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Experimental and Numerical Investigations Into the Blade Tip Phantom Cooling Performance SCIE Scopus
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the gas turbines, the blade tip is difficult to be cooled down due to the complex flow and the intense heat transfer process here. Phantom cooling has been considered a kind of second-order cooling effect to help protect the tip using upstream spent cooling air. In this work, the blade tip phantom cooling performance of four different tip configurations (the flat tip (FT), the squealer tip with suction-side rim (SSRST), the squealer tip with pressure-side rim (PSRST), and the squealer tip with double-side rims (DSRST)) was compared under four different cooling air blowing ratios (M), with two different tip gaps (tau = 1.32% C (chord), and 3.22% C). Pressure sensitive paint technique was adopted to obtain the cooling effectiveness contours. The turbulence-validated computational predictions were performed to help analyze the flow characteristics near the tip. Results indicated that the FT case presents the best phantom cooling performance than others, and phantom cooling traces can be detected on most portions of the tip. The eta values of the SSRST case are a little bit lower than the FT case, and the PSRST and DSRST cases perform the worst for almost no phantom cooling traces can be observed on the cavity surface. Additionally, a bigger tip gap would reduce the tip phantom cooling effectiveness for any tip configuration. Moreover, from the computational results (tau = 1.32% C, M = 1.5), relatively lower aerodynamic losses are obtained in SSRST and DSRST cases, while the PSRST case shows the highest loss.


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GB/T 7714 Li, Feng , Jia, Zhe , Wang, Haifeng et al. Experimental and Numerical Investigations Into the Blade Tip Phantom Cooling Performance [J]. | JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2022 , 144 (7) .
MLA Li, Feng et al. "Experimental and Numerical Investigations Into the Blade Tip Phantom Cooling Performance" . | JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 144 . 7 (2022) .
APA Li, Feng , Jia, Zhe , Wang, Haifeng , Liu, Zhao , Feng, Zhenping . Experimental and Numerical Investigations Into the Blade Tip Phantom Cooling Performance . | JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2022 , 144 (7) .
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Particle deposition patterns on high-pressure turbine vanes with aggressive inlet swirl EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 35 (3) , 75-89 | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS
SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Characteristics of particle migration and deposition were numerically investigated in presence of aggressive swirl at the turbine inlet. The isolated effects of the inlet swirl were considered in detail by shifting the circumferential position of the swirl and by implementing positive and negative swirling directions. Particles were released from the turbine inlet and the resulting deposition on the vanes was determined by using the critical velocity model in a range of particle diameters from 1 to 25 lm. Results show that the particles are more likely to move outwards to the boundary walls of the passage by the action of the swirling flow. However, this could be relieved by increasing the particle size. An imbalance problem of the deposition is found between the adjacent vanes, which could introduce additional inlet non-uniformities towards the downstream rotor and thus accelerate performance degradation of the turbine stage. Overall, the negative swirl case has higher overall capture efficiency within the entire turbine than the positive swirl case for larger particles, and when the inlet swirl is shifted to the mid-passage of the turbine, more deposits could be produced in comparison with the case in which the swirl aims at the vane leading edge.(c) 2021 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Combustor-turbine interac-tion Gas turbine Inlet swirl Numerical simulation Particle deposition


