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Abstract :
Pumped-thermal electricity storage (PTES), with the advantages of reduced geographical constraints, low capital costs, long lifetimes and flexible power ratings, is a promising large-scale energy storage technology for future power systems. In this work, thermo-economic models of Joule-Brayton PTES systems with solid thermal res-ervoirs (STRs) and liquid thermal stores (LTSs) were developed, and detailed parametric analyses of the two systems were performed. The results reveal that elevated maximum charging temperatures are beneficial for both thermodynamic and economic performance, and that there are optimal values for the packed-bed void fraction, heat-exchanger effectiveness and turbomachine polytropic pack from a thermo-economic perspective for the two PTES system variants. Multi-objective thermo-economic optimisation of PTES systems at a fixed power capacity (10 MW) and discharging duration (6 h) was also conducted. It is found that helium is the best working fluid candidate for both PTES systems, and that the best options for the storage material are magnetite for PTES systems with STRs, and the combination of Hitec XL + Therminol 66 + Butane for PTES systems with LTSs. In the investigated design space for both systems, PTES systems with STRs are more attractive as the total purchase cost is lower for the same roundtrip efficiency as PTES systems with LTSs. Using the technique for order of preference by similarity to the ideal solution decision-making method, and a selected weighted matrix (1:1), the optimal solutions amongst the Pareto front solutions were determined. The optimal roundtrip efficiency and total pur-chase cost are 71.8 % and 37.7 M$ for PTES systems with STRs, and are 56.0 % and 36.0 M$ for PTES systems with LTSs, respectively. The conclusions and proposed approach can provide useful guidance for the further development, design and optimisation of PTES technology.
Keyword :
Multi-objective optimisation NSGA-II Pumped thermal electricity storage Sensible heat storage materials Thermo-economic Working fluids
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GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Yongliang , Song, Jian , Liu, Ming et al. Multi-objective thermo-economic optimisation of Joule-Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage systems: Role of working fluids and sensible heat storage materials [J]. | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 223 . |
MLA | Zhao, Yongliang et al. "Multi-objective thermo-economic optimisation of Joule-Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage systems: Role of working fluids and sensible heat storage materials" . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 223 (2023) . |
APA | Zhao, Yongliang , Song, Jian , Liu, Ming , Zhang, Kezhen , Markides, Christos N. , Yan, Junjie . Multi-objective thermo-economic optimisation of Joule-Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage systems: Role of working fluids and sensible heat storage materials . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 223 . |
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Abstract :
Three distinct pumped-thermal electricity storage (PTES) system variants based on currently available sensible heat storage materials are presented: (i) Joule-Brayton PTES systems with solid thermal reservoirs; (ii) Joule-Brayton PTES systems with liquid thermal stores; and (iii) transcritical Rankine PTES systems with liquid thermal stores. Parametric design optimisation is performed for each PTES system variant considering various system configurations, working fluids and storage media from a thermodynamic perspective. The results show that amongst the investigated systems, the recuperative transcritical Rankine PTES system with CO2 as the working fluid and Therminol VP-1 as the storage material achieves the highest roundtrip efficiency of 68%. Further to the optimal thermodynamic performance of these system, their corresponding capital costs are also evaluated. The economic performance comparisons of selected optimal PTES designs reveal that the recuperative transcritical Rankine PTES system with CO2 and Therminol VP-1 exhibits the lowest capital cost of 209 M$ for the given power capacity (50 MW) and discharge duration (6 h). The influences of the power capacity and discharge duration are also investigated, with results showing that the lowest power and energy capital costs are 3790 $/kW (discharge duration of 2 h) and 396 $/kWh (discharge duration of 12 h), respectively.(C) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Carnot battery Energy storage Pumped-thermal electricity storage Thermo-economic analysis
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GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Yongliang , Song, Jian , Liu, Ming et al. Thermo-economic assessments of pumped-thermal electricity storage systems employing sensible heat storage materials [J]. | RENEWABLE ENERGY , 2022 , 186 : 431-456 . |
MLA | Zhao, Yongliang et al. "Thermo-economic assessments of pumped-thermal electricity storage systems employing sensible heat storage materials" . | RENEWABLE ENERGY 186 (2022) : 431-456 . |
APA | Zhao, Yongliang , Song, Jian , Liu, Ming , Zhao, Yao , Olympios, Andreas V. , Sapin, Paul et al. Thermo-economic assessments of pumped-thermal electricity storage systems employing sensible heat storage materials . | RENEWABLE ENERGY , 2022 , 186 , 431-456 . |
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Abstract :
