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Zhao, Qian (Zhao, Qian.) | Liu, Yaxiong (Liu, Yaxiong.) | Gao, Kun (Gao, Kun.) | He, Jiankang (He, Jiankang.) (Scholars:贺健康) | Lian, Qin (Lian, Qin.) | Li, Dichen (Li, Dichen.) (Scholars:李涤尘) | Jin, Zhongmin (Jin, Zhongmin.)

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For three-dimensional cell spreading, a tube type scaffolds constructed by porous rolling plane is designed, and cells seeded on the surface are bent as a spiral. The channels in the scaffold promote culture medium permeating and material interchange. A bionic structure designed for this kind of scaffold is beneficial to measure the shape of liver vessels from liver vascular casting and extract the bionics parameters by statistic analysis, which has different hierarchies as a tree to imitate the functions of artery and vein. The micro-pores of the scaffold material also imitated capillary. With the changed parameters, finite-element models are established to compare the flow field distribution of different channel shapes on scaffolds. The results verify the most uniform flow field and the highest nutrition transfer efficiency, which enlarges the effective area of medium spread in scaffold, and provides better micro-environment for cells survival, multiplication and migrate.


Bionics designs Flow field distribution Liver tissue engineering Microenvironments Scaffold materials Statistic analysis Transfer efficiency Uniform flow fields

Author Community:

  • [ 1 ] [Zhao, Qian;Liu, Yaxiong;Gao, Kun;He, Jiankang;Lian, Qin;Li, Dichen;Jin, Zhongmin]State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China

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Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University

ISSN: 0253-987X

Year: 2011

Issue: 8

Volume: 45

Page: 108-112

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