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Translation of a Coated Rigid Spherical Inclusion in an Elastic Matrix: Exact Solution, and Implications for Mechanobiology EI SCIE Scopus PubMed
期刊论文 | 2019 , 86 (5) , 051002 | JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME | IF: 2.671
WoS CC Cited Count: 5 SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The displacement of relatively rigid beads within a relatively compliant, elastic matrix can be used to measure the mechanical properties of the matrix. For example, in mechanobiological studies, magnetic or reflective beads can be displaced with a known external force to estimate the matrix modulus. Although such beads are generally rigid compared to the matrix, the material surrounding the beads typically differs from the matrix in one or two ways. The first case, as is common in mechanobiological experimentation, is the situation in which the bead must be coated with materials such as protein ligands that enable adhesion to the matrix. These layers typically differ in stiffness relative to the matrix material. The second case, common for uncoated beads, is the situation in which the beads disrupt the structure of the hydrogel or polymer, leading to a region of enhanced or reduced stiffness in the neighborhood of the bead. To address both cases, we developed the first analytical solution of the problem of translation of a coated, rigid spherical inclusion displaced within an isotropic elastic matrix by a remotely applied force. The solution is applicable to cases of arbitrary coating stiffness and size of the coating. We conclude by discussing applications of the solution to mechanobiology.

Keyword :

coated inclusion force-displacement relationship magnetic bead rheometry translation of an inclusion


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GB/T 7714 Chen, X , Li, MX , Liu, SB et al. Translation of a Coated Rigid Spherical Inclusion in an Elastic Matrix: Exact Solution, and Implications for Mechanobiology [J]. | JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2019 , 86 (5) : 051002 .
MLA Chen, X et al. "Translation of a Coated Rigid Spherical Inclusion in an Elastic Matrix: Exact Solution, and Implications for Mechanobiology" . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 86 . 5 (2019) : 051002 .
APA Chen, X , Li, MX , Liu, SB , Liu, FS , Genin, GM , Xu, F et al. Translation of a Coated Rigid Spherical Inclusion in an Elastic Matrix: Exact Solution, and Implications for Mechanobiology . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2019 , 86 (5) , 051002 .
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Improvement of the sound absorption of flexible micro-perforated panels by local resonances EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2019 , 117 , 138-156 | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING | IF: 6.471
WoS CC Cited Count: 20 SCOPUS Cited Count: 33
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To further improve the sound absorption enhancement of flexible micro-perforated panels (FMPPs), a new sort of perforated sound absorbers - metamaterial-based micro-perforated panels (MMPPs) - is proposed by combining a micro-perforated host panel and local resonators (LRs) attached on a sub-wavelength scale, targeting the flexural waves. Theoretical and numerical models show that MMPPs are able to further enhance sound absorption in a wide frequency range. The theoretical model is developed based on the effective medium method as the structural wavelength in the host panel is much larger than the distance between the LRs, and the full simulation model, including viscothermal effects, is conducted by utilizing multi-physical coupling integrated in COMSOL. Besides, a structural finite element unit cell method is used to evaluate the stop band behavior of the MMPP. Good agreement is achieved between the theoretically predicted acoustical properties and the simulation results for both conventional FMPPs and the proposed MMPPs, validating the numerical and theoretical models. Both models reveal that the sound absorption enhancement of the MMPP stems from the resulting acoustic surface impedance improvement, caused by the sub-wavelength attached local resonances. The effect of key properties of the LRs (i.e. mass, damping and multiple resonances) on the sound absorption performance of MMPPs is then analyzed by applying the theoretical model and effective frequency-adjustability of the absorption enhancement performance is found. The proposed MMPP shows great potential for the noise reduction industry. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Absorption improvement Effective medium method Metamaterial Micro-perforated panel Stop band