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Xing , Hao, Zihan , Feng, Zhenping . Particle deposition patterns on high-pressure turbine vanes with aggressive inlet swirl [J]. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS , 2022 , 35 (3) : 75-89 .
MLA Yang, Xing et al. "Particle deposition patterns on high-pressure turbine vanes with aggressive inlet swirl" . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS 35 . 3 (2022) : 75-89 .
APA Yang, Xing , Hao, Zihan , Feng, Zhenping . Particle deposition patterns on high-pressure turbine vanes with aggressive inlet swirl . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS , 2022 , 35 (3) , 75-89 .
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Study on film cooling for aero-engine turbine endwalls with various small-scale surface structures EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this study, a novel endwall modification by adding small-scale ribs onto a turbine endwall surface is proposed to reduce thermal loads on the endwall. The small-scale ribs are positioned in a streamline curved and an axially-straight array patterns and, square and triangular shapes are imposed to the cross section of the ribs. The feasibility of improving purge air cooling by the ribs is investigated by using well-validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. Comprehensive comparisons of cooling performance among the ribbed endwall cases are made by examining cooling effectiveness, heat transfer, and aerodynamic losses. Detailed flow topologies are presented to reveal flow mechanisms involved in the actions of the ribs within the turbine passage flow. Particularly, secondary-order effects of the ribs on the turbine airfoil surfaces are also documented, which is expected to provide three-dimensional boundary conditions for the turbine aerodynamic and thermal analyses. Comparisons between the ribbed endwall cases and a smooth endwall case show that the endwall modification by adding small-scale ribs is effective in reducing thermal loads on the endwall via enhancing cooling effectiveness and, in some cases, reducing heat transfer levels. The thermal load reduction can be further improved by increasing purge air flow ratio. However, as additional vorticities are introduced by the ribs, slight aerodynamic penalty is generated. Among the four rib cases, the straight triangular-shaped rib case has the lowest overall cooling performance for the endwall. Additionally, secondary-order cooling effects are visible on the airfoil suction surface for all rib cases but only the straight rib cases can generate additional purge air coverage on the airfoil pressure surface, without significantly changing pressures in that region. This work offers a new option of thermal management techniques for the turbine endwall and the results provide guidelines regarding endwall modifications of such sort.(c) 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Aero-engine turbine endwall Endwall modification Film cooling Heat transfer Numerical simulation


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Xing , Wu, Yongqiang , Zhao, Qiang et al. Study on film cooling for aero-engine turbine endwalls with various small-scale surface structures [J]. | AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 123 .
MLA Yang, Xing et al. "Study on film cooling for aero-engine turbine endwalls with various small-scale surface structures" . | AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 123 (2022) .
APA Yang, Xing , Wu, Yongqiang , Zhao, Qiang , Feng, Zhenping . Study on film cooling for aero-engine turbine endwalls with various small-scale surface structures . | AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 123 .
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Cooling Characteristic of a Wall Jet for Suppressing Crossflow Effect under Conjugate Heat Transfer Condition SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 9 (1) | AEROSPACE
SCOPUS Cited Count: 12
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The leading edge is the critical portion for a gas turbine blade and is often insufficiently cooled due to the adverse effect of Crossflow in the cooling chamber. A novel internal cooling structure, wall jet cooling, can suppress Crossflow effect by changing the coolant flow direction. In this paper, the conjugate heat transfer and aerodynamic characteristics of blades with three different internal cooling structures, including impingement with a single row of jets, swirl cooling, and wall jet cooling, are investigated through RANS simulations. The results show that wall jet cooling combines the advantages of impingement cooling and swirl cooling, and has a 19-54% higher laterally-averaged overall cooling effectiveness than the conventional methods at different positions on the suction side. In the blade with wall jet cooling, the spent coolant at the leading edge is extracted away through the downstream channels so that the jet could accurately impinge the target surface without unnecessary mixing, and the high turbulence generated by the separation vortex enhances the heat transfer intensity. The Coriolis force induces the coolant air to adhere to the pressure side's inner wall surface, preventing the jet from leaving the target surface. The parallel cooling channels eliminate the common Crossflow effect and make the flow distribution of the orifices more uniform. The trailing edge outlet reduces the entire cooling structure's pressure to a low level, which means less penalty on power output and engine efficiency.

