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Abstract :
The pseudocapacitive storage process consists of faradaic redox reactions that occur nearby or upon the surface of materials, which is promising to enable high power and energy density for rechargeable batteries. In recent years, aqueous zinc ion batteries (AZIBs) have been expected to be applied in the energy storage field due to the advantages of inherent safety and low cost. Unfortunately, the sluggish reaction kinetics caused by the divalent charge of zinc ions makes it a hard challenge to assure the capacity of the cathode materials at high current densities. As an efficient charge storage mode in AZIB cathode materials, the role of the pseudocapacitive storage process in enhancing the capacity at a high current density cannot be ignored. Herein, a brief review on high-rate AZIB cathode materials with a significant pseudocapacitive storage process is presented from the perspective of manganese-based materials, vanadium-based derivatives and others including Prussian blue analogs, organic compounds, NASICONs and metal sulfide. Among them, we focus on how those representative designs induce significant pseudocapacitive behavior. Finally, a future outlook is provided aiming to promote the development of a pseudocapacitive high-rate cathode for AZIBs.
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Yuan , Yin, Junyi , Xu, Xin et al. Pseudocapacitive storage in cathode materials of aqueous zinc ion batteries toward high power and energy density [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2022 , 10 (18) : 9773-9787 . |
MLA | Gao, Yuan et al. "Pseudocapacitive storage in cathode materials of aqueous zinc ion batteries toward high power and energy density" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 10 . 18 (2022) : 9773-9787 . |
APA | Gao, Yuan , Yin, Junyi , Xu, Xin , Cheng, Yonghong . Pseudocapacitive storage in cathode materials of aqueous zinc ion batteries toward high power and energy density . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2022 , 10 (18) , 9773-9787 . |
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We performed multiscale-multiphysics simulations for W, Mo and Cu nanotips under high electric field to investigate their structural evolution and thermal runaway process. The critical electric field values for the electric prebreakdown condition are predicted to be 311 MV m(-1), 570 MV m(-1) and 675 MV m(-1) for Cu, Mo and W nanotips respectively (R (0) = 1 nm, H (0) = 100 nm). The boiling point of the metal is found to be a good predictor of the critical electric field strength for the initiation of thermal runaway. For metal nanotips made of refractory metals such as W and Mo, the structural thermal runaway process is determined by the rapid growth of small protrusions and their subsequent sharpening and thinning under the high electric stress on the apex region. On the other hand, the more intense atomic evaporation of Cu metal nanotips is caused by the ejection of large droplets generated by recrystallization and necking of the molten region at the apex of the nanotip. The differences in the observed structural evolutions of nanotips between refractory metals and the Cu during the thermal runaway event clearly show the strong influence of melting and boiling points on the electric prebreakdown process in nanoscale.
Keyword :
refractory metal nanotips space-charge-limited field emission thermal runaway vacuum breakdown
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Xinyu , Li, Nan , Kyritsakis, Andreas et al. Structural evolution and thermal runaway of refractory W and Mo nanotips in the vacuum under high electric field from PIC-ED-MD simulations [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2022 , 55 (33) . |
MLA | Gao, Xinyu et al. "Structural evolution and thermal runaway of refractory W and Mo nanotips in the vacuum under high electric field from PIC-ED-MD simulations" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 55 . 33 (2022) . |
APA | Gao, Xinyu , Li, Nan , Kyritsakis, Andreas , Veske, Mihkel , Dong, Chengye , Wu, Kai et al. Structural evolution and thermal runaway of refractory W and Mo nanotips in the vacuum under high electric field from PIC-ED-MD simulations . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2022 , 55 (33) . |
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Compared with lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), aqueous zinc batteries (AZIBs) have received extensive attention due to their safety and cost advantages in recent years. The cathode determines the electrochemical performance of AZIBs to a large extent. Vanadium-based materials exhibit excellent capacity when used as AZIB cathodes. However, unexpected structural stress is inevitably induced during cycling and high current densities, which can gradually lead to structural deterioration and capacity decay. In fact, the stress/strain distribution in nanomaterials is crucial for electrochemical performance. In this work, the optimized stress distribution of the hierarchical hollow structure is verified by the finite element simulation of COMSOL software firstly. Guided by this model, a simple solvothermal method to synthesize hierarchical hollow vanadium oxide nanospheres (VO-NSs), consisting of approximate to 10 nm ultrathin nanosheets and approximate to 500 nm hollow inner cavities, is employed. And a highly disordered structure is introduced to the VO-NSs by in situ electrochemical oxidation, which can also weaken the structural stress during Zn2+ insertion and extraction. Benefiting from this unique structure, VO-NSs exhibit high-rate and stable Zn2+ storage capability. The strategy of engineering-driven material design provides new insights into the development of AZIB cathodes.
