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Abstract :
Here we reported a heterogeneous fiberous structured Mg-5.6Zn-0.6Zr (wt%) alloy obtained by conven-tional extrusion method, which exhibited high yield strength of -345 MPa, ultimate tensile strength of -370 MPa, and high tensile strain of -20.5%, superior to most of the Mg-Zn based alloys reported so far. The extraordinarily high mechanical properties were mainly attributed to the heterogeneous fiber-ous structure consisting of alternating coarse-and fine-grain layers. Grains in the different layers grew into the neighboring layers, ensuring a good layer bonding. A high Schmid factor and geometric compat-ibility factor for pyramidal slip led to full slip transfer between the neighboring coarse grains and fine grains, which could help to release the stress concentration and avoid early fracture. The profuse acti-vated < c + a > glide dislocations could render the unprecedented high tensile strain. The constraint by the hard fine-grain domains made the soft coarse-grain domains strong like the hard fine-grain domains, as well as the nanoscale precipitates pinning dislocations, contributed to the high strength. The hetero-geneous microstructure design was shown to have synergistic improvement in strength-ductility balance, which could be an inspiring strategy to improve mechanical properties of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) metals. (c) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.
Keyword :
Bimodal grain sizes Heterogeneous fiberous structure High strength -ductility synergy Pyramidal dislocations ZK60 Mg alloy
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GB/T 7714 | Fu, Wei , Dang, Pengfei , Guo, Shengwu et al. Heterogeneous fiberous structured Mg-Zn-Zr alloy with superior strength-ductility synergy [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 134 : 67-80 . |
MLA | Fu, Wei et al. "Heterogeneous fiberous structured Mg-Zn-Zr alloy with superior strength-ductility synergy" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 134 (2023) : 67-80 . |
APA | Fu, Wei , Dang, Pengfei , Guo, Shengwu , Ren, Zijun , Fang, Daqing , Ding, Xiangdong et al. Heterogeneous fiberous structured Mg-Zn-Zr alloy with superior strength-ductility synergy . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 134 , 67-80 . |
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Mechanochromic structural-colored materials have promising applications in various domains. In this Letter, we report three types of reversible mechanochromisms in simple material systems by harnessing mechano-responsive wrinkling dynamics including (i) brightness mechanochromism (BM), (ii) hue change mechanochromism (HCM), and (iii) viewable angle mechanochromism (VAM). Upon stretching, the BM device exhibits almost a constant hue but reduces light brightness due to the post-buckling mechanics-controlled deformation, while the HCM device can change the hue from blue to red with almost constant intensity because of the linear elastic mechanics-controlled deformation. The VAM device shows a constant hue because of the thin film interference effect. However, the viewable angles decrease with increasing applied strain owing to the light scattering of wrinkles. All of the mechanochromic behaviors exhibit good reversibility and durability. We clearly elucidated the underlying mechanisms for different mechanochromisms and demonstrated their potential applications in smart displays, stretchable strain sensors, and antipeeping/anticounterfeiting devices.
Keyword :
mechanochromisms multifunctionalities reversibility structural colors Wrinkling
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GB/T 7714 | Wu, Kai , Zhu, Ting , Zhu, Liangliang et al. Reversible Mechanochromisms via Manipulating Surface Wrinkling [J]. | NANO LETTERS , 2022 , 22 (6) : 2261-2269 . |
MLA | Wu, Kai et al. "Reversible Mechanochromisms via Manipulating Surface Wrinkling" . | NANO LETTERS 22 . 6 (2022) : 2261-2269 . |
APA | Wu, Kai , Zhu, Ting , Zhu, Liangliang , Sun, Yu , Chen, Kai , Chen, Jiaorui et al. Reversible Mechanochromisms via Manipulating Surface Wrinkling . | NANO LETTERS , 2022 , 22 (6) , 2261-2269 . |
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Due to the low thermal stability of crystallographic boundaries, the grain boundary engineering (GBE) manifests some limits to the fineness and types of microstructures achievable, while unique chemical boundary engineering (CBE) enables us to create a metallic material with an ultrafine hierarchically heterogeneous microstructure for enhancing the mechanical properties of materials. Here, using a low cost metastable Ti-2.8Cr-4.5Zr-5.2Al (wt.%) alloy as a model material, we create a high density of chemical boundaries (CBs) through the significant diffusion mismatch between Cr and Al alloying elements to architecture hierarchical nano-martensites with an average thickness of similar to 20 nm. For this metastable titanium alloy, the significantly enhanced yield strength originates from dense nano-martensitic interface strengthening, meanwhile the large ductility is attributed to the multi-stage strain hardening of hierarchical 3D alpha'/beta lamellae assisted by equiaxed primary alpha (alpha(p)) nodules. The hierarchical nano-martensite engineering strategy confers our alloy a desired combination of strength and ductility, which can potentially be applied to many transformable alloys, and reveal a new target in microstructural design for ultrastrong-yet-ductile structural materials.
