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Superelasticity over a wide temperature range in metastable β-Ti shape memory alloys EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 907 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Shape memory alloys (SMAs) offer many technological advantages in various applications due to shape memory effect and superelasticity. Among them, superelasticity persists within a narrow temperature range ( © 2020 Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Elasticity Glass Glass transition Iron alloys Martensite Martensitic transformations Nanotechnology Niobium alloys Shape-memory alloy Titanium alloys Zircaloy


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GB/T 7714 Xiong, Chengyang , Li, Yan , Zhang, Jian et al. Superelasticity over a wide temperature range in metastable β-Ti shape memory alloys [J]. | Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2022 , 907 .
MLA Xiong, Chengyang et al. "Superelasticity over a wide temperature range in metastable β-Ti shape memory alloys" . | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 907 (2022) .
APA Xiong, Chengyang , Li, Yan , Zhang, Jian , Wang, Yu , Qu, Wentao , Ji, Yuancao et al. Superelasticity over a wide temperature range in metastable β-Ti shape memory alloys . | Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 2022 , 907 .
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Microscopic origin of the enhanced piezoelectric thermal stability in acceptor doped lead-free Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O-3-50(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramic EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 48 (4) , 5274-5279 | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Acceptor doping is effective in enhancing thermal stability in piezoceramics, while the reason underlying is still unclear and awaits explanation. In this work, through doping acceptor Mn in lead-free Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O-3-50 (Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramic, our results show that doping Mn achieves higher depolarization temperature, even higher than Curie temperature (TC) and simultaneously a better piezoelectric thermal stability. Through microscopic and macroscopic analysis, the enhancement can be explained by the clamping effect induced by acceptor doping, which is carefully demonstrated by symmetry-conforming short-range ordering tendency theory. Thus, this work reveals the mechanism for enhanced depolarization temperature and piezoelectric thermal stability due to acceptor doping and will help developing new thermal stable lead-free piezoceramics applicable in a wider temperature range.

Keyword :

Acceptor doping Clamping effect Lead-free Piezoelectricity Thermal stability


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GB/T 7714 Yin, Mengye , Fang, Minxia , Zhang, Lixue et al. Microscopic origin of the enhanced piezoelectric thermal stability in acceptor doped lead-free Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O-3-50(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramic [J]. | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2022 , 48 (4) : 5274-5279 .
MLA Yin, Mengye et al. "Microscopic origin of the enhanced piezoelectric thermal stability in acceptor doped lead-free Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O-3-50(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramic" . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 48 . 4 (2022) : 5274-5279 .
APA Yin, Mengye , Fang, Minxia , Zhang, Lixue , Zhou, Chao , Xiao, Andong , Ji, Yuanchao et al. Microscopic origin of the enhanced piezoelectric thermal stability in acceptor doped lead-free Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O-3-50(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramic . | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL , 2022 , 48 (4) , 5274-5279 .
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Spinodal strain glass in Mn-Cu alloys EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 231 | ACTA MATERIALIA
SCOPUS Cited Count: 15
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Strain glasses (STGs), which are characterized by nanodomains of martensite formed via a strain glass transition, can produce many unusual properties not possessed by normal martensitic alloys. These nanodomains originate from the formation of short-range strain ordering by the disruption of otherwise long-range strain ordering or normal martensitic transformation through sufficient atomic/nanoscale random stress/strain field. So far the atomic/nanoscale randomness is known to be from either point defects, dislocations, or nanoprecipitates. Here we report a spinodal STG alloy Mn60Cu40, which stems from nanoscale composition modulations (5-20 nm) formed in the early stage of spinodal decomposition, which is identified by STEM-EDS and HRTEM. For short-time ( < 50 min) aged sample, a strain glass transition was identified by its typical signatures including invariance of global face-centered cubic (fcc) structure with cooling, frequency dependence of elastic moduli at STG transition temperature (T-g) following a Vogel-Fulcher relationship, non-ergodicity as manifested by zero-field-colling/field-cooling curves, and the formation of martensitic face-centered tetragonal (fct) nanodomains. For long-time (>= 50 min) aged sample, a normal martensitic transition from fcc to fct appears with cooling, being consistent with literatures. As the result, a temperature vs. aging-time phase diagram of spinodal STG was established and shows a crossover from STG to martensite above a critical aging time. The spinodal STG exhibits a non-magnetic Elinvar behavior, i.e., nearly constant elastic modulus over a wide temperature range, together with high-damping capacity. We anticipate that the spinodal STG and associated novel properties may also be found in other metallic and ceramic spinodal materials. (C) 2022 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Elinvar Mn-Cu alloy spinodal decomposition Strain glass