Keyword :
aqueous zinc ion batteries cathode materials finite element simulation stress distribution vanadium oxide
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GB/T 7714 | Gao, Yuan , Xia, Linghan , Yin, Junyi et al. Unlocking the Potential of Vanadium Oxide for Ultrafast and Stable Zn2+ Storage Through Optimized Stress Distribution: From Engineering Simulation to Elaborate Structure Design [J]. | SMALL METHODS , 2022 , 6 (12) . |
MLA | Gao, Yuan et al. "Unlocking the Potential of Vanadium Oxide for Ultrafast and Stable Zn2+ Storage Through Optimized Stress Distribution: From Engineering Simulation to Elaborate Structure Design" . | SMALL METHODS 6 . 12 (2022) . |
APA | Gao, Yuan , Xia, Linghan , Yin, Junyi , Gan, Zihan , Feng, Xiang , Meng, Guodong et al. Unlocking the Potential of Vanadium Oxide for Ultrafast and Stable Zn2+ Storage Through Optimized Stress Distribution: From Engineering Simulation to Elaborate Structure Design . | SMALL METHODS , 2022 , 6 (12) . |
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Capacitor dielectric films exhibiting high energy storage density and efficiency within a wide operating temperature range are crucial for advancing electrical and electronic devices. The low energy storage density and working temperature as well as the high manufacturing costs of the state-of-the-art BOPP films limit their use as an energy storage unit for developing smart grids or the internet of things, while most of the polymer-based dielectric films reported currently are facing the issues of the rapid efficiency deterioration with the increasing of temperature. In this work, the high energy storage density and efficiency are achieved in the lowcost flexible epoxy films innovatively modified by trifluoro-phenyl group functionalization. Introducing strongly electronegative fluorinated phenyl groups greatly improves the energy storage density due to the increase of the total molecular dipole moment of the polymer film. Meanwhile, achieving the high energy storage efficiency is accomplished via gradually increasing the charge trapping site density of epoxy resins functionalized with different densities of fluorinated phenyl groups, which can be demonstrated through both thermally stimulated current (TSC) spectroscopy and the first-principles calculations results. Finally, it is experimentally demonstrated that deeper charge traps can be obtained in slightly crosslinked trifluoro-phenyl functionalized epoxy films, resulting in an energy storage density of 3.31 J/cm3 and a high energy storage efficiency of 95% at 100 degrees C.
Keyword :
Electronegative group Energy storage Epoxy film Halogenation High efficiency
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GB/T 7714 | Mao, Jiale , Wang, Shuang , Cheng, Yonghong et al. High energy storage density and efficiency achieved in dielectric films functionalized with strong electronegative asymmetric halogen-phenyl groups [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2022 , 444 . |
MLA | Mao, Jiale et al. "High energy storage density and efficiency achieved in dielectric films functionalized with strong electronegative asymmetric halogen-phenyl groups" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 444 (2022) . |
APA | Mao, Jiale , Wang, Shuang , Cheng, Yonghong , Xiao, Bing , Zhang, Lei , Ai, Ding et al. High energy storage density and efficiency achieved in dielectric films functionalized with strong electronegative asymmetric halogen-phenyl groups . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2022 , 444 . |
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Dielectric films are the foundation of power electronic equipment for energy storage in capacitors. However, typical dielectric films exhibit undesirable energy storage density and thermal stability, limiting its further application in the advanced field. For both pure polymers and composites-based dielectrics, the macromolecular matrix greatly determines the performances. This paper summarizes the research progress of all-organic polymer materials for the dielectric application from the perspective of molecular structure design. Systematic comparisons on properties, including dielectric constant and dielectric loss, glass transition temperature, and energy density are given, expecting to inspire researchers to devote further efforts in this area. An outlook for the future of all-polymer dielectrics is also presented.