Operational flexibility of thermal power plants is urgently needed to maintain balance between supply and demand in power grids with high penetration of intermittent renewable energy generation. A new coordinate control strategy based on dynamic simulations was proposed and evaluated in this study to enhance the operational flexibility of thermal power plants. The dynamic simulation model of the control object, a double-reheat coal-fired power plant, was developed and validated. The operational flexibility of the power plant was examined using the original control strategy, and results indicated that the reheat steam is seriously overheated when the power ramp rate increases. A new coordinated control strategy assisted by high-pressure extraction steam throttling was proposed to address the issue of reheat steam overtemperature and further increase the power ramp rate. The proposed control strategy obviously improved the control performance of thermal parameters, especially the reheat steam temperature. The change magnitude of reheat steam temperature decreases by 3.0 degrees C. Moreover, power ramp rate increases from 1.5% to 4.5% Pe0 min(-1), which significantly enhances the operational flexibility. Furthermore, the proposed control strategy is compared with previous ones from the aspects of the flexibility and efficiency. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Double reheat Dynamic simulation Operational flexibility Power plant Steam extraction throttling
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Zhu , Liu, Ming , Yan, Hui et al. Optimization on coordinate control strategy assisted by high-pressure extraction steam throttling to achieve flexible and efficient operation of thermal power plants [J]. | ENERGY , 2022 , 244 . |
MLA | Wang, Zhu et al. "Optimization on coordinate control strategy assisted by high-pressure extraction steam throttling to achieve flexible and efficient operation of thermal power plants" . | ENERGY 244 (2022) . |
APA | Wang, Zhu , Liu, Ming , Yan, Hui , Yan, Junjie . Optimization on coordinate control strategy assisted by high-pressure extraction steam throttling to achieve flexible and efficient operation of thermal power plants . | ENERGY , 2022 , 244 . |
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Thermodynamic analysis on the transient processes of heat exchangers can be used for a reference and guidance for designs and operations. In this paper, a dynamic model of a phase change heat exchanger was developed based on the basic principle and mass, energy, and momentum conservation equations. The work processes of the phase change heat exchanger can be described by differential equations. The transient behaviors of phase change heat exchanger during the transient processes were obtained. Furthermore, the change law of entropy generation of the heat exchange unit under different design parameters during the transient processes was studied. Results show that the additional entropy generation is generated in the heat exchanger during the transient processes compared with stationary work conditions. And the additional entropy generation can be reduced by increasing the metal's thermal diffusivity, reducing metal wall thickness, increasing heat transfer resistance between working fluid and metal wall. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.
Keyword :
Differential equations Entropy Heat exchangers Heat resistance Heat transfer Metal working Thermoanalysis
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Ke-Zhen , Huang, Zhi , Wang, Chao-Yang et al. Irreversibility Analysis on a Phase Change Exchanger During Transient Processes [J]. | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics , 2021 , 42 (5) : 1100-1106 . |
MLA | Zhang, Ke-Zhen et al. "Irreversibility Analysis on a Phase Change Exchanger During Transient Processes" . | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 42 . 5 (2021) : 1100-1106 . |
APA | Zhang, Ke-Zhen , Huang, Zhi , Wang, Chao-Yang , Zhao, Yong-Liang , Liu, Ming , Yan, Jun-Jie . Irreversibility Analysis on a Phase Change Exchanger During Transient Processes . | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics , 2021 , 42 (5) , 1100-1106 . |
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The improvement in operational flexibility of thermal power plants plays an essential role in the stable and safe operation of large-scale power grids. Condensate throttling is an effective method for enhancing the operational flexibility of thermal power plants, but it inevitably influences their thermal efficiency. In fact, the entire condensate throttling process consists of two stages: the condensate throttling process and the recovery process of the deaerator water level. To evaluate exergy efficiency during the entire condensate throttling process, dynamic models of a condensate throttling system were developed and exergy analysis was performed. Results indicate that additional exergy losses occur during the condensate throttling process. The cold end system is the component that exhibits the highest additional exergy loss (64.89%), followed by the deaerator (40.49%), heaters (4.82%), and turbines (−10.20%). Operational flexibility is in contrast with thermal efficiency during the condensate throttling process. The cycling and total exergy losses of the system increase with an increase in the condensate throttled ratio. Cycling loss can be decreased by a maximum of 51.46% by selecting an appropriate condensate water adjustment strategy during the entire condensate throttling process. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Efficiency Electric power transmission networks Exergy Thermoelectric power plants Water levels
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Kezhen , Zhao, Yongliang , Liu, Ming et al. Flexibility enhancement versus thermal efficiency of coal-fired power units during the condensate throttling processes [J]. | Energy , 2021 , 218 . |