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GB/T 7714 Ren, S. W. , Van Belle, L. , Claeys, C. et al. Improvement of the sound absorption of flexible micro-perforated panels by local resonances [J]. | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2019 , 117 : 138-156 .
MLA Ren, S. W. et al. "Improvement of the sound absorption of flexible micro-perforated panels by local resonances" . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 117 (2019) : 138-156 .
APA Ren, S. W. , Van Belle, L. , Claeys, C. , Xin, F. X. , Lu, T. J. , Deckers, E. et al. Improvement of the sound absorption of flexible micro-perforated panels by local resonances . | MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING , 2019 , 117 , 138-156 .
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Dual-level stress plateaus in honeycombs subjected to impact loading: perspectives from bucklewaves, buckling and cell-wall progressive folding EI Scopus CSCD SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 35 (1) , 70-77 | Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao | IF: 1.897
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Dual-level stress plateaus (i.e., relatively short peak stress plateaus, followed by prolonged crushing stress plateaus) in metallic hexagonal honeycombs subjected to out-of-plane impact loading are characterized using a combined numerical and analytical study, with the influence of the strain-rate sensitivity of the honeycomb parent material accounted for. The predictions are validated against existing experimental measurements, and good agreement is achieved. It is demonstrated that honeycombs exhibit dual-level stress plateaus when bucklewaves are initiated and propagate in cell walls, followed by buckling and progressive folding of the cell walls. The abrupt stress drop from peak to crushing plateau in the compressive stress versus strain curve can be explained in a way similar to the quasi-static buckling of a clamped plate. The duration of the peak stress plateau is more evident for strain-rate insensitive honeycombs. © 2018, The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.

Keyword :

Analytical studies Clamped plates Hexagonal honeycomb Honeycomb Impact loadings Parent materials Quasi-static buckling Strain rate sensitivity


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GB/T 7714 Li, Lang , Zhao, Zhenyu , Zhang, Rui et al. Dual-level stress plateaus in honeycombs subjected to impact loading: perspectives from bucklewaves, buckling and cell-wall progressive folding [J]. | Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao , 2019 , 35 (1) : 70-77 .
MLA Li, Lang et al. "Dual-level stress plateaus in honeycombs subjected to impact loading: perspectives from bucklewaves, buckling and cell-wall progressive folding" . | Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao 35 . 1 (2019) : 70-77 .
APA Li, Lang , Zhao, Zhenyu , Zhang, Rui , Han, Bin , Zhang, Qiancheng , Lu, Tian Jian . Dual-level stress plateaus in honeycombs subjected to impact loading: perspectives from bucklewaves, buckling and cell-wall progressive folding . | Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao , 2019 , 35 (1) , 70-77 .
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Modulation of acoustomechanical instability and bifurcation behavior of soft materials SCIE PubMed Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 8 | Scientific Reports | IF: 4.011
SCOPUS Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

© 2018, The Author(s). We demonstrate acoustically triggered giant deformation of soft materials, and reveal the snap-through instability and bifurcation behavior of soft materials in nonlinear deformation regime in response to combined loading of mechanical and acoustic radiation forces. Our theoretical results suggest that acoustomechanical instability and bifurcation can be readily modulated by varying either the mechanical or acoustic force. This modulation functionality arises from the sensitivity of acoustic wave propagation to nonlinear deformation of soft material, particularly to ratio of initial geometrical size of soft material to acoustic wavelength in the material. The tunable acoustomechanical instability and bifurcation behavior of soft materials enables innovative design of programmable mechanical metamaterials. PACS numbers: 43.35.+d, 43.25.+y, 46.70.De, 61.41.+e.