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Chongle , Bao, Xiangyun , Hao, Mengyuan et al. Hierarchical nano-martensite-engineered a low-cost ultra-strong and ductile titanium alloy [J]. | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS , 2022 , 13 (1) . |
MLA | Zhang, Chongle et al. "Hierarchical nano-martensite-engineered a low-cost ultra-strong and ductile titanium alloy" . | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 13 . 1 (2022) . |
APA | Zhang, Chongle , Bao, Xiangyun , Hao, Mengyuan , Chen, Wei , Zhang, Dongdong , Wang, Dong et al. Hierarchical nano-martensite-engineered a low-cost ultra-strong and ductile titanium alloy . | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS , 2022 , 13 (1) . |
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Experimental evidence demonstrated that equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at cryogenic temperature, in comparison with ECAP at room temperature, led to promoted strength-ductility synergy in an Al-2.5wt.%Cu alloy. The simultaneous improvement is related to microstructural hierarchy of multimodal grains, low angle grain boundaries, and inter/intragranular precipitates, which was tuned by aging treatment in match with the low-temperature ECAP. The artificial aging could maintain multimodal grain size distribution, introduce a large number of low angle grain boundaries and produce intragranular precipitates to improve strength/ductility. A minor 0.3wt.% Sc addition was effective in optimizing the precipitations and further boosting the strength/ductility combination. The underlying mechanisms for higher strength and greater ductility were rationalized in terms of the low-temperature ECAP.& nbsp; (c) 2021 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Al-Cu alloy Hierarchical microstructure Mechanical properties Microalloying effect Ultrafine-grained
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GB/T 7714 | Wu, S. H. , Xue, H. , Yang, C. et al. Hierarchical structure in Al-Cu alloys to promote strength/ductility synergy [J]. | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 202 . |
MLA | Wu, S. H. et al. "Hierarchical structure in Al-Cu alloys to promote strength/ductility synergy" . | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 202 (2021) . |
APA | Wu, S. H. , Xue, H. , Yang, C. , Kuang, J. , Zhang, P. , Zhang, J. Y. et al. Hierarchical structure in Al-Cu alloys to promote strength/ductility synergy . | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 202 . |
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The torsion of pristine alpha-Fe nanowires was studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Torsion-induced plastic deformation in pristine nanowires is divided into two regimes. Under weak torsion, plastic deformation leads to dislocation nucleation and propagation. Twisting-induced dislocations are mainly 12 screw dislocations in a -oriented nanowire. The nucleation and propagation of these dislocations were found to form avalanches which generate the emission of energy jerks. Their probability distribution function (PDF) showed power laws with mixing between different energy exponents. The mixing stemmed from simultaneous axial and radial dislocation movements. The power-law distribution indicated strongly correlated 'wild' dislocation dynamics. At the end of this regime, the dislocation pattern was frozen, and further twisting of the nanowire did not change the dislocation pattern. Instead, it induced local amorphization at the grip points at the ends of the sample. This "melting" generated highly dampened, mild avalanches. We compared the deformation mechanisms of twinned and pristine alpha-Fe nanowires under torsion.