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Wenjia , Luo, Pu , Wei, Ying et al. Spinodal strain glass in Mn-Cu alloys [J]. | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 231 .
MLA Wang, Wenjia et al. "Spinodal strain glass in Mn-Cu alloys" . | ACTA MATERIALIA 231 (2022) .
APA Wang, Wenjia , Luo, Pu , Wei, Ying , Ji, Yuanchao , Liu, Chang , Ren, Xiaobing . Spinodal strain glass in Mn-Cu alloys . | ACTA MATERIALIA , 2022 , 231 .
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Energy storage performance of SrSc0.5Nb0.5O3 modified (Bi,Na)TiO3-based ceramic under low electric fields EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 106 (4) , 2366-2374 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY
SCOPUS Cited Count: 12
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Dielectric ceramics with a high recoverable energy density (W-rec) and high efficiency are desirable for the development of pulsed power capacitors under low electric fields. In this study, through the introduction of SrSc0.5Nb0.5O3 into (Bi0.5Na0.5Ti0.95Al0.025Nb0.025O3) [(1-x)BNTA-xSSN], a considerable recoverable energy storage density (W-rec) of approximately 2.7 J/cm(3) and energy storage efficiency (eta) of approximately 76 % at 210 kV/cm are achieved at x = .1; additionally, eta is further improved to 85 % at x = .2. Moreover, eta and W-rec of .9BNTA-.1SSN exhibit outstanding stability (thermal and frequency stability) at 150 kV/cm, which is superior to that of other lead-free ceramics. The excellent energy storage performance is attributed to the increased relaxation degree and the formation of ferroelectric nanodomains, whereas the enhanced E-b is ascribed to the increased electrical resistivity and decreased grain size upon modification. These results indicate the potential of (1-x)BNTA-xSSN as an ideal candidate for energy-storage applications.

Keyword :

ceramic energy storage density energy storage efficiency relaxor ferroelectrics


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GB/T 7714 Dai, Zhonghua , Wang, Shengbin , Liu, Yong et al. Energy storage performance of SrSc0.5Nb0.5O3 modified (Bi,Na)TiO3-based ceramic under low electric fields [J]. | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY , 2022 , 106 (4) : 2366-2374 .
MLA Dai, Zhonghua et al. "Energy storage performance of SrSc0.5Nb0.5O3 modified (Bi,Na)TiO3-based ceramic under low electric fields" . | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 106 . 4 (2022) : 2366-2374 .
APA Dai, Zhonghua , Wang, Shengbin , Liu, Yong , Zhang, Fanbo , Liu, Weiguo , Zhao, Xin et al. Energy storage performance of SrSc0.5Nb0.5O3 modified (Bi,Na)TiO3-based ceramic under low electric fields . | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY , 2022 , 106 (4) , 2366-2374 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (6) , 90-99 | 中国科学(物理学 力学 天文学)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Elinvar效应 磁致伸缩效应 马氏体相变 铁磁形状记忆合金 铁磁应变玻璃


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GB/T 7714 王宇 , 任帅 , 杨森 et al. 铁磁应变玻璃及其物理特性 [J]. | 中国科学(物理学 力学 天文学) , 2021 , 51 (6) : 90-99 .
MLA 王宇 et al. "铁磁应变玻璃及其物理特性" . | 中国科学(物理学 力学 天文学) 51 . 6 (2021) : 90-99 .
APA 王宇 , 任帅 , 杨森 , 任晓兵 . 铁磁应变玻璃及其物理特性 . | 中国科学(物理学 力学 天文学) , 2021 , 51 (6) , 90-99 .
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Excellent thermal-cycling stability caused by aging in Fe-doped (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti Zr-0.9(0.1))O-3 lead-free piezoceramic EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 202 | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A key challenge for the practical application of lead-free piezoelectrics is how to acquire high-piezoelectricity and good thermal-cycling stability simultaneously. Here, we report that excellent thermal-cycling stability was obtained in aged (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)(99.75/100)Fe0.25/100O3-delta lead-free piezoceramic with high-piezoelectricity (d(33) similar to 400 pC/N). No piezoelectricity degradation was found for the aged sample after 100 thermal cycles between -40 degrees C and 50 degrees C. Further studies on hysteresis loop and evolution of microstructures reveal that the excellent thermal-cycling stability is related to the point-defect migration during aging. This work indicates that aging is an effective way to obtain good thermal-cycling stability and high-piezoelectricity simultaneously. (C) 2021 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Aging Lead-free Piezoelectric Thermal cycling stability