MLA | Zhang, Kezhen et al. "Flexibility enhancement versus thermal efficiency of coal-fired power units during the condensate throttling processes" . | Energy 218 (2021) . |
APA | Zhang, Kezhen , Zhao, Yongliang , Liu, Ming , Gao, Lin , Fu, Yue , Yan, Junjie . Flexibility enhancement versus thermal efficiency of coal-fired power units during the condensate throttling processes . | Energy , 2021 , 218 . |
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The boiler superheater undergoes load cycling transients, once the thermal power plant participates in peak shaving. Thermodynamic optimization of a superheater is carried out by optimizing the flowrate/temperature matches between the hot and cold fluids during switching the load rate from 0.75 to 1.00. On the basis of a dynamic model of the superheater, the transient thermal performance is presented. Furthermore, the exergy delivery efficiency of the superheater was analyzed. The superheater outlet temperatures of hot fluid, metal wall, and cold fluid are highly affected when regulating work fluid inlet flowrates/temperatures. During switching the load transient, when increasing the hot fluid flowrate amplitude and variation rate by 50%, the average exergy efficiency (ηE,avg) of the superheater can improve by 1.04% and 0.13%, respectively. When increasing the cold fluid inlet temperature by 5%, ηE,avg can improve by 1.16%. When increasing the hot fluid inlet temperature by 5%, ηE,avg decreases by 0.74%. The exergy efficiency of the superheater is more sensitive to regulating temperature match than the flowrate match during switching the load transient process. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Efficiency Exergy Superheaters Switching Temperature Thermoelectric power plants
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Chaoyang , Liu, Ming , Zhao, Yongliang et al. Thermodynamic optimization of the superheater during switching the load transient processes [J]. | Energy , 2021 , 218 . |
MLA | Wang, Chaoyang et al. "Thermodynamic optimization of the superheater during switching the load transient processes" . | Energy 218 (2021) . |
APA | Wang, Chaoyang , Liu, Ming , Zhao, Yongliang , Yan, Junjie . Thermodynamic optimization of the superheater during switching the load transient processes . | Energy , 2021 , 218 . |
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Abstract :
Transient numerical study was performed to investigate the characteristics of interphase heat transfer in unstable steam jet under different operating conditions. Bubble radius change rate, interfacial heat transfer coefficient and overall condensation mass flux reached their maximum values during the bubble necking stage. The maximum peak value of interfacial heat transfer coefficient and bubble radius change rate decreased with the decrease of inlet pressure differential and water subcooling. The peak values of interfacial heat transfer coefficient and internal velocity were found in the bubble neck region. The effect of interphase heat transfer on bubble growth and necking stages was analyzed on the basis of overall force balance. Momentum force played a major role during the bubble growth stage, and the condensa-tion force had a dominant effect on bubble necking stage. Condensation force first decreased and reached its minimum value during bubble rapid necking stage. Subsequently, the condensation force rapidly in-creased and promoted the movement of bubble necking. Moreover, the condensation force curves under different conditions had the same change law. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Force Analysis Interfacial Heat Transfer Numerical Simulation Steam Bubble Condensation
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GB/T 7714 | Song, Shilin , Zhao, Quanbin , Chong, Daotong et al. Numerical investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of unstable steam jet under different operating conditions [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER , 2021 , 180 . |
MLA | Song, Shilin et al. "Numerical investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of unstable steam jet under different operating conditions" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 180 (2021) . |
APA | Song, Shilin , Zhao, Quanbin , Chong, Daotong , Chen, Weixiong , Yan, Junjie . Numerical investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of unstable steam jet under different operating conditions . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER , 2021 , 180 . |
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Abstract :
The accommodation of high-penetration renewable power poses a considerable challenge to power grids. Coal-fired combined heat and power (CHP) stations are forced to enhance their operational flexibility by applying heat-power decoupling technologies. Power-to-heat devices, including electric boilers and heat pumps, are capable to enhance the operational flexibility of coal-fired CHP stations. The problem regarding the operation scheduling of a CHP station with multiple CHP units and power-to-heat devices is addressed in this study. Operation optimization models integrated with detail CHP unit models are developed, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm is utilized as the optimization algorithm. Then, a case study are carried out. Results show that the unequal distribution of heating and power loads among coal-fired CHP units can decrease the total irreversibility caused by heating steam pressure regulation. The operation scheduling method provided in this study can decrease the total coal consumption by 14.14 and 14.70 t/day for the CHP station integrated with an electric boiler and a heat pump, respectively. As a result, 1204.7 and 1252.44 ton CO2, and an additional ∼182 and ∼190 kUSD/year can be saved for the reference CHP station integrated with an electric boiler and a heat pump, respectively. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Coal Coal fired boilers Electric power transmission networks Heat pump systems Particle swarm optimization (PSO) Pumps Scheduling
