu, Dingxin , Zhang, Hao , Wang, Zifeng et al. Study on the Anticancer Effects of Plasma-Activated Saline Perfusion Based on a Microfluidic System . | PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING , 2022 , 43 (1) , 99-110 .
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Discharge characteristics of a microsecond pulse power supply driven air plasma jet and its anticancer cell effect EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 29 (1) | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In plasma cancer therapy, atmospheric pressure plasma jets have attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this study, from the point of view of economic costs and portability, we have employed atmospheric air as the working gas in order to investigate the effects of the rate of flow, applied voltage, frequency, and pulse width on the characteristics of discharge. The concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in a plasma-activated medium (PAM) were characterized in order to explore their chemical activity. In addition, the inactivating effect of tumor cells induced by an air plasma jet was investigated and the corresponding inactivation mechanism is also discussed. The results showed that the discharge intensity was positively correlated with frequency and voltage, and negatively correlated with pulse width. Regarding the gas flow rate, when the air flow rate was 1 standard liter per minute (SLM), the discharge intensity was strongest according to the length of the plume. By summarizing the discharge characteristics and emission spectra under different experimental parameters, the stable treatment conditions producing rich active substances were as follows: a frequency of 6 kHz, a voltage of 14 kV, a gas flow rate of 1 SLM, and a pulse width of 1 mu s. Furthermore, under these stabilized conditions, the air plasma jet produced rich aqueous RONS in a PAM effectively, which killed cells in significant numbers and reduced the cell survival rate. Therefore, this study demonstrates the potential application of an atmospheric PAM for the treatment of tumor cells and promotes a deeper understanding of plasma liquid chemistry.


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GB/T 7714 Peng, Sansan , Qi, Miao , Zhang, Huaiyan et al. Discharge characteristics of a microsecond pulse power supply driven air plasma jet and its anticancer cell effect [J]. | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS , 2022 , 29 (1) .
MLA Peng, Sansan et al. "Discharge characteristics of a microsecond pulse power supply driven air plasma jet and its anticancer cell effect" . | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 29 . 1 (2022) .
APA Peng, Sansan , Qi, Miao , Zhang, Huaiyan , Zhang, Jin , Liu, Rong , Pang, Bolun et al. Discharge characteristics of a microsecond pulse power supply driven air plasma jet and its anticancer cell effect . | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS , 2022 , 29 (1) .
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A novel designed 3D multi-microhole plasma jet device driven by nanosecond pulse at atmospheric pressure EI SCIE Scopus
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 17
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A novel designed three-dimensional (3D) multi-microhole helium plasma jet device excited by nanosecond pulse is developed in atmospheric air. Systematical investigations about the discharge characteristics are carried out to get insights into the formation mechanisms of 3D plasma jets. Results show that the 3D plasma jets originated from the branching of a single ionization wave to present a hexagonal-like structure including bottom jet (BJ) and side jets (SJ1 and SJ2). The BJ always keeps a stable performance while the SJ displays a remarkably turbulent mode. The dynamic evolution, and the propagation velocity and distance for BJ and SJ demonstrate significant differences, with a delay effect between BJ and SJ bullets propagation being observed. The optical emission spectra show that 3D jets possess a high yield of the spatial distribution of reactive species in jet plumes. The formation mechanism of 3D jets is determined by the hydrodynamic (He flow distribution) and electrical interactions (distribution of electric field force) in the discharge tube emerging from individual holes with different radial directions. The direct treatment of water using this developed underwater 3D plasma device results in the production of plasma activated water with a lower pH value, higher conductivity, and greater concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, compared to the indirect treatment. Especially, the concentration of H2O2 can remarkably increase 141 folds from 1.43 to 202.12 mu M within 5 min after the direct 3D plasma treatment. This novel-designed 3D jets-based technique is a promising platform for 3D application scenarios, especially in the case of underwater microbubble discharge, which is of great significance for water activation in emerging applications.