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GB/T 7714 Xin, Fengxian , Lu, Tian Jian . Modulation of acoustomechanical instability and bifurcation behavior of soft materials [J]. | Scientific Reports , 2018 , 8 .
MLA Xin, Fengxian et al. "Modulation of acoustomechanical instability and bifurcation behavior of soft materials" . | Scientific Reports 8 (2018) .
APA Xin, Fengxian , Lu, Tian Jian . Modulation of acoustomechanical instability and bifurcation behavior of soft materials . | Scientific Reports , 2018 , 8 .
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Non-contact tensile viscoelastic characterization of microscale biological materials EI SCIE CSCD Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 34 (3) , 589-599 | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA | IF: 1.598
WoS CC Cited Count: 10 SCOPUS Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Many structures and materials in nature and physiology have important "meso-scale" structures at the micron length-scale whose tensile responses have proven difficult to characterize mechanically. Although techniques such as atomic force microscopy and micro- and nano-identation are mature for compression and indentation testing at the nano-scale, and standard uniaxial and shear rheometry techniques exist for the macroscale, few techniques are applicable for tensile-testing at the micrometre-scale, leaving a gap in our understanding of hierarchical biomaterials. Here, we present a novel magnetic mechanical testing (MMT) system that enables viscoelastic tensile testing at this critical length scale. The MMT system applies non-contact loading, avoiding gripping and surface interaction effects. We demonstrate application of the MMT system to the first analyses of the pure tensile responses of several native and engineered tissue systems at the mesoscale, showing the broad potential of the system for exploring micro- and meso-scale analysis of structured and hierarchical biological systems.

Keyword :

Hierarchical biomaterials Mechanical testing Microscale analysis Non-contact actuation


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yuhui , Hong, Yuan , Xu, Guang-Kui et al. Non-contact tensile viscoelastic characterization of microscale biological materials [J]. | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA , 2018 , 34 (3) : 589-599 .
MLA Li, Yuhui et al. "Non-contact tensile viscoelastic characterization of microscale biological materials" . | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA 34 . 3 (2018) : 589-599 .
APA Li, Yuhui , Hong, Yuan , Xu, Guang-Kui , Liu, Shaobao , Shi, Qiang , Tang, Deding et al. Non-contact tensile viscoelastic characterization of microscale biological materials . | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA , 2018 , 34 (3) , 589-599 .
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Out-of-plane compression of Ti-6Al-4V sandwich panels with corrugated channel cores EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 137 , 463-472 | MATERIALS & DESIGN | IF: 5.77
WoS CC Cited Count: 29 SCOPUS Cited Count: 37
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A novel sandwich core topology - corrugated channels (periodic fluid-through wavy passages) - was proposed for simultaneous load-bearing and active cooling applications. Relative to a sandwich panel with parallel plate channels, the sandwich with corrugated channel core exhibits not only significantly enhanced convective heat transfer rate but also superior mechanical performance. To explore the underlying deformation and failure mech-anisms, corrugated-channel-cored sandwich panels (3CSPs) with low relative densities (<1.5%) were manufactured, with Ti-6Al-4V alloy used as the constituent material for both the core and the face sheets. The quasi-static, out-of-plane compressive behaviors of Ti-6Al-4V sandwich panels were systematically studied using a combined experimental, analytical and numerical approach. The compressive strength of the proposed 3CSP was also compared with competing core topologies on the material selection map. With superior structural and thermal efficiency, the corrugated channel core is promising for a wide variety of multifunctional lightweight sandwich constructions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Buckling Compressive response Corrugations Sandwich panel Titanium alloy