Keyword :
all organic polymer dielectrics dielectric constant dielectric loss high energy storage density molecular structure design
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GB/T 7714 | Luo, Jiaming , Mao, Jiale , Sun, Wenjie et al. Research Progress of All Organic Polymer Dielectrics for Energy Storage from the Classification of Organic Structures [J]. | MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 2021 , 222 (11) . |
MLA | Luo, Jiaming et al. "Research Progress of All Organic Polymer Dielectrics for Energy Storage from the Classification of Organic Structures" . | MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 222 . 11 (2021) . |
APA | Luo, Jiaming , Mao, Jiale , Sun, Wenjie , Wang, Shuang , Zhang, Lei , Tian, Liliang et al. Research Progress of All Organic Polymer Dielectrics for Energy Storage from the Classification of Organic Structures . | MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 2021 , 222 (11) . |
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Optical fiber composite low voltage cable (OPLC) is an optimal way of connecting the smart grid with the load. In this paper, the field distribution of temperature and stress is simulated by applying the finite element method. At the overload condition, the fiber unit's temperature rises to 59 degrees C that generates the strain of 387 mu epsilon. This strain and temperature together result in the additional attenuation of 0.053 dB/km in the optical fiber. Temperature and strain are termed as the major contributing factors towards the attenuation in the optical fiber as temperature caused 16.03% while strain caused 80.56% of the total loss. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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GB/T 7714 | Ashfaq, Ahsan , Chen, Yu , Jia, Feng et al. Attenuation investigation influenced by the temperature and strain in an optical fiber composite low voltage cable [J]. | OPTICS EXPRESS , 2021 , 29 (8) : 12696-12711 . |
MLA | Ashfaq, Ahsan et al. "Attenuation investigation influenced by the temperature and strain in an optical fiber composite low voltage cable" . | OPTICS EXPRESS 29 . 8 (2021) : 12696-12711 . |
APA | Ashfaq, Ahsan , Chen, Yu , Jia, Feng , Yao, Kai , Yu, Jing , Cheng, Yonghong . Attenuation investigation influenced by the temperature and strain in an optical fiber composite low voltage cable . | OPTICS EXPRESS , 2021 , 29 (8) , 12696-12711 . |
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A silicone-containing dynamic hindered urea bond is demonstrated in this study for application in flexible electronics. Generated from isocyanate and piperazine, these dynamic hindered urea bonds endow silicone with high healing and recycling ability under mild conditions, together with an enhancement of more than 50% in tensile strength. By adjusting the piperazine and glycerol amount, the influences of the dynamic bond concentration and crosslinking density were also investigated. It was found that a higher piperazine amount improves the healing ability and recyclability, while increasing the glycerol fraction can enhance the tensile strength and elongation, but deteriorates the healing and recycling. Flexible conductive materials were prepared by filling the developed silicone with graphene. Admirable flexibility, healing ability and a sensitive response to resistance changes were prototyped by a flexible circuit with the light signal.
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GB/T 7714 | Sun, Wenjie , Zhang, Lei , Wang, Shuang et al. Mechanically enhanced healable and recyclable silicone with dynamic hindered urea bond for flexible electronics [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C , 2021 , 9 (27) : 8579-8588 . |
MLA | Sun, Wenjie et al. "Mechanically enhanced healable and recyclable silicone with dynamic hindered urea bond for flexible electronics" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 9 . 27 (2021) : 8579-8588 . |
APA | Sun, Wenjie , Zhang, Lei , Wang, Shuang , Mao, Jiale , Luo, Jiaming , Chen, Yu et al. Mechanically enhanced healable and recyclable silicone with dynamic hindered urea bond for flexible electronics . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C , 2021 , 9 (27) , 8579-8588 . |
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Abstract :
Silicone-containing dynamically hindered urea bonds are developed as a smart insulating material for power equipment and electronic devices. In this work, silicones are constructed by isocyanate-piperazine-based dynamic bonds with cross-linking degree adjusted by glycerol. Healing and recycling based on dielectric and insulating properties are mainly emphasized in this study. We find that dynamic bonds not only heal the cut-damaged feature of the silicone but also enable dielectric property recovery. A healing efficiency above 95% and a recycling efficiency above 90% based on insulation performance are achieved. After recycling, cross-linked silicone exhibits only a slight variation in permittivity and tan delta, while linear silicone shows an apparent increase. Insulation performance of materials with different cross-linking agent concentrations is also investigated. A higher cross-linking degree was found to further improve insulation properties but reduces the recycling efficiency. Importantly, the developed silicones exhibit high intrinsic insulation commercial silicone materials, which are very attractive for electrical applications.