Keyword :

3D plasma jets ionization wave nanosecond pulse reactive species spatial distribution


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Zhijie , Wang, Sitao , Pang, Bolun et al. A novel designed 3D multi-microhole plasma jet device driven by nanosecond pulse at atmospheric pressure [J]. | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 31 (5) .
MLA Liu, Zhijie et al. "A novel designed 3D multi-microhole plasma jet device driven by nanosecond pulse at atmospheric pressure" . | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 31 . 5 (2022) .
APA Liu, Zhijie , Wang, Sitao , Pang, Bolun , Gao, Yuting , Li, Qiaosong , Xu, Dehui et al. A novel designed 3D multi-microhole plasma jet device driven by nanosecond pulse at atmospheric pressure . | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 31 (5) .
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Sterilization of Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus in different cold-chain environments by combining NO (x) mode and O-3 mode air discharges SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Cold-chain transport has been suggested to be an important means for the cross-regional transmission of pathogenic microorganisms. In this study, NO (x) mode and O-3 mode air discharges were combined by mixing effluent gases for sterilization in several cold-chain environments. It was found that the mixed gas effectively inactivated Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus in 1-4 mm thick ice layers at different temperatures (-20/-40/-80 degrees C) within 10 min, which is a significantly stronger effect than that of the effluent gas of either the NO (x) mode or the O-3 mode discharge alone. This can be attributed to the high-valence reactive nitrogen species such as N2O5. Our findings provide a promising sterilization strategy to curb the spread of infectious diseases in cold-chain environments.

Keyword :

cold-chain environment discharge mode reactive species sterilization effect


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Min , Yan, Jinwei , Feng, Yue et al. Sterilization of Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus in different cold-chain environments by combining NO (x) mode and O-3 mode air discharges [J]. | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 31 (12) .
MLA Chen, Min et al. "Sterilization of Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus in different cold-chain environments by combining NO (x) mode and O-3 mode air discharges" . | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 31 . 12 (2022) .
APA Chen, Min , Yan, Jinwei , Feng, Yue , Liu, Dingxin , Wang, Zifeng , Liu, Linbo et al. Sterilization of Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus in different cold-chain environments by combining NO (x) mode and O-3 mode air discharges . | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 31 (12) .
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Combination of NO x mode and O-3 mode air discharges for water activation to produce a potent disinfectant EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 35
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Air plasma is commonly used to treat water for activation or purification, and plasma-activated water (PAW) is a promising green disinfectant that has attracted much attention in recent years. However, either the O-3 discharge mode or the NO x discharge mode of air plasma lacks efficiency for water activation, mainly due to the low solubility of O-3, NO and NO2. The transition process between those two modes could produce high-valence NO x such as N2O5 which should be more efficient for water activation, but this process is not easily controlled and water activation by N2O5 has rarely been reported before. In this letter, N2O5 is found to be produced effectively and stably by mixing the effluent gases of a NO x mode air plasma, produced by gliding arc discharge, and an O-3 mode air plasma, produced by dielectric barrier discharge. The mixed gas rich in N2O5 is found to be very efficient for water activation. A colony-forming unit reduction of nearly 6 logs was achieved for a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus suspension by using PAW treated by the mixed gas, and the high bactericidal effect of the PAW could persist for more than 1 h after the plasma activation. The main reactive species for the bactericidal effect in the PAW are discussed, and the chemical pathways for N2O5 production and its usage for water activation are illustrated.

Keyword :

bactericidal effect N2O5 NO x discharge mode ozone discharge mode plasma-activated water


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Zifeng , Liu, Linbo , Liu, Dingxin et al. Combination of NO x mode and O-3 mode air discharges for water activation to produce a potent disinfectant [J]. | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 31 (5) .
MLA Wang, Zifeng et al. "Combination of NO x mode and O-3 mode air discharges for water activation to produce a potent disinfectant" . | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 31 . 5 (2022) .
APA Wang, Zifeng , Liu, Linbo , Liu, Dingxin , Zhu, Mengying , Chen, Jinkun , Zhang, Jingye et al. Combination of NO x mode and O-3 mode air discharges for water activation to produce a potent disinfectant . | PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 31 (5) .
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