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Enhancing corporate sustainable development: Organizational learning, social ties, and environmental strategies SSCI Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 22
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Environmental strategies-reactive environmental strategy (RES) and proactive environmental strategy (PES)-emerged as an effective tool for firms to respond to various stakeholders' pressures and mounting environmental issues. Despite their vital role, scant studies have examined how and why firms facing the same institutional environment adopt heterogonous, instead of homogeneous, strategies for achieving corporate sustainable development. To fill this research gap, this study anchored to resource dependence theory investigates how organizational learning (both exploitative and explorative) and social ties (both political and business) independently and interactively affect the adoption of environmental strategies. Using a sample of 272 Chinese firms, the data are analyzed through the SPSS 21, and the proposed hypotheses are tested through moderated hierarchical regression analyses. The findings reveal that firms that engage in exploitative learning tend to adopt RES rather than PES, whereas firms that engage in explorative learning are more likely to adopt PES as opposed to RES. Moreover, firms that are involved in exploitative learning benefit to a greater extent from political ties than from business ties as a means of adopting RES, whereas firms that engage in explorative learning benefit to a greater extent from business ties than from political ties to adopt RES. Our study adds value to the environmental management and strategy literature by clarifying the underlying mechanisms through which firms adopt distinct environmental strategies.

Keyword :

corporate sustainable development organizational learning proactive environmental strategy reactive environmental strategy resource dependence theory social ties


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GB/T 7714 Ali, Adnan , Jiang, Xu , Ali, Afzaal . Enhancing corporate sustainable development: Organizational learning, social ties, and environmental strategies [J]. | BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT , 2022 .
MLA Ali, Adnan 等. "Enhancing corporate sustainable development: Organizational learning, social ties, and environmental strategies" . | BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT (2022) .
APA Ali, Adnan , Jiang, Xu , Ali, Afzaal . Enhancing corporate sustainable development: Organizational learning, social ties, and environmental strategies . | BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT , 2022 .
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Social ties, absorptive capacity, and the adoption of green innovation: a social capital perspective SSCI Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how social ties (i.e. business ties and political ties) affect the adoption of green innovation in the context of emerging economies, separately and comparatively. In addition, this study also seeks to examine how absorptive capacity shapes the relationships between social ties and the adoption of green innovation. Design/methodology/approach A theoretical model with hypothesized relationships is proposed and tested using regression in SPSS. This study's sample consists of a dataset covering 272 Chinese firms (based on a total of 544 respondents) operating in various industries with two key informants in each firm. Findings The authors find that business ties and political ties both facilitate the adoption of green innovation, whereas business ties influence the adoption more strongly than political ties do. This study's findings also show that absorptive capacity strengthens the positive relationships between the two types of social ties and the adoption of green innovation. Originality/value Although scholarship has amply documented the role that social ties play in influencing corporate performance, few studies have considered how and under what conditions these ties can impact the adoption of green innovation. Overall, the authors add value to the environmental management and social capital literature by providing novel insights into the differential roles that business ties and political ties play in the adoption of green innovation under the influence of absorptive capacity.

Keyword :

Absorptive capacity Business ties China Green innovation Political ties Social capital theory


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GB/T 7714 Ali, Adnan , Jiang, Xu , Ali, Afzaal . Social ties, absorptive capacity, and the adoption of green innovation: a social capital perspective [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER , 2022 .
MLA Ali, Adnan 等. "Social ties, absorptive capacity, and the adoption of green innovation: a social capital perspective" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER (2022) .
APA Ali, Adnan , Jiang, Xu , Ali, Afzaal . Social ties, absorptive capacity, and the adoption of green innovation: a social capital perspective . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER , 2022 .
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A moderated mediation model linking entrepreneurial leadership to green innovation: An upper echelons theory perspective SSCI Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Despite the dominant discourses on the important role of entrepreneurial leadership in firms' development, related theoretical and empirical studies are still lacking in the environmental management area. Adopting upper echelons theory, this study develops a moderated mediation model that examines how entrepreneurial leadership affects the adoption of green innovation (GI) through organizational learning culture and how environmental dynamism moderates the mediating effect. This theoretical model is tested using a sample of 248 Chinese firms. Findings support the positive impact of entrepreneurial leadership on GI and the mediating role of organizational learning culture. The moderated mediation path analysis shows that environmental dynamism moderates the indirect effect of entrepreneurial leadership on GI via organizational learning culture. Overall, this study adds to entrepreneurship and environmental management scholarship by providing novel insights into the key role of entrepreneurial leadership in embracing GI.