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Zhen-yu , Han, Bin , Wang, Xin et al. Out-of-plane compression of Ti-6Al-4V sandwich panels with corrugated channel cores [J]. | MATERIALS & DESIGN , 2018 , 137 : 463-472 .
MLA Zhao, Zhen-yu et al. "Out-of-plane compression of Ti-6Al-4V sandwich panels with corrugated channel cores" . | MATERIALS & DESIGN 137 (2018) : 463-472 .
APA Zhao, Zhen-yu , Han, Bin , Wang, Xin , Zhang, Qian-cheng , Lu, Tian Jian . Out-of-plane compression of Ti-6Al-4V sandwich panels with corrugated channel cores . | MATERIALS & DESIGN , 2018 , 137 , 463-472 .
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Natural convection in metal foam heat sinks with open slots EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 91 , 354-362 | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE | IF: 3.493
WoS CC Cited Count: 28 SCOPUS Cited Count: 46
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Natural convection in metal foam heat sinks with open slots was investigated experimentally. The test sample was made in-house by attaching several foam strips having fixed width of 10 mm and length of 100 mm onto a substrate of 100 x 100 x 4 mm(3) in size. A total of 29 test samples with different slot widths (s = 0/2.86/5/8/12.5/20 mm) and foam heights (H = 10/20/40/60/80 mm) were tested under both horizontal and vertical orientations for each sample. The zero width of open slots corresponds to a heat sink with a single foam block as considered in open literature, while the non-zero open slot width 2.86/5/8/12.5/20 mm corresponds to 8/7/6/5/4 foam strips in a heat sink, respectively. Compared to a single foam block, the foam with open slots are more permeable for air penetrating through the heat sink. More foam strips means more heat transfer area available but less permeation of the heat sink. Experimental results revealed that there exists an optimum open slot width (5-8 mm) for maximum heat transfer coefficient at given heat sink volume. With optimum open slot width, the heat transfer coefficient is enhanced by 14.9%, 21.3%, 37.6%, and 38.2% relative to single foam block (s = 0 mm) at the foam height of 10 mm, 20 mm, 40 mm, and 80 mm, respectively. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keyword :

Heat sink Metal foam Natural convection Open slots Optimum slot width


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GB/T 7714 Feng, Shangsheng , Li, Feichen , Zhang, Fenghui et al. Natural convection in metal foam heat sinks with open slots [J]. | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE , 2018 , 91 : 354-362 .
MLA Feng, Shangsheng et al. "Natural convection in metal foam heat sinks with open slots" . | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE 91 (2018) : 354-362 .
APA Feng, Shangsheng , Li, Feichen , Zhang, Fenghui , Lu, Tian Jian . Natural convection in metal foam heat sinks with open slots . | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE , 2018 , 91 , 354-362 .
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Creep of closed-cell aluminum foams: Effects of imperfections and predictive modeling EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 156 , 229-241 | MATERIALS & DESIGN | IF: 5.77
WoS CC Cited Count: 4 SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The influence of five different types of morphological imperfection - curved cell wall, corrugation, cell shape irregularity, missing cell walls and non-uniform distribution of cell wall thickness - on steady state creep of closed-cell aluminum foams is systematically studied under uniaxial compressive loading. A refined theoretical model is developed to predict the steady state creep rate of idealized tetrakaidecahedral (TKD) closed-cell foams. Based upon the TKD model, finite element modeling is also carried out. The presence of imperfections usually leads to significant increase in steady state creep rate. The creep rate increases linearly with the degree of cell shape irregularity and the curvature of curved cell walls, while increases as a power law function of the area fraction of missing cell walls and the dispersion degree of non-uniform distributed cell wall thickness. The combined effect of three different random defects-cell shape irregularity, missing cell walls and non-uniform distribution of cell wall thickness-causes more drastic increase in creep rate than any single or dual imperfections. Interactions among the three are small and can be neglected. Finally, an empirical formula of steady state creep rate is proposed to give a good prediction for closed-cell foams with random imperfections. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keyword :

Closed-cell foam Finite element modeling Imperfections Steady state creep Theoretical modeling