Keyword :
dielectric performance dynamic chemical bonds healability recyclability Silicone
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GB/T 7714 | Sun, Wenjie , Luo, Jiaming , Zhang, Lei et al. Insulating Silicones Based on Dynamic Hindered Urea Bonds with High Dielectric Healability and Recyclability [J]. | ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS , 2021 , 3 (11) : 5622-5631 . |
MLA | Sun, Wenjie et al. "Insulating Silicones Based on Dynamic Hindered Urea Bonds with High Dielectric Healability and Recyclability" . | ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS 3 . 11 (2021) : 5622-5631 . |
APA | Sun, Wenjie , Luo, Jiaming , Zhang, Lei , Chen, Yue , Li, Pengxin , Zheng, Yiting et al. Insulating Silicones Based on Dynamic Hindered Urea Bonds with High Dielectric Healability and Recyclability . | ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS , 2021 , 3 (11) , 5622-5631 . |
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Imidazoles are widely used as curing agents and accelerators for fabricating crosslinked epoxy materials applied in electrical and electronic fields. However, the intrinsic chemical structure of imidazole derivatives would greatly influence the polymerisation process, and further change the electrical properties, which was not emphasised. To achieve an in-depth understanding, commonly used imidazole only containing pyridine-type nitrogen and imidazole with both pyridine and pyrrole-type nitrogen were selected in this study. Electrical properties including dielectric properties, volume resistivity, breakdown strength, and especially energy storage performances were systematically investigated. We figured out that higher breakdown strength, glass transition temperature, and lower dielectric loss can be achieved with imidazole containing pyrrole-type nitrogen. Structure-induced curing mechanism diversity and the generated differences in polymer network were highlighted. With the capability to incorporate into the polymer network, the dielectric constant/loss of epoxy cured by imidazole containing pyrrole-type nitrogen is less sensitive with variation in concentration and a high breakdown strength of 577.9 MV/m was achieved. On the contrary, conspicuous decrease in the breakdown strength and increase in dielectric loss of the epoxy cured by imidazole only containing pyridine-type nitrogen were observed, especially at high concentration. Moreover, we also found that the epoxy can be fabricated into films with an attractive energy storage density/efficiency of 1.1 J/cm(3)/ 97%@200 MV/m, which is twice of the commercial dielectric polypropylene film under the same electric field.
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GB/T 7714 | Luo, Jiaming , Zhang, Lei , Sun, Wenjie et al. Influence of imidazole derivatives on the dielectric and energy storage performance of epoxy [J]. | HIGH VOLTAGE , 2021 . |
MLA | Luo, Jiaming et al. "Influence of imidazole derivatives on the dielectric and energy storage performance of epoxy" . | HIGH VOLTAGE (2021) . |
APA | Luo, Jiaming , Zhang, Lei , Sun, Wenjie , Mao, Jiale , Zheng, Yiting , Wang, Shuang et al. Influence of imidazole derivatives on the dielectric and energy storage performance of epoxy . | HIGH VOLTAGE , 2021 . |
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Inter-turn short circuit fault (ITSCF) can be a great threat for the safety and effectiveness of the generator. In this paper, a simulation model with the experimental platform is established to diagnose the ITSCF in stator windings. A simulation model based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) is designed in ANSYS. Stator current is used for calculating the Root-Mean-Square (RMS) value, phase difference, symmetrical components, Park's vector trajectory's and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). It was found that when ITSCF happened, three phase currents in stator is no longer symmetrical. The ratio of negative to positive sequence of current raises from 0.40 to 14.18 in simulation and 0.52 to 19.89 in the experiment from normal condition to 7 turns shorted. The same trend was seen in Park's vector trajectory analysis where the eccentricity raises from 0.03 to 0.65 in simulation and 0.14 to 0.75 in the experiment. Phase difference of the three phases is at 120° degree deviation as the ITSCF occurs in stator winding. THD also increased with the increase in the fault level. The results show a good consistency of simulation with experimental results. It was found that the analysis performed in this research are major indications for serious fault in DFIG. © 2013 IEEE.
Keyword :
Asynchronous generators Electric machine theory Stators Timing circuits Winding Wind turbines
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Yu , Rehman, Attiq Ur , Zhao, Yihan et al. Numerical Modeling, Electrical Characteristics Analysis and Experimental Validation of Severe Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault Conditions on Stator Winding in DFIG of Wind Turbines [J]. | IEEE Access , 2021 , 9 : 13149-13158 . |
MLA | Chen, Yu et al. "Numerical Modeling, Electrical Characteristics Analysis and Experimental Validation of Severe Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault Conditions on Stator Winding in DFIG of Wind Turbines" . | IEEE Access 9 (2021) : 13149-13158 . |
APA | Chen, Yu , Rehman, Attiq Ur , Zhao, Yihan , Wang, Lulu , Wang, Shuang , Zhang, Min et al. Numerical Modeling, Electrical Characteristics Analysis and Experimental Validation of Severe Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault Conditions on Stator Winding in DFIG of Wind Turbines . | IEEE Access , 2021 , 9 , 13149-13158 . |
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