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GB/T 7714 Hao, Yanshuang , He, Liqiang , Ren, Shuai et al. Excellent thermal-cycling stability caused by aging in Fe-doped (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti Zr-0.9(0.1))O-3 lead-free piezoceramic [J]. | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 202 .
MLA Hao, Yanshuang et al. "Excellent thermal-cycling stability caused by aging in Fe-doped (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti Zr-0.9(0.1))O-3 lead-free piezoceramic" . | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 202 (2021) .
APA Hao, Yanshuang , He, Liqiang , Ren, Shuai , Ji, Yuanchao , Ren, Xiaobing . Excellent thermal-cycling stability caused by aging in Fe-doped (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti Zr-0.9(0.1))O-3 lead-free piezoceramic . | SCRIPTA MATERIALIA , 2021 , 202 .
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Tailoring thermal expansion coefficient from positive through zero to negative in the compositional crossover alloy Ti50(Pd40Cr10) by uniaxial tensile stress EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 199 | Materials and Design
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The precision control of thermal expansion is of fundamental interest and desirable for applications that require materials to retain their shape at different temperatures. In the present study, we propose that the thermal expansion coefficient can be tuned by uniaxial external stress for a single material embedded with nanoclusters, if the formation, growth or alignment of the nanoclusters depends on the external stress. We demonstrate the idea in a prototype alloy (Ti50(Pd40Cr10)) located at the compositional crossover region between martensite and strain glass in the temperature-composition phase diagram of Ti50(Pd50−xCrx). Its thermal expansion coefficient varies linearly from positive, through zero to negative values with increasing uniaxial tensile stress within 200 K ~ 300 K. The phase field simulations show that the volume fraction of nanoscale martensite variant favored by the external stress increases with stress, producing extra strain and compensating for the contraction of the austenite matrix on cooling. The degree of compensation leads to different thermal expansion coefficients. Such a tunable thermal expansion behavior occurs only in the crossover compositions between martensite and strain glass, providing a design recipe for searching new systems with similar behavior. © 2020 The Authors

Keyword :

Expansion Glass Martensite Nanoclusters Negative thermal expansion Tensile stress Thermal expansion


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GB/T 7714 Zhou, Yumei , Yuan, Ruihao , Xue, Dezhen et al. Tailoring thermal expansion coefficient from positive through zero to negative in the compositional crossover alloy Ti50(Pd40Cr10) by uniaxial tensile stress [J]. | Materials and Design , 2021 , 199 .
MLA Zhou, Yumei et al. "Tailoring thermal expansion coefficient from positive through zero to negative in the compositional crossover alloy Ti50(Pd40Cr10) by uniaxial tensile stress" . | Materials and Design 199 (2021) .
APA Zhou, Yumei , Yuan, Ruihao , Xue, Dezhen , Wang, Dong , Ding, Xiangdong , Ren, Xiaobing et al. Tailoring thermal expansion coefficient from positive through zero to negative in the compositional crossover alloy Ti50(Pd40Cr10) by uniaxial tensile stress . | Materials and Design , 2021 , 199 .
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Nanocrystalline strain glass TiNiPt and its superelastic behavior EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 104 (2) | PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

TiNi-based shape-memory alloys are known to exhibit a strain glass state under certain conditions, generally in the presence of high-density defects such as excess solute atoms or alloying elements, dislocations, and nanoprecipitates. In this paper, we report a strain glass transition in a nanocrystalline Ti50Ni35Pt15 alloy. The nanocrystalline strain glass state is achieved by a combined effect of high-density grain boundaries and high concentration doping of Pt atoms in the B2 matrix. The nanocrystalline Ti50Ni35Pt15 strain glass alloy showed a large near-complete progressive superelasticity with a recovery strain of about 6% and a low apparent Young's modulus of about 30 GPa in a wide temperature range of over 200 degrees C. In situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurement showed that the strain glass B2 [B2(SG)] phase experienced B2(SG)-> R -> B19 transformation upon loading and B19 -> B2(SG) upon unloading. The findings of this study provide insight for the development of nanocrystalline strain glass shape-memory alloys.