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GB/T 7714 Han, Bin , Yu, Run-Pei , Zhang, Qian-Cheng et al. Creep of closed-cell aluminum foams: Effects of imperfections and predictive modeling [J]. | MATERIALS & DESIGN , 2018 , 156 : 229-241 .
MLA Han, Bin et al. "Creep of closed-cell aluminum foams: Effects of imperfections and predictive modeling" . | MATERIALS & DESIGN 156 (2018) : 229-241 .
APA Han, Bin , Yu, Run-Pei , Zhang, Qian-Cheng , Gao, Hua-Jian , Zhang, Qi , Lu, Tian Jian et al. Creep of closed-cell aluminum foams: Effects of imperfections and predictive modeling . | MATERIALS & DESIGN , 2018 , 156 , 229-241 .
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Influence of hole shape on sound absorption of underwater anechoic layers EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 426 , 54-74 | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION | IF: 3.123
WoS CC Cited Count: 32 SCOPUS Cited Count: 80
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A theoretical model is established to evaluate the sound absorption performance of underwater anechoic layers containing periodically distributed axial holes. Based on the concept for homogenized equivalent layer and on the theory of wave propagation in viscoelastic cylindrical tubes, the transfer function method is used to obtain the absorption coefficient of the anechoic layer adhered on the rigid plate. Three different types of axial holes are considered, the cylindrical, the conical and the horn shaped one. Results obtained with full finite element simulations are used to validate the model predictions. For each hole type, the vibration characteristics of the anechoic layer as well as the propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves in the layer are analyzed in detail to explore the physical mechanisms underlying its absorption performance. Furthermore, a three-dimensional finite element model for oblique incidence is developed to study the effect of hole shape at different incidence angles. The results show that two new absorption peaks appear since the oblique incidence excites two horizontal modes. Among the three hole types, the horn one achieves the best absorption performance at relatively low frequencies both in normal incidence and in oblique incidence. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Analytical modeling Hole shape Sound absorption Underwater anechoic layer


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GB/T 7714 Ye, Changzheng , Liu, Xuewei , Xin, Fengxian et al. Influence of hole shape on sound absorption of underwater anechoic layers [J]. | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION , 2018 , 426 : 54-74 .
MLA Ye, Changzheng et al. "Influence of hole shape on sound absorption of underwater anechoic layers" . | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 426 (2018) : 54-74 .
APA Ye, Changzheng , Liu, Xuewei , Xin, Fengxian , Lu, Tian Jian . Influence of hole shape on sound absorption of underwater anechoic layers . | JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION , 2018 , 426 , 54-74 .
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Three-point bending of honeycomb sandwich beams with facesheet perforations EI SCIE CSCD Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 34 (4) , 667-675 | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA | IF: 1.598
WoS CC Cited Count: 4 SCOPUS Cited Count: 10
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A novel square honeycomb-cored sandwich beam with perforated bottom facesheet is investigated under three-point bending, both analytically and numerically. Perforated square holes in the bottom facesheet are characterized by the area ratio of the hole to intact facesheet (perforation ratio). While for large-scale engineering applications like the decks of cargo vehicles and transportation ships, the perforations are needed to facilitate the fabrication process (e.g., laser welding) as well as service maintenance, it is demonstrated that these perforations, when properly designed, can also enhance the resistance of the sandwich to bending. For illustration, fair comparisons among competing sandwich designs having different perforation ratios but equal mass is achieved by systematically thickening the core webs. Further, the perforated sandwich beam is designed with a relatively thick facesheet to avoid local indention failure so that it mainly fails in two competing modes: (1) bending failure, i.e., yielding of beam cross-section and buckling of top facesheet caused by bending moment; (2) shear failure, i.e., yielding and buckling of core webs due to shear forcing. The sensitivity of the failure loads to the ratio of core height to beam span is also discussed for varying perforation ratios. As the perforation ratio is increased, the load of shear failure increases due to thickening core webs, while that of bending failure decreases due to the weakening bottom facesheet. Design of a sandwich beam with optimal perforation ratio is realized when the two failure loads are equal, leading to significantly enhanced failure load (up to 60% increase) relative to that of a non-perforated sandwich beam with equal mass.

Keyword :

Analytical model Facesheet perforation Honeycomb sandwich Three-point bending


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GB/T 7714 Su, Pengbo , Han, Bin , Zhao, Zhongnan et al. Three-point bending of honeycomb sandwich beams with facesheet perforations [J]. | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA , 2018 , 34 (4) : 667-675 .
MLA Su, Pengbo et al. "Three-point bending of honeycomb sandwich beams with facesheet perforations" . | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA 34 . 4 (2018) : 667-675 .
APA Su, Pengbo , Han, Bin , Zhao, Zhongnan , Zhang, Qiancheng , Lu, Tian Jian . Three-point bending of honeycomb sandwich beams with facesheet perforations . | ACTA MECHANICA SINICA , 2018 , 34 (4) , 667-675 .
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