Keyword :

conjugate heat transfer gas turbine blade impingement and swirl cooling


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GB/T 7714 Deng, Qinghua , Wang, Huihui , He, Wei et al. Cooling Characteristic of a Wall Jet for Suppressing Crossflow Effect under Conjugate Heat Transfer Condition [J]. | AEROSPACE , 2022 , 9 (1) .
MLA Deng, Qinghua et al. "Cooling Characteristic of a Wall Jet for Suppressing Crossflow Effect under Conjugate Heat Transfer Condition" . | AEROSPACE 9 . 1 (2022) .
APA Deng, Qinghua , Wang, Huihui , He, Wei , Feng, Zhenping . Cooling Characteristic of a Wall Jet for Suppressing Crossflow Effect under Conjugate Heat Transfer Condition . | AEROSPACE , 2022 , 9 (1) .
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Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Extended Jet Effects on Multiple-Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A jet impingement system equipped with extended jet holes was experimentally evaluated in this study. To reproduce a strong crossflow condition, the jet impingement configuration featured a multiple-jet array of 16 x 5 rows in the streamwise and pitchwise directions, respectively, and the crossflow was exhausted from one open side of the impingement channel only. The transient thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) technique was used to measure heat transfer on the target surface for different extended lengths of 1.0-2.5 jet hole diameters with Reynolds numbers from 1.0 x 10(4) to 3.0 x 10(4). To provide complementary flow physics for elaborating the heat transfer patterns observed from the experiments, well-validated numerical simulations were carried out. Comparisons with a baseline jet hole configuration showed that the extended jet holes helped to significantly improve the heat transfer levels as well as to generate a more uniform distribution pattern by suppressing the crossflow. Despite an aerodynamic penalty, the extended jet holes provided much higher heat transfer levels at equal pumping power consumption. The flow fields obtained by the numerical simulations revealed that the jets issued from the extended jet holes were straighter and had less mixing with the crossflow, resulting in a higher jet momentum impinging onto the target. Most importantly, it was found that the dominated flow mechanism of the extended jet holes was to prevent the jets from being redirected by the crossflow in strong crossflow conditions, rather than reducing the jet-to-target distance.

Keyword :

experimental extended jet hole gas turbine gas turbine heat transfer heat transfer heat transfer enhancement jet impingement cooling measurement techniques thermochromic liquid crystal


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Xing , Wu, Hang , Feng, Zhenping . Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Extended Jet Effects on Multiple-Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics [J]. | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS , 2022 , 14 (10) .
MLA Yang, Xing et al. "Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Extended Jet Effects on Multiple-Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics" . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS 14 . 10 (2022) .
APA Yang, Xing , Wu, Hang , Feng, Zhenping . Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Extended Jet Effects on Multiple-Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS , 2022 , 14 (10) .
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Effects of Variable Jet Nozzle Angles on Cross-Flow Suppression and Heat Transfer Enhancement of Swirl Chamber SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 31 (1) , 214-223 | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper investigated the effects of variable jetting nozzle angles on the cross-flow suppression and heat transfer enhancement of swirl cooling in gas turbine leading edge. The swirl chamber with vertical jet nozzles was set as the baseline, and its flow fields and heat transfer characteristics were analyzed by 3D steady state Reynolds-averaged numerical methods to reveal the mechanism of cross-flow weakening the downstream jets and heat transfer. On this basis, the flow structure on different cross sections and heat transfer characteristics of swirl chamber with variable jetting nozzle angels were compared with the baseline swirl chamber. The results indicated that for the baseline swirl chamber the circumferential velocity gradually decreased and the axial velocity gradually increased, and the cross-flow gradually formed. The cross-flow deflected the downstream jets and drawn them to the center of the chamber, thus weakening the heat transfer. For swirl chamber with variable jetting nozzle angles, the air axial velocity is axial upstream, opposite to the mainstream, so that the impact effects of cross-flow on the jets were reduced, and the heat transfer was enhanced. Furthermore, with the increase of axial velocity along the swirl chamber, the jetting nozzle angle also gradually increased, as well as the effect of cross-flow suppression, which formed a relative balance. For all swirl chambers with variable jet nozzle angles, the thermal performance factors were all larger than 1, which indicated the heat transfer was enhanced with less friction increment.