Keyword :

China entrepreneurial leadership environmental dynamism green innovation organizational learning culture upper echelons theory


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GB/T 7714 Ali, Adnan , Jiang, Xu , Ali, Afzaal et al. A moderated mediation model linking entrepreneurial leadership to green innovation: An upper echelons theory perspective [J]. | CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT , 2022 .
MLA Ali, Adnan et al. "A moderated mediation model linking entrepreneurial leadership to green innovation: An upper echelons theory perspective" . | CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT (2022) .
APA Ali, Adnan , Jiang, Xu , Ali, Afzaal , Qadeer, Abdul . A moderated mediation model linking entrepreneurial leadership to green innovation: An upper echelons theory perspective . | CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT , 2022 .
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如何提高激励有效性?基于过程视角的科技成果转化收益分配案例研究 CSCD CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (4) , 83-103 | 科学学与科学技术管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 龚敏 , 江旭 , 王庸 . 如何提高激励有效性?基于过程视角的科技成果转化收益分配案例研究 [J]. | 科学学与科学技术管理 , 2021 , 42 (4) : 83-103 .
MLA 龚敏 et al. "如何提高激励有效性?基于过程视角的科技成果转化收益分配案例研究" . | 科学学与科学技术管理 42 . 4 (2021) : 83-103 .
APA 龚敏 , 江旭 , 王庸 . 如何提高激励有效性?基于过程视角的科技成果转化收益分配案例研究 . | 科学学与科学技术管理 , 2021 , 42 (4) , 83-103 .
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如何分好"奶酪"?基于过程视角的高校科技成果转化收益分配机制研究 CSCD CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (6) , 141-163 | 科学学与科学技术管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

高校科技成果转化 过程视角 机制设计 收益分配


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GB/T 7714 龚敏 , 江旭 , 高山行 . 如何分好"奶酪"?基于过程视角的高校科技成果转化收益分配机制研究 [J]. | 科学学与科学技术管理 , 2021 , 42 (6) : 141-163 .
MLA 龚敏 et al. "如何分好"奶酪"?基于过程视角的高校科技成果转化收益分配机制研究" . | 科学学与科学技术管理 42 . 6 (2021) : 141-163 .
APA 龚敏 , 江旭 , 高山行 . 如何分好"奶酪"?基于过程视角的高校科技成果转化收益分配机制研究 . | 科学学与科学技术管理 , 2021 , 42 (6) , 141-163 .
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双元学习、联盟管理实践转移与联盟成功 CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 33 (6) , 213-223 | 管理评论
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

联盟管理实践(alliance management practices,AMP)是企业用以管理联盟的一整套方法、流程和技术.作为一种特殊类型的企业管理知识,AMP在联盟伙伴间的转移是一个包含AMP获取、AMP应用和AMP内化三个维度的二阶因子.本文基于组织学习理论,将单一组织层面的双元学习扩展到战略联盟背景下,探讨联盟企业双元学习的平衡维度和组合维度如何通过AMP转移的中介作用对联盟成功产生影响.本文所构建的"双元学习-AMP转移-联盟成功"的影响机制揭示了双元学习与联盟成功之间的关系"黑箱",对推动组织学习和战略联盟研究均有一定的理论价值.


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GB/T 7714 江旭 , 杨薇 . 双元学习、联盟管理实践转移与联盟成功 [J]. | 管理评论 , 2021 , 33 (6) : 213-223 .
MLA 江旭 et al. "双元学习、联盟管理实践转移与联盟成功" . | 管理评论 33 . 6 (2021) : 213-223 .
APA 江旭 , 杨薇 . 双元学习、联盟管理实践转移与联盟成功 . | 管理评论 , 2021 , 33 (6) , 213-223 .
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Alliance experience and performance outcomes: A meta-analysis SSCI Scopus
期刊论文 | 2021 , 20 (2) , 412-432 | STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION
SCOPUS Cited Count: 9
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Alliance experience has been a frequent topic in strategic alliance research in recent decades. Nonetheless, its performance consequences, either as a whole or differentiated into general versus partner-specific alliance experience, are neither theoretically clear nor empirically consistent. We use a range of meta-analytic techniques to integrate the empirical findings of 143 studies and provide a more conclusive assessment compared to prior research. Our study thus addresses a long-standing, understudied, and controversial topic: the distinction between the two types of alliance experiences. Going beyond traditional sub-group analysis, we reveal the contextual contingencies by examining how different types of alliance experiences and performance outcomes jointly affect the alliance experience-performance relationship. Moreover, we identify critical country-level institutional contingencies that moderate the focal effect.