Keyword :
alpha-Fe nanowire dislocation avalanche local amorphization mild wild fluctuations plasticity dynamics torsion
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GB/T 7714 | Yang, Yang , Ding, Xiangdong , Sun, Jun et al. Twisting of a Pristine alpha-Fe Nanowire: From Wild Dislocation Avalanches to Mild Local Amorphization [J]. | NANOMATERIALS , 2021 , 11 (6) . |
MLA | Yang, Yang et al. "Twisting of a Pristine alpha-Fe Nanowire: From Wild Dislocation Avalanches to Mild Local Amorphization" . | NANOMATERIALS 11 . 6 (2021) . |
APA | Yang, Yang , Ding, Xiangdong , Sun, Jun , Salje, Ekhard K. H. . Twisting of a Pristine alpha-Fe Nanowire: From Wild Dislocation Avalanches to Mild Local Amorphization . | NANOMATERIALS , 2021 , 11 (6) . |
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Microstructural evolution and mechanical/electrical properties of aged Al-0.2 wt%Zr-0.05 wt%Sc alloys with different Si additions (0, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 wt%) were comparatively studied by using transmission electron microscopy, electrical conductivity measurements, and microhardness measurements. A significant Si addition effect was demonstrated that the Si addition accelerated the precipitation kinetics and enhanced the heterogeneous precipitation of Al-3(Sc, Zr) nanoparticles. However, both the peak-aging temperature and peak microhardness during isochronal aging were insensitive to the Si addition. The underlying mechanism is related to a partitioning effect of Si among Sc, Zr and vacancy that produces a saturated concentration of Si-vacancy clusters to serve as heterogeneous nuclei. It was further manifested that dual-scale particles, i.e., Al3Zr dispersoids and Al-3(Sc1-xZrx) nanoprecipitates in different length scales, could be produced by deliberately designing the heat treatment protocol. A coupling effect of the dual-scale particles led to an enhanced threshold stress in high-temperature creep testing, indicative of an improved creep resistance promoted by the minor Si addition. Moreover, the recrystallization resistance was seldom affected by Si addition, while slightly improved by introducing dual-scale particles.
Keyword :
Al alloys Creep resistance Dual-scale particles Recrystallization resistance
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GB/T 7714 | Wu, S. H. , Xue, H. , Yang, C. et al. Effect of Si addition on the precipitation and mechanical/electrical properties of dilute Al-Zr-Sc alloys [J]. | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2021 , 812 . |
MLA | Wu, S. H. et al. "Effect of Si addition on the precipitation and mechanical/electrical properties of dilute Al-Zr-Sc alloys" . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 812 (2021) . |
APA | Wu, S. H. , Xue, H. , Yang, C. , Cheng, P. M. , Zhang, P. , Kuang, J. et al. Effect of Si addition on the precipitation and mechanical/electrical properties of dilute Al-Zr-Sc alloys . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2021 , 812 . |
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Grain boundary precipitation and segregation play an important role in determining mechanical properties of Mg alloys. In the present work, we studied work focuses on the strengthening and deformation mechanism of coarse-grained (CG) and fine-grained (FG) Mg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr-Ce alloy. The CG alloy is strengthened by means of age-strengthening with the formation of both basal plate gamma '' and prismatic plate beta' precipitates in the grain interior. While the strengthening of FC alloy is completed by intergranular alloying segregation and intragranular precipitates gamma '' and beta'. The segregation of alloying elements at the grain boundary and formation of sub-micron particles can stabilize the grain boundary and suppress the intergranular deformation. Consequently, dislocations could be trapped near gamma '' and beta' precipitates in the grain interior. Unlike CG alloys, the FG alloys exhibit a heterogeneous transition from elastic to plastic deformation via the Luders plateau. The rapid gliding dislocation multiplications and fine-grained size are necessary and sufficient conditions for the Luders strains. Our work provides the insights on the evolution of fine-grained microstructure and helps for the design of Mg alloys with good mechanical properties. (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.