Keyword :

cross-flow heat transfer enhancement swirl cooling variable jet nozzle angle


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GB/T 7714 Xiao Kun , He Juan , Feng Zhenping . Effects of Variable Jet Nozzle Angles on Cross-Flow Suppression and Heat Transfer Enhancement of Swirl Chamber [J]. | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE , 2022 , 31 (1) : 214-223 .
MLA Xiao Kun et al. "Effects of Variable Jet Nozzle Angles on Cross-Flow Suppression and Heat Transfer Enhancement of Swirl Chamber" . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE 31 . 1 (2022) : 214-223 .
APA Xiao Kun , He Juan , Feng Zhenping . Effects of Variable Jet Nozzle Angles on Cross-Flow Suppression and Heat Transfer Enhancement of Swirl Chamber . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE , 2022 , 31 (1) , 214-223 .
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Experimental evaluation of cooling effectiveness from novel film holes over turbine endwalls with inlet swirl EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 16
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, cooling characteristics of a novel film hole are experimentally evaluated over a linear turbine endwall for enhancing the endwall film cooling. The novel hole features a bean-shaped exit and cooling effectiveness over the endwall cooled by the bean-shaped holes is measured by using the pressure-sensitive paint technique for a wide range of coolant flow rates that cover typical engine conditions. For direct comparisons, measurements are also undertaken on the same endwall film-protected by traditional cylindrical holes with the equal hole distribution pattern at the same coolant consumption. Particularly, residual swirl from upstream combustors is considered in this study for increasing the adaptability of the novel holes in complex approaching flow conditions that are typically seen in today's advanced aircraft engines. Results reveal that the bean-shaped holes present superior cooling effectiveness to the cylindrical holes and the outperformance of the shaped holes becomes more prominent at higher coolant flow rates. The superiority is diminished when the shaped holes are positioned close to the passage suction side. Overall, effectiveness can be generally augmented more than two times by the novel holes. The inclusion of the swirl has adverse effects on both the bean-shaped and cylindrical holes. Despite this, the bean-shaped holes still outperform the cylindrical holes. An important finding is that inlet negative swirl is much more detrimental to the cooling over the endwall than the inlet positive swirl, regardless of the hole shapes. This is expected to provide guidelines for the arrangement of swirlers within the combustors.

Keyword :

Aero-engine turbine endwall Film cooling Inlet swirl Novel shaped hole Pressure-sensitive paint technique


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Xing , Zhao, Qiang , Feng, Zhenping . Experimental evaluation of cooling effectiveness from novel film holes over turbine endwalls with inlet swirl [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , 2022 , 174 .
MLA Yang, Xing et al. "Experimental evaluation of cooling effectiveness from novel film holes over turbine endwalls with inlet swirl" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES 174 (2022) .
APA Yang, Xing , Zhao, Qiang , Feng, Zhenping . Experimental evaluation of cooling effectiveness from novel film holes over turbine endwalls with inlet swirl . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , 2022 , 174 .
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Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics with Variable Extended Jet Holes under Strong Crossflow Conditions SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 9 (1) | AEROSPACE
SCOPUS Cited Count: 16
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, detailed flow patterns and heat transfer characteristics of a jet impingement system with extended jet holes are experimentally and numerically studied. The jet holes in the jet plate present an inline array of 16 x 5 rows in the streamwise (i.e., the crossflow direction) and spanwise directions, where the streamwise and spanwise distances between adjacent holes, which are normalized by the jet hole diameter (x(n)/d and y(n)/d), are 8 and 5, respectively. The jets impinge onto a smooth target plate with a normalized distance (z(n)/d) of 3.5 apart from the jet plate. The jet holes are extended by inserting stainless tubes throughout the jet holes and the extended lengths are varied in a range of 1.0d-2.5d, depending on the jet position in the streamwise direction. The experimental data is obtained by using the transient thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) technique for wide operating jet Reynolds numbers of (1.0 x 10(4))-(3.0 x 10(4)). The numerical simulations are well-validated using the experimental data and provide further insight into the flow physics within the jet impingement system. Comparisons with a traditional baseline jet impingement scheme show that the extended jet holes generate much higher local heat transfer levels and provide more uniform heat transfer distributions over the target plate, resulting in the highest improvement of approximately 36% in the Nusselt number. Although the extended jet hole configuration requires a higher pumping power to drive the flow through the impingement system, the gain of heat transfer prevails over the penalty of flow losses. At the same pumping power consumption, the extended jet hole design also has more than 10% higher heat transfer than the baseline scheme.