Keyword :

alliance experience general alliance experience meta-analysis partner-specific alliance experience performance outcomes


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Peng , Jiang, Xu , Dong, Maggie Chuoyan . Alliance experience and performance outcomes: A meta-analysis [J]. | STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION , 2021 , 20 (2) : 412-432 .
MLA Wang, Peng et al. "Alliance experience and performance outcomes: A meta-analysis" . | STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION 20 . 2 (2021) : 412-432 .
APA Wang, Peng , Jiang, Xu , Dong, Maggie Chuoyan . Alliance experience and performance outcomes: A meta-analysis . | STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION , 2021 , 20 (2) , 412-432 .
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Internal and external CSR in China: How do women independent directors matter? SSCI Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

How do women independent directors influence a firm's strategic responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR)? To address this question, we integrate social role theory and the stakeholder perspective to examine the impacts of female independent directors on firms' internal and external CSR engagement. Using a dataset on publicly listed Chinese firms for 2008-2015, we find that firms with a greater proportion of female independent directors tend to engage more extensively in internal than in external CSR. The effects of having female independent directors on both internal and external CSR are stronger when a high proportion of independent directors on a board are politically connected, but are weaker when a high proportion of independent directors on the same board are returnees with foreign experience. This study casts light on new ways in which social role and stakeholder theories can be synergized to advance our understanding of board governance and CSR strategies.

Keyword :

Board gender diversity Corporate governance Corporate social responsibility Emerging economies Female independent directors


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GB/T 7714 Jin, Ruijie , Jiang, Xu , Hu, Helen Wei . Internal and external CSR in China: How do women independent directors matter? [J]. | ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT , 2021 .
MLA Jin, Ruijie et al. "Internal and external CSR in China: How do women independent directors matter?" . | ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (2021) .
APA Jin, Ruijie , Jiang, Xu , Hu, Helen Wei . Internal and external CSR in China: How do women independent directors matter? . | ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT , 2021 .
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Unlocking the full potential of absorptive capacity: the systematic effects of high commitment work systems SSCI
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Integrating perspectives of absorptive capacity and strategic human resource management, we examine how high commitment work systems (HCWS) affect a firm's absorptive capacity and subsequent new product and service performance. We posit that HCWS act as an antecedent of a firm's absorptive capacity-the organizational ability to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit knowledge. We also posit that HCWS strengthen the positive relationship between absorptive capacity and new product and service performance. Results from a sample of 198 firms support the major contention. This study shows that a firm's realized absorptive capacity partially mediates the relationship between potential absorptive capacity and new product and service performance. In the process of a firm's deploying absorptive capacity to enhancing new product and service performance, HCWS exhibit distinctive strategic value. They not only play an organizational capability-building role that fosters a firm's absorptive capacity, but may also play an efficiency-enhancing role that facilitates the process of transforming absorptive capacity into superior new product and service performance. This study sheds light on how human resource practices affect the development and effectiveness of organizational capabilities.

Keyword :

absorptive capacity High commitment work systems new product development organizational capability strategic human resource management


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GB/T 7714 Liao, Yin-Chi , Yi, Xiang , Jiang, Xu . Unlocking the full potential of absorptive capacity: the systematic effects of high commitment work systems [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 32 (5) : 1171-1199 .
MLA Liao, Yin-Chi et al. "Unlocking the full potential of absorptive capacity: the systematic effects of high commitment work systems" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 32 . 5 (2021) : 1171-1199 .
APA Liao, Yin-Chi , Yi, Xiang , Jiang, Xu . Unlocking the full potential of absorptive capacity: the systematic effects of high commitment work systems . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 32 (5) , 1171-1199 .
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A Moderated Mediation Model Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Strategic Alliance Performance SSCI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 32 (4) , 1338-1358 | BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT | IF: 6.567
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study examineshowandwhenentrepreneurial orientation (EO) enhances alliance performance by considering knowledge integration as a critical mediator and bonding as an important contingency of the mediation effect. We test this moderated mediation framework using a sample of 410 alliance firms (based on a total of 820 respondents). Our results show that knowledge integration fully mediates the relationship between EO and alliance performance and that this indirect effect is stronger at a high level of bonding. Overall, we contribute to the entrepreneurship literature by revealing how firms translate their EO-based strategies into positive alliance outcomes through knowledge integration and when this indirect effect is most effective.


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, Xu , Jiang, Feifei , Sheng, Shibin et al. A Moderated Mediation Model Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Strategic Alliance Performance [J]. | BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT , 2020 , 32 (4) : 1338-1358 .
MLA Jiang, Xu et al. "A Moderated Mediation Model Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Strategic Alliance Performance" . | BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT 32 . 4 (2020) : 1338-1358 .
APA Jiang, Xu , Jiang, Feifei , Sheng, Shibin , Wang, Gang . A Moderated Mediation Model Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Strategic Alliance Performance . | BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT , 2020 , 32 (4) , 1338-1358 .
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