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, Daqiang , An, Jiale , Liu, Yinong et al. Nanocrystalline strain glass TiNiPt and its superelastic behavior [J]. | PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 2021 , 104 (2) .
MLA Jiang, Daqiang et al. "Nanocrystalline strain glass TiNiPt and its superelastic behavior" . | PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104 . 2 (2021) .
APA Jiang, Daqiang , An, Jiale , Liu, Yinong , Ma, Zhiyuan , Liu, Fangfeng , Yang, Hong et al. Nanocrystalline strain glass TiNiPt and its superelastic behavior . | PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 2021 , 104 (2) .
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Emergent properties at oxide interfaces controlled by ferroelectric polarization SCIE CSCD
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Abstract :

Ferroelectric materials are characterized by the spontaneous polarization switchable by the applied fields, which can act as a "gate" to control various properties of ferroelectric/insulator interfaces. Here we review the recent studies on the modulation of oxide hetero-/homo-interfaces by ferroelectric polarization. We discuss the potential applications of recently developed four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy and how it can provide insights into the fundamental understanding of ferroelectric polarization-induced phenomena and stimulate future computational studies. Finally, we give the outlook for the potentials, the challenges, and the opportunities for the contribution of materials computation to future progress in the area.


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GB/T 7714 Ye, Fan , Zhang, Yi , Addiego, Christopher et al. Emergent properties at oxide interfaces controlled by ferroelectric polarization [J]. | NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS , 2021 , 7 (1) .
MLA Ye, Fan et al. "Emergent properties at oxide interfaces controlled by ferroelectric polarization" . | NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS 7 . 1 (2021) .
APA Ye, Fan , Zhang, Yi , Addiego, Christopher , Xu, Mingjie , Huyan, Huaixun , Ren, Xiaobing et al. Emergent properties at oxide interfaces controlled by ferroelectric polarization . | NPJ COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS , 2021 , 7 (1) .
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Designed morphotropic relaxor boundary ceramic exhibiting large electrostrain and negligible hysteresis EI SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 208 | Acta Materialia
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Abstract :

Electromechanical materials with large electrostrain and low hysteresis are strongly desired for high-precision actuator applications. Despite extensive studies for more than half a century, it is still a challenge to obtain large electrostrain and low hysteresis simultaneously due to the so-called strain-hysteresis trade-off. Here, we report a mechanism to overcome this trade-off: a ceramic composition locating at a morphotropic relaxor boundary (MRB), exhibits enhanced electrostrain and reduced hysteresis as compared with off-MRB compositions. The MRB, a composition-induced boundary separating two relaxors with different local polar symmetries, is attained by transforming an morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-xPT) through doping lanthanum. The performances of large electrostrain of 0.227% and negligible hysteresis of 3% of MRB composition are the best, as evidenced by occupying a virgin region in the strain-hysteresis chart of relaxor electromechanical ceramics. Moreover, this MRB ceramic maintains the large electrostrain and low hysteresis over a temperature range from 35 to -35 °C. The understanding of abnormal effects of MRB is established through combining microstructure observations and Landau theory analysis: the MRB composition with morphotropic nanodomain structure and higher degree of local structural heterogeneity shows a flatter energy profile with much lower energy barrier, thereby leading to a large electrostrain and negligible hysteresis. Our work demonstrates that the MRB is an effective mechanism to design relaxor materials with large electrostrain and low hysteresis simultaneously. We predict that more high-performance MRB electromechanical materials will be found in properly doped MPB systems. © 2021 Acta Materialia Inc.

Keyword :

Economic and social effects Hysteresis


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Yang , Liu, Chang , Ji, Yuanchao et al. Designed morphotropic relaxor boundary ceramic exhibiting large electrostrain and negligible hysteresis [J]. | Acta Materialia , 2021 , 208 .
MLA Yang, Yang et al. "Designed morphotropic relaxor boundary ceramic exhibiting large electrostrain and negligible hysteresis" . | Acta Materialia 208 (2021) .
APA Yang, Yang , Liu, Chang , Ji, Yuanchao , He, Liqiang , Ren, Xiaobing . Designed morphotropic relaxor boundary ceramic exhibiting large electrostrain and negligible hysteresis . | Acta Materialia , 2021 , 208 .
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