Keyword :
Luders-like deformation Magnesium alloys Precipitates Solute segregation
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GB/T 7714 | Cui, Xiaofei , Fu, Wei , Fang, Daqing et al. Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of a novel fine-grained Mg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr-Ce alloy with high strength-ductility synergy [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 66 : 64-73 . |
MLA | Cui, Xiaofei et al. "Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of a novel fine-grained Mg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr-Ce alloy with high strength-ductility synergy" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 66 (2021) : 64-73 . |
APA | Cui, Xiaofei , Fu, Wei , Fang, Daqing , Bi, Guangli , Ren, Zijun , Guo, Shengwu et al. Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of a novel fine-grained Mg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr-Ce alloy with high strength-ductility synergy . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 66 , 64-73 . |
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The natural aging (NA) response of a commercial Al-Zn-Mg alloy has been tracked to investigate the effects of solute clusters on its mechanical properties. It has been observed that the increase of yield strength during NA is not accompanied by the degradation of uniform elongation due to the simultaneously enhanced strain hardening ability. As a consequence, the Al-Zn-Mg alloy with dense solute clusters shows a comparable yield strength, better strain hardening ability and uniform tensile strain relative to its artificially aged counterparts containing precipitates. This positive effect of solute clusters on strain hardening has been systematically studied by tracing the microstructure evolution during deformation through synchrotron X-ray diffraction and atom probe tomography. We found that the dislocation multiplication dominates over the entire deformation process until failure in NA alloys; however, no effect of solute clusters on the dislocation density evolution can be identified. On the other hand, solute clusters themselves dramatically evolve, showing a dissolution-to-coarsening transition during deformation, which can be understood on the basis of a kinetic model. The experimental evidence strongly suggest that the dislocation storage and strain-induced evolution of solute clusters are insufficient to account for the observed high strain hardening rate, and the contribution from other possible mechanisms are estimated in a semi-quantitative manner. (C) 2021 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
7XXX aluminum alloys Solute clustering Strain hardening Strengthening
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Peng , Shi, Kunkun , Bian, Jianjun et al. Solute cluster evolution during deformation and high strain hardening capability in naturally aged Al-Zn-Mg alloy [J]. | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 207 . |
MLA | Zhang, Peng et al. "Solute cluster evolution during deformation and high strain hardening capability in naturally aged Al-Zn-Mg alloy" . | ACTA MATERIALIA 207 (2021) . |
APA | Zhang, Peng , Shi, Kunkun , Bian, Jianjun , Zhang, Jinyu , Peng, Yong , Liu, Gang et al. Solute cluster evolution during deformation and high strain hardening capability in naturally aged Al-Zn-Mg alloy . | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 207 . |
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Metallic thin films have attracted much attention owing to their unique mechanical properties, which are widely used in micro-/nano-devices. In this review, several key topics about the thin films in the micron to nano-scales are covered. First, the plastic deformation mechanisms in face-centered-cubic (FCC) metals, in particular the size-dependent deformation twinning at small scales, are discussed based on a deformation-mechanism map. Microstructural evolution is then briefly discussed from the perspective of the ratio of effective-to-internal stresses, while the stress-driven grain growth is discussed based on a twinning-mediated mechanism. The last section elucidates the size-dependent mechanical properties of metallic thin films, such as yield strength, ductility and mechanical fatigue behavior. © 2019 Chongqing University
Keyword :
Deformation mechanisms; Mechanical properties; Microstructural stability; Size effects; Thin films
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, J. , Liu, G. , Sun, J. . Deformation mechanisms, microstructural evolution and mechanical properties in small-scaled face-centered-cubic metallic thin films [J]. 2020 , 2 (1) : 58-65 . |
MLA | Zhang, J. et al. "Deformation mechanisms, microstructural evolution and mechanical properties in small-scaled face-centered-cubic metallic thin films" . 2 . 1 (2020) : 58-65 . |
APA | Zhang, J. , Liu, G. , Sun, J. . Deformation mechanisms, microstructural evolution and mechanical properties in small-scaled face-centered-cubic metallic thin films . 2020 , 2 (1) , 58-65 . |
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Owing to its potential application prospect in novel accident tolerant fuel, molybdenum alloys and their welding technologies have gained great importance in recent years. The challenges of welding molybdenum alloys come from two aspects: one is related to its powder metallurgy manufacturing process, and the other is its inherent characteristics of refractory metal. The welding of powder metallurgy materials has been associated with issues such as porosity, contamination, and inclusions, at levels which tend to degrade the service performances of a welded joint. Refractory metals usually present poor weldability due to embrittlement of the fusion zone as a result of impurities segregation and the grain coarsening in the heat-affected zone. A critical review of the current state of the art of welding Mo alloys components is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the various methods, i.e., electron-beam welding (EBW), tungsten-arc inert gas (TIG) welding, laser welding (LW), electric resistance welding (ERW), and brazing and friction welding (FW) in joining Mo and Mo alloys, are discussed with a view to imagine future directions. This review suggests that more attention should be paid to high energy density laser welding and the mechanism and technology of welding Mo alloys under hyperbaric environment.
Keyword :
molybdenum alloy progress status welding
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GB/T 7714 | Zhu, Qi , Xie, Miaoxia , Shang, Xiangtao et al. Research Status and Progress of Welding Technologies for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloys [J]. | METALS , 2020 , 10 (2) . |
MLA | Zhu, Qi et al. "Research Status and Progress of Welding Technologies for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloys" . | METALS 10 . 2 (2020) . |
APA | Zhu, Qi , Xie, Miaoxia , Shang, Xiangtao , An, Geng , Sun, Jun , Wang, Na et al. Research Status and Progress of Welding Technologies for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloys . | METALS , 2020 , 10 (2) . |
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