Keyword :

extended jet hole gas turbine heat transfer jet impingement cooling thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC)


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Xing , Wu, Hang , Feng, Zhenping . Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics with Variable Extended Jet Holes under Strong Crossflow Conditions [J]. | AEROSPACE , 2022 , 9 (1) .
MLA Yang, Xing et al. "Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics with Variable Extended Jet Holes under Strong Crossflow Conditions" . | AEROSPACE 9 . 1 (2022) .
APA Yang, Xing , Wu, Hang , Feng, Zhenping . Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Characteristics with Variable Extended Jet Holes under Strong Crossflow Conditions . | AEROSPACE , 2022 , 9 (1) .
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基于伴随方法的叶片冷却通道导热优化研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (6) , 1431-1437 | 工程热物理学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

导热优化 反设计 连续伴随方法 内部冷却


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GB/T 7714 阮有钢 , 刘战胜 , 丰镇平 . 基于伴随方法的叶片冷却通道导热优化研究 [J]. | 工程热物理学报 , 2021 , 42 (6) : 1431-1437 .
MLA 阮有钢 et al. "基于伴随方法的叶片冷却通道导热优化研究" . | 工程热物理学报 42 . 6 (2021) : 1431-1437 .
APA 阮有钢 , 刘战胜 , 丰镇平 . 基于伴随方法的叶片冷却通道导热优化研究 . | 工程热物理学报 , 2021 , 42 (6) , 1431-1437 .
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Rectification Characteristics of Tab-Type Elbow Flow Conditioner EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 55 (6) , 92-101 | Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The rectification characteristics of a tab-type elbow flow conditioner under three incoming flow conditions are investigated by numerical methods, and the flow mechanism, rectification performance, application range and pressure loss characteristics are analyzed. The results show that the elbow tabs form a counter-rotating induced vortex through the influence of pressure difference, and guide the outside fluid to the inside in elbows, thus greatly enhancing the momentum exchange between the fluids, and achieving the effect of disturbing the original velocity distribution and forming a uniform flow. Compared with the smooth tube elbow, the tab-type flow conditioner has little effect on the pressure uniformity, but increases the velocity uniformity by 21%-36%, and the influence on the flow angle uniformity varies with the inlet conditions. The flow resistance of the tab-type flow conditioner is higher than that of the blade-type flow conditioner, lower than that of the orifice-plate flow conditioner, and equivalent to the tube bundle flow conditioner. © 2021, Editorial Office of Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Numerical methods Pressure effects


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GB/T 7714 Deng, Qinghua , He, Wei , Zhang, Liang et al. Rectification Characteristics of Tab-Type Elbow Flow Conditioner [J]. | Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University , 2021 , 55 (6) : 92-101 .
MLA Deng, Qinghua et al. "Rectification Characteristics of Tab-Type Elbow Flow Conditioner" . | Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University 55 . 6 (2021) : 92-101 .
APA Deng, Qinghua , He, Wei , Zhang, Liang , Peng, Aoran , Zhao, Zhuobin , Feng, Zhenping . Rectification Characteristics of Tab-Type Elbow Flow Conditioner . | Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University , 2021 , 55 (6) , 92-101 .
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