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Ming , Wang, Shan , Yan, Junjie . Operation scheduling of a coal-fired CHP station integrated with power-to-heat devices with detail CHP unit models by particle swarm optimization algorithm [J]. | Energy , 2021 , 214 . |
MLA | Liu, Ming et al. "Operation scheduling of a coal-fired CHP station integrated with power-to-heat devices with detail CHP unit models by particle swarm optimization algorithm" . | Energy 214 (2021) . |
APA | Liu, Ming , Wang, Shan , Yan, Junjie . Operation scheduling of a coal-fired CHP station integrated with power-to-heat devices with detail CHP unit models by particle swarm optimization algorithm . | Energy , 2021 , 214 . |
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Liquid Droplet Radiator (LDR) system is regarded as a quite promising waste heat rejection system for aerospace engineering. A comprehensive review on the state-of-the-art of LDR system was carried out. The thermal design considerations of crucial components such as working fluid, droplet generator and collector, intermediate heat exchanger, circulating pump and return pipe were reviewed. The state-of-the-art of existing mathematical models of radiation and evaporation characteristics of droplet layer from literatures were summarized. Furthermore, thermal designs of three LDR systems were completed. The weight and required planform area between the rectangular and triangular LDR systems were respectively compared and the evaporation models for calculating the mass loss were evaluated. Based on the review, some prospective studies of LDR system were put forward in this paper. © 2021, Science Press, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, CAS and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
Keyword :
Drops Evaporation Radiators Waste heat
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GB/T 7714 | Chong, Daotong , Zhu, Maoguo , Zhao, Quanbin et al. A Review on Thermal Design of Liquid Droplet Radiator System [J]. | Journal of Thermal Science , 2021 , 30 (2) : 394-417 . |
MLA | Chong, Daotong et al. "A Review on Thermal Design of Liquid Droplet Radiator System" . | Journal of Thermal Science 30 . 2 (2021) : 394-417 . |
APA | Chong, Daotong , Zhu, Maoguo , Zhao, Quanbin , Chen, Weixiong , Yan, Junjie . A Review on Thermal Design of Liquid Droplet Radiator System . | Journal of Thermal Science , 2021 , 30 (2) , 394-417 . |
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Abstract :
Pumped thermal electricity storage is a thermo-mechanical energy storage technology that has emerged as a promising option for large-scale (grid) storage because of its lack of geographical restrictions and relatively low capital costs. This paper focuses on a 10 MW Joule-Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage system with liquid thermal stores and performs detailed conventional and advanced exergy analyses of this system. Results of the conventional exergy analysis on the recuperated system indicate that the expander during discharge is associated with the maximum exergy destruction rate (13%). The advanced exergy analysis further reveals that, amongst the system components studied, the cold heat exchanger during discharge is associated with the highest share (95%) of the avoidable exergy destruction rate, while during charge the same component is associated with the highest share (64%) of the endogenous exergy destruction rate. Thus, the cold heat exchanger offers the largest potential for improvement in the overall system exergetic efficiency. A quantitative analysis of the overall system performance improvement potential of the recuperated system demonstrates that increasing the isentropic efficiency of the compressor and turbine from 85% to 95% significantly increases the modified overall exergetic efficiency from 37% to 57%. Similarly, by increasing the effectiveness and decreasing the pressure loss factor of all heat exchangers, from 0.90 to 0.98 and from 2.5% to 0.5% respectively, the modified overall exergetic efficiency increases from 34% to 54%. The results of exergy analyses provide novel insight into the innovation, research and development of pumped thermal electricity storage technology. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Electric energy storage Exergy Heat exchangers
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GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Yongliang , Liu, Ming , Song, Jian et al. Advanced exergy analysis of a Joule-Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage system with liquid-phase storage [J]. | Energy Conversion and Management , 2021 , 231 . |
MLA | Zhao, Yongliang et al. "Advanced exergy analysis of a Joule-Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage system with liquid-phase storage" . | Energy Conversion and Management 231 (2021) . |
APA | Zhao, Yongliang , Liu, Ming , Song, Jian , Wang, Chaoyang , Yan, Junjie , Markides, Christos N . Advanced exergy analysis of a Joule-Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage system with liquid-phase storage . | Energy Conversion and Management , 2021 , 231 . |
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